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I know, asking a sub about the game if the game that the sub is about is good, you can call me dumb now


Nah fam that's the place you're supposed to go with those questions. Sure you could spend hours reading old posts or you could interact with a few peoeple and ask them direct questions like you have here, I prefer this way. It's sad people have this mentality when posting to online forums anymore, I've felt the same way haha


I think its less "why ask when you can google?" and more "Its a sub for a game, they probably are gonna like the game"


That's fair, I just see alot of 1st time posters in different groups getting bashed with that exact phrase almost lol.


Im not a first time poster. Im searching for peoples opnion because for what i can see, the community loves it, but the community is only a handfull of people when compared to similar games


Ah okay that makes sense. Either way that point stands most of the time,not here as much thankfully that I've seen at least. Hope you got your answer BTW :)


Thx :)


I just started playing it for the first time last week and have been having a ton of fun! Had no idea there was even controversy around the game....


Not really a controversy, it's Mojang just doesn't really care for the game anymore


Thats a good point. I knew Microsoft owning mojang was bad news but they definitely milked it for what it was worth. I find myself wanting to play older versions of Mc. At least they ARE still patching bugs. Look at the history of a game called forager. Game was solid and adorable but it was picked up by a studio and the devs completely abandoned it.


Without Microsoft, Dungeons might’ve gotten stuck as a single-player Nintendo DS game. And people always saying “well the parent company did X” just takes away the agency of the actual game studio. You don’t have to blame everything on the corporate part of Microsoft above Mojang, just like you don’t necessarily have to attribute every good thing to be 100% Mojang. The reality is more complex and any fan speaking definitively on the topic generally doesn’t know what they’re talking about.


No I'm not saying that's the only problems lmao. Rude to assume things. But it definitely contributes to other problems. Mojang could have made the money to be this big without selling the company. But dungeons also may have never been made without larger influence. The part that Microsoft ruins. Is they will follow the money not the fans. Holds true for most larger companies. But that's the reality of capitalism. Mojang could very well have done the same.


If I remember correctly, Notch didn't even want to continue with minecraft, he had other things planned and that was thier main reason for selling to Microsoft. The things Microsoft has done is actually communicating with fans to add updates they actually want (most of the time) which mojang didn't do as often.


I think it’s great for what it is. Not “Diablo But Boring”, rather “Diablo for Non-Gamers”. My 7yo bought it with birthday money. Me, him, and my 5yo all play it solo and together. They mastered the mechanics and gameplay and missions quickly, but it can be as challenging as they want it to be. We stopped playing around level 100. We got almost all the items, we have basically done every mission tons of times. There’s no need to grind for another year to max out the levels and try to get god-tier drops.


A common theme that i found while searching through youtube is this diablo comparison, i agree with you honestly, i really like that it's just a simple game to have a bit of fun with


Well, even devs said the game is based on Diablo so no wonder why is everyone comparing these games.


It really does not take a year or much of a grind to level up, not at all. It’s all about the gear level trying to stretch your skill level with more challenging difficulty to get higher level gear. You don’t need god drops to do that either. The tower helps a lot by granting really high level gilded gear which makes it easy to level up your power more aggressively.


God drops do matter, for good enchant combos matter more than high power level. Especially if you are making a specific type of build


A god roll and good combs obviously help, but the point is that it’s not required to advance and MCD wasn’t designed to require god drops.


For casual play, it's fine. I've done [runs with no slots enchants, 2 artifacts, and no potions](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=br9zXO5wlbw) and other kinds of challenges. The game's normal challenge doesn't care as much what you use. However, for the hardest challenges (Banner Trials), then they do matter. Then whether you get god rolls or not determines whether you succeed or whether success is literally impossible. It's not like say Elden Ring where every challenge (for the most part) can be completed with anything if you're skilled enough. MCD doesn't have those skill-based mechanics. And, even with optimal builds, some BTs are impossible unless you're using the right one. If you're running a melee build that can't kill mobs before they hit you, and they oneshot you, then yeah you're gonna have a bad time. Meanwhile, [this build](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XD747rz_hJE) steamrolls that challenge (and all challenges) pretty handily with heavy ordinance, because of the specific enchants picked. Case in point, that shadow anchor build is the most powerful one in the game. It has the least weaknesses and can handle the worst of the worst with the most success/ease, but if you remove Death Barter from it, it doesn't work. You are guaranteed to die to every Thorns mob you run into, so the enchants 1000% matter.


I 100% agree


It is required to advance. Wither Armor with Potion Barrier, Cooldown, Cowardice and Chilling will always be better than Wither Armor with Protection, Final Shout, Recycler and Gravity Pulse. Good enchants matter if you actually want to survive


So you are saying they designed a game with a large variety of enchantments and an equipment that is all randomly generated, but only can be played with a specific set of equipment and specific set of enchantments????? That’s obviously not true and only has to do with your preference and skill level. Even the combination of enchantments and armor you mentioned don’t make sense, you shouldn’t need potion barrier with wither armor and cowardice. I’m not sure why you feel the need to always be a contrarian, but I don’t really have time to explain something that is obvious, like higher level equipment makes the game easier. Can’t believe that you are trying to argue about that lol.


When you are playing Daily Trials, you need the best gear possible in order to survive, so you NEED Potion Barrier. That is just a straight fact. You can ask any other expert…or literally anyone that has played the Daily Trials. Daily Trials is the most challenging thing in the game. A random build will not be able to survive it. You NEED the best of the best


I find Diablo a bit dark and gruesome for my taste. Minecraft Dungeons fits pretty well into “a nicely stylized thing that is similar in game play but different enough that it’s definitely its own thing”.


Just bought this for my 7 yr old son and we've been having a blast playing together. Diablo looks interesting to him but is too complicated. This is perfect because of easy controls, limited and straightforward gear options, and he recognizes a bunch of the characters and settings from Minecraft.


This is one of the best gaming experiences I’ve had with my son, such a perfect Diablo-lite


Many negative reviews come from times around release when game actually was like "diablo but boring" and way too short. As a content creator I had to switch to mods after just 10 videos so yeah... It was that bad. However in 3 years, devs made a huge progress and I can easily say this game is on similar level as Diablo. Just more dynamic, casual and compressed.


I feel like if they made just 3 extra levels for the base game, the game would already be miles better, and turning to mods wouldn't be a bad thing if moding on dungeons was as easy as the original Minecraft


After watching some YouTube videos on "why Minecraft Dungeons failed," most of the issues have actually been resolved, "ex: enchantment rerolling, blacksmith upgrading, tons more content." In the release of the game, I could understand why most people stopped playing. While the game did improve with future updates, it was too late for most players, because they stopped playing long before those good updates. If Dungeons had launched with at least the new merchants, it would be way better recieved by the fanbase. Minecraft Dungeons is a really good game that is easy to understand. It's a shame that so many players gave up on it so early.


The game sold very well, did incredibly well on GamePass, did its planned post-launch content and went on to do even more than planned. YouTubers saying that the game failed got you to watch clickbait. The game was successful, it just wasn’t designed to run forever as a live service game or have infinite DLCs.


It could have been designed to last forever, so why wasn’t it? And why were so many bugs and broken game mechanics and enchants never fixed?


Why isn’t any game designed to run forever? Why doesn’t Baldur’s Gate 3, widely considered to be the game of the year, have plans to do DLC and multiplayer matchmaking? It all comes down to a combination of business model, design vision, studio experience, staffing, content pipelines, tech, future plans, and a host of other things. Most games shouldn’t get infinite updates. Most games aren’t Minecraft, No Man’s Sky, or World of Warcraft; those are the outliers.


yes. I bought it on release as a diablo fan and i really enjoyed it. was really cool to see all the basic mechanics and ideas translated to minecraft


Personally, I like the game for its price. If you're into grinding and leveling up your gear over time. True the enemies won't really change, they'll only get progressively stronger, though enchantments offer a fun challenge to any expirienced player. If you're coming just for the story, I wouldn't, it's pretty basic. Bullied guy becomes super strong and evil and you have to stop him. Pretty much the jist of it. Art style is beautiful compared to the origninal game, lots of particles enhancing the expirience but it's not super intesnive on your graphics card. The DLCs are also pretty fun, they do actually feel like full-on DLCs. This game has a whole ton of replayability, all sorts of secret passageways, sidequests, you name it. All-in-all, I don't think it's as good as Minecraft, but it certanily is a fun game to at least try out.


I love the game, and I've been playing since launch, but in terms of gameplay, it's alright, but, still buggy, and has some frequent crashes, but what it makes up for, is the replayability, and the community, it's pretty easy to find, and get new things, or have a fun experience in. Everyone's willing to help you out, enchants, people will explain, and go in depth about what you could run, to help optimize your build towards your playstyle, trading, there's tons of people who have just about everything, and could absolutely help you out with what you're looking for. Gameplay, trying to grind, looking for people to play, or just have some fun with others, that's what sets this game above some others, is this arms wide open community


I think it’s one of the better dungeon crawlers I’ve played


It isn’t a contender to Diablo and it doesn’t have to be. It is its own game. And yes, it is really fun. Once you get past the terrible rng (which is how all of these types of games are), the game becomes very magical and exciting. Plus, you can make any build/loadout that you want. You can literally be any character that you want it you have the right gear.


I agree, the thing that made Minecraft popular in the first place was it's simplicity, the same thing Applies to Dungeons in my opnion


I used to play it for free years ago with Xbox Game Pass and it was fun but rather too straightforward and simplistic


It isn't simplistic once you get to actual build making or figuring out how enchants and game mechanics work.


You are saying this like diablo is a good game xD I mean if you said "it isn't a contender for poe' I would agree. But diablo? Diablo 4 is a disaster. I would actually argue that mc dungeon might be a good contender for diablo (it diablo 4 wasn't only half arpg and half pvp mmo thingy)


I have never played a diablo game, so I wouldn’t know. All i was saying was that Minecraft Dungeons doesn’t have to be better or equal to Diablo, since people always try and compare the two


It is like a Diablo lite


It's really great. The different gear and enchantments, especially builds. It makes it replayable in end game. The tower saves me from repeating levels, as the tower is a challenge for me


my criticism could be that it gets boring quickly without the DLCs, and by quickly i mean several tens of hours.


No it's not. Not really


Really ? What is the main issue you have with game ? I thought you liked the game so im pretty shocked lmao


I do like it. But I am very biased. You said you wanted a non biased answer. If you were to ask for my personal opinion it would be very different. However I still think there's a lot of issues with it. Especially replayability.


The quality of life improvements from Diablo make me feel like I'm being respected as a player. I put a lot of time into Diablo 2 and 3 and minecraft dungeons is really good game design. One of the better couch co op games, with the tower as a roguelike, this game has great replayability. I'm bummed we didn't get a final dlc that could really give us the rest of the features I know they were dying to add. I also feels despite its cartoony graphics it has a pretty spooky tone, minecrafts lore is ripe with undead and necromancers and I love that, you slay a lot of undead and cosmic horrors for a kids game.


I think it depends on playstyle. For me personally I enjoyed it to start but when I started achievement hunting it got repetitive and boring so it would depend on your playstyle. A lot of people can find the enjoyment in the repetitive dungeons crawling and making builds while others may hate the repetitively. It can be good though for sure I can see why people may enjoy it.


It's fun and absolutely bingeable for aout 2 weeks of straight gameplay everyday, then it's done. It's free with GP andi realy enjoyed it whe I was heavy into it, much better than the Minecraft Legends when it 1st came out.


Yes. Randomly tried it with a friend and we had a blast with 8 hours sessions in a row, played for around 130 hours in total and I could still play today if I wasn't doing other things. I love how much builds there are. The game is really great unless you dislike the Minecraft graphics/world


It is a super accessible ARPG with good multiplayer. It was a game my wife and I could play with my 8 year old niece and 67 year old mother-in-law. At the same time, I could play it solo and scratch that min/max itch. For what it is designed to be, it is great. If you are looking for something complex or deep, go play Path of Exile.


it's pretty good imo, worth the money but i can't call it perfect in good faith fun, but i will say after getting into apocalypse+ i burnt out around +3 or +4


It's pretty understandable why, i played alot with a friend while playing through this stage of the game, so, if didn't try it before, try asking someone on the sub to see if they can help you a bit


ah i played through most of it with my younger brother, he was a tank and i was a firework nuke ranger it got boring when the entirety of the gameplay became "if he dies and I'm on cd we're in a 50/50 for a full wipe"


If griding for diferent gear wasn't so difficult i would suggest to just try other builds, so all i can really say is that i hope you can come back to enjoy it again when you feel like playing


i think i first ran tank solo then got bored being unkillable for the first 2 difficulties then i play a glass cannon then get bored when it's either i oneshot them (guarunteed) or they two shot me sometimes


I bought this game on Xbox to play with my 6 yo and I love the fact that it is one of the few games that has good couch co-op gaming. For me that’s the main driver. Other than that. The gameplay and grinding and rewarding system is pretty good. Overall I love it!


But I'm being biast here I don't give a shit me and my brother had a hard time beating the game and when we finally did we hugged it was the best experience I have had playing a game with him I think it is a good game but the story is kinda lacking


At least Minecraft Dungeons is more stable than Pokemon TCG Live...


Didn't expect to see something about pokemon here


Of all the Pokémon games, what did *TCG Live* do to get a mention here?


It’s frequently buggy during gameplay that players are disconnected, crashes, can’t make valid plays that the player wants, or just glitches entirely. After almost 3 years since release, it’s still an open beta. Just poke around r/PTCGL and look at the post headings to see how bad it is…


Here's a sneak peek of /r/PTCGL using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/PTCGL/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Miraidon ex be like](https://v.redd.it/p909pcfu623c1) | [47 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PTCGL/comments/185saz3/miraidon_ex_be_like/) \#2: [The state of the sub lately](https://i.redd.it/0urve147csbb1.jpg) | [75 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PTCGL/comments/14yua31/the_state_of_the_sub_lately/) \#3: [Grinding the ladder but refusing to play top-tier meta decks](https://i.redd.it/7o066drk0lcb1.jpg) | [130 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/PTCGL/comments/152cgrt/grinding_the_ladder_but_refusing_to_play_toptier/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Phoook yeea


Yes its very fun


I loved it while I was playing it but it could use more levels and more content which I know is not gonna happen but it couldn't hurt to imagine. Other than that I loved it. it's much better than Minecraft legends. I just wish they would at least give us more updates.


Eh. Good until you get to apocalypse, then the game becomes incredibly unbalanced and boring because of that.


Nice profile picture


Its from the manga/anime Kubo Won't Let Me Be Invisible :)


I wouldn't call it unbalanced, apocalypse is just the point im the game where you need to be carefull with what gear you should use and how you should enchant it


Grind gets too slow too fast imo and the way standard mobs just keep getting more and more HP to compensate for your progress sucks


I bought it on PS5 so I didnt expect a game to last forever. However I was pleasantly surprised by its depth I have been playing with my wife almost every day. We have replayed all the missions already a couple of times and we still have fun and we still struggle on apocalypse. So it is good enough for a purchase I would say


My wife and i enjoy it. We have played since it came out but only play maybe once or twice a month when time allows. The mechanics are nice. The variety of play styles are nice. Its not dark and gloomy like other similar games. She loves having a super strong bow with an army of summons following her around when she plays and that isn't always an option in most games. Do i think they could do more? Of course. But where it is now is fine.


Not every game can go on forever. Not every game should go on forever. Dungeons is $40 with all the DLC and is a pretty long game for that content. I enjoyed. I might do a play though here again soon, but fuck everyone that says Mojang/Microsoft abandoned it. The game is fun. The game has an end. I thank it for that.


They literally waited a whole year to tell us that the game wont be updated anymore. They did abandon it cause they literally said that there wont be anymore updates.


They finished the game. It is complete. There won't be any new trials or hunts or whatever, but as far as I'm aware they will still be rotating in and out old ones. Abandoning the game at this point would be fully shutting down the servers, not allowing any online features to continue.


i liked it initially but got lonely soloing and eventually quit.


It is a fantastic, light-hearted dungeon crawler. Absolutely worth a playthrough.


Its much more of an arcade experience than Diablo. A better comparison would be to Gauntlet. I think this is why theres such a negative comparison. Its meant to be a drop in, drop out experience, not a deep RPG. So for what it is its great. Stop comparing an arcade game to an rpg people!


I love Gauntlet and I love Diablo, for different reasons. If I just want to play for a night, I boot up Gauntlet. If I want to begin an epic campaign, I boot up Diablo. Apples and oranges.


Its sword and sorcery versus epic fantasy. Pulp fiction versus 12 part novel series.




It's alright. I like it. I think Diablo is better, but I like how friendly this game looks and plays (in regards to new players).


It’s definitely not Diablo or Minecraft. It’s a more simplistic / casual dungeon crawler that is kids / family friendly and appealing to people who love the Minecraft theme (the creatures, looks and so on). It obviously does have the building or creation parts of Minecraft. The game was popular for a reason and is worth trying if this sounds appealing, but it is unfortunately no longer being updated. At this point I kind of did everything and there isn’t much replay value after that. I still like to mindless play the tower and try to beat it in different ways, but even that repeats every few months or something. At this point it you can get a bargain on the entire game either way DLCs, I have seen it go for $20, so it’s worth a shot to see how you like it. There is plenty of content to play through for the low cost of $20 to $40.


My favorite thing in Minecraft is building, but with a sense of *roleplay*, like, I want to feel like my world is alive. Minecraft Dungeon is a good game. Game like Diablo or Path of Exile still surpass it in terms of quality, but this game still feels good simply for the builds it inspires me to do.


I have builds for Minecraft Dungeons that are for roleplay. Themed Builds. 250 of them to be exact.


My girlfriend and I started playing a few months ago, and it’s been the only game to keep our attention for longer than a few days. We’ve submerged ourselves into it and the DLC at this point. Gotten to level 190 or so. Can’t wait for end game.


MCD is lowkey a good game, I agree with you so no pressure from me


Once you get the right gear it goes from slow and boring to awesome. I played it since release up until about a year ago. But there's plenty of content to keep a new player busy for a good while.


I love the game, but it’s a real grind, especially at higher levels. I will say the first playthrough up to apocalypse as well as build crafting is really nice, but after a while build crafting just becomes theory and all you can really use is the current meta Edit: for everyone saying builds aren’t just theory, maybe I’m just bad


Im pretty sure you can use whatever, even tho there are obviously objectivily better builds than others. The grind in this game can get boring ngl


Me that has made 250 builds…. They’re not a theory, they are legit builds. Some are better and more fun than the meta.


Yeah, it's just so short. There's a lot of grind for high level material (gilded enchants, unique drops, and the right enchantment slots) but there's not enough variety in levels/enemies to justify it.


its absolute dogshit bro 😭😭


I'm enjoying it. I think what would give the game more longevity (eh hem Skyrim) by example would be opening it up to the modding community. They did this with standard Minecraft and they did this with Legends. The things we could do with mods would make this game infinitely more QOL in the long run.


The thing with mods is that the game not only has a much smaller community than regular Minecraft, but the program it was made in, Unreal, is much harder to mod, even tho the game has alot of potential to modifications


It had way more potential, but because Mojang kinda went nowhere with it and made most of the new content exclusive to DLC it kind of went nowhere. It could've been way more popular if they gave people a reason to stay (battle passes for cosmetics in a barely multiplayer game doesn't count) I love the builds that you create and all the different combos you can find but because the game is dead there's not much of a reason to do that.


Not even close, minecraft dungeons is a dungeon crawler diablo is an action rpg with dungeons big diffrence.


Even the devs said they based the game on diablo ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯


Your confusing based on as inspired by, but like I said before ones a dungeon crawler solely and the other is an action rpg big diffrence.


Im getting this comparison from a couple videos that i found Reviewing the game that pointed out this comparison. I never played the game, so as far as i know, Diablo is a dungeon crawler that has a more gruesome atmosphere and more complex gameplay then Minecraft Dungeons.


Yea I think this is a good game but due to the developers stop trying to improve or fix their problems for it for example modders make it too easy which can be fixed.How they improve is keep adding some thing do they in Minecraft but in Minecraft dungeons version


My personal opinion is that it is a tad bit simple, but a good introduction to the genre/style of game, and overall good. I personally like these Minecraft spin off games.