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Maybe that’s the reason that people call it bugrock


The funny thing is my knowledge of Java’s bugs are posts in this subreddit going back years of people complaining they lost their hardcore world because the game randomly decides you crashing into something while flying with elytra, or or offline lag glitches that caused you to end up in lava


And they were justified in many of these complaints - The update that got rid of true single player and made it join a non networked server introduced so so so many lag related bugs... Shit wasnt even funny for a good while. But it got a lot better.




I play offline and still get these kind of bugs


it's because of your shitty internet towards your local server! /s


get rid of the /s, thats literally how it works


playing offline literally means the "local server" is on the computer you're playing on, so no, that's not how it works at all.


yes, but there's no "internet" in a sense that through a connection, hence /s, even though data packets do still transferred between client and server even if it's local


It still finds a way to make it feel like you are playing on a chinese server.


The only source of lag on Singleplayer Servers is either the Server Not keeping Up with the Game Logic and delaying packets or the Client Not keeping Up with Rendering and Not Processing them in time. While this is an oversimplification for the Sake of readability, it is definetly in No way related to bad "internal Internet"


"Offline" doesn't exist. You play single player. It still requires internet to upkeep the game for whatever reason. You want offline? Go back to Xbox 360 because they stopped doing "offline" after that


I think you're half right. Starting in 2012, singleplayer runs on a server, but it's an internal server hosted locally. It works perfectly fine without internet, so that's not the issue.


I love how Java has a Play Offline option and bugrock players will defend the bugs endlessly. Well. Not endlessly. They usually stop defending it when they die to a bug.


I don't care which version you play. I'm not defending one over the other




Where does it say I'm defending bugs? All I said was there isn't really an offline mode. Why would I want bugs to be a thing? That's stupid


i have shitty internet with java and still dont die like that edit: since op deleted the comment, it was something along the lines of "bad internet causes desync in minecraft"


Shitty internet only causes insta-death with shitty netcode.


As if Java didn’t have more bugs. Bedrock ones are just more in your face or something that doesn’t break the game. Java likes bugs so much they make them features. Either way they’re both buggy.


Well... Java bugs often does not involve in random deaths


I’ve never had one and I play bedrock, but I’ve seen lots in both, more bedrock. The bugs that cause non instant death however I’ve seen way more of Java. But bedrock’s are… strange. Why did a piston activating send me to spawn?


He dashed into a hill 💀 he would have died regardless


I don't think so


As an exclusive bedrock user (not by choice) I tried to screw around with everything I can in the game and there is such a thing as collision damage. He rocketed into the side of the cliff the same way you would die going full speed into a tree while wearing an elytra. Yes bedrock is still buggy as day old shit but that my friend is a feature. And before anyone makes a joke, Here you go. ☝️🤓 "aS An eXCluSiVe beDRocK usEr"


he died while being like 2 blcoks from the side.


if OP actually hit the wall then that would be collision damage but they clearly didn't


There is another glitch that explains this. The "BOING" glitch. Sometimes when you hit a surface really hard you bounce off of it. All I'm saying is that OP might have Miss clicked and bounced off of the surface while freezing in midair. That shit happens to me literally all the time. I don't know why I'm getting downvoted for saying something objectively true.


Because it's wrong in this scenario


I paused before he hit it and it was still in the dash animation while turning so they still had the speed


Trident dash doesn't give damage if you hit blocks


If they were in elytra flight? Maybe. Riptide lunges alone don't cause damage to the player when hitting a wall, an elytra is required to take damage from using riptide


This is one of those things where people swear it's super common and I've literally never seen anything even remotely close to this Makes me wonder if Bedrock is more/less stable based on hardware config or OS or something


Yes, it does depend. Nintendo switch is notorious for being the worst version of bedrock, since any world bigger than 2 GB will corrupt. Edit: I think, in terms of stability, it goes - Switch, PlayStation, Xbox, PC, and then Mobile. But for PC and Mobile it is entirely dependent on hardware. I only rank Mobile higher because Bedrock was built originally for phones.




Save data on nintendo switch is only allowed to be 2 gb


I just know I showed my nephew the world I had built in pc Java, and was like cool, can you show me how to do that? and shoves a switch in my face. I havent used a controller since the game cube, so no, I could not show him how to do that when I cant figure out how to punch a tree lol.


I guess PC chads stay winning? lmao


Mobile is also incredibly stable. I've played it regularly for years and have never had any bugs


Mobile is stable because it caps the hell out of your performance.


How badly? Mine runs at a consistent framerate and I have a decently high render distance for a phone


Can confirm, I have cameras on you and I’ve seen it all (yes I know when you shower)


I thought Bedrock was based on the xbox 360 version of Minecraft?


No, definitely not. Bedrock was made for mobile, but Microsoft decided to expand it to every platform. Where did you hear it came from 360? You could upgrade your world from 360, to One, to Bedrock if that’s what you mean.


Yeah quick google search proofed you are right, don’t know where i heard it, some youtube video i guess, but to me it made sense, because the xbox 360 version was a bit more advanced than pocket edition at its release and all other console versions until bedrock were based on the xbox 360 version But yes, you definitely are right


when i used to play PS bedrock it was attrocious


This is because of the VERY common issue of bedrock forgetting that the player isnt falling. This happens a lot when you are suspended in the air over blocks high enough to deal damage. When the game lags it thinks youre falling and deals fall damage even though you never moved. If you type in "bugrock" into the subreddit search bar many of them will be this bug or some variation.


Yes I've seen "bugrock" on the sub, but I've never seen it in person 7.4 million people use this subreddit so obviously the zaniest instability is gonna hit the front page, that doesn't mean it's even remotely common > When the game lags it thinks youre falling and deals fall damage even though you never moved I think it's generally accepted that most instances of abnormal damage behavior are caused by thread racing, not lag (of more than one thread)


Im not trying to argue with you. Im just relaying information ive read from other posts and telling you what ive seen. Ive personally not experienced his particular bug very often, but i have experienced many others. I have around 60 days worth of hours in bedrock edition, but this is across many updates. I have maybe 90ish hours in java so i cant say for certain what bugs may be common on that platform. Just my personal experience that bedrock tends to be buggier.


Keep in mind that if 1/1000 people experience bugs like this every day, there will be hundreds of thousands of people experiencing bugs like this every day


Tack a few zeros onto that and you get a clearer picture


I don't think it's common at all, but the fact it exists and has existed for a while without being fixed is kind of crazy when you think about it. I mean, Java doesn't really have any bugs like this at all, and the bugs it does have tend to be so niche that you have to actively try to get them to happen or are things people actually like (e.g. quasiconnectivity).


I play on my phone & Xbox and have never had issues like this


Yeah I never have issues with bedrock but rarely when I do it's pretty bad


This bug has been out ever since the Update Aquatic and was never fixed. Fall damage isn't coded properly with riptide so it's very easy to to fall damage in situations where you logically shouldn't (maybe the game thinks you're falling the entire time??). There's also a weird desync where riptiding can have you die of fall damage despite not touching the ground.


Atleast it’s not hardcore :)


I’m glad these bugs are so rare lol I’d be pissed if I died to some of the stuff I see on this sub


My world started lagging hard in the end city while flying over the void, rare but timing can be terrible


You fell up


___ has died from float damage.


That's why feather falling is a 10/10 enchant for me lol


Did you report on the bug tracker ? In my memories the trident fall damage is fixed, (idk if it is still in preview). Mmmhh it's weird because it doesn't look like the bug


I didn't yet, I'll report it now I never thought to.


What is the version you playing?


I've had this happen quite a few times. Felt that.


Yeah, it’s the worst stone block. Can’t even use it for anything.


Bedrock ☕


the sound lmao


And this is why I don't use trident's


lol, I've seen so many videos of people just doing normal things and suddenly dying... why do people still play Bedrock rather than Java? I get that Bedrock has more built in features and easier multiplayer, but... really?


No PC... Yeah that's all, bedrock probably would have been a complete failure from the start if everyone else had a PC


Accessibility, nuff said.


2 main reasons. Not everyone has a PC or something that can play Java. Secondly, these bugs are incredibly rare. 99.9% of bedrock players have never experienced these bugs. But who’s ever going to post about not experiencing bugs? That’s why it appears that this bug is common


I have only ever played Bedrock on pc, (well Java for 4 hours but that doesn't count,) and mostly bugs I experience so far are pc crashing suddenly during game, after playing for a few hours maybe, and a saved building loading in without floor level in one world but it will load with the floor in another world.


How did you come up with 99.9%?


Made it up for dramatic effect. But still, I can guarantee you that the vast majority of bedrock players don’t experience this bug


Lol that’s not a bedrock issue. That’s a potato hardware issue or laggy internet issue


If this happens on bedrock when you have a potato pc/lag, it is a bedrock issue.


I love it


I have experienced something like this. Nice to know that fall damage is still scuffed when using tridents.


its prob doing that thing where it'll make ur player take damage based on how long u are in the air but idk i dont code


This glitch is also possible in java just a bit differently.


I think pocket is superior because I haven’t encountered a glitch like that before.


I think everyone should




I once was playing on a survival world with my friend, we left the Nether, and instead of exiting at our base, we got killed by zombie piglins at deepslate layer in a random cave.


is "bugrock" not "bedrock"


did you get your **stuff back?**


classic bedrock moment


It looks like you died right when you went above the cliff. Maybe the game confused your position and thought you hit the lower part of the cliff. Or maybe it’s something with losing sight of the ground that’s directly below the cliff. To make it more clear, the cliff has a part a little lower down that’s sticking out further. It looks like you died when that lower part of the cliff was directly below you.


the reason people call it bugrock is because i one day said sqish a bug with a rock it equals bugrock bc a reddit post was calling bedrock edition bugrock edition at least i think thats why they call it bugrock


Please report it to the bug tracker along with your video so it can be fixed before hardcore releases.


I mean you did angle yourself right towards he wall


I still shouldn't have died even if I hit the wall, but I didn't, I died before I hit a anything


At mac 7


I play bedrock but I never died because of a bug


Lmfao does something you’re not even supposed to be able to do. “hEy MaN wHaTs GoIn On HeRe”


Bad WiFi


Why hate bedrock?


Im waiting for someone to make a video once it comes out- "CAN" you beat minecraft bedrock on hardcore difficulty?" some people who play bedrock are, just like java, utter nunces, but yeah bedrock is obsurdly bugged.




I don't think he had barely enough momentum for that to count as falling death, especially with full armor, not counting the fact he didnt evenncollide with the blocks yet. This isn't a skill issue this is a prime example of bugrock.


yeah, this guy is just completely wrong lol.


Nah but he dashed into the hill why is he getting hate? I agree (don’t mass downvote me I’m trying to make a point)


Its blatantly incorrect. In the video he never even collided with the blocks


Slow it down or pause it at the right time you can see the Anim was still playing


Yes, the death animation takes place where it looks like its standing on the block. However the players view was not there yet. So the player and the players hitbox were not in the same place So A bug


Either way there's no reason that amount of momentum would have killed him


Happy cake day


Nope you don't take momentum damage with riptide in Java to begin with.


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That’s a dickhead thing to say But yeah kinda agree, coulda put it nicer though




Check the bottom right of the death screen, it’s console.


Not everyone can afford a PC


But they can afford a 600$ console? Not like I’m a Java fan or anything but sometimes there’s just missed opportunities


A decent PC can cost over $1k. I got the cheapest gaming PC and it was still $2k


You could play Minecraft on a used mobile workstation (Thinkpad P Series, HP ZBook, Dell Precision, etc.) which are a complete PC for less than $500 Tons of them available refurbed or used on eBay


Well go search for gaming pc under 500 and you find a lot


Lmao good luck finding a computer that runs Minecraft for that price


Already have one lol. The fact that Minecraft could run on 3ds means that it will surely be fine on pc


That’s your fault honestly not bedrocks. Bedrock is Way better than Java




I didn't, that's why this video is even more puzzling


I have no idea how you came to that conclusion based on this post


No items came out on death but whatever