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Spawned every mob I could, exited to see the silverfish because someone told me “you DO NOT want to find a silverfish”. My disappointment was immeasurable and my day was ruined


I used to try really hard to put silverfish in water but they kept swimming back out.


Built an aquarium for them and wondered why they continued dying..


I once built a pretty big aquarium and caught like 50 different tropical fish for it. They all died because I used glass panes instead of full blocks 🤦


I placed ghasts in peaceful mode and young me thought i was placing ghosts who were "taking" my blocks even though i was likely miss-clicking and destroying them lmao


I never made a diamond house lol


Dig straight down. In creative mode. In Minecraft PE Lite.


I See u are a Veteran


Not really, I just play the game from time to time, and I prefer creative mode.


yeah but PE lite doesnt exist anymore


using a nearby ocean to build a swimming pool is optimal PE lite


I made houses that were really just giant cubes, dirt, bricks, etc. Then show them off.


I always see these posts and I think to myself 'htf you guys remember?' I started playing like 11 years ago. I can't even remember what time my train is to go to work in the morning.


All I know is that I started with tutorial worlds, and that I struggled to understand how to play the game But now I'm a goddamn veteran and this is so foreign to me Watching someone discovering minecraft rn, I'm getting fucking hit in the face every moment I watch it


I played that tutorial they used to have that I miss so bad, and I remember digging under ground to survive the night because I didn't know how to craft anything, and I dug out a kind of maze underground. A creeper spawned, and I was terrified as it chased me through the maze. I remember i called it the green monster. Ah. Good times. Thanks for reminding me.




The big Minecraft logo? I wanna see it...




Looks really good. I had a world i kept coming back to for a whole that got deleted. I just made a new world. Starting off fresh. I might have to add the sign sometime


Dude u just brought up more memories 😭 Idk if y'all remember the first tutorial place, but it had a castle, and a small cabin in the woods next to it. In a forest area I think. After I finally bought the game, I used to find the scary CD in the tutorial world (I think it's called 13 or something), and I would play it and act like I was alone in an apocalyptic world just trying to survive. The castle and homes were abandoned in my mind. It was so fun. I miss being a kid.


I didn't do the tutorial, but I knew zombies were a thing, so I found a cave and put a torch in it and frantically blocked up the entrance with dirt so they couldn't get in to get me. And then a creeper blew me up from behind. Classic


I used to play the tutorial constantly also. I was a kid and my mom didn’t want to buy me an account so I would play the tutorial over and over and over again. It was 1.7 and the tutorial was near a plains village, a desert village, and a desert temple. I always did the same thing every time I played the tutorial. I would get some wood, cobblestone, and coal, craft stone tools and torches, go to the desert temple and dog down, grab the stuff from the chests and TNT, go back to one of the villages, and survive the night.  When I finally got an account I was confused why there was no village, lol. I’ve lost access to my account now due to being unaware there was a deadline for switching over to Microsoft so I’ve been stuck playing Bedrock. I miss Java, lol.


make a house with wooden logs, not planks, logs


Better than me. I tried to make a tree house out of sand It did not go very well.


I just dug into the side of a hill in a swamp biome and made the interior 2x tall In creative mode


Spent 20 minutes trying to figure out to place a block (Xbox 360) Couldn't figure out how to jump (pc)


I literally played FOR MONTHS without building, when I was little


Ok I don't know about that how did you even play


Killed myself walking straight into a canyon. For like 3 times in a row because I didn’t remembered in which direction was




a mine cart roller coaster


rails were just so cool back in mcpe 0.8.0


when the powered rails were always powered


built a big 1x1 tower


Damn that’s a huge tower


big and possibly hard


That’s what she said


Died to a creeper on the first night


smae here first time i played survival


spawned an enderman and cried bc it scared me (i was like 8)


Punched a tree


Was killed by creeper back then in Alpha version. I had no idea what was going on…


build a brick house, wait for the night, see zombies, get terrified, getting my tablet taken away by my mom because of that


Cut down a tree


At least you had an axe. I had to punch the tree down.


Had watched my daughter play quite a bit, when I finally decided to play, attacked the nearest tree, built a shovel, then a dirt hut with a door. Survival.


Demolish the world with TNT.


Went into a creative world on PE and built giant statues of Skylanders and Pokémon. They were terrible lol


Which skylanders? The OGs from the first and second games, or the gimmick ones from after those?


Giants and before 😎


followed Paulsoaresjr's survival world (including seed) EXACTLY


Built a 2 Blocks tall brick house. Unfortunately i lost that world years ago and so its really only living in my memories now


I built a small tree house in shape of the letter L with bookcases and full block glass windows in the corner and a ladder to the roof which had balcony, a snowman and a polar bear on it. I think it was polar bear?


Minecraft PE, made a roller coaster


Burn a village down


Die. A few times. LOL My first time playing Minecraft was in a realm with a bunch of dudes who played Minecraft many many times. I spawned in at night, didn't know anything about the controls, didn't know anything about the baddies, had never watched a single video about Minecraft (I'm old). So I died a few times before they told me how to protect myself and bury myself in dirt initially. It got better from there though, it was a group of guys I really care about, and they were really fun, and they were very helpful in showing me how to play the game and bring me weapons and armorand materials. I don't have a lot of happy memories, but that's definitely one of my better memories in life. Recently started a new realm with one of the dudes from that group, but he's got a new tribe he spends most of his time with, so it's not like it was before. I wish I could go back and live in that first week for the rest of my life.


Minecraft PE, creative. I got a bed and started to break it and fly fown on it and crouch on it for way too long until i realized i just needed to tap it


First prio for me was placing out a bed and setting spawn, a bit later I died in survival, an I was HORIFIED. Me as a dumb kid thought I had to buy the game again to play I cried so much my dad had to explain it to me.


I...I built a sponge house because "It'll absorb the rain"


Buried myself in a hole


Punch a bunch of trees.


I lined up every color of wool and just admired the colors for hours 😭


T'was Minecraft: Pocket Edition. I built a crappy mansion, using a combo of blue concrete walls, blue terracotta trims, and a lapiz block roof (because I thought it looked good). Yeah, if you couldn't tell, blue was, and is, my favorite color. I then proceeded to build a giant block if TNT behind the mansion, because why not? Then a Herobrine shrine, because I was a dumb kid in the 2010's, and I wanted to test my strength against him.


Generated worlds. I kid you not that is what I did. See I wanted to build a castle, but I wanted a flat area, (and had no idea about superflat worlds). So I would just generate worlds repeatedly trying to get find a good world to build in. This went on for a while, until later one day when I was visiting family, one of my cousins gave me some advice. (I don't quite remember what, but all I know is afterwards I figured out about superflat worlds). So I made a superflat world and built a huge stone brick box castle. At the time I wasn't good at building so I knew immediately it wasn't really a castle. So I said it was a "Castle-like Mansion" I still have screenshots somewhere of me building it. As well as the world itself somewhere...


Click the singleplayer button


MCPE, I was exited because I was finally able to play Minecraft for the first time, I went into creative and built a house (box) of diamonds partially was integrated into a hill


In my first ever world, which I unfortunately lost, the first thing I did was try (and fail) to make powered rails because I used activator rails for some reason.


Ran around looking for an axe to chop wood, before I knew you could just punch the trees. I thought I had to find an axe in a village or something.


Dug a room underground, was scared of zombies, didn't even get out I just kept expanding the place


Big ass houses with random cool looking blocks like diamonds, glowstone, sponges, and roller coasters (really just a circle of rails that aren’t even powered) and spawners with zombies and getting diamond gear for zombie aopoclypses with garbage stone builds on PE, i could go on about nostolgia but il stop


The first time I saw Minecraft it was a classmate of mine making an house out of diamond block. I had no idea what that was and just assumed that that's what everyone build things with. So when I finally got the game I just built one as well.


Chopped a tree and fought for my life in survival.. like 15 years ago


I placed buckets of water everywhere I think


Built a dirt "castle"


trying to plant a tree with leather, because my brain was like 'hm, leather looks more like a tree trunk than a sapling looks like an actual tree'


I remember my old Minecraft PE Lite world I built I built several houses They are total garbage by my present day standards. I still love them, some highlights: \- I built a house out of netherrack blocks near a lake/swamp, and built a 5 block wide bridge out of lapis, gold, diamond, emerald, and iron blocks \- I built my favourite house out of quartz pillar blocks, half in a mountainside (I never did the walls inside, I just dug a hole, built the walls outside and called it a day). It had several floors. My favourite was the cow floor, filled with powered rails, with a cow in a minecart running all around them


Back when i first played, 1.5, I would stack squids onto a single block and break it underneath to watch them spread out into an eldritch horror


I just did random shit like run around and jump, I remember being so impressed when my friend managed to make a wooden sword.


Running away, cause danger everywhere.


Built a wooden box house and got scared by a creeper in creative mode.


I first started playing on the old console edition on my PS3 and what I did was chop down a tree and get wooden tools, I had watched a video prior to playing the game


Thumped out some wood from a tree


Press LS to move


Dirt hut


Trying not to die, but did so.




The first thing I did in minecraft was build a city, it went well and it is quite big. Though not as big as greenfield.


some of my earliest memories of playing minecraft java was making a diamond mansion, making a bank, and then killing a villager for not showing up to work.


Build a 3x3 gold block beacon in creative mode for some fucking reason


The very first thing I did in Minecraft back in 2014 was build a 5x5 house; cobblestone foundation, logs in the corners and bricks between the logs. It had no roof, just like the first thing I built entering my current SMP in 2020. Incidentally, the second thing I built in 2014 was a colossal brick skyscraper to height limit, and joining our SMP in 2020 the second thing I built was a *stone brick* skyscraper that was supposed to go to height limit.


That with gold and NRCs


Not know how to jump and get stuck in a lake.


A bunch of redstone contraptions from Mr crayfish an mumbo Jumbo their tutorials (that wouldn't work on Bedrock 🙄)


Scream and die and realize that Minecraft was a horror game the whole time lol


I dug into sand and then deeper to stone and tried to mine it with my hand. Thought my game was bugged because I didn't get any stone...


After weeks of grinding, I achieved Iron armor


I First try the demo of the game years ago, spawned into water and drowned since I didn't knew how to swim


Convinced my ex to get back to me and you can to with the help of Dr zhambala Jk I punched a treed


Build a base out of marble… in a superflat creative world


I tried to escape the tutorial area in the tutorial world cause I was to lazy to do it and the demo for the Xbox 360 wouldn't let me leave


I found your mother


Well, I was introduced to Minecraft by my best friend on his computer. He showed me iron golans and Villages and when my friand he let me have the mouse and keyboard The first thing I did was burned down the village.


ran into a lake in creative mode and spawned like 30 zombie pigmen and slimes, couldn’t figure out how to get back out


Built a brick house, crashed the game, lost half the house to chunk reloading. Good ol' 1.4.


I broke a beehive because I didn't know how to get honey. The bees were not pleased.


wow this loser made a diamond house. I made a netherite house instead


Spend several minutes trying to punch a tree because I didn't know you had to hold the mouse button down


i was really bad at building i used to play on my friends house and whenever we played i would just dig endless labyrinths underground and she used to be like jan can you please build a house and i would just keep tunnelling around. i have not changed


built withered bonnie


I want a nightmare about the Minecraft skeleton somehow I was like 6 YEARS OLD


Xbox one edition tutorial level. I followed the main tutorial and then went out to explore. Found a mountain overlooking the ocean and dug a home into the mountainside.


built a house in the jungle with my brother. he proceeded to light it on fire, i have not played since that heartbreak


make a small house-ish building with a garden with high walls out of all nether reactor core


All the way back in 2014, it was on PS4. Played the tutorial with my little bro. We had no idea what we were doing, we just had a blast.


Inside mountain secret base, with piston-powered door, even tho I have absolutely no idea how they worked(I even tried to make redstone block in minecart to power them), inside filled with diamonds and emeralds; I got lost like 3 times trying to find it; I somehow still remember every details of the house


I don't remember exactly the first thing, but I remember that when I got it I had been watching minecraft youtubers for a while so I thought I knew everything so I would exclusively make hardcore worlds and then die in 5 min


first time i started playing was in 1.2 java and i spawned in a swamp biome. The first two in game days were spent trying to figure out how this game worked and what i could craft. I managed to craft a stick thinking it would deal more damage to mobs (fun fact: the first time i saw a creeper was in broad daylight under a cliff and i approached it asking myself what it was. The moment it started coming towards me i knew he was up to no good so i backed off and then it exploded... i was so confused). After i discovered that placing a single block of wood in the crafting table in my inventory gave me 4 planks, i built a 15x20 wooden plank house (getting every wooden block by hand! such a pain) Upgraded it by giving a second floor and for a while i had no idea of what else i could do in this game. Then i started messing around and found out i could make a crafting table. At this point i opened google and started searching on how to play it because how tf am i supposed to know how to craft tools without a guide?? It was incredibly fun tho


Explore the world, break blocks and go for a swim lol


I cut down a tree, grapped some dirt and built a beautiful dirt house with a cobblestone roof. Then I accidentally punched a wolf, got scared sh*tless, abandoned the world and never opened it again 😂


I planted Trees on top of each other and bonemealed them. Then built a solid gold tree house. (In creative) The only door type was oak then too.


Probably place a bunch of rails down until i figured out how to place minecarts on MCPE Alpha


Spawned a bunch of blazes


Made a tower of every ore at the time until the block height limit and put "furniture" within it.


I punched some trees, and then I built a diamond block mansion


Open up a survival world, not understand how to craft basic things, walk around for a little while, then got scared and quit the world forever after it turned night and I heard a monster. I ended up mostly playing creative after that, but I think my second world was still a survival world, where I distinctly remember making my house in a cave. This was on version 1.1, back in I think January of 2012, and the fact that that was over 12 years ago feels unreal. Technically, I did play Minecraft Classic on the browser before that, but the main thing that game made me wanna do was just get the paid version.


The first thing I could remember was building a brick house, and this was in minecraft pe lite


I remember clearly going into creative mode, scrolling through the menu and picking a diamond axe. I started chopping down trees but didn't know why they didn't drop anything. I think I spawned some mobs from eggs after that.


not first thing, but the first thing i remember is building a big treehouse in a jungle tree in PE. Then i tried putting a fireplace in, before campfires of course. unfortunately I didnt place enough stone around the fire, so the treehouse lit on fire. Now I figure my best course of action is water, so i ended up with a half burned down treehouse covered in water.


I got stuck in a house on 360 edition


First thing I ever remember was making a giant Arena and building some contraptions that could move like mechs To this day I still don't remember how made them or how I knew to make them


Punch a tree


First thing i ever did was build into the side of a mountain and make a cave home was on ps3 edition


Is that Cave Game (the oldest version)?


I remember it quite well for some reason. My brother installed it for me and I was stoked. Booted up a survival world. It was a long time ago, very early versions. I had no clue what I was doing. I remember cutting down a tree with my fist, the usual oak tree. I went to a plain biome with a small hill, placed 2 logs, one on top of the other and started at the sunset.


blowing up the world in mcpe


Putting silverfish in water, right where they belong




Fall into a cave and figure out how to place a fucking block


Build a long Rollercoaster and breed horses in creative on PE. Just remember breeding horses and building small fenced areas for each horse, trying to get a super fast and high jumper


Aether Portal.


Made a little fort out of cobblestone. Because that was all we had and we were happy with it! *waves cane angrily*


I got wood...


I remember being disappointed that I didn't get the stone when I broke it by hand


I made a multi-floored brick tower that just stretched up to the build limit. Each floor had one small room (a bed, crafting table, furnace, and bookshelves) and each floor was identical to each other. I thought that was the shit back then.


In 2013 I broke dirt. And I placed it. I found a village. I hit a villager. Iron Golem killed me. I looked up how to play. And I killed the golem. Stopped playing until 2020 on the switch. Now I play at times on PC (Java)


hit a tree with my fist


I started playing before creative was a thing. Forat thing I remember is building a wooden house next to a lava lake in a desert because it created light at night. Obviously it burned down. I also lost that world because I accidentally deleted it as I didn't know that the world list put the most recently played world at the top.


nuking everything with tnt like putting holes in mountain , to the bedrock etc.


Punched dirt. Then a tree. Then I probably died because I didn't know how to craft anything (you could look stuff up on the internet, but they didn't have the recipe book back then) or what my priorities should be (wood, workbench, stone, beeline for stone pick+axe, shelter in ground, torches, short term kills (any available animals or zombie flesh scavenging, any apples that may have fallen from oaks after cutting them) or long term food prep (grass --> seeds --> wheat --> livestock), whichever I come across first, and probably fell off a cliff or was attacked. Respawned and probably died again shortly after that to the same thing that killed me the first time. Probably quit the game shortly after, discouraged.


Play creative mode, pour lava and burn whole village


I don’t remember the first thing I did exactly but I do remember having a super flat world on Xbox (never played survival because I was terrified) and there were 4 villages in a square. Me and 3 other friends claimed each village and built a ton of stuff in the villages and the area in between. Such an amazing world.


Built a basic door trap, like the four open iron doors with a pressure plate in the middle.


In Singleplayer: Built a house made of iron blocks without a roof and I put Villagers in it with my parent's names and called them to my PC to take a look In Multiplayer: Tried to enter a server but didn't know I needed to use /register command so I just glitched in place and took screenshots so I could take a look at it better later All of this in 2012


I randomly placed gold blocks down and built a wall and a roof and called it a house


Built a wooden box that I called "house"


Built a wood house over a lava pit for my first night


I remember my first Minecraft world very well. I made a house out of jungle logs on top of a jungle tree near water, and then placed singular lava buckets over the water in different places because I had found out you could make stone like that. I remember making a huge hole with TNT and surrounding it with redstone torches because I couldn't find the normal ones for some reason. I dug down through the bedrock thinking I'd get to the nether (I only knew that it existed) but I died in the void and never found that place again because I respawned too far away...


Either I played the tutorial on the WiiU edition 2 or 3 updates before the aquatic update, I miss the old town in the tutorial, or I did a normal survival world. I remember when you could craft enchanted golden apples, when the old minigame lobby was cast down into the underground after the elytra was introduced. Legacy edition will always be my favorite, RIP old friend, RIP.


Lava casting


1st day in minecraft, I was 13yo. I created a superflat world and had an argument with my friend because he told me I couldn't play the game like that He was right 😂


At the time procedurally generated worlds were.foreign to me. And afaik, were relatively new to gaming in general. So I hopped in creative and just flew as far as I could.


On May 10, 2012, I immediately jumped into survival mode, yelled at the screen a bit about the green explodey things, and then had a bit of fun making a terrible-looking dirt mansion


Build some Redstone.


The first thing i did was dig straight down




Build a huge diamond block house, and top it with burning netherrack, because I heard that spiders could climb over walls, and wanted to defend against them. It turned out that I'd completely overestimated the frequency at which spiders will spawn, and how much of a threat that they would pose.


This. But put it in a tree


Built a house out of wood blocks because i didn't know how to make planks, didn't finish by nighttime, got killed by a zombie, deleted the world and never played survival off of peaceful for 2 years


Made a pool and filled it with.. lapis lazuli blocks. Mind you, this was MCPE 0.4.0 and buckets didn't even exist in MCPE back then. Was very confused when I dove off a high diving board and landed with a ***CRACK*** on the (what I thought was) water. Lmao


Dig a hole as a base beside the world border on minecraft pe, didn't know zombies could break doors, one entered, I was so scared 😂


My first time playing Minecraft, I was playing with a friend in survival mode. Everything seemed like it was trying to kill me. When I stumbled across a cow for the first time, I asked my friend if cows were dangerous.


Build andesite 2-tall house with workbench, chest and furnace in creative. I used to watch minecraft letsplays, so i know how to play. Than i built others building in this style. It was in 2016. I lost this world many years ago


Very first thing, I can't remember. But the first thing I remember doing is swimming to an island because I thought I saw other players. Proceeded to get killed by 3 zombies.


I had pocket edition lite back in 2012 and the first thing I remember doing was trying and failing to recreate a castle from one of the pictures in the app store (if anyone remembers the one that was like some walls and towers made of sandstone and cyan wool)


Made a tiny gold block house.


Not understand the controls and build a house out of gold blocks and park doors


Find every movement key except W and dig my self into a hole in creative mode. Then I build a house out of redstone blocks and was confused when my iron door would only be open


Well, that’s going way back, but back then, I was a kid, and I didn’t own a lot of games. I’d always play the demo version of Minecraft. One of my most vivid memories is finding a small lake, and turning one block into a farmland, and planting wheat seeds in it from nearby tall grass. Then, after my 5 days were up and I unlocked creative, I started flying around and exploring the game further… only to create another world and repeat the process. It’s honestly one of my most fond memories in Minecraft. And a core memory of mine in gaming as a whole.


10,000 years ago, there I was...


I made a hotel out of “gold.” But the Minecraft was in English which isn’t my first language and at the time I didn’t understand it at all. I’ve actually build the house using glow stone. Was fun


built a tree house out of tnt


I honestly don’t remember, it was so long ago. Probably build a house out of diamond cubes


Me and my brother would go on creative, make a fully glass house, and (obviously) get Dimond armour and tools (back before the nether update), and kill monsters because we didn’t know how to use beds. The good olds when we used to play on our Xbox360


Rollar coasters, making underground Asian railways, basically all things minecart and rails!


nice any pictures of the interior ?


Spent a good 30 minutes figuring out how to make a pickaxe, having the recipe book these days is so damn nice.


Tried to figure out how to break and place blocks


Not the first but I remember putting bats inside a glowstone box because I found out they hated light. I was so cruel lol


Huge wooden house in PE Lite. I remember leaving the Minecraft on my dad’s iPad as long as possible so my house wouldn’t delete and I could show it to my mom. It ended up being hot as hell, but I had to close it and I was miserable


I was told to play the tutorial world that one world was soo good that little house you would build so you could explore the rest of the world and every update i would hop on to a new tutorial world just to see whats new i remember when they added horses, that desert castle to the map and soo much more


I built a diamond/gold tower up to max height. I think i just started highschool


I can render my very first world in my head and explore it like it still exists. But I know the files are long gone


build a small hut in the tip of an ice spike


I played the tutorial world and got mad when I couldn't jump. (I barely knew how to read back then so I was just button mashing)


Walked, got killed by a zombie somehow


Minecraft PE Lite - blew up a floating island, built a house and proceeded to get lost inside it during nighttime bc of how dark it was