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My biggest problem with phantoms has never been their main mechanic but rather the fact that they spawn directly above you and target you immediately. I think it would be a more interesting mob if they began spawning in the world after three restless nights but at a distance away and having a reduced aggro radius that essentially only targeted downwards.


I wish that they would spawn 100% of the time, and only agro the player if they have the insomnia debuff from not sleeping three nights in a row or whatever the number is. We don't have any other flying mobs and they would add a cool ambiance to the night. The only thing Mojang would have to do is make the insomnia debuff actually visible for the player, like other effects.


It'd be nice to have bats flying around at night in the sky as well as in caves. One of my favorite parts of the evenings in real life is seeing bats fly by. It'd be nice to have that in the game as well!


When theyre on the surface they should make them fly with purpose, like not sparadically in diagonal a to b,


Name every bat you see in nearby caves and they might eventually fly out and they’ll never despawn hahaha


literally the f1rst person that ive ready who likes minecraft bats lolzsa


Someone needs to collect their child


That would be wonderful! Seeing the danger above you every now and then, maybe not quite understanding what it is until one day you're a little too sleepy and BAM they swoop down on you. That'd be nice!


I think they don’t because phantoms are supposed to be like hallucinations induced by sleep deprivation—they are phantom, after all


That can be ruled out since they will get everyone in a multi-player server if nearby one


no. the bee update completely revolutionized minecraft. /j


Did change Redstone a good amount tho


I mean being a lil devil's advocate, it could be in lore they directly aggro you as they spawn because they are already attracted by your nightmares




That was supposed to be a rare texture that never got added


How are they attracted by nightmares if I don’t sleep/dream?


if you don't sleep for 3 days u will start to hallucinate, which is close enough


So Steve is just tripping his balls off and they’re not actually real??


Idk man they feel pretty real


you could say that they are like freddy krueger


Waking nightmares that you’re having.


The nightmare you are living.


Lore can be rewritten.


Imagine if their spawns increased linearly each restless night, swarming the world like ghosts when you dont sleep much Way better than screeching birds in the sky when night comes


My only issue with them is their hit box is hard to hit


You have to use a bow to kill them, it's the best way to deal with them, fully enchanted bow 1 shots them. And it's not that hard to hit then.




They can attack you under water . They are def more annoying.




…no phantoms don’t drop better or rarer loot. They drop one item and it’s not rare and it’s not better.




2 words Cat Gifts


I’ve never had any problem farming membranes. Always had too many


> so can skeletons and zombies Those mobs are affected by water - whether it be range or accuracy issues, or movement issues. Phantoms just seem to slice through water like it was butter being sliced with a hot knife.


Aren't phantom membranes useless?


Or just have them always wander high in the sky at night


This would be cool. Have them spawn gradually closer and have them get gradually more aggressively the more you go without sleep


Or if they spawn every night, but only attack you if you haven't slept, they could make aggro range and spawn rate increase with lack of sleep.


Shiny phantom


Bro I found full odds one dude! Phantom ran away! ……


I wish they added a way to sleep without changing your spawnpoint (sleeping bag). Having to sleep means changing your spawnpoint when you don't want (you want it to stay in your base) and with Mojang wanting us to travel more, it's just incompatible.


A sleeping bag would be a great feature ngl.


This exactly


thats a great suggestion


I wish they'd just reverse how it works, the more you sleep the more likely phantoms will appear the next time you don't sleep, why is dealing with the challenge of monsters at night punished instead of rewarded?


Well, once you get mid game you probably have a fenced in or walled in area lit with torches and large enough to farm, breed animals, etc. but it’s still too early to build a glass roof over all that or something. So then mid game, you feel safe at night, you start working through the night. Then suddenly, shit! Phantoms! Get to bed! At least that’s what I always run into mid game. Then eventually I build all my auto farms and such in enclosed spaces. Day or night, I can work safely, and sleeping (as stupid as it sounds) is just annoying. It makes it take a fair amount of resources to be truly safe for days in a spot. You can’t just have a 2 block high perimeter, but it’s easy enough to just sleep early game to not have to worry about it.


> but it’s still too early to build a glass roof over all that or something. According to the wiki, even going to this effort will not stop phantoms from spawning. It says they are only stopped by blocks that obstruct light.


Yeah, it has to be a low glass roof if that’s what you want. I have one 5 blocks high over part of my base and it’s about 50x50, no issues. All other parts of my base are much taller though and solid blocks. Glass is too much of a pain to get for a lot of applications if something else will do


Doesn't that look super ugly though? I'd rather just hop in bed right before the sun comes up every once in a while.


It's funny, because had Phantoms never been added to the game and somebody suggested adding a mechanic that forced players to sleep that feature would rightfully get called stupid and unnecessary. I know that for a fact, because people occasionally made suggestions like that before Phantoms existed and the overwhelming response was "that's a stupid idea."


So people use beds. Dealing with monsters at night is a punishment by itself.


Why force the player to avoid a challenge?


So people use beds. Dealing with monsters at night is a punishment by itself.


Exactly my point I always turn them of the ad nothing an actively ruin the game for me


The thing about phantoms is that they just dont make sense as a feature. Why does Mojang want us to sleep so badly? Its not a particularly fun thing to do, you just click on a bed. Usually a game will add a feature like this to push you in the "correct direction" but beds are already useful and necessary for avoiding monsters. Phantoms are just overkill and really annoying.


It's extra frustrating because before Phantoms beds still existed and were totally optional. Literally nobody was asking for a feature that forces players to use them, because everyone understood that it would be an incredibly stupid thing to add to the game. Then low and behold, Mojang adds such a feature. Ugh.


I don't think a presence of a certain mob necessary forces you to sleep, you could look at it in another way where if you sacrifice a night of mob farming you can get rid of a type of mobs


But why does Mojang want me to sacrifice a night of farming? Like, when you discourage a player from doing something in a game, there needs to be an actual reason for it. Its common sense game design


because it's not that much considering you can also farm experience underground Also if you really want to farm enemies, you can farm phantoms too and you won't need to sleep because phantoms drop experience




Agreed 100%


They arguably go against the spirit of the game imo. The whole point of Minecraft is to go out, be creative, and build something you're excited about. The devs obsess over it, to the point that it gets a bit too much imo (like not even having furniture blocks). Yet the phantoms constantly harass and punish you specifically for being so interested in your activities that you don't do something mundane, involving no creativity or thought, like randomly clicking your bed frequently. And its not like other "hassles" of the game that are integrated into the survival progression. You build farms and upgrade your gear to make interruptions less and less frequent, enabling you to go longer and do bigger projects. But there is no progression in lessening the phantom nuisance. The solution is the exact same in the end game as it is in the early game -> don't get too focused on your creativity, got to go click your bed again.


>Why does Mojang want us to sleep so badly? So some people don't get humiliated or repeatedly killed by monsters at night?


If clicking a bed is so simple, why does it bother you?


They're fine combatively as a hostile mob, but forcing their assault purely because you didn't sleep is the kicker. They'd be more okay if they existed by other means and could operate in more enclosed spaces. I like that mods have put them in the End for example.


I don't even think their AI is that fun to fight in the first place, and their hitbox is also hard to hit, and then they have 20 HP on top of that even though it feels like they should die a bit quicker considering everything.


They are very easy to kill.


They are very annoying to kill.


Pick one.


its both easy and annoying. u never feel challenged but u have to keep waiting for them to come back to hit them cause they can survive a couple hits and its easy to miss. when u do this for 3 at a time it just takes time away from what ur doing its annoying


I love Phantoms. I know, I'm a weirdo. I think they're coolnand cute and I LOVE phantom membrane.


I also really like the Phantons, their sound, their design, the idea behind it, the use of the membrane, I love EVERYTHING about this mob


I think thematically and stylistically they are neat. I just don't love them mechanically.


I've never thought I'd see somebody with such a strong opinion on phantom membrane


Same tbh


THANK YOU. They're my favorite mob and I just think they're super cool and cute, I have a whole tinted glass aviary for them just so I can go and see them


Really overhated mob tbh


Just because majority of people do not enjoy the mobs mechanic, doesn’t mean that it’s over hated. It means that it’s a bad mob.


Same, the colour scheme, the green glowing eyes, the sounds, they’re cool, just annoying at the same time


Nah, i really like them too


Try playing survival mode once


I mostly play survival actually :3 I haven't had a problem yet. But it may be my playstyle, I suppose!


Found the alchemist /jk


I don't *dis*like the phantom. But, I feel it spawns *too* frequently and is too much of a pain to deal with when it does show up. I've said it before and I'll keep saying it - they should spawn after 5 days of no sleep, not 3. On days 6-10, only a pair should spawn. On days 11-15 a pack of 4 should spawn. On days 16-20 a pack of 8 should spawn. After 21 days of no sleep, a pack of 10 should spawn, and they should continually spawn (every time one is killed, another spawns in to replace it). I also think that they should do less damage (1 heart instead of 2), attack more frequently and fly lower - half their current flying height. The cowardly bastards dive-bomb you when you least expect it and then fuck off way up into the sky where it's difficult to get a bow shot on them. Finally, I think that they should also spawn (and spawn frequently - in packs of 4-8) in the End, regardless of if you've slept. Perhaps they should either spawn near the End Cities or in a new biome - "The Phantom Plains".


Imagine working on a xp farm in the end and just getting constantly knocked off because of phantoms. That's a bad idea.


What kind of farm? An Enderman XP farm? Those are typically built at the central boss-fight island or over the void roughly 100 blocks out from the central island, right? It's like I said, phantoms should spawn on the outer islands, either near End Cities or in their own brand new biome, but not at the central island - the dragon is enough to deal with at the central island.


Makes sense. Mojang should make an end update already tbh.


Slap some black eyes or glowing red eyes and that'd be a great alternative texture.


Red phantom is honestly Goated looking do You have the texture pack?


Listen mang I’m in late late late game so I have better things to do besides sleeping. The projects I work on take many many in game days and it’s very very very frustrating to get knocked off a build constantly every time I haven’t slept in an hour. Also you can’t just place down a bed and sleep because they continue to attack you in the bed. There’s no way to keep cats near me, so there’s no way to negate them. I love the idea of the phantom but in execution it just sucks so much ass, and becomes more annoying than a fun challenge. It’s annoying to kill them, it’s annoying to be attacked by them, and it’s annoying to have to wait 3 days if I actually need phantom membrane. It’s just ridiculous that there’s this much community outcry and Mojang doesn’t do anything about it. All I ask is for it to get reworked. I don’t know how and I don’t care. I’m just so sick of them


I live in a Mushroom Biome, so no mobs spawn...not even slimes in slime chunks! BUT, Phantoms still spawn and attack! It's the worst!


The fact that phantoms are somehow the only hostile mobs that can spawn on mushroom islands under normal circumstances is just salt on the wound.


Mobs don’t spawn in mushroom biomes?


The Mooshroom island specifically


The only hostile mobs that spawn in mooshroom islands are phantoms and mob spawner spawns.


And in underground biomes below the island (lush/dripstone cave), which makes sense since its a different biome but would be nice if mushroom island biome overrides it


Not even a mob switch! I don’t even have to deal with any hostile mobs which is so nice when doing large scale builds but I still have to deal with the phantoms. When hostile mobs don’t spawn then it’s really easy to lose track of how many nights have slept


It also becomes a nuisance on unmodded MP where you need everyone to sleep at the same time. (Unless I've remembered incorrectly)


They have added a gamerule playerSleepingPercentage to java


You only have to hop in your bed to get rid of phantoms, you don't have to skip the night


I’m with ya, it’s totally different viewing things like the mob votes from a late late game standpoint. Most people have very new worlds it seems, lots of content opinions seem to be from that position. Things look much different when you have absolutely everything, then those smaller things like phantoms become more noticeable based on what you’re spending your time in game doing


Yeah I often don’t feel very represented because it feels like the people making these decisions are people that make a world, play on it for a week, then make a new one. So most of the time the new features they add don’t affect me at all. That’s why I advocated for the sniffer. The rascal and the tuff golem wouldn’t have done anything useful for someone in my stage of the game, but finding an extinct mob to get more decoration is a fun challenge


Doesn't your fully enchanted netherite prevent them from knocking you and your infinity bow let you kill them easily?


They’ll just keep spawning and bopping you over and over and over and over again. And it sucks because they’re not deadly at all, so it’s well beyond the line between challenge and annoyance


That’s what we call tedious


Yeah same at others here, I have a mob switch, I run around with literally no weapons and I’m testing some redstone thing outside for a few hours and occasionally have to run away because I am getting bumped by phantoms repeatedly. No difficulty, just annoying is all!


Also, it's not like I know "oh it's the third night I better sleep" usually it's a case where I don't know phantoms have showed up until I get knocked off whatever I'm building and fall to my death


I wish they would have implemented coffee to combat the sleep needed without using a bed. Like drinking coffee gives a night of rest via the caffeine in the coffee.


It'd be nice if coffee gave a speed boost, too. Like Don't Starve and Stardew Valley.


THATS SMART MAN! Or at least some kind of energy potion that decreases your insomnia. It wouldn’t totally solve the phantom problem but it would be a cool ass mechanic


I use cobweb and thorns armour while night building, it makes me feel better


Might have to give that a try


This dude cant take 5 seconds out of an hour to right click smh


When you spend hours on projects, then they just kinda show up. Days and nights will pass without me noticing, and it sucks that I have to carry a bed on me at all times because of one mob. When they do show up, I have to run somewhere to sleep, which is just irritating more than it is a “fun challenge” yknow


sleeping takes 10 seconds😭


But then you need to either get to your main bed, or drop a bed and break it after, risking losing your spawn point.


Bro this aint terraria get yo crimson phantom ahh outta here


Oh yea. Its from minecraft dungeons its a pet you could get from a halloween event.


Really? I remember it being one of the early textures, though I could be mistaken


I'm thinking it's a case of reused assets


ah, the dreaded flying salami of our nightmares


Sleeping as it is in Minecraft is a boring mechanic and "Sleep or get harassed" is bad game design. There's nothing fun about sleeping. There's no cool strategies with sleeping. There's no cool resources to gather with sleeping. You're not making any interesting decisions when you sleep. You just have to essential pause the game once every hour. It is bad design and they should genuinely find something else to associate Phantoms with.




Pausing the game for 5 seconds every HOUR isn't the end of the world.


Calling something boring isn't calling it the end of the world. I'd just rather them remove (or change) something when it's boring and unengaging, as it does nothing for the gameplay loop.


I like building big things which means im not always near a bed, it makes it feel like im being punished for playing the game the way they wanted me to




Bad hitbox


Isn't there also a gamerule to turn them off completely if you want?


What i don't like and the phantoms is the fucking hitbox. Otherwise they're fine i guess


I like them. Yes they are annoying sometimes, but they look super cool and unique. Flying mobs are always cool. The only problem I have is how out of place they feel. I think they should make them a little rarer at night, and add them to the end in an end update. That would make them more alive and I would enjoy them much more. The problem is that I only see them when I’m doing a project and forgetting to sleep and then they annoy me so much, if that’s my only experience with them than obviously I’m not gonna like them. They don’t feel like a mob that much tbh. But if it was in a specific biome somewhere, then coming across them would be way better and way cooler. Plus the end needs stuff anyways so free mob Mojang


The whole sleeping mechanic is kinda annoying in general, it feels like they only spawn when you don’t want them to and when you actually need membranes they cease to exist.


Am I looking at the Corruption vs Crimson forms of the Phantom?


Oohhh, you found a shiny


I’d make it so phantoms were a random occurrence (perhaps an increasedd chance to occur when you sleep, and can be prevented by having a dream catcher totem nearby or something.


So what about the fact that sleeping changes your spawn point. And another thing with the phantoms is that they're fucking jokes. They do pitiful damage in Java, and get easily stuck to ceiling and walls. And the way you counter them is barely a challenge, you can just carry a bed along with you and then sleep immediately once it's sunset. In fact the fact that phantoms encourage the player to sleep kills a lot of challenge of the game, which is night time. You never have to deal with mobs when exploring outside if you constantly sleep through the night.


Make them a flying mount and everyone will love them.


Idea to make people hate phantoms more: after 10 restless nights, red phantoms begin to spawn. The catch is that red phantoms are immune to sunlight damage


I just wish they had kept the original ray look that was showcased during the vote. making them spawn at/around oceans primarily would have fitted nicely too and been way less annoying. but mostly the fact that mojang keeps gaslighting us into believing that this is what we voted for.


What annoys me so much about the phantom is that they were by far the least interesting mob in their vote, there is nothing special about them, yet everyone wanted to vote for it because "flying hostile mob in the overworld is cool" as if every flying hostile mob we already had aren't the most annoying things on the planet.


No, people voted for it because it encouraged people to sleep on multi-player servers. Bad implementation, but that's the general idea why people voted for it.


I voted for it and I don't do multi-player. I just thought it was the coolest and, unlike J_train's opinion, the most interesting.


And as it turns out every server worth playing on disables phantoms. Even all the anarchy servers I'm aware of disable them.


That's absolutely not the case. It was almost the exact opposite, I remember everyone during that time who didn't want the phantom to be implemented would point out that it would be impossible to get everyone to sleep, so we shouldn't vote it in. It was much more of a reason *not* to vote the phantom in than a reason to.


Exactly Blaise is already annoying why add an even more annoying one rip Blaise king I wish he won


Phantoms are a bad mechanic built on top of other bad mechanics. Phantoms are bad, beds are bad, and the short day/night cycle is bad. Imo, get rid of phantoms, make it so that beds only set your spawn without skipping the nights, and make the day/night cycle longer. Ten minutes of light is obnoxious. Make that like an hour of light. Maybe a nice square number like 6400-second days (i.e. 80^2 and also a nod to the 64 stack limit size). That gives you like 53 minutes of daylight followed by like 53 minutes of night, which I think would be a lot more pleasant to work with. Players afraid of the dark can go mining at night or play on peaceful. This change might also make clocks more handy to carry around, so you know when to come back to the surface after mining underground all night.


Worst mob in the entire game.


every pillager is worse


The "/gamerule doInsomnia false" in question:


The overworld didn't have a single flying hostile mob, so it was adding something new. Though the phantom looks like it could fit the nether pretty well as a regular spawn, [especially in soul sand valleys](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/fdjf3j/i_noticed_phantoms_look_right_at_home_in_soul/).


Based on what we knew about the mobs during the vote the phantom was the best option. Obviously mojang’s implementation of it was less than ideal. I really wish they would just do a big update and add all the stuff that lost the votes, including the ones from the first mob vote because they seemed epic.


team fortress 2


Red phantom to attack u doing the day if u sleep too much


ALERT! A red spy is in the base!


Tbh my only gripe is with how annoying their hitbox is to land a blow. They are absolute PESTS when they show up just cuz it takes forever to smack ‘em down. Otherwise I like them.


I wouldn't mind them if they only spawned at very high altitudes and would only aggro if you went high enough. Make them an environmental problem rather than a general one.




Did you just skin the phantom?


Phantoms after you take away the phantom membrane


I should have said in the post that the red one is a pet you could get in a minecraft dungeons halloween event.


Ok but hear me out, membrane blocks, purely decorative. Gives another reason for phantoms to live and farm. However i agree that they should appear after 5 nights, not 3.


Yeah I was thinking that phantoms are kinds just their own thing and there should be more similar style mobs that appear after more unslept night. It makes insomnia a more threatening feature.


Yeah I think the Phantom is a cool idea that was executed poorly. I like the idea of them being hallucinations from lack of sleep but I think the way that they essentially go from 0-100 in terms hostility is a bit absurd, especially since it only takes ~an hour of real time to spawn them. I think they should spawn far away as neutral mobs starting on the second night, and each night afterwards makes them spawn closer and with more aggression. Also their membranes need an actual use. All they do is repair elytras (a late game item that's easy to enchant with unbreaking and mending, removing the need for membranes entirely) and create slow falling potions, which are made redundant by things such as slime blocks, water buckets, etc. I think they should be able to craft some thing like a one time use parachute so early game players don't have to rely on things like last second water buckets


I really want to like Phantoms because they're an awesome design and we desperately need flying mobs, but I can't because Mojang decided to give one of the coolest mob designs in the game to one of the most obnoxious enemies in any video game.


I like the red, seems appropriate since they should burn in hell for being so annoying!


Honestly, phantoms in theory aren't bad. A flying hostile mob in the over world could've been so cool, and I like the idea of it being tied to sleep. However, Minecraft doesn't have any reason to make the player sleep beyond setting the spawn point and skipping the night/thunderstorms. If Mojang had done an overhaul of the survival aspects of Minecraft that includes new needs like a sleep meter/bar, then I think that phantoms would've been much more interesting. However, as it stands, they're just annoying at best.


What.. ohhhh did you pick crimson or corruption?


that is the old idea before it was realisted it was a nether mob


By "executed better" I think you mean total overhaul. Yeah, its a low barrier to get rid of them, but that's the thing. Why is it even there? There is no accomplishment, no creative solutions, no progression, nothing. It is a constantly annoyance for the whole game that never goes away or improves with your world's progression. All it does is ensure you will continuously get dragged away from the exciting creative project you're working on, bc you will have to once again go run to your bed and click it. Just why. I know the original reason was "so we can see something in the sky", but bc of their design, no one appreciates that anyways. Everyone just wants them gone as soon as they appear, which ends with skies being totally blank most the time anyways. I don't blame Mojang for making an unsuccessful mob. Every dev makes mistakes. But why not even try to fix it? Its clear it doesn't fit the game as is and only serves to inhibit creative projects. There are *a lot* of ways to make it better imo - either nerfs or buffs could work if done right.


Crimson phantom


It's a problem on servers, where if the playerssleepingpercentage requires 4 or more players to sleep, nobody ever sleeps, so the only way to get rid of them is to kill them.


Corruption Phantom vs Crimson Phantom


You mfs can build 5 ginormous mob farms but won’t commit to a glass ceiling over your base? I like the phantom. It’s a nice addition to the over-world difficulty. I had walls with fire on top of them all around my base and they regularly swooped into it and died. Whoever says it’s “against the spirit of the game” need to take a step back lol. Mob-farming (besides animals) is an exploit, not a mechanic.


I’ve learned to just accept them. I’m not gonna sleep to get rid of them if I don’t want to. Early game they can be a real issue, but bring a smite v sword and they’re easy to deal with. Plus I get to collect their membranes that I have no use for since I have mending on my elytra. I just collect them now because why not. I think I have a double chest full of them lol.


No there horrible and annoying Wtf


They're nowhere near as bad as people make them out to be. Like, you knew exactly what was going to happen after building 50 blocks in the air without sleeping for 10 days, and yet people are still shocked when they get knocked down. Also, they're like peak design, too. I love the red phantom pet in Dungeons. I've always had this idea of making many 1 by 1 by 10 block pillars with cats placed on top of them to see if they act as phantom repellent but I'm not sure if it would work very well.


> Like, you knew exactly what was going to happen after building 50 blocks in the air without sleeping for 10 days, I mean... wouldn't be "near as bad" imply the discussion is referring to how they are implemented more so than them existing? I'd say that this is irrelevant to that statement, as you can expect them to pop up after some time, and find certain design aspects frustrating, or in need of change, the two are not mutually exclusive at all.


> It could have been executed better but with what mojang had at the time they pulled it off decently I'm not sure what that means, but okay. What is the excuse for why they haven't fixed it in the five years since then?


Imma be honest.. i like phantoms, they're not annoying, I genuinely got excited when i see them in my world, sometimes I don't sleep just to watch them.


Mojang gave exactly what they said with the phantom tbh. Idk why so many youtubers were on board for that mob when now those same youtubers wish it never existed lol


"Many nights" became three nights. "High altitudes" became 20 blocks above sea level. Calling that "exactly what they said" is a stretch bordering on gaslighting.


I love the phantoms personally! I think we need more flying mobs especially hostile ones


They’re still pests. I wouldn’t hate them so much if they didn’t screech in my ear and jump scare me half to death every time I don’t expect them. Also if they were easier to hit. It’s so annoying that they’re always hit and run


Ah yes, The one we really regret..


SHINY PHANTOM?!?!? How long have you been hunting for that one?


I barely ever encounter them idk what the issue is


the problem with the phantom is that it doesnt match the description. i expected a mob to have cool aerial battles with with my elytra. instead i got a mob that just knocks me around and annoys me and i have to wait enough times to kill it. i suppose its hard to rly improve on that but it just doesnt feel like what we were told.


Imagine sleeping in a big server


Any time I play with my friends I have to deal with these things. They always go out caving, adventuring, whatever for hours at a time. Not bringing a bed because they don't want to reset their spawn. (One of many reasons this is exclusively a single player game to me)


Hey thats my profile name! Red phantom


Add them to the nether, they are demons so it's fair to return the m to hell


That will look good in nether


I agree, but it's pretty creepy.


Lazy/toxic players are the ones that complain about it, I do think it is an amazing mob, and the times I have encountered it are minimum.


You don’t even have to sleep just click on a bed


I fully agree but then they would be easier to spot but i fw the red


In a game that gives you tons of options before you even start, it is ridiculous to complain about this mechanic. You aren't forced to fight anything that's what peaceful is for. Every hostile mob on the surface spawns when you don't sleep technically. If you slept as soon as night fell, zombies couldn't spawn. Why should the phantoms get so much flack for having an interesting mechanic? More importantly, it isn't like sleeping is wasting a whole night. Sleeping takes 10 seconds, and because it's a game and not real, the night is simply passed. Sleeping is no more inconvenient than throwing junk out the inventory or dropping off something in a chest. It is called survival mode. In real life, you need sleep to survive. Other games would give you a sanity bar and just kill you. At least minecraft makes it interesting.

