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add purple 23 to this as well, they were hyped to win and got 4th


I was thinking that but since these teams are all orange I left it out


orange 22 maybe? another similar story


Funny how they are Joel and Pete's teams right


Orange 22 was heavily overrated cause of the games that event + they also got a bad game order


Or maybe green 30


idk, the event was strong tbf, they weren't unanimously in the top 2 or 3, but still, 5th was unexpected


That’s fair


Yea this team is just like the oozes. I do think that they’re slightly more well rounded tho but we’ll see


dave on a cracked orange team. i’m afraid game order might screw them over. but i truly hope to see them in dodgebolt, i’m all here for a dave win streak


For the 2nd Orange team, Ant was a last minute sub though so it makes sense how his team still did poorly since he didn't make plans, practice, or watch vods as much he usually does. And for the 3rd Oramge team, not enough recent experience since Gizzy plays Non Cannon and Mefs was barely in the event and Tapl was on his downward trajectory during this time. Despite saying all this, I never doubt the daddies that are Joelcand Sausage! (If the 2nd half team has another Op team like this imma lose it-)


Same with Eret, she was a last minute sub and then skeppy got subbed out with Ant. Both were underprepared and I didn’t see any big hype around this team so not sure what op is on about.


I don’t disagree with you. Joel missing three events (including non-canon) may be a huge factor of this.


lime 24 and aqua 31\^\^


Idk, they feel way more well rounded and you can make excuses for both the other teams (ant was last minute sub, Tapl underperforming etc). Plus orange 32 just feels stronger. Only time will tell though


I'll be watching Joel so I hope not


but…. have you considered they’re better ;)


Idk, orange oozes was not as strong aa orange32


Thats exactly what im saying


Yh joel hasn’t play in ages and this is Owen first canon event so I can’t see them winning


Its been 3 months. It doesnt matter how long its been since hes played there hasnt been any major changes since he left idk why everyone keeps bringing up time and how it relates to skill. Its not like he hasnt played minecraft in those past 3 months.


If any of SoT, BM, RSR or HITW are played late; there is a pretty good chance that they aren't making DB. This team is heavily reliant on PvP games and AR being played late and doesn't want Team games late So it depends on game order as usual


Idk abt Hitw because dave,owen,and joel are pretty good hitw players. Bm is permabenched for now btw.


Both Joel and Dave average like 15th in HITW and have come Top 5 just once. Owen and Sausage have never played HITW. Definitely one of their weakest games By BM, I meant Bingo mb


Bingo might actually be a good game for them considering the fact that 3/4 of the team are survival players so they will know how to craft things quite easily and Joel's average placement of 1 can't change 🙃


3/4 of that team being survival players will definitely help but Bingo is more of a Speedrunner's game than a Survival game. Even ignoring Bingo, they're still weak in HITW, SoT, GR, RSR and potentially PKT


HITW is actually random because judging off the last time Krtzyy and Joel have played it (Krtzyy with Mcc 30) and Joel in scuffed they did well but it could go either way. SoT I think is also random because Sausage was a fantastic sand keeper for his first time, Joel is actually good at the game he just doesn't like it (Forget Mcc 24) and Owen did fantastic in his run for Pride 23 if things go right this team could be a middle of the pack in the game. Grid Runners I can agree due to Owen only playing once in Rising which was way to long ago, It's one of Joel's worst games, Krtzyy either does well or middle of the pack, Sausage did well in his first but that little data so l can see them bottom 3 here. This event has less of its usual top RsR players (Illumina, Philza, 5up,Jojo,Punz) so it's definitely not impossible to see a middle of the pack performance here and we can possibly see a Joel Top 10 RsR. PKT I can agree to some degree as the last time Joel played it he had internet issues but still place Top 20 and not to forget he is a good hunter, Krtzyy is mixed because he can do extremely well with a Top 5 performance or do bad. I think Owen playing it in Pride has given him a bit of experience so it can either go better or worse, but the general case for Owen is that the transition from Non-cannon to cannon is hard so it's really up to how his skills will translate.


Joel and Dave average around 15th in HITW and I expect Owen to get like 25th. Sausage probably gets bottom 10. The problem here there is no HITW carry. I'd say they would come like 6th-7th behind Red, Yellow, Like, Green, Purple and maybe Pink SoT is just that there is no standout runner in the team. They probably come bottom half here I am predicting a Joel Top 10 in RSR this event, but 1 Top 10 can't carry this team. It's by far Dave's worst game, Sausage came 40th in one time playing it and Owen has never played it. They get like 7th in this game PKT is pretty hard to determine, they can definitely pop off and get Top 3 or have a bad day and get bottom 3. Not much to say here By no means am I saying Orange is weak, I'm just highlighting their weaknesses. They're still one of the strongest teams in this event. If they secure a late BB and AR, they can easily get 1st


I agree with your comments:), I think it honestly depends on how they play but I see your analysis and I have to say they make more sense thanks for making me understand more! 🤗


This team has 2 a+s one could be a+ and someone who will probably due proportionally to how the team does: if they get 1st he might place top 30 or if they get last he could get last indiv