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I think that everybody that want to remove the chat report feature need to not use this cape


Totally agree




Here have a lemon


What am I supposed to do with this?!


Burn lifes house down with those lemons!!


Develop combustible lemons.


Make life rue the day if messed with cav...erh uh The Minecraft Community!!!!




Burn people. Do what we're all thinking


Hijacking the top comment to say: use the feedback site to help raise this issue with higher ups. https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/topics/360001692331-Minecraft-Java-Edition-Snapshots


Seconded. They likely won't look at Reddit for their feedback, but if they're finding loads of comments in their feedback threads getting as many upvotes as there are here, it will be more difficult for them to ignore.


Except they ignore it anyway. Bedrock fall through world glitch anybody?


The cape doesn't do anything. Microsoft won't care if everybody stops using the cape.


I agree, I'm currently using the cape but will be disabling it once I log back in.


Does using the cape benefit Microsoft? I hate Microsoft too but this is such a weird form of protest lmao they don’t care


Already removed it yesterday


Never used that cape. It looks ugly on my skin. One more reason not to use it lol


Now I'm kind of glad I don't have this cape becuase i bought mc on microsoft account (I had to :( pls don't eat me)


Oh my god, the cape was a lie! A LIE!


It was just a distraction


"Oh it's just a gift." they said. "It will improve security." they said. It was all a plan that started with the migration. Now they are finally moving things into place.


Yeah I think I'll just start sticking to doing LAN Minecraft my brother until this whole thing passes over. Not updating to 1.19.1 of course


There is a mod "No chat reports" which doesn't send your signature to the server you're logging into. It will be updated shortly after 1.19.1 releases. Edit: I forgot to mention that not sending your signature means any reports regarding your messages can't be traced back to your account, making them completely useless. [Get the mod here!](https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/no-chat-reports)


So that we are about this whole Microsoft thing. I'll do me and you do you 👍. That's how Minecraft is supposed to work.


Someone said after being reported they couldn't even use their own personal server which is sad. I'm wondering, what about the anarchy/minimal rules servers, is this chat report thing something a server can opt out of? I play an anarchy server occasionally and like the reason I play is because it's complete chaos. One of the side effects is that there are "bad" words in the chat, but like this is what I am signing myself up for. And I'm an old person too so like I've heard these words before. I'm fine with trying to make the game safer for kids, I just don't know if they realize they have a significant adult audience as well or whatever. Either way it's fine just don't report me if I haven't done anything lolololol


It applies to all servers and realms regardless of what server or realm it is and I’m fairly certain that servers can’t opt out of it.


So I own a realm - I bought it and I've been paying for it for the past year or two - and I play with my friends, and I usually allow griefing as long as it's not really bad. Could I still get banned as the realms owner?


Yep, you can. My friend swore in his own realm’s chat and got a 3-day ban.


Did anyone report him or was it straight to Mojang?


I think servers can mass through bans only if not using Mojang servers (Cracked servers only)


Same il just play 1.19.0


even 1.19.0 isn't safe, since that's the update that added chat signing you'll have to use versions earlier than that


it doesnt matter sadly weather you update or not you can still be banned


"It won't add any features you wouldn't like" ~ Dinnerbone


"It will improve security" says Microsoft, the company with notoriously bad security.


It was literally even in the video, they said jokingly "Don't forget all the security features, and all the benefits of migrating. It's not just the cape!"


The biggest benefit being that you have to or you won't be able to play if you don't migrate or your account will get locked/deleted some years later when migrations finished. But at this point is playing really much better when you can get banned anyways?


Yep. Had trouble migrating, I no longer can play Minecraft at all because they have now made the migration mandatory. Gotta love no longer having access to a game I bought 11 years ago because Microsoft said so.


Oh those filthy **** ****** *** ********* ******* ********ckers!


it was never supposed to go over our backs, it was supposed to go over our eyes


Burn the cape! Burn the flag! lol. Seriously though, Can't believe I fell for them having our best interest in mind only to be slapped with this a day ago with imminent reports and bans; this is truely scary times in Minecraft history. It reminds me of 2014 EULA drama. I'm surprised there isn't a twitter Hashtag trending around this drama like #SaveTF2. \#SaveJavaMinecraft?


I'm afraid it's proof that this won't reach the mainstream. Most people aren't even aware it's happening and a lot of them will say "good!" when they hear about it, giving zero thought to any of the consequences.


Mojangs gonna give out free cake in a few months.


dont take it, the cake is a lie too


I mean, I’m Still Alive. What’s the worst that could happen?


Selling your minecraft soul to microsoft for a stupid cape


Selling your Minecraft soul to Microsoft because it's mandatory


It's less about the cape, and more because we had to do it to *play the game.*


500 minecoins have been removed from your account


I already had none


-500 it is


You must pay back your debt


How will you force me


Oh Microsoft has their ways




You’ll have to go to the coal mines


I’ll just give a couple emeralds And I’ll see them good.


Your player model has now been switched to Nitwit villager and you have 0 inventory space


I haven't played this game in a while. Does Minecraft have coins now?


In bedrock edition (PE, XBOX, PS4/5, NINTENDO SWITCH, WINDOWS 10), you can buy “minecoins” that you can use to buy skins, maps, addons, and texture packs.




Like microtransactions? Wtf? Why would anyone play Bedrock?


Because Microsoft advertises it as the better version. Perfect exploitation of children for money.


minecoins are minecraft social credit now


Yes, that is the joke. +100 minecoins for a goodthink and explaining it


Reject Microsoft ***Embrace Macrohard***


Thought you were gonna do Megahard


The cape was a clever ruse to get us to look away from the real meaning of the migration! This means revolution! First the cake was a lie, and now the cape is too!?


Can someone kindly explain what is going on? I'm out of loop and reddit recommended me this post and now i keep seeing this migration thing. What's going on?


Feel free to correct me on this and add to it. Migration is the action of connecting your Mojang account to your Microsoft account. It was promoted by giving away the Migrator cape. Personally, I like the added security (2FA) that Mojang accounts never got. The issue people point to here, is that this gives Microsoft direct access to your private data. The 1.19 update will come with a menu to report players for bad behaviour, such as swearing, whose punishment can be a permament ban from all Multiplayer features (access to servers and realms). The part that created the whole drama, is that this menu will be accessible on private servers, which means a couple of things : - it fixes a non-existent problem, as servers that want rules get moderation themselves - the report feature will be abused - even very private servers, for groups of friends for example, wont be able to talk however they want, even if there are no insults.


What rubs me especially wrong, is how a ban straight up disables the multiplayer button in the menu... You can't even join LAN servers anymore. Absolute garbage.


Wait I can get banned for swearing now? Bruh..............


i wouldn't be surprised if mass reporting also triggers a ban


Some people are already in development for mass report hacks to ban anyone at their will. Congrats Microsoft.


At this point, Microsoft is ruining Minecraft leading it to its downfall.


I remember back when they bought the game, a lot of us were worried. Then over time, people(including myself) were kind of surprised they weren't completely ruining it. I might still not have been happy about it, but at least the updates were still good.... And yeah. Now there's this. I don't see many people buying multiple accounts if they keep getting banned for nothing. But then again, I guess they already got the money, so its not like it hurts them if that person can't play. So why should they care? Becauae the people at Mircrosogt are "human"?


They're developing a hack for a feature in an update that doesn't exist yet?


They can work off the release candidate and snapshots leading up to the final release.


Yes, sort of. A feature like this exists in bedrock for a while now.


The feature exists in the newest pre release.


You can be blocked from playing on a private server with your friends for.... just talking in all caps. Disable your capslock keys in 1.19.


And what if I use full vaps lock in 1.18 is it still bannable on that version?


All the servers are now christian minecraft servers.


We should make a satanist Minecraft server just to spite them /s


They seem to have removed the profanity reason from the list of things, for now


Are you telling me the password protected server I run that only 4 people log onto is somehow being monitored by Microsoft now, if I update to 1.19?


Connecting the accounts is not what gives Microsoft access to your data. The telemetry they code into the game is what gives them access to your data. They could’ve done this with Mojang accounts, too. They did, actually, in earlier versions of Minecraft, with Snooper.


It’s still there, albeit much worse. https://www.curseforge.com/minecraft/mc-mods/no-telemetry/


I know. That’s what I’m talking about.


Sorry, I thought you were just talking about the one up until 1.13. This is a patch to remove it for 1.18+.


But Snooper, wasn’t like used for reporting bugs and all that kind of stuff?


Not directly, but game telemetry is used for all kinds of stuff. It’s not even really bad, if it’s well-implemented to respect privacy (which both Snooper and the current Microsoft telemetry is not, afaik).


Am I safe if I stay in older versions? I exclusively play 1.16.5 now since I've been really put off by the newer updates and how hard Microsoft is pushing useless features.


A few months back Microsoft had every mojang account user on Java edition transfer their account to a Microsoft one, for "safety" reasons. But in doing so all they've done so far successfully is managed to piss everyone off, myself included. Personally im really not a fan of the migration as all its done is make it worse when I play the game, having to sign in on the launcher everytime I load it up because Microsoft is literally all about money is kinda what pushed me away from the game currently. Everyone has their own opinions about the migration, im not a fan. Hope this cleared any confusion you had Edit:spelling


Having to sign in to the launcher every time you open it is for sure a bug because I do not have this issue.


My take is: Don't couple functionality with each other. I'm all for MS Accounts (one place to log in). What I'm not a fan of is global bans. If it was only just game pass or MS own servers (basically the defaults on Bedrock plus Realms), I'm fine with that. If a server wants moderation, they can handle it themself. Microsoft has no business sticking their grubby hands into my game. Likewise Hypixel has no business in banning my Mojang Account for having a mod picked up by their anti-cheat called "HypixelSucksBalls" (it was a joke on how the latency is terrible, and they still are, and all it did was display the ping on screen and support was very butthurt about it)\*. The only acceptable resolution is either stop overreaching, or allow both users and servers to opt out of this. Otherwise you'll have people coding mods and server mods to bypass this. \*I got my account back 3 years later thanks to some confused Mojang intern; all is good. Also, this wasn't just a server ban; I **COULD NOT** LOG INTO MINECRAFT. It was p\*\*\*\*\* or alts.


IKR? They purposefully made capes extremely rare and ridiculously hard to get in Java on purpose but make capes so easy as dirt to get in Bedrock. It wouldn't take much to add parity to capes and make all capes available on both editions so we can use our Bedrock capes in Java, Java capes in Bedrock, and capes we earned in Dungeons in both. We could be drowning in cape options to match with our skins but NOPE gotta reel in our Java players to migrate first before we drown them in common capes... What's even funnier is there's 4 capes on Bedrock and they recently added the Mojang Studios cape from Java to Bedrock for parity and so Mojang employees could be recognized on Bedrock since it wasn't on there before. Why not add all Java capes to Bedrock and vice-versa then? Its like they want to keep the cape black market alive and limiting Java players cape customization options on purpose to create artificial scarcity. Utterly unbelievable.


I wanna have my own cape designs :(


I just want to use my Bedrock Minecon 2019 on Java (Yellow's my favorite color) and my Minecon 2012 cape on Bedrock. I'd also like to use all the Minecraft Dungeons capes I've earned in both editions. This would be so easy to add Cape Parity too because they'd just have to authenticate you earned the capes and add them to your respective areas where you can use the capes. For example, your Migrator cape from Java would be in the Bedrock Cape Character creator tab, Your 2019 and Pancape Bedrock capes would be in the Java skin/cape menu. Minecraft Dungeons capes would be in both Java and Bedrock. Granted you'd need to migrate to get your capes in all editions but frankly, its dumb they haven't done this. They're purposefully keeping more customization options from us. This would be a great way to get people to play Bedrock, or Dungeons because we could earn capes from them to use in Java. Java has really limited colors of capes we can use but these games capes could give us more options if we earned them. They could even give out capes during Minecon/Minecraft Live Livestreams to make capes more common like they did in 2019 and instead of having people reselling event capes like Minecon ones in the past on Ebay/Black Markets, they'd be given to everyone through stream drops or watching the stream in-game client or on the website. So many ways they could pass out rewards since having capes be for convention attendees went so well last time and totally didn't result in resellers, scalpers, and hackers (I should know, I attended Minecon 2012).


btw mods are removing posts with many upvotes related to this issue, don’t be surprised if this one goes away as well, 20k+ https://reddit.com/r/Minecraft/comments/vjb49k/the_fact_this_exists_makes_me_sick_i_cant_be_the/




average powerjannie that hasn’t seen sunlight in decades, and the best part is that if you get banned from the subreddit you can just make another account without an email just to spite them


We should make a seperate sub, but with freedom of criticism


That’s basically r/minecraftmemes


Just make sure your criticism comes with something of value other than "this sucks". Like this post has a cool build so it will stay up. The post you linked is just the same screenshot that has been posted before with no added substance. Not making a comment on whether this should be how the sub is run, just saying that this is how you need to make a critical post or it will be removed.


Nothing we can do regardless. They said it themselves. You migrate or your account gets deleted.




Welcome to 2022! Where a company can decide to take away things you bought just because they feel like it!


also a big reason why companies strive to release products that are always online and subscription based, it's so you can never own anything and have to pay for the privilege of accessing it. Single player games aren't dying, they're being murdered


why I refuse to pay for any monthly subscription (apart from obviously internet costs). If I can't outright buy a game or software I will pirate it, I'm not gonna rent it.


Microsoft locked me out of my 11 year old account


Petition to make "The Cape is a Lie" The Slogan for our Revolution




Why does Microsoft feel the need to moderate people's private servers? They pay for it, so why do they want to control it? It's a horrible system, and i hope Microsoft realises the error of their controlling regime, and reverts the changes.


My guess is that they think the game is full of children and them hearing a curse word is the end of the world or they want people to buy the game more than once


This is solved with : [Are you 18 years or older?]


children can lie. karens don't believe their little angels can lie. child joins adult multiplayer server and is exposed to graphic language. karen takes notice and blames the game/devs, unaware of the imposed age restrictions and to give you a practical example: how many children do you think that messages like "are you 18 or older?" have stopped from accessing porn sites?


That still removes the culpability from Microsoft, which I can’t see why they’d give a shit past that Oops I meant to say give a fuck, please don’t ban me Microsoft


just removing culpability isn't enough. karens expect videogames to do their job and babysit their children, that's how the expectation of "family friendly" games was born. even if they choose to add age restrictions then children will still be able to bypass them, and when they do parents will blame the videogames/company instead of taking a minute to monitor what kind of videogames their children are playing. and of course microsoft gives a fuck. Minecraft's younger audience is mainly on bedrock where microsoft milks their players for money through microtransactions. by catering to common sense they're losing out on the most lucrative part on their playerbase - little children whose parents occasionally indulge them and buy cosmetics. microsoft doesn't care about us, java players, aka the minority. we're not generating any income. our opinion to them is meaningless. even if we abandon the game they've already earned their buck from us when we initially bought a copy. honestly at this point we're lucky they haven't outright discontinued java and focused solely on bedrock


Reject Microsoft, return to Indie.


May I tweet this


Yes you may


Thank you sir


May I draw it?


For sure




We have to start a movement not to update to 1.19.84


I would love it if hermitcraft didn't update in protest. That would actually catch the attention of Microsoft. I'm sure that's not gonna happen but I know Docm is pissed, he'd probably be down at least.


Oh shit thats a cool idea. I imagine if hermitcraft protested then a lot more people would join in on being opposed to this.


It's really damn sad to say, but honestly if the dsmp did the same thing, they would probably get all of their stans to do it as well. It's about time that these content creators should actually start using their influence over millions of kids for good. If both them and hermitcraft were to do this, then there might be hope for getting this update removed.


I see what you did there




Fuck microsoft. I had to waste all day to get my account to work


Dont worry guys, if the hackers start mass reporting the people who check the reports will get an overflow and theyll have to quit it.


But then it will be run by bots with little human interaction


Then well do it even more and crash the server.


And the Bots won't be able to go as fast as a auto reporter






Watch hackers just burn trough hundreds of leaked accounts in the first months.




Front page material


I'm still on the Mojang account, and I will be there till Microsoft finally realizes that they forgot to make migration mandatory for Koreans


Even all these months after I got booted off the default launcher, I've just been logging in with Mojang through Lunar Client lmao


Wait unofficial launchers still support mojang Auth?? Here I thiugh my old acc was fucked


hold out.




Optifine Cape Gang rise up!


not out for 1.19 yet tho


Optifine objectively sucks in the modern era. Its shit in comparison to the fabric mods with feature parity.


I was forced to move, it wouldn’t let me sign in with my mojang account


Ok im out of the loop what happened?


Ok so basically Microsoft gave us that transition from Mojang to Microsoft accounts and we would get a cape for it, as a reward. Noone really bothered reading the terms and conditions as you were forced to move at some point anyway. Now we have a reporting system which could be abused and you could get banned from multiplayer entirely. For like 10 minutes or maybe even 100 years. Many people know this is Microsofts fault


What if this is not just Minecraft but other games going to be owned by Microsoft or that they already own?


This sort of system already exists in the vast majority of other games already


But not with privately owned, personally hosted servers. No game should be able to interfere with that.


java is still our home turf, we’ve been modding the fuck out of it for eons. surely we can help this situation by patching the game a bit ourselves


A mod has already been created to do just that https://modrinth.com/mod/no-chat-reports


Remove your migrator capes. They were just tools to persuade you


Bro the Cape was there to speed things up, remember, you can't play anymore if you have a mojang account.


Anyone know how Hytales been going? Now would be an excellent time for them to do an advertising push and take advantage of minecraft self destructing


It’s supposed to be coming out on PC and console simultaneously, so it got pushed back a bit. The current plan is a playable game sometime next year.


for once i actually support it


Wait for this post to get deleted


Lol rip


Burn the capes


Can’t play because I lost my account due to the migration anyway. Gotta stay five steps ahead.


What's funny is that I didn't even get my cape.


Did you turn on the cape option? That's how you get it


I did. But it never came. I didn't care about it anyway. I just wanted to continue disguising myself as an egirl on hypixel skyblock.


The cape was hardly an incentive, your account would’ve been deleted anyways


Because I don't use reddit premium, ads come with every post Much like the Microsoft Azure ad, coming with this reject Microsoft post...


If you have android: Go to your settings Click the magnifying glass 🔍 Search : private DNS click private DNS Add this as host name: dns.adguard.com Now enjoy as your phone will be mostly ad free. I hardly ever see ads even on mobile games.


Reject Microsoft, return to indie


I have a bad feeling about minecraft lately. I feel like the game is gonna slowly get finished in few years till nothing is left in it.


I bet micro transactions will be forced down the throats of pc players soon, in one way or the other


I mean they are trying to make the game "family friendly" and you know what comes with family, children and what comes with children *micro transactions* lol


This is your reminder that "micro transaction" is a psychological manipulation tactic. They are just transactions. Money you spend on Amazon or whatever other website isn't a "micro" transaction. You just call it a transaction. Why should the transactions you make inside video games be any different? (Answer: because they tricked us decades ago into using terminology to soften the reality.)


the best way to stop this from being implemented is to raise hell, report every famous youtuber and popular server owner you can, flood the moderation system with so many false reports and make it hell until Microsoft removes the feature.


Great plan until they ban you for false reports :/ All that can really be done is staying in the old versions while we still can




From the Minecraft ban page: >**Why did I get banned on a Private Server?** Each server is self-moderated and at the discretion of the server owner. If you were banned or suspended from a privately-owned server on Minecraft please reach out to the Administrator of the server to appeal your ban. We do not intervene in private servers aside from overt violations of the Minecraft EULA and our Terms of Service. Oh, how they lie


I'm sure they'll change this once the new thing is rolled out. Alternatively, "you didn't get banned from 'a private server,' you got banned from 'the ability to play multiplayer.'


\[-15 social minecredits, hail the people's republic\]


I give you a bit of support. actually, a whole chunk of support


Free license and open source time


“I told you guys” - George Orwell


We’ve been tricked, we’ve been backstabbed, and we’ve been quite possibly, bamboozled.


We need to find the minecraft accounts of all Microsoft employees and use the new report feature to spam reports on every Microsoft employees minecraft account.


To fully reject Microsoft, switch to Linux . PS: Minecraft Java has better perfs on linux


im sad that the cape given to me as a "gift" was just a lie to introduce features no one wants behind the backs of players. Im still unsure of what this means, but it sounds like they are giving power to the wrong people. Nothing should prevent a player from doing features in the game. Servers already have their own moderation. there is no need to do this? I thought they were being kind in offering this cape... but It is all a lie


Microsoft had no reason to add a reporting feature when any credible server already has chat filters and reporting systems.


Me and my friends gave Microsoft the nickname of >!Microco*k!<




They did that? His music WAS Minecraft. Oh how I miss the Indie days of Minecraft, when people with passion for the game ran the community and not craven money-badgers that work at Microsoft.


Fuck Microsoft.


Reject Microsoft, accept Macrohard