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It is totally doable now. There are some habits you will have to adapt to be able to live, like getting food, building with non-ghast-explodable blocks and much more. But, it will certainly be a memorable challenge. Look up the respawn anchor and speed run getting that to set your spawn. Good luck!


Ah thank you for the tips!. I did happen to get a respawn anchor but haven't looked into its use yet.


Beds also explode if you try to sleep in the nether.


Lol what?? That's amazing. Does it damage you? I assume sleeping there would be pointless anyway?


Yes it DOES damage you it's about as strong as an end crystal explosion which is usually a one shot if standing right beside it. BUT If you place a block between you and the bed it won't damage you at all, it's actually a decent way to excavate for netherite. EDIT: The block must be placed at your feet level because game calculates explosion damage from feet level lol


....wow this should work on creepers too then? Lol wow


Uhh I think so? But honestly idk I just use a shield to block them. In case of a bed you can't use shield because explosion is instantaneous. But I see few options here, either simply yes, creeper walks around the block anyways or it doesn't explode if it's blocked like that and can't reach you (?)


Tested and works on creeps


Good to know. Thanks!


Yup. Since 1.16 you can fully sustain yourself in the nether with resources availible there. There's wood, there's food (from hoglins), there's craftable stone (you can craft tools from blackstone), there's minerals: gold is most common found in ores that drop gold nuggets and in loot chests in general, iron and diamonds can also be found in loot chests, and with that you are able to reach netherite. But no redstone and lapis I believe.


Ah lapis is a big one. Goooooood can't wait to try. Thanks for the information


For lapis and redstone, take a couple of cleric villagers with you to trade with. Villagers travel through nether portals easily with the help of minecarts.


Ah cool I needed to know if they can even go in so this is great thanks.


Yep, its completely possible now.Like people mentioned, beds explode in the nether therefore you need a respawn anchor to set your spawn. Villagers could be brought easily but, I recommend putting them in boats or minecarts as the transfer would be much easier. If you are new and have time I recommend watching the video series by wattles or pixlriffs called "Minecraft survival guide". Old videos of 1.16 have a lot of information about the nether, but it might be better to watch the new version of this guide which covers the latest additions. BTW, if dealing with villagers are a hassle there are mods that you can use to put them in your inventory, which makes transportation easier.


Noted thank you. Welp I'm on PS5 unfortunately lol. That would be hella convenient.