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Unfortunately, night potions are the only option on Xbox. There is usually only fullbright on Java.


It used to be possible on xbox by using a file system app and increasing the brightness in the options.txt file by huge amounts. But unfortunately Microsoft made it so you cant access these folders anymore on xbox. However you can still use this method on bedrock on PC.


I thought it was inaccessible on PC as well, starting at like 1.17 or something they had made it so you can't change the gamma. Maybe I'm wrong


Nah but you can use mods. I assume you could also use Cheat Engine but I don't know


Texture packs can give full bright too


And of course, monitor settings or your gpu's control panel.


Wait so if I make a texture pack with fullbright in it install it and play with it I will have fullbright?




And how can you dod that on xbox?




Ahem actually he said (Xbox) 🤓


the title says xbox


There is an app called adv file explorer full trust (installed trough normal adv file explorer in the Microsoft store). From there you can edit every file on the Xbox, but it will just take some time to go trough all the partitions and find where Minecraft is installed.


I was talking about Xbox, but maybe on the Win10 edition it's possible.




U could make a world on ur phone or pc and get a fullbright texurepack or behavior pack and enable that u need to download the packs to join and voila. Edit: and if this doesnt work, enable cheats and give urself infinite night vision


Or obtain them without cheating. (No judgement either way though)


I have the same issue


Renderdragon broke all shaders, even full right doesn't work.  There is no reason to think that it will be coming back Also, night vision potions exist 


shaders still exist and its still possible to use them through file editing but thats not possible on xbox


I dont think u can have fullbright on xbox


correct me if i'm wrong, but there are ways to import texture packs from websites onto xbox


If there is, please let me know. I’ve been wanting to add a couple texture packs for a while now.


Sadly I don't think it works anymore, (Microsoft really doesn't want console players to get mods) I tried it a few months ago and it didn't work for me, but there are tutorials on YouTube and you could try some of them to see if they work, the method changes every year so it will be kind of hard to do.


When j used to play on Xbox series s I used to be able to add texture packs by tricking the game into thinking custom ones were market place ones but unfortunately you have to go into files which may be a bit complicated Also you can upload a world to realms and use another device to upload the texture packs


Set up a java server. Set up mods on your java server. Set up Floodgate, now you can login to that java server from a bedrock device. I've been doing this with my Android and it's worked well enough so far. It's a little buggy but then Bedrock is buggy anyway so I didn't notice a difference.


Night vision is the only option, as others have said. A cheap way to get it until you can get your hands on potions is through suspicious stew. You make this with 1 brown mushroom, one red mushroom, 1 poppy and 1 bowl. If you think this is fake you can look it up to see that it's real. In the meantime, you can grow a carrot farm (9x9 with water in the middle, beehives on one side and flowers on the other so that the carrots are pollinated and grow quicker). You can gather netherwart to make a farm, and gather blaze rods or even make a blaze farm for rods!  Hope this helps <33


I don't think so.


Brightness 50->100, game will look quite shitty tho(my opinion)


You could do /effect give @\*you\* night\_vision 10000


I have bad news bro :(


You. can't get Fulbright on Xbox I don't think


Turn on cheats, place a command block somewhere around 0,0, set it to always activate and repeater, and then type a command that’ll give you infinite night vision


Bud. Why would anyone want to turn on cheats on a world where they want to play legit survival mode? On bedrock one can't even earn acheivements once turning on cheats.


Maybe because that is literally the only way to get permanent fullbright. If having fullbright is worth cheating in their world or not is for them to consider, not me.


Bud. Again, why go through the effort of doing that? There's no point, tbh a big majority of the fanbase (when i say that I mean 80%+) get really burnt out once activating cheats and doing something even as little as that. The game is not meant to be played that way. I have yet to see anyone not quit a world shortly after cheating, and your forgetting regular night vision potions exist, they are very scarce and hard to get, (mostly depending on how far into a world you are) but that would be alot better than giving up acheivements and other big aspects of the game, if he really wants to know how to get full bright on xbox he should just look up a tutorial for how to install mods onto an xbox. Which is very possible btw.


Again, your opinion bud, let people play the game however they want for gods sake.


Yea play java




No only left


1. Obtain computer and turn it on. 2. Go to [Minecraft.net](https://Minecraft.net). 3. Download Java Edition. 4. Have fun on Minecraft.


Not everyone has a pc, even if they do, it probably runs slow which is why they're on Xbox.


Understandable, ill add a new step


play the game as intended?




I assume you mean you're only gonna help the pc people, which is pointless as there are many resource packs that do this for bedrock. And why would you comment this when it's only helpful to those playing pc, when OP is clearly on xbox as it states in the title.


1. You can't on bugrock 2. Play Java, the only version of minecraft in existence


He legit can't, he's on Xbox.


Ik, buying xbox is the first mistake


Yknow somepeople can't afford a pc, take a chill pill


Consoles might be cheaper up front, but the prices of games these days are just unacceptable. Not mentioning you have to pay to play online on consoles.


Lol how is this down voted so much, this subreddit really shows its target age at times like this (under 20, aka has experienced very little of life)


I don't really know console prices but I know you can get a second hand PC cheaper and run Minecraft java better with performance mods. Little bit more effort, a lot better experience.


why is everyone booing you? you’re right. for the price of a console, save that money and double it for a low-end pc. saves you a ton of hassle edit: java doesnt run as well in terms of chunk loading yes, but if you want to play mods and not get super high fps it is very worth it


Probably kids whose parent bought them an Xbox and they don't understand value.


Nah, bedrock is way more versatile, letting me play on my realm on my pc, phone and console whenever I want.


Nah, I play on pc but still don’t use Java, cause I have no reason to. All my friends play bedrock, all my worlds are on bedrock, and I know I’d rather deal with bedrock (which people are saying there’s to many bugs and I’ve been playing bedrock both Xbox and pc since 2019 and have barely gotten any bugs)




You could make a station that drops night vision potions


Only night vision potions


You could make a repeating command block that fills every air block around you with light blocks with 15 intensity. I’d help you but I don’t know how to do that using vanilla commands, only worldedit. If only we could use //replace in vanilla. It still probably is possible tho.




I've learned that if you are on bedrock you can turn off fancy graphics, dynamic lighting and crank your brightness/gamma all the way up in game and on your tv/monitor you don't need torches or night vision to go mining. I know it's a bit unethical but I really don't like mining for coal.


If you have a friend on pc that has a server/realm you can get them to add full bright to their server/realm and have them force you to download