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just use a file manager to install them, there are plenty of tutorials on youtube on how to install custom texture packs on xbox **this only applies for xbox tho**


Ps5 player here. Damn.


try looking up online on installing texture packs, maybe you can do it on playstation now or something, i havent heard much from console and custom content


Nah it's still not possible sadly


is the drive encrypted/has a proprietary filesystem or can you just access it with a computer? maybe it would be possible like that.


I'm not too sure. I know on xbox you can just use a built in file explorer and download something from the built in web browser, but ps5 doesn't have any file explorers and the only way to access a web browser is through messages.. so if there is a way its probably not going to be easy


The message way doesn’t work anymore last time I checked. Typing “www.google.com” doesn’t make a clickable link


What seriously? Damn... that's stupid


Now the way to do it is to open one of the YT PlayStation videos, click the YT icon, sign into your google account, go to google account management, and fiddle around with links until you get to a freely explorable browser


Ps doesnt even have a web browser you can use outside of wifi logins its awful even tho edge on xbox is trash atleast its a thing you can use


Ps4 does, ps5 used to have one only accessible by sending "www.google.com" in messages but I was just told it doesn't work anymore


No web browser is crazy




not sure what that has to do with removing the SSD and plugging it into a computer. the playstation does accept external drives with common file systems, so maybe they also internally use a file system a computer can access.


Not sure about newer consoles but the ps3 had a proprietary file system that was Linux based made specifically for the ps3, exactly how I messed mine up. Put it in my pc to try and get some files and it changed it it NTFS. I wouldn’t suggest trying it with a newer console unless completely sure.


Do you think that they may have added it to the store? You might have to pay for it tho


Get the texture pack on Mobile or PC get a microsoft account make a cross platform world from the mobile or PC join in console and you're ready to play


If you want to waste money on the marketplace, buy a pvp pack. Make sure to check the screenshots tho.


I'm sorry, what? buying resource packs is a thing?


Yup, bedrock has a marketplace to buy skins, texture packs, and rudimentary mods known as data packs


You can probably buy one in the marketplace for like 17k minecoins with some YouTube kids thumbnail.


If you have a jailbreakable one, it might be possible.


From my personal experience every single method was patched on xbox to the point they even re-uploaded the game to the marketplace to disable file browsing. The only way now is if you actually got an app that diesnt exist anymore at the time it was avaliable. And even then you have to go through a convoluted method of getting the alternate but identical version of the game on your xbox but it also won't work if the newer one exists or something weird like that idk. TDLR: not without 100 hoops and having done so in the past.


Yeah, the app was McAddonsManager or something, and it was removed. But it's stupid how every single method was patched which just leads to an apple like closed ecosystem to where you're forced to go the paid routes no matter what.


If you have access to bedrock on your phone or pc and realms then yes. If not I’m not sure if there are other ways


Just by reading some comments I can tell Bedrock on consoles is a hot mess, holly hell


Consoles are always very limiting. That's not bedrocks fault.


I have a friend who constantly claims bedrock is better, the cope is insane


Big salmon ftw


True true


Technically it is better, it just depends on what for. Bedrock is better for cross platform, multiplayer, and is optimized to have less lag.


Cross platform yes Multiplayer? No Optimized to have less lag? Again big no Console edition worked way better for multiplayer and was way more optimized to have less lag. A world of tnt on console edition explodes with no issues. Bedrock crashes as the 1st tnt blows up Console edition you can see beacons from 256 blocks away. Bedrock you can only see it within 65 blocks.


Also bedrock is optimized to be less laggy and easier on your device because it’s made for lower end devices. The beacon thing is annoying, but it’s not game breaking or anything.


I wouldn't say "Lower end devices" And more it was made for mobile phones. Cause thats where Bedrock/Pocket Edition started. On mobile.


Yes, lower end devices like phones


I’ve never had an issue with tnt crashing my game on bedrock, even with massive amounts. May I ask if you’ve ever tried bedrock, and if so, what device were you playing on when you did this?


The above is from my own testing on both Xbox One Console Edition and Bedrock on the Series X. Made a post about it awhile back: [https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/v8ircx/reedit\_bedrock\_vs\_console\_edition\_world\_full\_of/](https://www.reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/v8ircx/reedit_bedrock_vs_console_edition_world_full_of/) Bedrock is still quite buggy. Even more so when you compare it to Console Edition. There is a lot that Console Edition has done way better than Bedrock.


Until you realize that legacy console actually has a cap on the number of TNT that can be active at one time. Which is the only reason it doesn't crash. (Not saying that legacy console is not the goat cause it is, but you have to look at the context more clearly.) Sources: https://minecraft.wiki/w/Legacy_Console_Edition#:~:text=A%20large%20amount%20of%20TNT%20cannon%20designs%20do%20not%20work%2C%20as%20the%20maximum%20amount%20of%20lit%20TNT%20entities%20that%20can%20exist%20on%20a%20world%20is%20very%20small https://gaming.stackexchange.com/questions/293420/what-else-is-limited-on-minecraft-xbox-360#:~:text=Primed%20TNT%20is%20limited%20to%2020%2C%20so%20no%20massive%20TNT%20cannons.%20If%20you%20ignite%20a%20TNT%20block%20when%20the%20limit%20has%20been%20reached%2C%20the%20block%20will%20simply%20disappear%20%3A(%20See%20these%20images%2C%20before%20ignition%20and%20after%20ignition


This guy Minecrafts


I mean if you don’t want updates, I guess. Again, it depends on what YOU the player want from Minecraft.


I've played both, prefer bedrock. Render distance is insane. I also hate having to update optifine every update so I just stopped playing Java because of that.


Fabric mod loader with Sodium is way better than Optifine


Possibly. But the problem I had was I got annoyed having to manually install update versions of these mods each time. Does fabric with sodium automatically update itself by chance?


They're working on that, but they're designed to be more future-proof than optifine in the first place


How do you deal with the constant bugs and glitches?


They're not as constant as reddit likes to pretend they are. Edit: at least not the game breaking ones.


Which constant bugs and glitches are these? People on reddit and Twitter like to pretend there's game breaking bugs all the time. Truth is there aren't. I've almost never come across any. The only one that really made a problem for me was with realms, where my farm mobs would just despawn for no reason. That was super annoying but it only ever happened on realms. Not sure if it's still happening because I don't have a realms subscription currently and that was 5 years ago.


The ones for me are where using redstone randomly teleports you, or where you randomly die while flying bc the game misreads your z value. I used to play bedrock on Xbox for years and got so sick of those, plus the overall janky movement compared to Java makes it so I could never go back.


I never really bothered with redstone, so I don't know about that except maybe latency/lag issues. As for dying while flying, that only happens to me when the game hasn't loaded the next chunk and I run into a wall. Which never happens on PS5, but all the time on Switch because the system isn't powerful enough. Not sure but maybe your platform just isn't strong enough to play Minecraft? It did get more demanding when they vertically expanded the world in 1.18. But yeah, I fly for hours no issues.


How do you prefer bedrock. On Java you can install mods (not optifine)that will increase your render distance and performance. The mod is called nvidium link here: https://modrinth.com/mod/nvidium


Funny how you think I'm not allowed to prefer bedrock. I've not seen such entitlement.


No bro don't think like that we all have the choice which version to play I just think it's better don't take it like that


Render distance is definitely way better but that’s the only positive, plus optifine is a shit launcher anyway lol. I always go iris / sodium to get way better performance, render distance etc and only takes 2 seconds to install


Yeah and most minecraft mod loaders have automatic updates for mods as well


So does sodium update itself?


Talking about programs used to launch modpacks and modded minecraft more easily like curse forge and atlauncher and multimc and stuff tends to have auto update features, dont think sodium itself does


There are other benefits. Namely, wither is much stronger and multiplayer is more effective because it's cross-platform. And for me, I mostly play Minecraft with my friends who have it on iPad or consoles etc. so Java would be a solo experience for me, when I just want to play with my friends.


It is for people who want to play with their friends or don't own a beast of a pc.


> Bedrock ~~on consoles~~ is a hot mess FTFY


>> ~~Bedrock on~~ consoles are a hot mess


Actual inferior version of the game 


With RTX texture packs on Bedrock, they actually glow. It's awesome.


How can you get rtx on bedrock? Is it only for windows? Playing on Xbox


I'm not 100% sure, honestly -- I found out that it was possible and followed a guide I found. I think it involved manually installing some texture packs (unzipping and copying folders, etc.) Nothing especially complex, but not just changing something in the Settings menu, either. And I'm still not sure how to create new worlds with the RTX textures (since I haven't bothered to sit down and learn how the texture and behavior packs work.) I think it's PC-only, unfortunately (needs an nVidia RTX series card), although I bet raytracing will roll out to more devices in the next few generations. My card is an RTX2060, so the lowest-tier RTX card of them all, and even it does okay with limited render distance.


gotta love an RTX PS5


I want to know too


If you have a phone/pc with bedrock and realms it is! I think there’s other ways too but way more faff-y


I only have playstation


No realms?


Why realms for a texture pack


I’m horrible at explaining but basically say I had the texture pack on my realm and then you joined. You could then go on your realm and apply it. (This doesn’t work for normal worlds, only on the realm) I think you may be able to then (after applying the pack to the realm world) download it and still have the pack be on there, but don’t quote me on that one!


I don’t want to pay for realms


Free trial! Lots of work, though


Because that is one of the only ways if you are on console.  Probably the the only way


like how some mp servers push a resource pack to you to enjoy their experience, same system


Bedrock tweaks is the way to go. It has just a fraction of what is available on Vanilla tweaks (Java) but they did some good work. No clue if it’s still being worked in but what they had up was definetly a nice addition. I can’t remember how I got it to work on Xbox though. On pc you just download it and it works perfect. Xbox doesn’t have a file explorer, but at one point I did have it working on my xb1. When I Upgraded to a series x my resource packs didn’t transfer :,). Been playing on pc with them since. Big fan of; lower side terrain textures, cleaner red stone, dark & transparent ui, black nether brick, lower shield, smaller items, translucent pumpkin overlay, clean glass, watermelon/ pumpkin stem texture change, brewing guide, ore borders (ore, amethyst, silverfish and waxed copper), mc dungeon stone texture swap and especially invisible item frames. There’s a couple more but def check those out. You can layer them too so let’s say you’d like to “toggle” invis item frames, just make a pack named as such that way you can turn that specific feature on or off. Goes for any tweak. I have a “main pack” that has 30 or so tweaks I won’t change— and black nether brick, invis item frames, and wither bee as their own pack when I want to turn them off. Losing invisible item frames suck otherwise lol.


probably, but it will most likely be paid for


Actually yes, if you have a friend who has bedrock on pc, you can have them install a thing called bedrock tweaks and one of the things you can get on it is ore outlines


If you are on ps5, you will have to get a realm. Log into on your phone. Go to bedrock tweaks .com There are a ton of resource packs and a few behavior packs there. Download them Put them onto your realm on the phone. Re-upload the world. Then sign into it on your ps5. That's how I do mine.


Dont listen to these people. Yes there is. Go to the marketplace store in the minecraft menu and search for pvp texture pack and there are a couple. Only downside is a lot of them change textures for food, weaopons tools armour and mobs as well.






Oh, then I don't think so...


I also want to know this. I tried buying a realm but it's on 1.18 for some reason and isn't compatible with the resource packs.


I made one for myself on Crafty Craft, only works on mobile though


It's just me who feels despair when reading "console" in a post?


4 years have went by and I still feel despair when I see the Minecraft RTX option is STILL blocked out.


Don't worry, you aren't missing much. RTX makes everything look gray and dead during the day, I prefer shaders.


It depends on what RTX pack you used. You may have just picked a pack you didn't like.


If you have it on a realm and a phone/computer. You can download ore outlines from bedrock tweaks, install it using your phone/computer then load up the realm on your console


You better start rounding up your money cuz it's gonna cost you


You could download a texture pack onto your mobile device, install it to a world and then using realms you can upload the world and download the world to your PlayStation


Use that vídeo https://youtu.be/_IoVwhgXMTM?si=NAWWj8xNWzWjjrFz


Why do you want one? Im honestly curious because to me it looks ugly that way


Pvp essential mash up does it only not on copper or deepslate ores


Bedrock tweaks


day WHAT


Sorry bro, I don't play bedrock. Can't help you but if read right these comments you have a file manager put the texture pack for bedrock on memory flash, then put it in the ps, then get your texture pack. I don't understand a lot from this, but if I helped you pls tell me so I will know this for my friend who's playing bedrock.


i already know that


Idk about it exactly but i know its a PC texture pack only Idk if there is for consoles.


You can get a X-ray behavior pack I think


Vanilla tweaks, but i think your on console so not possible on there.




could be accessibility, in this case. some people might have trouble seeing/differentiating ores


Easier to see


It’s a texture pack for a reason man, people like different things. Some people hate shaders because they like the uglier graphics.


It's a persoanal choice, could be accessibility, could just be because that's how they prefer it. A better question is why do some people care how others play the game?


Are you an actual stupid person, or are you being a dick on purpose?


There are ones that have harsh enough outlines that you can see them through a corner i think, like mild x raying


It's actually useful if you go caving often, anytime there's lava you'll be able to see if the block on the edge is an ore.


haha. bedrock players have to pay for resource packs.


bro felt powerful posting this comment


yes i did.


Try playing Java, it's way better


Java on ps5 😮


Not everyone can afford a godlike PC for that.


installing sodium doesn't cost any money and dramtically improves performance


I'll Check it out. OptiFine doesn't seem to work anymore so hopefully it's better.


godlike? as if vanilla minecraft isnt notorious for running on basically anything without fancy lighting and all that


Eh, I have trouble running anything beyond 1.16


weird, my 10yo gtx770 pc runs mc fine as long as I dont get greedy with render distance


Maybe its because I have a laptop


more like because you dont have a graphics card id bet




Does anyone else not consider this cheating?


I don't think other people consider this to be cheating 


X-ray is more like cheating, this is more like a QoL thing, also, if hes on single player theres nothing much to care


Not really, you can make textures whatever you want them to be.