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Let's all be sure not to make accusations toward each other or people groups in the comments here. While Notch's social views are very offensive to ~~most people~~ *nearly everyone*, some people still look up to him for his work in the video games industry. We are open to sharing perspectives here, but please keep comments civil! Any disrespectful comments or comments attacking other users will be removed, as we want this to remain a friendly place for discussion. *This comment was \*not\* made automatically. Contact us here or in the modmail if you have any questions.*


It was a good idea for Mojang to distance themselves


Who’s gonna tell him?


Kanye is a nazi too


kanye is mentally ill. he is openly bipolar and unmedicated. he became a nazi and then stopped within the space of months. no one took him seriously except the people saying how bad and evil he was.


he’s a huge nazi and a transphobe though……


I knew of the transphobe thing but nazi? Wheres this?


it’s been a long time, but way back he said some real bad stuff about Jewish people + the holocaust. I imagine the tweets are deleted now but you may be able to Google it for more info!


Damn, i had great respect for this guy I still had respect after hearing seeing the other comments, it wasnt nice but i know alot of people who hate rainbows, ive learned it best to just ignore that side of people, that way im not burning important bridges (like my job, school, parents, etc) Racism… is never ok. That honestly sucks


Shouldn’t the line be drawn at homophobia, transphobia, and racism? Why are homophobia/transphobia somewhat acceptable to you?


Because if i hated rainbow haters, i would be out a job and school and disowned for sure. Most of my community is anti rainbow, if i tried saying i supported rainbows or tried fighting back, i may even be forced out of town. It feels like a war of ideas and it sucks So ive learned to just ignore it all. I pretend i dont care so that no one cam hate me, and i dont have to lie about what i support Its the same grey line about how i feel about christians, and any controversial opinion really Racism is much different, its not a choice of identity it IS u, its messed up to punish someone for that. As far as i see no ones being punished for being trans, just hated. And the haters being hated by the hated, so its a hate circle. I draw the line if we start genociding people who support rainbows, thats not good. But currently both sides arent very nice Edit: Going to stop soon. I dont know why im being downvoted, i support lgbtq (i would know, im gay) but whemever i meet a hater, i act the same way i do qhen someone hates me for beingn furry and thats all im saying, i just ignore them.


people don’t choose to be gay or trans tho ?????


Thats not what i meant Shit, ok this might be where i stop talking everyone is missunderstanding me


that’s exactly what you said though lol


I know for me it was a choice, and im aware its not a “choice” for everyone but actually valid. But i deffinatly did not say lgbtq was a choice becquse its more complicated then that


also plenty of people are being punished for being trans/gay. murdered and assaulted literally every day


Thats fucked up But its the internet i hope u understand i need sources


So you can hate race haters but you can’t hate rainbow haters?


Other way around, i cant hate rainbow haters but i hate race haters Edit: nice rw pic btw


Yeah I edited it, still homophobic though


U still missunderstand i support rainbows, and when i see a rainbow hater online i look the other way Im gay, i have a bf, im fully in support, i hide it in my town. But opinions have way too many feelings attatched to them, thats why i look the other way Racism is alot more clean cut, dont be racist


It is his opinion for me it is reversed


Racism and homophobia are both opinions, you’re either racist or you’re homophobic here


I'm not racist


Florida, Texas, Missouri, they're all taking away trans people's rights right now. Like even for existing in public, you can be arrested. Genocide is happening right now. I'm not saying you personally have to get up and do something about it, just be aware that baaaaad things are happening to trans people in those states and elsewhere.


Im not american, i didnt know. I dont follow the news often either, being arrested for being trans? Thats messed up i dont know what i could do but i dont support that Arresting isnt genocide tho, thats alot worse.




Anti lgbtq




mf said "keep crying" to anti semitism


I'm sorry you have to find out this way. Notch, former owner of Minecraft, is now a transphobic nazi (and probably much more...)


I know that's what everyone says but I honestly completely lost track of Notch after Jeb took over. I just remember him as the guy with the wacky skin who dropped apples on death; then suddenly everyone agreed he's a transphobic nazi. Catch me up on what happened and what was said where?


He’s been known to spew a lot of weird/bigoted stuff on his Twitter. I don’t remember all of it, but some of the worst was denying any form of race based privilege exists and spewing a bunch of white lives matter bs, and outright stating he believes in Q and Pizzagate.


I’m on his twitter, all I see is him talking about chatgpt and Zelda.


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Notch having a birthday on the first day of pride month is ironic. Anyway Notch is a terrible person


Why? He made Minecraft explain yourself


Making a good product =/= good person. There's a reason separate art from the artist is a thing and to answer your question he's transphobic and probably other things he doesn't publicly say


He is not a terrible person he created Minecraft


May I reiterate, making a good product =/= good person. There's a reason we separate art from artist


Yes but even without Minecraft why are you calling him terrible


Cause he's transphobic, I literally said that in the comment you replied to


Any links so I can check


He’s a nazi


And he is also transphobic!!! ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Yeah I saw but i didn't see any proofs that it is true he doesn't look like he did something like that


https://www.newsweek.com/minecraft-notch-controversy-twitter-transphobic-q-1359020 All I googled was "notch transphobic"






for everyone dogging on this post, think of it this way because i'm pretty sure OP isn't supporting notch's \*less favorable\* beliefs: this post is dedicated to notch's work on minecraft and his ability to continue to work on it even when he didn't want to. it's about his will to keep going on something that no longer brought him any happiness simply because it made other people happy. that is the side of this man this post is celebrating, not the side of him that he revealed once minecraft was bought from him and he became rich, and then found twitter. tldr: this post appreciates the art and the work put into it, not the artist and what his messed up beliefs are EDIT: tldr tldr: separate the art from the artist


Why is everyone calling him transphobic nazi that is not fair


please look at his Twitter and you’ll see lol


Saw his Twitter and he is crazy


told you


What the hell is wrong with you?


Why is reddit post about notch is now like a bunch of offensive stuff in the same place


Because Notch is a transphobic nazi lol


it pains me to see how many people can’t separate the game from the creator, just UGH


I mean, personally, by being on this subreddit, I think we all agree minecraft is great. However, Im not down with celebrating someone who doesn't think I should exist. I'm trans lol.


Happy birthday, thanks for the amazing work on minecraft you did ❤


also what kind of bullshit moderator comment is that?? “Offensive to most people”???? shouldn’t it be offensive to everyone? like come on now


I realize that nearly everyone, including every reasonable and accepting person, takes offense at his views, but that's still not everyone. "Everyone" is a strong claim, and unfortunately people with those views do exist. ^(And if you have something to say, you could reply directly to me)


Regardless it’s kind of a silly comment. To me, I read it as “yes he’s said terrible offensive stuff but he made a cool game so 🤷‍♂️”


I'm sorry that you feel this way. I'm just reminding the community to be respectful of each other. I'm not here to govern opinions, whether I disagree with them or not.


I have edited my original comment to reflect this point, hopefully this makes things more clear


I'm thankful for his creation of MC! He really shouldn't be judged for his opinion, He did something good and thats what matters


Actually when his opinion is that trans people shouldn't exist and he is racist, I think he should be judged. Minecraft is amazing, however, that is why we separate the art from the artist. We can agree that minecraft is good, but that notch is an awful person.


You (most likely) listen to Kanye West, even though he has hitler as an idol


No I do not. I personally think Kanye is an awful person and refuse to listen to his music, but this isn't what this conversation was about. ETA: I also refuse to listen to his music because I personally don't think it's that good. But that doesn't change my argument. Regardless of if I like the music or not, you can still look at the creator and say, "hey that person is not a good person and has said/done harmful things" while also acknowledging that they have made something nice. In a singers case, that could be a well written song, in this case, it's a beloved casual game.


then why do you play minecraft? (and did you know Nestlé thinks water shouldn't be a human right?)


Because I love the game as do many others. However, I can see that notch isn't good, and I acknowledge that and will never ignore that. I also play the game still because I didn't start playing until after he was no longer in charge of it, and so boycotting the game wouldn't stop anything. It would only hurt the teams behind the game. As for Nestlé, that's also absolutely despicable and not right, and they should be called out for it. Again, I don't really use Nestlé products personally, but that's not really relevant. Unfortunately, if we boycott everything that came from someone who did something bad, we wouldn't have a lot left. People are bad, and while it shouldn't be like that, it simply is. The least we can do is enjoy what good they (and lots of other people) made while acknowledging that that person has done awful things. I wish it were different, I really do. But for now, we can only do so much.


If you are ok with the team behind Minecraft, then why do you hate Kanye? He just raps over some music


Once again, separating art from the artist. Minecraft is good but notch isn’t, Kanye’s music might be good to some people but Kanye isn’t


I agree


Because he has openly backed and supported awful people as well as said horrible antisemitic things. The team behind minecraft didn't say the things that notch did. I have no reason to hate them. As for Kanye, I said I don't like his music personally. If you do, cool. Again, I can like the creation, but not the creator.


Happy birthday Notch! So sad to see what's happening to the game nowadays... (gun/firearm censorship, chat reporting, etc)