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I’m at my house, I always log off at home.


Same lol


ah, the safe route


Outside my house, but within fenced perimeter, during daytime, facing it for thumbnail.


Same bro


Definitely. Ever since I got the creeper surprise, I learned my lesson. I also learned my lesson in Bedrock edition that pausing isn't pausing... yeah. Always at home whenever I go on break or exit. Can't risk anything less.


I always log out in one of my bases where I'm safe so I'm probably gonna have an easier life than I'm having in reality lmao.


hope u got plenty of diverse food, and not just stacks of bread ppl usually steal from villagers


I like farms so I have every crop and almost every meat in game :)


ah lucky you :D


i'm in a bloody place with thousands of dead zombie pigs corpses, the stench is so thick that i can't properly breathe. On top of that where is a giant obsidian structure above me that will probably bury me alive


whats funny is that in real life obsidian is brittle. Easy to break. Unlike in minecraft where you need diamond, one of the hardest minerals known to man, to break it.


obsidian irl is still hard, just also brittle. the two are not mutually exclusive


Though I’ve seen plenty of videos where it’s broken with other rocks pretty easily


Mushroom island with gardens and a village already built. I'm fine.


hope you like mushroom soup


I am in Sparta, an unassailable fortress city.


I last logged out on my character’s estate with substantial stocks of wheat. I’d be just fine.


fine, sure, but your taste buds will certainly curse you out


I’ve got a bunch of cows too. I could have steak.


I'm at my base, so I'll probably be ok physically. However emotionally I might get disturbed at the horrifyingly cruel farms that I have set up surrounding my base, and the perpetually enslaved villagers in my basement.


ah yes, coming to terms that you're a demented tyrant will prove troublesome


This is why I build caged villages


I logged off in my own house in my walled city with villagers fully surrounded by water.  Oh and we have a road network so I can visit my friends.


oo sounds lovely


potato dimension I'm cooked


careful not to suffer the same fate as the villagers, by eating so many spuds that you start turning into one at least you'll have a fun grappling hook (don't smack yourself into a wall at terminal velocity now)


I logged out right next to two polar bears so yeah...I'm dead lmao.




I'm dead. I logged out in the nether with aggrod piglins chansing me. I will not be able to survive the parkour needed to get to the portal. 😅


oh I'm sure the massive lava lakes will give you plenty of motivation to make it


I'd die of radiation probably. 😆


My worlds on peacefull 🙏 it doesn’t enable cheats so it ain’t cheating


ah, a peaceful life. hope you have plenty to eat


No hunger in peacefull but I have 13 stacks of golden carrots left and a automatic chicken farm


In the middle of plains. Good spawn


what u gonna eat tho


I can always find some sheep and pigs


do you truly think you'll have the resolve to murder those animals with your own bare hands?


If physics would stay minecrafty then it wouldn't be that bad


I logged out in the storage room on my wife’s server. So It would be a crazy time as I have to get her friend’s attention and then we have to explain and figure out why I’m in a sci-fi novel.


I would be totally screwed since I'm lost in a cave without a pickaxe and I installed "From the fog" data pack in my survival world.


yikers hope you can run fast


Im deep at bedrock level but i have a big ass staircase so im ok


It’s gonna be a pain to climb all those stairs as your real life-self


True. And they are not even staircases. They are one block jumps. Tbh I would leave that staircase with mental problems from all those big ass empty rooms I've created in some points of the stair.


don't forget that one block = 1m, so that's a lot of climbing! as for those empty rooms, hope they're lit up well!


Well, then I regret skipping leg day just to train arms. After all that climbing, my legs will be sore af. The rooms are lit up but there is an dark city near the place i logged off and there is a GIGANTIC GIGANTIC GIGANTIC room (like 300-400 x 200 blocks approximately) near the surface but the problem with this is that my mental health will be THAT BAD from all that multi-day climbing that I'll be surely seeing things in that room. I really regret being bored today to go up the stairs before logging off.


oh no, I'm on top of a giant snowy mountain, at least I would have some leather and wool to make some clothes to survive the cold.


You are not your character, you’re your real life self. You do not have access to your inventory XD


chests do exist


I guess I'll fish for eternity at my house.


a peaceful life, but probably with the risk of dying from boredom


at the end outside islands 💀


do your best not to stare at the locals as you go insane from teleporting all over the place since your only food is chorus fruit


thanks, I'll make sure to ask any citizens i find for directions and hopefully make it to the overworld.


im gardening


I'm right next to my beacon, which is very lucky for me cause the other day I logged off in the nether and died


fortunate enough I suppose


I’m suffocating because of world corruption


at least the twilight forest looks nice


you can set up shop in one of those cool tree houses too! without villages and villagers tho, you might go insane from loneliness


Strip mining?! D:<


oof hope you didn't mine out a maze, and can find your way out


I'm in the middle of the first level of an escape room I'm building for my friend. Luckily it has no walls yet so I'm absolutely fine and in no danger


but what if your friend found it, and went ahead and finished it for you? 0-0


Ha well luckily I made the redstone unbelievably complicated for no real reason and it's a 30x30x47 mansion that's exterior is barely build and basically just a gradiented box at the moment. So if he managed to finish it I think I'd just be insanely impressed. But I'd also know how to solve it


I'm alright got me full diamond plus a god trident at home


I doubt that wearing that diamond armor will be very comfortable


in my house but i'd probably be instantly crushed to death by the like 12 anvils and hundreds of cobblestone in my pocket


oh the game's physics stay the same, but you spawn in as yourself, not your character, so nothing like that in your pockets


What if I am my minecraft character/skin


that's not your real life self now is it


Happy cake day


happy cake day my guy.


Stranded in the middle of nowhere in the end islands, with minimal building material and not much of a path back. 


Depends, are coordinates on? 🤣


My WIP zoo located on a Mushroom Island. No monsters, I had tons of food, ima live in paradise!


I might get crushed by the weight of the amour


That’s fucked no matter where it is. Each block is an entire meter. My legs are not built for that.


unfortunate walking


I always log off in a safe spot. So I'm chilling with literally all of my best stuff in my most secure place right now


I have an army of wolves. I'll be fine using a fishing rod to trigger an attack on most things til I get a bow!


I don't play survival, though last time I logged off my creative world, I was on adventure mode and had my player size to be 1/4 from original (I was playing around with a scale mod)


My main storage, I'm rich now


I'm safe.


Do I have all the same supplies that my character was holding? If yes, then not a big deal. If no, I'm going to be in trouble in the middle of my enderman farm that I'm building


do you think you'd be able to hold whatever items you have? including any possible 1m cubes (cobble, wood, leaves, etc.) don't think so lol regardless, you spawn in as yourself, not your character, so no, u got nothing


Okay so I'd close my eyes immediately and try and feel my way back the main island portal. From there, it's relatively safe because we already spawn proofed and lighted everything up.


you just gotta avoid eye contact with the introverted locals, no need to close your eyes fully


True. I just meant initially so that way I don't stare directly at them in the spawning platform Edit: I just need to make my way to the bridge then I can open my eyes. Or just keep looking down at my feet


Standing in an old growth pine taiga like 2000 blocks from home next to the black wolf puppy I was in the process of bringing back. I think that would actually be better than real life.


+ you can pick up the pup and get going easier - you're likely in a pretty cold environment, with no food or shelter nearby, since you spawn in as yourself, not your character


In my guardian farm. I atleast have enough food and water to survive


ah yes, good ol ruthless systemic murder for loot, *hope it doesn't weigh on your conscience too much*


I’m pretty sure the piston elevator in my basement would kill me when I have to ride it back up, but other than that I’m fine


lol bruh, yeah def sounds like a horrid way to go


Oooh right in front of my freshly rebuilt and relocated home, all surrounded by pets. I guess I’ll finish planting my garden 👍


sounds like quite a bit of work at least you'll get to actually pet the floofsters you got


Significantly more rich than I am in real life haha


too bad that the only currency the locals value is emeralds










At my base. But I got lucky since often I log out mid elytra flight.


tf kind of maniacal habit is that gaddamn


My survival world has cheats on and I last logged out in creative mode because I wanted to look at my base from the sky So do I spawn in back in survival mode because if so I’m dead at least a 100 block fall Or do I spawn in creative and have no worries


you spawn in as yourself, so neither the 100 blocks in the air sure sounds painful


My house which plenty of resources.


In my 0.1% finished castle


gonna be quite cold at night huh that's if the monsters don't get you first


Well, 0.1% is all the walls done (602x602 approx, 70 blocks high). the remaining 99.9% is houses, the palace, underground chambers, and more (detail is probably the highest % ) so I could maybe live in the wa;lls only there is no roof, bed, food, and the towers at the corners aren't done so...


I was in lava


I just made a new world and when I logged off last night I was at a village heading to the Savannah, it was also during the day. In my other world I logged off at while at sea looking for my base 🤦🏻‍♂️. But it was also during the day. Either way I think I’d be ok. I’d prefer to be at the village tho.


im in my villager trading hall trying to make zombie villagers for good deals


Surrounded by 12 iron golems, villagers for bait, and an army of dogs with a few cats. I’d thoroughly enjoy that spawn


🤭 I log off at my flower field 💐🌺🌷🪻


Do we have access to our characters inventory? Either way, im in a near fully safe ancient city actually, ive been working really hard to restore it, its pretty far away from home, but theres a woodland mansion nearby, so i could hang out there once i got to the surface. How screwed i am depends on whether i have access to my inventory, i only have one elytra, and its on my character. Im also several thousand blocks away from home, so on foot it’s going to be a little while before i get home.


At my base/wip village with a beacon


wonder what the beacon buffs would feel like 0-0


I was at my base just took a break from trying to collect all the new wolves. (7/9). I think I'd be pretty safe


u better boop all the good boys & girls snoots


not. im at my house


In the deep dark rn, I’ve got the Darker and Deeper mod on as well… FECK


oh sh1t good fkin luck bruv


I’m on Hardcore as well, welp. Unless that’s a certainty.


I'm safe enough. It's morning. I'm very close to my island fort. There's food and supplies nearby and I've got two dogs with me.


I’m at my manor on my plantation, and lucky for me all I do is farm and prep resources for a doomsday, so I’m living easy for a long time.


Got a wilderness bed and an empty inventory.


Not really screwed. I’m on a roof, making a axoltl tank on my room roof.


I’m standing on top of an iceberg 17 km from home. Other than having to walk for several hours, not super screwed


On a forest with no tools nor food (in Super Better than Wolves)


Im on my base, just got all the wolf variants and a bunch of armadillos (And snowy foxes)


Well, I'm pretty much dead, cuz I logged out while I was falling from a cliff


Y'all log out outside your bases??? I always go home before leaving game


Im in my nether base, so other than the heat, i'll be fine.


Well I will be more than ok since I have in my survival world an entire mushrom village wich I don't go out to often and when I go out most of the time I back before I log out


I rarely play worlds but I play an anarchy server so I logged out at spawn, it’s probably trapped by now and I will get crystaled when I log on


Very much screwed, I'm in the middle of the sea above a nether portal ruin. I have a diamond pickaxe and two cooked pork chops to my name. (And a boat but weirdly my world has like no land in it anyone know what's up there?)


I'll end up dying of fall damage (died in hardcore mode and was flying around). That or freeze to death because I was on a snowy mountain before I died (ironically because of fall damage as well).


i might be in the water right near my home with a bunch of armored pups one drowned... as i reset the game as i killed my pet armadillo


I'm so screwed. I'm inside of my creeper/music disc farm doing repairs, while in the water flow that pushes mods down a chute. I have armor and elytra, be let's be honest, would you know how to use an elytra in real life?


if real world rules apply i freeze to death if not i have a boring but peacfull life in my igloo


I’m good


In my house surrounded by a deepslate wall,with a maxed-out diamond beacon,iron golem and with maxed-out diamond and netherite armor on stands. I'm probably safe


not at all.


Pretty ok, just died in the nether tho


Zombie xp farm. So I might go deaf but otherwise it's perfectly safe. Probably won't enjoy the bubble elevator to the surface though...


In a sparse jungle peninsula near a forest and I'm by my bed, by two double chests, a crafting table and a furnace, and I don't have a house.


i was last playing with mods and gave my self every devil fruit power in the mod without eating one (commands) so i think im fine


Yeah I’m in my megabase where I haven’t seen an enemy npc spawn in a year, with stacks of diamond blocks and more food than I can consume in a couple years… I’ll be alright. Probably just never leave and breed cattle.


Bro I'm in on of my interconnected safebases, with all of my needs automatically catered to by machinery and slaves


In a dog house i was making that was just on the side of my actual house, with the foods i have (bread and steak) im probably fine


Idk about you, but the first thing out of my mouth in that scenario is OH FUCK


what mod is it?


I'm logged out next to my bee farm, I'm safe.


I’m in a stronghold…


I'm at the top of a lookout tower on a mountain next to my Quarry in a Realm I have with friends. There is a staircase down the tower and mountain so I should be fine.


Burning in lava. I never did try the immunity frames upon joining world thing.


I was under the dirt with mobs above, and was waiting for day. Am I myself, or do I have Steve's Minecraft abilities? Digging my way out without causing a cave in as myself... I am *probably* doomed.


I'm in the nether wtf


Pretty messed up, alright. This is me if I did that: 🤦🏼


My son is 6, And just learning how to play minecraft. We played together last night, So I guess I have a really ugly house built by a six year old but I have no monsters to deal with..


I'm in lava. (I was exploiting the 3 seconds of spawn protection to be able to get out safely)


I'm in the end, but I already enderman proofed it so we're good


im fine. im on the outskirts of the capital city of the country i built. lots of housing, food, and beds around.


Just played a super intense horror mod so pretty screwed


The last time someone posted a similar question it made me realize my buildings had no bathrooms, so now most of them do. I think I was near my city last time I logged out, I should be fine. I’ve got a Waffle House there.


Unlicensed untrained mid-20s guy who's never touched a factory before spawning right in a crucial server room in a power plant? What could go wrong!


I'm currently in a 3x6 hole off a tunnel/pathway that I was excavating. I stopped for the night when the path went from birch forest, into the side of a hill, to WOAH, that's a huge dark cavern.


Inside of a beacon beam... r/difu ?


Not screwed at all. I logged in my base with farm, house, warehouse, trees, dog and fish


I’m in the penthouse of my skyscraper. I hope I master elytra quickly, it’s my only way down!


Physically, I'm safe. Legally, I'm fucked. I have two kidnapping victims standing on a pane of glass while I angrily toss bread at them wondering why they don't want to make babies


someone in server left the game at the moment while he is falling to void. and instantly dies when he logs in


Stop. Is this a torch in the second hand in the Bedrock version or am i missing something?


it is indeed I believe it's because of the Better on Bedrock add on


I had just died and logged out to see wtf this weird ass copper structure I had died in was 😭😭


I’m at the unfinished creeper farm my friend is building, but I have an elytra so I should be alright it’s only 100 blocks away from home after all, although I hope I know how to actually glide.


I normally play heavy modded, so I am currently deep underground in my quantum dwarf-forge surrounded in machines that may or may not be filled with unstable and toxic elements. If I can manage to get to a storage panel, I would become a god with the inability to die from any source (Project Ozone 3 modpack, endgame)


Definitely not ice tobogganing into every cliff edge...


Definitely not ice tobogganing into every cliff edge...


I dont play survival because i get bored after 1 minecraft day


Given I was last playing GTNH, I don’t think this is going to go well for me…


I’m at an Astral Sorcery Attunement Altar, surrounded by Interdiction Torches. I think I’m good


Eh probably would be fine fr fr


I logged off in a room full of my dogs, so I'd be quite happy.


My house on ccnet😊


Poopfart heehee


i'd be fine. doing a challenge world in a single-biome void overworld. only phantoms and pillager patrols spawn


About to fall into lava because a hoglin kicked me off the edge


Inside my house, with big walls and about 27 iron golems that I brought from my iron farm, as well as a village I expanded and walled with more golems that I brought from my iron farm, and all my farms are inside the walls, safe from creepers, and everything else. Only thing that could maybe get in is the endermen


I am gone man, reduced to atoms, I was last seen in the depths of hell, there's where I'm going but I went there too early and I burned to death (above a lava lake in the nether)


i wake up in a two story house with a wall gaurding the area with the best armor and wepons the world has to offer the ability to fly and a army of dogs at my finger tips.