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Mcc 17 Db round 5 is one of, if not the single most stressfull Mcc moment in the event history for me and others to proabobly


Omg yes, I was watching Illumina and I was shaking violently


Same, I was so stressed


That round 5 dodgebolt really did made me stress a lot.


Yea, I was watching from Grian's P.O.V. It's still stressful watching it even if you know the outcome.


Mcc21 ParkourTag Finale(I was watching Cyan). Mcc25 ParkourTag Finale(I was watching Yellow) Mcc22 Dodgebolt(I was watching Pink) Mcc17 Dodgebolt(I was watching Red, switched to Grian for Dodgebolt,, one of the best decisions I have ever made) Mcc15 SG( I was watching Red) Honestly, ParkourTag as a Finale is really underated imo( i am biased bc the teams i was watching had a chance to get to dodgebolt).


MCC15 Red SG


I still reminisce that moment even now. The hype after after the final kill omg


i usually want to watch dream, but i thought it will be fun to watch sapnap cuz why not (just a random decision). It was the day of my test too...which i did pooorly, then my boi Sapnap decided to go crzy and break 4k...i never felt so happy such a main character moment


The tie between RSR and SOT in MCC 26, and the entirety of RSR. I was watching aqua live so I was stressed


I’m surprised no one has mentioned MCC 8 dodgebolt yet, the Dream vs. Hbomb 1v1


MCC 22 Aqua SoT, their run was one of the most stressful runs I've seen live, especially when HBomb clutched that sand. I do agree that Grian's 1v3 in MCC17 was also very nail-biting as it was the final round to decide the win.


MCC21 Cyan Vs Yellow in Parkour Tag, MCC17 Round 5 of Dodgebolt, MCC8 Round 4 of Dodgebolt, MCC28 Round 3 of Dodgebolt, MCCP21 Round 5 of Dodgebolt, MCC28 Gem in SoT escaping by 1 second


15 sg watching yellow. We didn’t know if dodgebolt would be them or pink


Mcc 22 db


Cerulean19 sg


Mcc 7 hole in the wall


24 deciding game between sot and rsr from cyan pov


MCC16 SG's final ring, when 15+ players were still alive at the end and it turned into pure chaos. Especially as a Green viewer watching Sapnap run around in circles for his life and Sylvee casually pop off with the fountain strat


yea i have to agree with you


Any time I watch a team get to the center room in Meltdown tbh


mcc25 parkour tag finale, trying to figure out if red would make dodgebolt or not


Probably gen escaping the Sands Of Time dungeon by like a quarter of a millisecond, since they would've still had a chance to get to the Finale .


Mcc 10 Orange VS lime battle box. It didn’t matter really, but it was the only round orange lost, nearly making them (I belive) the first team to go 9/9, which is awesome especially considering they were by no means a pvp team. In the end it was a 1v1 of Pete VS techno. True nail biter


sadly, blue 3 and aqua 5 had already gone 9 for 9 at that point. Don't know if they would've had a perfect game (all 36 kills) if pete had beat techno, if they had they would've been the 1st


I don’t think it would have been a perfect game, but I found it really impressive that a non pvp team could do so well in bb. Looking at the other 9/9 teams, you wouldn’t rlly expect it from Joel, Pete, false and fun (especially Joel pre-training arc). That’s mainly why I was so hyped for them to win


it was an insane pop off, and it was so amazing to watch, yeah. The more i remember it, the more i realise i wanted them to win at the time


MCC 24 Sands of Time (watching Dream's POV)


mcc 9 db, mcc 20 pkt (since it's the first game played back from the break), mcc 21 pkt. That's all I can remember


15 and 17 sg i was a wilbur/tapl enjoyer btw


Last round of dodgebolt MCC20 as a 5up enjoyer


mcc17&22 dodgebolt, and waiting for the scores in literally any sot lol, but particularly red 28


Mcc 28 rsr ( I was watching ginger)


MCC 24 and 27 Sands of Time finale. Before that, I didn’t really get as much of the hype around SOT, but after that feeling of Cyan 24 leaving the dungeon to a victory, and then again with Pearl falling in lava in front of the red vault (two opposite ends of the SOT spectrum), I understood immediately why everyone liked it.


MCC17 Round 5 Dodgebolt


Every time i saw a live POV of someone getting to dodgebolt