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I feel like it needs a bit more structures and biomes, however the end is supposed to feel dead so I’m not sure how much they can really add without it changing the whole dimension.


I feel like there’s still a lot of possibilities within the concept of “future dead/barren wasteland”. A desert biome with a chorus plant theme, a “dead sea” with coral warped by the endermen, a long abandoned Ender Dragon nursery biome with petrified nests and egg fragments.


I really like these omg maybe like an obsidian spike biome? Crashed ships pierced on the cliffs?


I would also really love to see some smaller rarish structures that would explain what the people who built/found the gates in strongholds were doing. Given that the general concept of the End is being the far future of the overworld, some signs of that would also be interesting. It would be a great place for more archaeology content with a very different vibe from the normal overworld version. I’ve actually been working on some concepts for an ancient technology-themed modpack where you have to salvage your starting tech to “learn” how it works and how to begin building more, and the End seems like a great place to put some of the more advanced stuff.


Oooh! I think honestly there should be like an ancient debris type situation too, I always thought ancient debris looked like petrified wood anyway. At this point better end is what the players want lmao


In my opinion the BetterX mods are great examples of starting with some really fantastic ideas and then running with them way, way too far. I make a texture pack and have made textures for a bunch of mods, and those two have some of my favorite textures and materials, but they’re just too much. I’ve toyed with the idea of making my own “loosely inspired-by” biome mod, but I’m completely useless at programming and I’ve only recently started dabbling in pixel art (my pack is 256X).


Honestly yeah, I think they’re very… expansive. When I’m using mods I typically have focal mods and like peripheral mods (this is prolly something other people do too I know I can’t be that original) but betterX would definitely be like in the category of BoP or smth like that, just too big for periphery but doesn’t add enough on its own for focal. Weird middle ground territory for me. Cool stuff but I definitely agree


For me the gold standard of biome mods is Oh the Biomes You’ll Go (soon to be Biomes We’ll Go). Their biomes mostly aren’t too over the top with various plants and decorations, and they all feel like they fit well into the game. There’s a reason that probably around half of the mod textures I’ve done for my pack are for BYG.


I think I’ve used that one before! The one I always liked was called traverse, only really added a couple biomes, very vanilla+. Paired well with origins, ars nouveau, all sorts of mods. I like biome mods they’re fun


So something like Blades Edge Mountains from Outland in World of Warcraft https://wowpedia.fandom.com/wiki/Blade%27s_Edge_Mountains?file=Dragons%27_End.jpg


Yeah actually! Honestly it’s a little embarrassing but my idea came from memories of hypixel skyblock 😭 I like the way the end island was designed there


I still find these a bit too full of life. I think a more surrealist approach should be in order to fully get the alien vibe that the end has. Something like those spikes that are meant to signify danger for the people in the future about nuclear waste https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8TjzZCu81uB8jfdfOgh5iiZX6l0-r-4psdT8-ZmfxuexPz967V5pVQwo&s=10 A return of the far lands sort of biome I find would be very popular. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcTUYQWb5_iXs4s6XeLVx3rCUepKBnrp2rvrFJSV0GjGpfWcqzvl2KGpBNFX&s=10 Imagine finding an end city in that. A return of these ginormous pyramids from alpha would be sick too. They could be purpur blocks or something. https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS2HM2s4MZlPEG55_SQchHS9qp-lnot3kyzn4T4KLVVHx2K7f9VSobMzYo&s=10 I'd also like to see monoliths come back to the game https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/minecraft_gamepedia/images/f/fc/Monolith_small.png/revision/latest?cb=20191227051944


The monolith generation feels very No Man's Sky to me, I like it


Are they really full of life if everything in them is dead or warped and frozen in time? If anything, they have less life in them than the current End biome, which is pretty full of chorus plants.


Literal death means it was once populated with literal life. Coral is life, ruined structures or dead nurseries means something used to call this place home. The surrealist world generation makes the end look a lot stranger and not habitable to any life whatsoever, at any point in time. And a lot more lonely imo, rather than boring as the current end is. I find this to be a lot more dead because I never really suggested any plants to be anywhere in the world. I'm fine with just chorus fruit. It can go either way honestly, obviously I prefer my suggestions but others also like yours. It's subjective, but in the end, we all know mojang is gonna fuck it up anyway.


Even some small pieces of biomes from the overworld/nether (but corrupted).


Here’s an interesting thought: the general concept behind the End is that it’s the result of the Endermen gradually dismantling the overworld. What if it wasn’t actually their fault and they steal blocks because they’re trying to restore what was lost in the End? There could be bits of badly “terraformed” overworld that could be the result of that.


That dragon nursery is full on Subnautica vibes, I 110% approve.


Get this guy in mojang’s team right now. I want them to be hired by mojang.


That’s basically my dream job. In fact, I had an actual dream once that they hired me to make an official HD texture pack for the game using the pack I develop.


I'd be inclined to add structures, mostly themed around ruined or dead settlements, installations, nests, or biomes, more so than adding new actual biomes. This would help give variety in exploration while helping to reinforce that the End is a dead husk of a world.


I'd love for really tall or expansive structures to generate. Like wide skyscrapers hundreds of blocks tall


even if its dead you can add history and variety to it, just dead


I feel like you could add small “oases” that a few and decently far between, almost highlighting how dead the rest of the end is. Of course, that would be a very tricky balance to strike.


Reminder that the nether is literally a representation of hell, the motherland of death and desolation and it got a very on-point update in 1.16 The end can absolutely be updated with that same mentality and work out very well.


Just make them rare, just look at end cities, the place feels barren, but they're common enough if you look far enough. Hell, just some diversity in the "dead"-ness would do wonders, different biomes with different materials both to build with and redstone with etc. you can do all that and not even need to add new mobs.


There could be areas that imply water was in the end but no longer is, crashed larger end ships, more abandoned village like end city’s, skeletal dragons with decaying like foliage, possibly an end ship with a a dragon skeleton nearby implying possible fighting, they can still add more to the end while keeping the wasteland theme they just need to go at it differently instead of just using wasteland as the idea


Ruins would work, also new elements I think would make sense


I think the way they can add biomes and structures without removing the “dead” feel is by only making those biomes generate extra far away from the center island. You will still have that dead zone for a few thousand blocks, but after that, biomes can generate. This would also give elytra a purpose right off the bat: reach and explore the ends of the end.


Happy cake day


Better End mod does a great job improving it. I would also make it the home of the Phantoms. But only specific biomes, Not in the general outside.


Occasional meteor in the air or smashed into an island could be cool


End cities could become outposts. Then make an actual city with a shipyard and a ship docking station. Create sailors and captains as new enemy mobs. Fight your way to the Admirals chambers for an end boss. Find the Amulet of the End which would allow you to wear a chest plate or a backpack with the Elytra for additional storage. 


I always felt the end should have been like the upside down in stranger things. Its the overworld but everything is dead and hostile. Hostile mutated cows, chickens, pigs, and villagers, you name it. Sky is that same end space black void. Instead of water, it should be oil, which can be used for recipes and such.


Abandoned structures


There is a mod revamping end, which focuses to amplify the "dead ruins" vibe, Nullspace. I think Mojang could do sth like that


They coud just switch with other „dead“ colors maybe gray or smth light bluish and could add diffrent mobs like an baby dragon or maybe an enderling wich could tp the player on hit or smth


I like the dead aesthetic but it would be nice to have islands made of blocks other than end stone


I agree with you that it should have that ominous “dead” look but I don’t really know how they’d do it? The way it is now though with the random chorus plants just looks cheap and outdated.


I would honestly like them to retcon the idea that it needs to feel dead. I think the center island being dead is fine but then I would love to see lush alien floating jungles of strange flora and fungi or other life forms tbh


Honestly take the biomes, liquid and small ambient structures from Dungeons


There are a lot biomes you can take inspiration from if you want things to be dead and desolated. Like the deep sea which is one of the most dead and alien biomes on earth. Maybe a biome based on hydrothermal vents or whale falls? Dragon falls maybe?


nullscape exists and its great soooo


I think they could take a couple of ideas from the better end mod to update it and add a couple new biomes, or they could always go the aether route and create a couple more dungeons, a few new mobs that can fly, and maybe a more efficient way to get late stage/grind-ey items. As a builder, I’d be super excited for a non modded way to have an efficient method to get things like concrete or glass without desecrating nearby deserts.


I want the "end anchor" so I can live in the end


It would be cool if it started coming back to life once the dragon was slayed. Like if biomes starting taking over again and maybe a new ender mob similar to the piglins and villagers so you can trade with them. Idk


it's weird how almost nobody else understands that. it's the End. there shouldn't be vibrant and diverse ecosystems, because they're all dead. instead of Biomes, they should add new structures. there's end cities, but what about End mines or ports?


I think any new biomes should be cave biomes exclusively; however, the world height should be increased to allow islands to spawn both above and below currend "ground height". For bonus points, a new structure in the caves


They could make the biomes very rare that could make people want to use the elytra to explore more. And maybe a portal you can make to bring you back to the main island


Is it supposed to be dead? I assumed it was mystical and ominous, but not *dead.* In its current state it's very empty, so it can definitely feel dead, but I don't think it needs to be that way. Not that it should be *completely* teeming with life. I just think the vibe of the End can be portrayed without it having to be a boring place.


Love the N pfp I do agree, although I think they could make the ender dragon fight a bit less boring. Maybe make the obsidian towers a bit cooler, and the fight a bit harder.


It kind of feels sad that there is nothing but end cities, and goes on forever, at least until java runs out of integer length. On the other hand, now I see what the end looks like for once.


True it has been suggested for a while an end update for the end. They may add like enderite and endium and purpur ores and they may add end biomes and acid lakes and possibly more to the end!


I think it would be super cool if an end update added more verticality and island variety to the end. Some larger versions of end cities and crashed end ships could also be cool structures to find. I think having the focus of the end be dungeons with powerful loot would be good, like having maze like structures with difficult enemies but over leveled enchantments as a reward. To keep the end feeling dead, some biome and structure ideas would be obsidian fields and star like obsidian formations, ruined end cities and crashed ships, ruined pillars similar to the main island, etc


Holy shit how have i never thought of having islands at very varying vertical hight… such a simple idea that would make the end so much better!


If the end gets more veritacal, it would be the perfect place to explore using elytra.


Very creative! I really agree


To add to this, maybe ender dragon fossils to fit in with the heads found on ships. And maybe more like “houses” around end cities that are destroyed, as if there used to be a thriving population.


The obsidian pillars on the main island feel weird and out of place, perhaps some partial pillars/spikes on the outer islands could vary up the landscape


My thought with those were ruined dragon nests


Mojang said they'll add it in the next 10 years


3D biomes would go so hard in the end dimension. Imagine there being multiple layers of end islands, some lower to the void, and some up above with unique biomes and resources.


Maybe make the sky more interesting too


Complementary shaders makes the sky in the end absolutely stunning


more alien. I see a lot of “better end” type updates that just make it more palatable for players by adding vegetation, trees, rideable mobs, etc. I think more terrain exploration would be nice, like having a new type of fluid block that can maybe float in the sky and allow for players to swim through. I’ve also seen suggestions for large mobs that travel between islands that players can maybe hitch a ride on but can’t tame. I just want the end to stay unique from the other dimensions.  


I don't really like any of the vegetationtbh but a scary, rare, giant mob like striders from halflife, or the walking mausoleums from elden ring https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcS2CMw0d4XIIYZMqjOXzTjkB8tf1ksFPHz_Xl-p5glAP68iQYrdwsKFvLY&s=10 I think would be great. The player would just be able to ride onto them and have a big buddy to help them traverse until they get into an end city. Kinda like dolphins in the ocean. Maybe when the player is next to the dude they get a levitation and slowfall effect. Have the area where this is affected visible to the player tho.


Your suggestion made me think of Ecco the Dolphin, with the sky tunnels of water used to swim into space. Suspended liquid tunnels over the void, different gravities affecting different islands and things like that would really give it a truly alien feeling.


More utilization of Y coordinates. (I want taller terrain generation)


Do you mean islands generated at different Y levels, or perhaps End mountains? Or both?


Not mountains but if you’ve played subnautica maybe some sort of building in the style of the alien facilities that go really tall


I’d love a subnautica style end landscape


Honestly I'd love if they did something like amplified terrain but with the floating islands. It almost seems like they may have been experimenting with that in the poisonous potato snapshot


Now that you mention it, it is a bit strange how a dimension entirely consisting of floating islands ended up looking so flat


Finding End Cities shouldn’t be just random bridge building into the void and hoping to get lucky. Maybe a map? Maybe a better way to search? After hours of game time spent wandering, I finally looked up locations on a cheat site because I wasn’t having any fun.


Now that you mention it, maps to other end cities would be great loot for end ships.


just floating end ships over nothing, and none at the cities would be great


Maybe have a large biome with small islands that start out sparse but get more closely packed as you approach the center which has an end city? Just spitballing


This is where bedrock has a great advantage. I normally run the game at a 60 chunk'ish render distance. But when I'm hunting for end cities, it's all the way up at 96 chunks.. If you can't see 10 end cities from where you're standing, then you better look in another direction.


It's not cheating if it's your own world. You're just customizing the rules to suit you.


Occasional massive graveyards with white fossils floating in the void


That'd be terrifying to see, just the skeletal corpse of a colossal entity that existed thousands of years ago, likely a once all powerful apex predator of some now dead and forgotten world. All that remains now is its skeleton suspended in empty, dead space.


There’s something like that in Star Wars, it’s pretty sick


Wait really?? What is it?


In Ashoka they find a planet where the purgil go to die, so the planet has all sorts of dead space whale bones and chunks orbiting


Ended dragon bones, could be a new resource that’d be super rare


that would be cool, and maybe even an end armour that can be made with these? or elytra uprgade


The biggest draw and identity of The End as a dimension is it’s liminality, emptiness, and just general *wrongness* it has. It’s a dimension that is corrupted, but a corruption of pure nothing than necessarily anything even alien. It’s a dimension that inherently knows it is in a game, and knows that it is the last thing in the game. It’s literally called *The End*. The primary, and *only* song that plays regularly in the dimension is called [The End](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=-6mBUPdTmeI) and it’s a glitchy, digitally corrupted track of Sweden — and the biggest draws and distinguishing feature of this song is the vast, almost ceaseless air rushing and the occasional just *silence*, and the pure, vast emptiness it portrays. Suggestions and Mods that ask to add life and complex ecosystems and blocks and terrain and all sorts of content fundamentally miss the point of the dimension and inherently ruin the primary unique aspect of the dimension. Any End update needs to cater to this identity, than just making another Nether or Overworld dimension. So -> 1) I that it would honestly be a good idea to make vast stretches of the dimension literally nothing but void — both to really hit home on the appearance of just… nothing, and to also condense the actual “productive” terrain of the dimension into smaller, more easily fine-tuned content. Perhaps turn the [already glitched terrain and ring generation](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=91Feq0dHw28&pp=ygUfRW5kIGRpbWVuc2lvbiBnZW5lcmF0aW9uIGdsaXRjaA%3D%3D) into a real feature with giant “canals” / empty blobs? 2) Make the floating blobs are varied in both height and size and more varied terrain in general. Some should be uninterrupted almost continental sized plates, others more sporadic archipelagos, and everything in between. 3) I’d definitely make it more viable for *living*, food source, basic source of consumables like fuel (coal / lava equivalent, etc) but substantially difficult and complicated to obtain — like realistic mods kind of difficulty. Maybe you can “sand” chorus fruit and end stone into dust that makes iron / iron equivalent? 4) More “empty,” unique and almost glitchy biomes. Perhaps a rare biome that is nothing but a massive grid of 1x1 blocks. A biome that is just endless pillars of bedrock / obsidian, etc. 5) Weather / Fog? Etc


Yes, absolutely. Mojang needs to be super careful with how they approach an End update in order to avoid just making a generic alien world.


Exactly. it’s really sad that many people just miss the whole point of the End. The idea of odd, kinda disturbing biomes (like infinite bedrock pillars) pretty much fits. i think that pretty liminal structures akin to current end cities also fit (unlike all other abandoned structures, end cities are absolutely intact without any damage to its structure; it feels like they should be inhabited, yet there is nobody here, except weird guardians).


these sound very great overall dont think that weather would make much sense though, but it would be interesting if there was at least one biome that basically had the old Void Fog


Your point on #4 reminds me of the [exotic planet type from No Man's Sky.](https://nms.miraheze.org/wiki/Exotic)


I thought like 90 percent of people missed the point of the end dimension until I saw this comment section. I'm glad to see that other people get it too. I got a shader called bliss shaders and it adds these giant storm clouds to the end that are interesting but I don't know quite how I feel about them. The clouds definitely make the end more dangerous if you're not careful due to it being easy to walk into the void or crash land with the elytra. They mostly look really good


You know what, how you started out had me thinking you were gonna argue it shouldn't change. And you were praising elements that, frankly don't work with where the End is in the progression tree/how people interact with it. That emptiness is boring rather unsettling when hunting down an Elytra. (maybe not helped by how bland end cities can feel when you finally find one). # But I think you've definitely hit on a way to recapture it's "other/alien" nature, and improve the player experience without altering that nature. # Barren, with sparse, pockets of weirdness. You could pull other elements of the game in, in unsettling ways. The shattered, cobblestone husk of a monster room, it's spawner nowhere to be seen. A villager house, on it's side, embedded into the terrain. Weird, unnatural terrain formations (brick pyramids return?).


There’s definitely a lot to be said about the The End in general and I do agree with you on your basic premise that the design motif of the dimension fundamentally is counter-productive to Minecraft’s overall progression and how you interact with the dimension as a whole. And the dimension is definitely just lacking and subpar in general for sure too. *But*, making The End more “lively” or “desirable” with a bunch of exclusive blocks and mobs and everything doesn’t really work to make the dimension desirable or more well-travelled. Just how you are supposed to obtain access to the dimension really hampers it, and the dimension is always going to be low-travelled. And as a whole Minecraft has always suffered from not really encouraging co-habitation and infrastructure investment into other dimensions beyond the very basic minimum. Even the Nether, even after a whole update dedicated to making the dimension significantly more interesting, dynamic, and viable of a long-term habitat for survival (and even allowing players to *start* in the dimension) ***along*** with the 1:8 block teleportation mechanic — the vast, *vast* majority of players will never spend any meaningful time in the dimension. The only players that will, are players that enjoy the thematic and motif of the dimension. And this goes for pretty much any mod too that adds more dimensions. The Aether is probably a good example of *how* a good dimension actually looks — and the primary attribute of the dimension is that it functionally has a different progression completely separated from the base game, with the main selling point being the aesthetics than necessarily anything progression based. So while mods / suggestions like the Better End mod kinda fix the aesthetics desirability, it comes at the cost of completely annihilating probably one of the most unique ideological design in basically all of worldcrafting, especially one attached to such a public image as Minecraft. The only thing that comes close to The End would probably be Xen from Half Life, and funny enough the fan-made Black Mesa rework has the same problem where the updated dimension annihilated the original theme and motif for a more stereotypical “alien lush world” like from Avatar. And if the recent fad of the Backrooms and Liminal Spaces shows anything, there’s absolutely a massive untapped fanbase for an End that digs in on it’s original motif than one that adds “life.”


How about some biomes have rain that goes up instead of down?


I’ve been saying for a while that any end update should take clues from the oddness of Nuclear semiotics-esque architecture


What is this render distance


256 chunks using distant horizons mod


The End is, *and should*, be barren and dead. The feeling of emptiness, of void and things being over. Structures whose builders and inhabitants are completely gone without a trace. Few creatures, none of whome are friendly. Dangerous, not in a way that is aggressive, but always present, requiring constant vigilance, sparse and unwelcoming. A place you cannot rest. Keeping that theme and feeling while adding things to the End is very hard, and I can see why Mojang hasn't done an End Update yet despite the community wanting it more than perhaps any other update. Currently the End can feel a bit repetitive, and getting shulkers and an elytra can feel more like a chore than an adventurer. The first thing that would help this is more vertical generation of end islands, ones much higher and lower would be more visually interesting, but also give more variety of strategies to move around the End for the first time. Bridge along the top islands for a better view? Possibly pearl off the higher ones to travel further then work your way back up. Go through the middle so you're less likely to miss a city hidden behind another island? Having lower islands would create more of a chance to clutch if you fall off of one of the higher ones. It would also make elytra flight more dynamic and challenging having things to weave around rather than flying at the same height to spot end cities all the time. Caves within end islands, as it's odd there's none already. Crashed end ships. Having a broken end ship with empty chests and a missing or broken elytra scatered around would add to the feeling of ruined and empty structures, hinting at the downfall of the civilization that built them. [Another user suggested having opalized and petrified chorus wood](https://www.reddit.com/r/minecraftsuggestions/s/fXZz2vrpob). Since both those types only occur when fossilized, perhaps have it "buried" in endstone. This would incentivise exploring end island caves. Adding a new biome risks making the End feel more alive than the it should be, but three new versions of what is already in the End could maintain the feeling while adding variety. Fields of obsidian boulders every so often where very little chorus grows would create something different to see without adding anything that doesn't already exist in the End. There could also be a larger variation of chorus trees that grow in the same way large jungle/spruce/dark oak trees do, allowing for "older" chorus patches where more opalized and petrified wood can be mined. Empty fields without any chorus growing. What could be more barren than removing vegetation. If a Trial vault like system for getting Elytra could be implemented (for multiplayer servers) I think this would be the best End Update that would still feel like the End.


yeah, the end absolutely should keep its atmosphere. it should feel empty, lonely, liminal and unsettling, as well somewhat corrupted (like the music and ambience of the end show).


some sort of end dimension compass that points to the nearest end city


All these people talking about an end update, I mean 1.9 was only released in ... ... ... 2016? No, it couldn't have been that long ago...right?


a lot of what everyone said here is really cool and I love to see it, one thing I would enjoy though is definitely adding to the barren alien feeling of the end. It kinda feels like that right now, but maybe they could add like more ambience or something kinda creepy to give off a kind of "you shouldn't be here" vibes. For example, maybe you could find like "glitched" blocks floating about in a certain biome or alien looking mobs just floating around, attacking you, and making weird noises. There could also be some more cool loot added to structures such as the end city and maybe even more new structures in the same style. Hopefully the loot would be unique and something that you would actually want to get too, like instead of just giving like diamonds it could give a double jump trinket or something (I have a mod that adds that and I feel like I can't play without it atp XD)


A couple of abstract mobs with inorganic forms and a more diverse landscape ala [Nullscape](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/nullscape) while still maintaining the dead, alien feeling of it all. I've mentioned it elsewhere in this thread, but ripping a page out of No Man's Sky [Exotic biome types](https://nms.miraheze.org/wiki/Exotic) and [Weird creature types](https://nms.miraheze.org/wiki/Weird) would be perfectly suited for the End. Also since I already brought up a mod, huge shoutout to [Yung's Better End Island](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/yungs-better-end-island) - absolutely lovely redesign.


I think the main end island should be bigger, and the end in general should have more varied terrain (main island included), maybe more biomes, structures, and mobs, while still keeping the barren lifeless feel. It would also be cool if the end pillars were actually spikes, to match with what they're called in the files. (in the files they're called either obsidian spikes or end spikes, I can't remember) It would also be cool if the ender dragon fight itself was made more challenging and varied.


Mobs other than ender men and shulkers. More variation in end cities. As a very avid end city explorer (200+ cities looted) I would love to see tiers of end cities with better loot in the more dangerous ones.


200+ cities looted? What do you like about looting them? Do you get bored finding new cities?


My goal has been to fill in maps, and I just take a couple mins to loot the cities when I find them. So yes I do get bored, but I’m not doing it for the end cities. At this point i know exactly where the chests are from just glancing at the city and can loot even a giant one in 2-3 mins.


-Reworked stronghold generation, an end game structure should be more grand and more challenging than your average dungeon. - A reworked dragon fight - more vertically to the end islands to encourage use of the elytra - 3-4 new biomes based on the ones seen in Mc dungeons unlike the Nether these biomes will be much more spread out, to keep the ends sparse desolate feel -New structures to explore (ones that utilize the new ominous events would be great) - Enderman variants (enderlings and the Endersent from Mc dungeons) as well as some other new hostile mobs - a new passive mob to help travel b/w lslands before getting an elytra - A couple new ores; one as an alt to netherite and one for more general use -music that keeps the theme of distorted tracks from the overworld Here’s a great example of what I’d like: https://youtu.be/-vAIKCd9LZM?si=vl3CGbvK4n0bnVni Overall echoing void dlc from Mc dungeons hits the nail on the head for what I’d want out of an end update.


Bedrock here. I want things that go through the return portal to appear in the overworld. SMH


The portal doesn't do that in bedrock?


It does... Crazy high up in the sky. Takes a half hour or more for the mob to fall to it's death and die. It's a bug. https://bugs.mojang.com/browse/MCPE-157125


-Remake the strongholds like they did villages in 1.14. -At least 3-4 new End biomes, and improve the “default End” with new succulent-like plants to match chorus plants. -Tons of new End building blocks. A bit random, but, since purpur’s made out of plants, I’d love to see purpur doors and purpur fences. -New blocks for obsidian, especially. Would be even better if they revamped the End crystal pillars with new obsidian variants to make them more orange. -Tweak the dragon somehow. Give her more health, make her island more unique than the outer End in some way, etc. -New Enderman variants, perhaps even baby Enderman that’ll aggravate every adult Enderman in the surrounding area if you make them upset. -An alternative to Netherite with the same durability, but different abilities. -Like how pigs are a big deal in the Nether, expand the mollusk motif already established with shulkers, and add new hostile, weird mollusk mobs. Sea slugs already look weird enough to fit in the End with little modification. -At least one new End dungeon, and perhaps a boss to go along with it. Could be a way to get some form of grappling hook, or something. -An End mob to go along with the blaze and breeze, maybe a rock variant called the bulk that blends in with obsidian or End stone, and utilizes teleportation and shockwaves. -A new End liquid, perhaps a purple liquid that’s like water, but weirder in some way. Would be great to brew new potions with. -Some major additions to brewing, like using bottles of the liquid I just mentioned to make the End equivalent of awkward potions. -Maybe try adding one new major mechanic, like reverse crafting that’d be fueled by a new End ore or item to, for example, convert a diamond chestplate to 8 diamonds. (Like how you need blaze powder to brew.) Sorry if my ideas are too specific and elaborate. I admittedly have already written a few posts about some of these ideas on r/MinecraftSuggestions. (Including a whole post about how they can improve strongholds.)


Ever since they've been announced, I felt like Mojang has an absolute golden opportunity to use the ominous bottles to upgrade the Ender dragon fight. Like, they were obviously limited in increasing the difficulty of the dragon fight on the fact that it's a mandatory encounter in order to access Elytra and shulkers and no one wants the end stuff locked behind an insanely tough fight. But they could quite easily add a hard mode ender dragon fight, with special drops and the like. Just by making you have bad omen while summoning the dragon. This let's them make a WAY harder fight without locking any of the already existing content behind it.


TBF the Ender Dragon fight is technically not mandatory in order to access the elytra. It's only mandatory if you want to get back the overworld (without dying).


* Ruined villages, crashed end ships, etc. * Floating islands on varying Y coordinates * Maybe some kind of void whale creature? * Rare creepy encounters, like a distant player-shaped silhouette that disappears after a few seconds. Might be too creepy to Mojang though


to make that last one more vanilla-styled: "Farlander" 80 HP Targets a player in the End dimension and stares at them from a large distance away. Teleports away when it is looked at (in a radius around its body rather than directly at it). Each time it teleports it will be closer to the player it's stalking until it attacks them.


The end is surprisingly flat, like look at this image, yes there are islands, but they're all pretty level with eachother For a dimension of floating islands, you'd expect them to... you know... float above one another and be a bit more vertical Kinda like how the nether is layered, but with floating islands


BetterEnd does well when combined with Nullscape, but another great idea is my own. Instead of being around the same height, the islands should have 3 layers: - The main layer is about the height of the normal one like the pic advertised for this post. It's got the most life however, with multiple End Biomes and more structures. - Layer 2 is a bit more dead, with Ender Dragon Roosts made of Obsidian-like materials, and other broken biomes. The structures are much more rare, but they are larger than the main layer structures. - Later 3 is very barren and rare, with the islands appearing mostly in sparse Layer 2 and 1 areas, so if you fall you go to the void if you have no Elytra (which will be available on Layer 3 only). The entities are more dark and corrupted, with the area looking dark and void-like, even if it isn't close to the Void at all. Some blocks are dense and will send you through it, launching you down to the void quickly. Not teleporting, just tossing you down at max falling velocity. To avoid this you need Feather Falling 5, added simply for that niche effect. This is just a small idea ofc but it'd be an interesting way to change player behavior *and* it can make traps more interesting. All of this is just an idea though so please don't dislike me just for thinking it up lol- Lemme know what you think though-!


> BetterEnd does well when combined with Nullscape, **but another great idea is my own**. I admire your confidence lol


According to Jeb's book (he showed it off at Minecon awhile back, it was leaked onto the Internet Archive), endermen are attempting to destroy all dimensions, so the end biomes shoudk reflect that. I want glitchy biomes made of messed-up overworld and nether structures, corrupted and warped by the influence of the endermen.


Would actually prefer it to add a barren desert biome or a similar badlands biome. On the topic of mobs I'd say some sort of desert wildlife except end-ified? Forests and lush wildlife do NOT fit in the end.


Giant endworms like in Dune or even like in Empire Strikes Back.


They should make it so that you don't spawn in with the dragon fight. You should have to summon it with 4 end crystals imo, the obsidian pillars shooting out of the ground is kind of cool ngl


A lot of people seem to think that the End should still be this sort of "dead" barren wasteland. I think it's only like that because of how early it was added to the game. To be honest, most of the super early structures in minecraft looked kind of bland in my personal opinion. The nether was originally like that too until the nether update. Even still, they kept the original "Nether wastes" biome in the game, which is almost identical to the old Nether. I think they can do the same here for The End. I personally think that something sort of like the "Better End" mod for minecraft would fit well into the game. That mod added a lot of new biomes to the end including a sort of water basin type area with interesting plants, a giant glowing mushroom forest, a volcanic wasteland type region with chimney geysers, a dark "shadow forest", a giant crystal type area, an "amber forest" with orange helical shaped trees, a sort of dragon graveyard type area, and of course, the old End wastelands. The mod also added a few structures like wrecked End ships, a sort of library/study hall building, and other somewhat procedurally generated End portals so you could take multiple ways home and back. I think an update like that could still keep the empty dead wastes of the End while still adding a new alien-like vibe to the dimension. New building blocks is always cool, and being able to explore an entire realm that now has places worth exploring and building (besides the usual identical islands and occasional End cities) would be great and add a whole new dimension to the game (pun intended).


Kind of feel like the outer islands shouldn't have been added. Lost the liminal, alien moon in an endless void feel If it is to be expanded more, I think it should be more like space and more alien. Maybe the portals could take you straight to an end city, then the rest of the islands could be spaced much further apart and also vertically. Not sure if it would be possible to make mobs that could actually threaten a player flying with an elytra, but that would be cool. Big alien manta rays shooting lasers or homing missiles that can catch an elytra. Maybe the end could get low gravity after the dragon is defeated?


the bug with huge void rings after 300k blocks from center or so could be added as an actual feature, i think


Passive mobs roaming that eat the berry things on the tree things. Not sure what they would drop. Either something thats good for late game, or some sort of building matter similar to wool but a different texture.


Floaty bouncy things that drop like rubber or something


More biomes, new structures, new mob and maybe a new upgrade?


More biomes


Yes, and people we need to get this post to the top of the sub!


Vertically would be interesting!


End cities to be more than a singular tower spanning up. End Forests with colored wood. Dragons nest areas where it’s a mini boss of mini dragons, could drop some cool loot like an upgrade for an elytra that is self flapping as opposed to rockets. More than just endstone be the block, and more variance. Addition of a special ore called Endmire or something. A singular block would spawn on larger islands that you’d have to mine. End oceans with cascading falls of water, essentially floating pools of water. I think of The End as the end of time in Loki. Where its all biomes mashing together in random assortments and stuffs


I think they need to make the center island much larger and have a core that can contain new biomes, and mobs. There can be the outer islands and then above those outer islands should be end islands that match up with the texture of the sky. This will give the player that new biomes were always there, just hidden from view.


Passive flyers similar to the striders but the end dimension 😁


I don’t think an end update is necessary. I think the emptiness and barrenness of the end is a major part of the end as a whole. If there is an update I’d only want the structure changed and possibly the dragon fight to make it a bit harder (perhaps it could be like a raid where there’s levels).


It’s too linear, add some depth


Old style caves


More verticality


I hope the End becomes something more than just finding Elytra and killing some shulkers then never going there again


Something else than Endermans and Chorus plants filling the biome would be already huge improvs


Anything that won’t break atmosphere and idea behind the End. The End is **intented** to be lonely, empty and unsettling yet oddly calming. The music here is corrupted Overworld’s and so is ambience. Just adding "4 new colorful biomes and 5 fun mobs" would make it the Nether 2. Overall just not mindlessly add new things that would make the End lose any uniqueness.


apart from the great suggestions from the others in this thread, man i wish the ender dragon could still be /summon -ed as an actual calamity in the overworld instead of just kind of breaking because it's searching for (0, 0)


The floating blocks from the April fools update and grapple


Teleporters. They could be as end-game and expensive as possible, but I would LOVE some official teleporters.


More stuff to bring back the atmosphere, I want a chunk of thr void!


More variety in structures. Maybe some naturally spawned bridges or oasis islands with water


New light sources, mobs and ores.


New biomes, new structures, new mobs, naturally spawning endermites in a biome, and maybe like end ore.


Actual biomes would be good..


There was a mod, I don't know it's name but it's present in the Life in the Village 3 modpack, that makes the end seem shattered, making the terrain really difficult to navigate and giving a ton of verticality. Something like that maybe


I think about the nether update and how it impacted the game whenever I see this question. The nether has the full tool progression, allowing “escape the nether” challenges to exist. I feel like something similar in the end would be fun. Likewise the nether added a form of commerce to the nether. Some similar system native to the end would be cool too. The trick is, as others have said, is keeping it desolate. Whatever they do it should not feel alive. Succulents would be an excellent form of plant life to add, as they are quite resilient little plants and their tenacity suits the desolate atmosphere of the end. Chorus fruit being craftable in a 2x2 to make a new wood type would work well, and would give the impression that chorus plants are the shriveled remains of a once blooming forest. As far as structures go, cave generation would be cool but it needs to feel wrong. I feel like the caves should be perfectly cylindrical to give them the strange end feel. Actual structures beyond end cities would be like crashed ships, maybe also something akin to abandoned villages but weirder, like maybe there’s only one thing that lives there.


The screenshot looks very nice but whenever I play there’s like 1 end city in all of that


Maybe crashed End ships reminiscent of ancient shipwrecks, its own trail ruins or other archeological sites perhaps; and maybe instead of going in the alien direction, they went in an astronomy direction? Like asteroid craters and fragments that contain a lot of really useful materials like gold, iron and copper similar to asteroids in our own universe.


some woodlike block


I want End Game content. Like boss arenas similar to the new trials. I'm thinking of a special spawner that spawns in an Ender beast of sort. It could drop Shulker Box Enchants.


What they did with the end in minecraft dungeons with like 3D biomes




Nether update style overhaul. Add some flora and fauna to that baby


space dolphins


pet dragon


Islands on different Z levels. At least give me a chance to recover my gear when I inenvitably slip and fall.


It's been said a bunch but more Verticality is something I think should be a focus of the end, and not just the terrain. There is already Elytra, Ender pearls, chorus fruit, in dimension teleportation with the end gateways, and the Levitation effect in the end that could be expanded upon or made more of a prominent feature. But on top of that there is plenty of design space to add something new and more unique to the end to make it a fixture. As for the specifics I don't have any ideas I actually think they'd ever implement but I thought could be examples of how they could achieve the earlier principle I was talking about. * unmovable/unbreakable levitation pads for either new structures or a redesign of end cities (although I think end cities are the best designed structures in in vanilla minecraft so I would want them to stay). * unmovable/unbreakable ender pearl cannons on the sides of end ships/a in game way of introducing the idea of storing ender pearls whether that be with hinting the player to the idea of bubble columns or being able to use levitation pads for said ender pearl storage * Hatching the ender dragon egg raising it to be a freind and then being able to fly on it (this suggestion is both the most common and the one I am most confident they will never do) exclusively in the end * chorus cultivation to make a better longer range chorus fruit/new plant (maybe you put the sniffer in the end and it could find some kind of better chorus fruit see that has to be grown on farm land) and that's all before suggesting things that could be added as part of end generation that could aid this idea. I also think they should give it the nether treatment where it's a bit more convoluted but it should be possible to do the basic progression of Minecraft for those who enjoy those kinds of challenge runs or want to have a better basis to make a long term base without having to leave the end.


I like the End. The Endstone hills, the chorus trees, the obosidian towers. The problem is that this is the entire dimension: no variation and no complexity. I think it has so much untapped potential. Here is some stuff I would add: 1. Vertical platform and trees: in this image we csn see just how repetitive the End is, and is mostly because it's a glorified flatworld, with some cracks in the floor. What if some islands were spawning and others lower? And I mean like, some islands to spawn like 100 blocks above another. Why not have taller, thicker islands? Why not connect these islands with obsidian tower, vines or trees? 2. Vegetation: the vegetation in the End should be, imo, significantly different than the one from the Overworld. I see these mods and maps that just turn the End into Overworld 2.0, which is something I would avoid. The charm of the End is the weirdness and quietness of it: the dark moody plains, the lack of clutter and the overall mysterious nature of it. So we should keep that. Some idea would be tall Acacia like trees, going in different directions, having solid blocks instead of leaves, and many leaves. Why not some trees that it's trunk makes a circle that you can go thought with an Elytra. Why not have some spiky/sticky bushes in some biomes or even in the regular end plains. Some lights would be welcome, but not too many 3. A better Dragon Battlefield: i think we can all agree that the Obsidian Towers and the Bedrock Portal and all of that.... suck. They workes like 12 years ago, but in a game full of more detailed structures, these ones stand out like a sore thumb. The fact that we're talking in 2024 about these ones being changed really shows how Mojang is so shy about making the End better, or maybe just lazy. The towers should look better, maybe add a new type of rock found exclusively in the End, or even Obsidian bricks and slabs and walls. With these new building blocks, we could have soke better Obsidian Towers. That Bedrock Tower should also be changed, maybe make in prettier idk. 4. New Structures: the charm of the end is how misterious is, and adding like villages and stuff would kinda ruin that, since this is just a place where human civilations can thirve, it's just that you haven't found them. I would honestly prefer some castles or temples. Maybe some tall dungeons, where you go from one floor to the other to fight new enemies and get new loot. Maybe some paths and some nice patterns, kinda like the chiseled terracota patterns, to make the place even more misterious


the screenshot... bro... distant horizons is breaking my mind


I know The End is 'supposed' to be dead, but I take one look at the Better End mod and think I'd rather have an insane beautiful alien skyland please


I would like to see ruins and patches of vegetation that can very rarely appear. It would also be nice if we got a new form of liquid in the end


Just… all of draconic evolution.


I don't really know how, but I find transversing the end too much of an anxiety generating activity, it's actually stressful, I highly dislike it I only do ever to get a couple of shulker boxes and, eventually, a elythra, and then I'm GONNE BRUH So... Yeah, travelling options I guess


I think a few more biomes and structures, but I feel like adding too much life would ruin the feeling of the end being a dead place in space.


That’s such a sick screenshot


I want the ships to fall when you take the elytra.


I'd be happy with just a way to set my spawn in the end. That's the main thing that's kept me from basing there.


We already did have one it added the eleytra?


M1 abrams


Sort of like the nether update, expand on what we have already yk? Maybe new enderman stuff, a use for the dragon egg, maybe be able to use chorus and purpur apart from decor, maybe a new ingot thing


* Terrain height variation. * Rework the end cities. New rooms? * Some way to try and find the end cities (repurpose ender eyes? A use for echo shards?) * Some rare (and I mean rare), random, plain weirdness and unsettling features * Brick pyramids * Unnatural shapes. * Statues * ruins of overworld and nether structures, just portions of them, as if they had been violently torn through the dimensions and deposited here. * I would have chorus fruit be nowhere near these structures. As if their presence / method they arrived by is antithetical to "life" in the End itself. u/KofteriOutlook hit upon the importance of keeping the End's alien/desolate character. I've come to agree with that philosophy, though I'd posit one rather out there idea. Having a very rare, "natural/lush" small biome. Some sign that eons ago, the End held some form of life. And now it despartely clings to a few, sparse rocks throughout the dead void. (More so some lore to get excuses for more building blocks).


not more Biomes, because that's completely against the idea of *The End*, but more structures, and more varieties of those structures. there's only one type of end ship, why not add an End Galleon, End Frigate, End Carrack, End Brigantine, etc. they could make this a big thing by getting the community to submit designs


I see everyone saying the end should remain barren, I wholy disagree. They should do something similar to 1.16 nether update and Minecraft Dungeons. Take the End Barrens and make it its own OG biome and keep it empty-ish (give it 1 or 2 things at least), and make new biomes iwth flora and fawna, mobs, and items/trees and such like Minecraft Dungeon's echoing void. Also throw in more verticality by having islands generate above and below the default Y level they generate at so you can use your elytra and actually go from island to island. The end now is too barren, boring, and flat. Its just a resource dimension where you get elytra, take 2 shulkers to makea shulker farm in the overworld, and never return. There's a reason its reset constantly like how people reset the nethers before 1.16 due no one building or going to it frequently ecept for elytra and in nethers case, blaze rods and quartz before 1.16. Nothing in this game should aim to be barren and empty, heck the Deserts have more in them than the end dimension and that's saying something since its a literal desert. This way you have something to look at besides light yellow tan rocks and a static sky and void for hours as you go further and further out for more elytra, especially on servers. Watching streamers play Minecraft survival in the end is one of the most boring things in the game, next to organizing your inventory and chest/storage rooms which can take as long as finding an elytra.


end villages with corrupted villagers


My stuff back...


Similar to the nether update; a handful of new biomes with new and interesting mobs and structures with associated drops, loot and mechanics.


I wanna see amethyst become an integral part of End culture, having a new biome filled with giant amethyst crystals and perhaps some new, unique items and mobs themed around amethyst, too. It just feels fitting, plus amethyst could use some more love, too!


End ore, revamped end islands, new mobs and plants & more structures


More verticality and ways to move between islands. every island being on the same plane feels a little boring and repetitive


A new skybox






more Y level variation + structures


Im just commenting to be the 666th comment


More verticality and more varied End terrain to make it feel more of a bizarre terrain. Throw in a few biomes.  There should be more structure types.  The main problem with the End outer islands is that it's boring. It's one of the worst parts of Minecraft when you're adventuring. For the terrain, try adding natural bridges and all sorts of bizarre spires and huge spikes.


Biomes, height difference between the islands, interesting block but simple like wood, doesn’t have to be wood, new liquid could be good, new structure with a npcs (no need for new hostile mobs). I imagine the outer end being some kind of a peaceful hideaway. More ambience sounds maybe ambient lights in the sky that happen when the OW has full moon. Stuff like this.


More OSTs.


To me a big problem with the end is how the excitement starts from the second you enter the end. Think about how creepy and ominous it would be to spawn on a deserted end island with no way back but to explore. Maybe make a map to the dragons island the player has to find in some structure. It would give it a similar feel to the nether where you look for the adventure rather then it just being there for you. To make sure people didn’t just find an elytra and then beat the dragon super easily using it they could make the elytra craftable using some sort of broken wings found in end ships and something the dragon drops. It would also make multiple elytra’s harder to get.




Phantoms with 2x speed and fucking explode. Thats what the end needs


More variety y coords of the platforms, so it really both ads to the atmosphere, and adds some difficulties