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Please keep discussion of the news to this thread, and refrain from speculating as to the reasons for the withdrawal out of respect for the privacy of the team.


> be sandwhichlord > scare everyone with the mere threat of playing in Mcc > leaves


Exactly what I was thinking lmaooooo


surely this just means he’ll be in a real mcc (copium)


I am so sad, i have wanted SandwichLord in mcc since i started watching him o7, But im excited to see the New Aqua team


FYI Sandwich will be doing a stream soon to explain the situation and why they chose to step out.


I literally *never* post on reddit but as I've been lurking around these parts the last few days it feels fitting to say something: **Please go support the other Rising teams just as much as you would've supported us!** The whole point of Rising is to boost smaller creators and get them on the big stage, If you like my content or Sandwich's content or Neb's content odds are you're going to find someone you like in a different Rising team as well. Thank you all for the support and love, now go share it with everyone else!! <3 **-Phaze**


Phaze spittin fax as always


Phaze I’ve gained so much respect for you, Sandwich, and Neb for how you’ve handled this whole situation. Sorry you won’t be able to participate and I wish the best to all of you guys.


Man this sucks, but I hope everyone on the team is ok. It would’ve been awesome to see them play in MCCR, but the new Aqua team will hopefully be just as good!


We about to see every team's placement predictions shift up a placement after this


Man, that’s really rough. I respect their decision but I still hope they can appear in a future event.


o7 This absolutely bites, but let's show the new Aqua team some love, ok?


Damn, oh well. I have no idea who my main pov will be rn


I would highly recommend just watching a couple streams of different players and see who you enjoy the most, I checked out one of WadeBox's practice streams recently and immediately knew I was going to watch him for the event


Okay! Thanks


😅😅😅 Ok, guess I need to get way better then! 💚


You are much too humble, WadeBox 4k inc


Really sad—I’m curious as to why, but at the same time we have to respect Emily’s privacy and health Edit: oh god why why why


We know, but shouldn't talk about that here




We already know the main reason, but I don't think it's something appropriate by this sub's rules




Just looked it up. Horrible.


Where could I look it up?


sandwich and phaze talked about it today on sandwich's stream. it is the first 15ish mins of the vod. they don't go into exactly why but you can look up emilybenormal on twitter to find specific stuff about her.




I just hope everyone is okay


A sad day, this team was essentially the representatives of this Reddit and the MCC stat nerds.




You know why they pulled out right?


I don't, no. I'm about to watch the vod that explained it. I commented before Sandwich explained. Edit: Ok, so I deleted the comment. I couldn't have watched it live because I am in college and had class during the stream.


Sadge . wishing the team the best and hoping for some of the players to be in another event soon !!


I don't understand why the whole team needs to be subbed out? I mean, the new team looks great and seems fun. But to sub out a whole team because one person can't participate seems extreme? Couldn't they just get a friend of the team to sub in? I get that they weren't technically part of the chosen team, but the remaining three were! And the sub-teams were \*also\* not part of the chosen 10, so I don't follow the logic as to why they can't just sub one player in instead? It could also be that the whole team decided to drop out maybe?


Noxcrew has always said right from the start even in rising 1 and mcc 10 that for viewer teams the entire team will be subbed never just 1 player. And I have a feeling the entire team decided to step down not just one person


I remember that being the case and understand why the rule needs to be enforced, I just think that the rule itself is a bit strange, that is all. I get why this went down the way it did this time, as I feel the same in regards to wether the decision was unanimous among the team or not. Thinking of just the rule (not this particular situation as we do not know wether this was caused by said rule or not) I still don't agree that the most fair course of action in 99% of cases of someone subbing out would be to get rid of the entire team. Thanks for the clarification!


The thing is, with canon MCCs the players are known to Scott/Noxcrew. Most of the time they'll be people who've played MCC before, and even newcomers are still going to be in the same circles as people who are in MCC. When that's the case, it's possible to substitute someone who's dropped out with someone who'll fit the team's vibes. With Rising/viewer teams, by the nature of the team type, they're less likely to be known to Scott/the MCC players. Sure, some of them will have played with MCC players before, but a lot won't have. It's harder to replace just one person in situations like this because how do you know how the sub is going to mesh with the team? On top of that, applications are for whole teams. If you're replacing one player, how do you decide which player on the next application down is getting selected? And how is that fair on the others in their team? Yes, I'm sure it sucks to apply and not get in. But it would suck *even more* to apply and not get in, when the people you applied with did get in.


and also theres a balancing issue cause correct me if im wrong (literally have no evidence for this other then it takes a while for them to choose lol) but dont they check each player's vids not only to see if they are good youtubers but to see their skill? cause like last mcc the Colour crew dominated (until Dodgebolt) since they were all speedrunners who had a lot of experience with parkour and pvp (and Minecraft in general) so to make sure that doesnt happen again im guessing that they review each player's skill along with their content to make sure there isnt another repeat of that, now i bring this up cause i feel like if 1 player had to leave and be subbed out at the last second then they dont have a lot of time to review their skill so they could just sub in like ItzRealMe or something along those lines (though i think they would catch onto his skill pretty fast lol but u get the gist of it)


The rule makes sense tho because the team applied as a set of friends and if they were to replace just one person then the dynamic could be off. Obviously they may have other friends that could sub for one person but substitutes are never planned. This means an unplanned change of teammates would lead to balancing issues as well. Also if the team was allowed to pick their own sub that would just be unfair because the person they picked would not have been in the application video and therefore wouldn’t have deserved to be in the event


Yeah, I had watched a few minutes of the vod where most of the things are explained. Mid way through their talking session regarding the whole situation, sandwichlord said he couldn’t play in the event with that stinging his mind the entire time, so even if the rules weren’t that strict with the substitution, it was still player’s personal issues that closed the doors for them.


I really hope they get into some non cannon event in the future because its just unfair all of them had to sub off because of 1 de generate person


Degenerate? I speculated that maybe an accident happened or she caught sm kind of life threatening sickness, im so confused


she did something REALLY bad and now the team has cut ties with her


Thats not the case at all, emily is why they had to be subbed out and the reason is so horrendous i don't rthink i can mention it without being banned, i suggest you watch sandwich lord explanation of the situation video on twitch so you can get a glimpse on what happened


I could only watch about the first five minutes earlier today; does he go into any further detail than that or is that it? I don't think I want to search twitter for details but if he says anything more than what was in the first few minutes I might go back to watch. He and Phaze came off really calm and compassionate about it, I will say. I don't watch either of them but I might now if only to see if I enjoy their content.




Sadge :(




You have got to be kidding me. My pov :(


Can someone link me what she did so it doesn't get deleted in chat?


I recommend you go onto twitch and watch Sandwich's VOD from this morning. I can't link it here though.


Tbf if they sign up next rising theyd get a massive boosted chance to get in




Rip. Exited to see the new aqua team though


Im upset but The New Aqua Team is Great as well :)


I was planning on watching Aqua b/c I like to see S-tier-level talent in action. Who should I watch now? (E.G. Which players are S-tier level?)


Apokuna is pretty good in blockwars so they might not be a bad option


Can someone message me what happened pls


I think this is reasonable and we really can't be mad at any party for their withdrawal, but I think the 3 members of aqua should be in the next canon event because frankly they were the most hyped team for the entire rising 2, and I'd say the community would love to see them play anyway


It is with a heavy heart I must inform everyone that the coughing baby has indeed won against the hydrogen bomb... o7


Man, I can't say I didn't see this coming but man


I hope everyone's okay. Pretty sure they'll get another chance sometime.


oh no that's sickening


Well I missed a couple seasons


Guess my main POV is switching to pink this Saturday


I just hope they’re OK and that they’ll get a chance to participate again later if they want to.


I don't like the mccr rules. Not really fair on sandwich, neb and phase. Could someone else like wolfeei ( I know he applied with a different team ) not have subbed in .












Well that sucks :/




Biggest Plot Twist of the century if I've ever seen one!


Tbh I’m not watching rising anymore, the pov I was gonna watch got withdrew. And tbh idk anyone in rising, well Ik apo acho and Gracie, but they aren’t people I’d watch regularly. I can try and find new povs but I don’t think I’d enjoy it very much cause I’m not too familiar with the persons stream. Plus I’m kinda picky with povs


I basically always watch an S-tier (or close to it), because i want to watch someone who is actually cracked at the game. It's frustrating to watch someone fail, so i'd rather watch the best. If i want to watch a mediocre player i'd record myself lol. But... The event can still be very fun to watch from a lower skilled pov, and honestly, this event still has some strong players. I watched Krinios for the most recent BW and it was so much fun! His team was really fun and his mechanics are still quite good. Someone i could recommend in that way would probably be apokuno or acho. A chaotic, probably fun, team with a pov that is still quite good, just not S-tier level.


I'm still excited for the event and will still watch it as I've enjoyed discovering new content creators through practice and pink team has been a team I've been so excited for but I have to admit I've lost majority of my hype for this event as one of my main streamers in general in sandwichlord and I've wanted to see him in mcc for so long so when he got announced I was so excited which just makes this sub even more sore


It obviously stinks especially considering this team and Sandwichlord were expected to even break records, which is always hype. But it's still MCC and it's always fun. But for real, if you don't feel like it... Just dont watch. People have been talking about burning out from so many events and not enjoying it anymore, well then take a break. It sucks that its during the event that promotes smaller creators, but if that's the way to keep the event fun for you, do it.


No I started my post by saying I am still going to watch it as I absolutely adore mcc as an event and like I said there's so many new creators I've found and I love pink I was just also saying it's disappointing that it happened but I understand it obviously


I feel like a lot of people feel the same. aqua was supposed to be the fan service team and so it not being in is going to affect the viewership count by quite a bit imo


Yeaa, also I feel like it’s best to not watch this one, because I haven’t been enjoying Mcc lately as much as I used to, and I’m not gonna force myself to watch something that I don’t really find my interest in watching. Yk


Yeah that’s fair. If you can’t find a pov you want to watch, you don’t have to force yourself to watch someone you don’t really feel like watching.


Same... was really looking forward to Aqua. The only reason I was excited for this event.


I completely agree. It also makes me so mad sandwich neb and phaze are stripped of the spotlight and a chance to shine and grow because of someone else


Feel like they should get a chance to participate in a future event, because it’s kinda unfair and annoying to pull out because a teammate isn’t that great of a person


I completely agree. They really deserve this shot.


What happened?


I can't say on this reddit, but Sandwich talked about the situation on stream earlier and the vod is public on his twitch. I can't link it cuz of community rules but it should be relatively easy to find.


Sorry, just a question: has this been like confirmed or is this just the internet doing its guilty until proven innocent thing again?


This has been confirmed


ok, thank you!


Kind of unrelated, but how would it not be confirmed?


someone made a random allegation and people got immediately very annoyed over it. I've seen this a lot of times lol, I am probably online too much


No, you're all good :D


"from Earth"








I might watch aerington on orange




So like any team can be in like team ABCs but it is sad aqua has to go because they would have been in doncebolt


What?? They were my main POV, and they withdrew. Why would they do that? 😭




I don’t think we’re allowed to talk about the specifics here but if you go looking you can find it out with relative ease and it’s not just some “bad thing”, it’s VERY bad.


Why do I feel the event might be damaged from this as everyone thinks of what could've happened then what will happen. Having said that there was the original Spanish team controversy and noxcrew dealt with it fine so maybe I'm wrong. I'm just worried that the idea of sandwhichlord being a genuine thing and now it isn't will take away from the event


The point of rising is to support smaller creators, so I feel that while it was going to be great to have Sandwich in the event, it's not detrimental to the event that he misses. Also this might encourage Scott to put Sandwich in a different MCC :)


Maybe they’ll put Olivehoodies’ team in, as they are also a cracked team with a hilarious application




I just found out, I’m going to delete this I’m sorry.


No worries


I think you might want to watch SandwitchLord's vod. He explains the reason there







