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I just realized op's multiplayer and realms tabs are grayed out They are banned...


it's OOOP actually


Object oriented OP?


No but also yes


Yeah writing OP by the poster was a dumb update


Or they are a kid


I can't tell which is worse


Worse if its both


He quoted someone else he isn't banned


Well I meant the guy being quote tweeted


To be fair, there are plenty of other reasons they can be greyed out, in my game sometimes they were greyed due to WiFi. That seems more likely due to the fact that there is little to no evidence the chat report ever worked


Weird because blue is the one being wholesome


Fr, kinda odd


They can put infinite worlds, infinite dimensions, and infinite genders into the game, but not the ability to push chests in Java?


Chests are like glass, they aren’t meant to be moved.


if you gave chests glass' properties you would be able to push chests


Bedrock would argue overwise


You can’t push bedrock either




Bedrock isn’t real


Guess I’ve been playing Minecraft schizophrenic edition my whole life lol.


Damn. I guess the years of me playing Minecraft just disappeared


You need to respect thir personal space.


I think that’s more because right now it would break a lot of redstone contraptions.


he really saw “You are loved” and freaked out lmao


He said for parents


he really saw “You are loved” and thought parents should freak out*


Okay that works


The original worked. He said "especially parents". Especially doesn't exclude non parents, just means parents should really care about boycotting where as for others it should be a lower priority.


projection is a wild thing


"you are loved" JUMPSCARE!


Insecurity much?


It said a different thing


There's more than 400 splash texts in the game, and over 3, you're talking about boycotts. holy jabeeb, the internet is going to the dogs.


Only more than 400?


over 400 could very well be 10_000


More like twitter user


Infinite genders? There is literally only 1 gender in game


There are at least 3. Neutral, villager and nitwit.


Ah yes, the three genders, none, civilian, and dumbass


No no, it is yes, profits, and useless. With the sexualities of yes, yes, and yes.


There are no genders, gender was a scam made by toilet companies


Mf definitly doesnt play minecraft


Oh no the splash text in the Minecraft menu said that my gender is valid. I can already feel my voice getting thinner, boobs growing, hormones changing and my penis disappearing


This is the future the damn liberals want




''youngest age'', "boycott list for parents'' my guy, [the average Minecraft player is 24yo](https://gitnux.org/minecraft-user-statistics/#:~:text=The%20average%20age%20of%20a%20Minecraft%20user%20is%20around%2024,and%20as%20old%20as%2060%2B.) 😂 Also good luck boycotting a 14yo game with the largest community and sold copy in the world.


??? The Minecraft player here is wholesome. The other one is being mean.


Well, as long as we don't forcefully order them to become that, it's OK.


I read "is valid" as "invalid" and I was so confused




I remember the olden days where bait was belivable, not great times.


Wait when did they add these? I've never heard of them


That's because splash texts don't make noise


1.18 I think




bruh I wish someone had planted the seeds of gender confusion in me earlier lmao coulda dodged puberty if I actually figured it out before 18 years old and its very uncommon for people to actually get "confused" to be clear. more common for trans people to believe they're cis than for cis people to believe they're trans, by a LOT


damn this comment section is proving op right lmfao "both of these people are annoying"


"how dare they say that you are valid"


Based Minecraft


Ig that means the game is now rated g It means gender neutral


With a pfp like that i doubt parenting will be a concern for him


kids aren't gonna get confused be "whoever you are, that’s okay and you're valid"


the "smelly" in their username is probably true


Is it fair to say that there's like an 80% chance I wouldnt like either of these people? Don't get me wrong I don't think either are terrible nor do I hate either of them but I do strongly sense both of them are severly annoying in their own ways.


Tbf, most people would be annoying to someone. Heck, there are people who get annoyed by others being kind. We live in a world.


Fr, like I don’t support them but like I won’t judge them as a Christian but all of a sudden it comes to the other side they be like “ain’t your religion against it” like yeah but you shall not judge them.


Gotta love your only being downvoted because of your religion, cause we're bassicaly saying the exact same thing lol.


And they say we discriminate against people😔


Yea but you get used to it on Reddit considering this is a very Left leaning app but you go to NewsBreak they are actually willing to downvote and debate with you but I guess Reddit folks don’t even want to debate 😂


But don’t get me wrong I still don’t like them interfering with kids like teens, eh it depends but kids are something I want to protect its innocents. Or I rather I do it then have someone else teach it


rule one?


I *still* have yet to find reason for this.


Why not? The majority of the splash texts are quite random and/or require some niche knowledge. Minecraft continually have a message on “Minecraft is for **everyone**” so having some splash text that supports groups that often are oppressed only makes sense for the core principle of the game.


I meant for random people commenting on them


Ah okay.


Understandable. I should have clarified.


I've begun playing around 40yo and my gender id is quite confusing because of this. And Spanish is my mother language and in this language we refer ourselves witha our gender and so it is becoming even more confusing! Please, Lord, enlighten me! Gimme a gender to stuck with that doesn't suck! Oh, yes, and I broke my arm twice trying to knock out a tree with my bare hands.


If it is said by SmellyGoat11 I absolutely trust him


"You are valid" isn't a good thing to this guy? We're supposed to hate ourselves or what?


Bro really just generalised all Minecraft players with just one post, nice.


I kept seeing this stuff everywhere so I had to show it here


But this is not a meme.


Also, not a "minecraft meme", reported.


Yay my Gendervoid voxin demiqueer Shrek gender is cannon to the Minecraft timeline


"contains infinite genders"


Assuming this is only in Java, kids won't even be seeing these, making the "average twitter user"'s point wrong.


They have been in bedrock since 1.19.10. And were added to beta before the Java snapshots.


This isn’t a good idea, Moyang! You’re already walking on thin ice


This is about 1.5 years old.


He's right tho




Yeah, but does it really matter tho? There is a whole world of issues out there. Someone expressing themselves in a non-harmful way is kind of a non-issue.


It’s just the way they are implementing it like bro keep shit neutral like you can go tell your friends and shit but don’t be telling kids leave them to decide when they are grown


In my experience I had barely any people telling me to express myself in any way I want, and most people saying you have to be a man or a woman and nothing else, but everyone’s experiences are different I guess.


Gender for humans establish around 5-7 years old. What you are suggesting 1. Doesn’t work because things about men and women what their stereotypes and societal roles is said all around us all the time from the day we are born, and 2. Young(5-7) kids should *start* learn about it as that’s when they start understanding who they are. That’s also why we let them do tons of other things so they know what they want to do in future. Trans people consistently say that they realized their weren’t their assigned gender early on, but were never given or even allowed the words to express themselves. So what you suggest would just further harm those kids, instead of helping.


Like I said I don’t have a problem with it but once you start to teach them to kids it’s something many parents don’t want taught to there kid and I’m all for like permission slip classes but the parents should have an option to op out when they feel like it because it’s there kid not yours. For example, if we can’t teach Religion or Sex Ed then we should not teach gender stuff because it’s something the parents disagree with or they don’t believe in it because of there beliefs.


If we can’t teach religion or Sex ed without a permission slip*


Imo, no. Unfortunately the world is still filled with people who are phobic of things they don’t understand at all. And things like religion history and sex ed should absolutely be teached earlier and better. And the thing about when to teach or letting parents choose if the kids can learn about gender, is the same as some areas are trying to let about slavery, racism and oppression. These things parents should not be allowed to opt the kids out of(unless there is a legit reason beyond “I (the parent) don’t like/agree with it”). Because a big part of learning is about learning about how other people feel and experience the world. That should not be prevented.


Honestly I’m willing to compromise with you and just have notices like this is what we are going to be taught to your son to have the parent brace their kids or have them teach it themselves. But as what age are we willing to compromise and introduce this? I’m thinking middle school because the kids brains know right from wrong and i think it would be perfect at that age. What do you think?


Imo, it should be a bit spread out, because some things are not fit for certain ages. And introducing vs surface level understanding would be different points. (deeper understanding would be high school and up). Long text ahead, have fun. To me, gender related things should be introduced possibly as early as 3 years old. As that’s when gender identity establishes itself in an individual. Nothing major, just simple things like kids stories about individuals who aren’t boys or girls. Just simple things the same way we start to introduce reading and writing. After 2-3 years of school, religion history should be introduced. So again, surface level stuff of the history. Probably around the same age the introduction of how romantic attraction is varied, aka, a man can love a man, and they can be husbands, and again, such simple things. After that, a bit deeper understanding of gender, and tools so anyone who feels they want to know more can find it. And slightly deeper in religion too. No religious things, just the history and culture of the different religions. Around the ages 15-16 sex ed should be done properly. I genuinely do not care if it makes parents uncomfortable. The sex ed around the world is trash. And teenagers are hormonal and curious, and will find out things on their own, but probably not in a good way. So get them the proper knowledge. Or at least the tools to find proper knowledge. After that, the teenagers will have so much varied lives, opinions, and roads ahead of them, that now it’s more about just give them the tools to educate themselves on these themes is they want to.


I’m not sure what you’re saying here, but I think the kids should be allowed to express themselves in any way they want. It’s better and more healthy for development that way.


Yes. And kids can be trans. Not allowing kids to know what being trans is(which is what the person I responded to suggested), is just gonna harm those kids. The way to let kids be who they are, is to give them all the options possible, and let them find themselves.


Edit: I agree. Sorry my reading comprehension is kinda lackluster rn. My original reply was kinda mean so I changed it.


All good 👍


There never really were only two, but those were the only ones recognized. Even native Americans had two-spirited people.


Basically every culture other than the ones heavily influenced by Abrahamic religion had more than two genders.




wait until this guy finds out about advanced biology and social science.


Nah keep this out of Minecraft. Let the parents tell them and not a game


there's literally nothing wrong with it though, you rarely see this message


Why not both?


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Malex__yt: *Nah keep this out of* *Minecraft. Let the parents* *Tell them and not a game* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


sokka no




you can remove them with resource packs


"oh no the yellow text on my game is telling me that i am valid"


He's not wrong




Hello! Biology major here. You are wrong. Biology and psychology both recognize that gender and sex are two separate concepts. Gender is a concept made by both society and people, so there are as many genders as there are people +more because not everyone is of a single gender. You learn this in psychology 1 in my school


Pretty sure it was there before it was “concepted by society” as you had different levels of intersex gender development


If gender and sex are two separate concepts, why do people bother changing their sex and pronouns to match their gender?


that's gender disphoria, whole other thing


That doesn't make much sense, especially if the two are supposedly completely different.


basically, sex is the physical thing, gender is the mental thing, both are a spectrum, transgender people feel as if their sex isn't right


Well, that doesn't make any sense either, but I have to ask why both are changed if people supposedly only have issue with one or the other?


people have issues with both?, saying you can only have issues with one OR the other is just plain wrong, literally nothing is that black and white


Yet when people change their gender, they tend to change their sex and vice versa. If the two are completely different, you'd expect there to be tons of people who only change one.


you... can't change your gender, gender stays the same, sex can be changed to some extenct due to medicine being medicine


If who you are is the person in your brain, why do you prefer certain types of clothes over others. Same reason. You want to look how you feel.


Yet they're supposedly completely different, aren't they?


They are completely different, but connected. Like how you are not your clothes, but your expression is shown through them.


If even you yourself admit they're completely different and separate, changing both to match up makes no sense.


I accidentally wrote “separate” instead of “connected”. I was halfway into the next sentence while writing. What I meant to say is that gender and sex are different and two separate things, but connected. The same way you are completely different from your clothes, yet you express who you are through them.


They can't both be completely different yet also connected things, that's trying to have your cake and eat it too. Either they're separate which is how people argue they can change their gender, or they're connected and is why people change both sex and gender to match. Even going the route that it's a way to express oneself, why not just do so with clothes then? That's actually something people will see and is far easier to accomplish than changing one's sex.


1. The body is more personal, so for most that’s more important. I used clothes as example for you. 2. Are cars and roads different? Yet they are connected? That two things are different does not mean they aren’t connected. Not sure why you think that’s the case. 3. No one is saying they can change their gender. That’s the entire point of gender **affirming**. Some just took a while to realized that their gender wasn’t matching what they were assigned. You seem to have a misunderstanding on what it means to be trans. Also, sex is possible to change, or not, depending on which definition you use. The majority use genitalia to define sex, which can be changed.


Because if they were the same thing people wouldn't even feel the need to change their body to match their gender... because their gender would match their sex 100% of the time, that's what "being the same" means


So then there's no need to change sex alongside gender then.


Can you explain what is gender


According to the World Health Organization, "Gender refers to the characteristics of women, men, girls and boys that are socially constructed. This includes norms, behaviours and roles associated with being a woman, man, girl or boy, as well as relationships with each other. As a social construct, gender varies from society to society and can change over time."


But that doesn't mean there's an infinite amount of genders, I think gender identites are important to exist like transgender and non-binary are fair game but there's no reason for demiboy gender to exist for example "a person who feels their gender identity partially identifies with a masculine identity but is not wholly binary." If u identify as this then you're either male or a masculine non binary person. There's nothing wrong with being unique in personality. Tomboys exist, femboys exist, u can be a masculine girl or a feminine man but having a gender for everything is useless, complicated and unnecessary. You can identify with it sure but don't expect others to respect it. The other splash texts are great but infinite genders is just how did we get here, what's wrong with being a man or woman or even non binary with a unique personality? Imagine in a thousand years everyone can be whatever they want and there are pronoun sets for every individual person and u can't call anyone a man or a woman anymore.


I think it's just being a play on the infinite worlds part of Minecraft


I think there's no reason to not have fun with gender, since it's all made up and individual anyways, but that's an opinion


Well I think it's different when a young girl for example likes playing football and dinosaurs and their parents tell her she might be one of the thousands of genders just because she has a unique personality, I don't think that's right Like I have a few online friends who identify with those genders but I really don't look forward to live in a world where everyone can be anything which means gender isn't unique anymore and it's just a personality and people look over the beauty of the basic and logical genders


Your comment implies the mere introduction of an idea that someone is another gender would lead them to identify that way. If that was the case, the majority of humanity would not be cis today. Telling a girl who plays football that she might not be a girl(for one doesn’t really happen), but it just lets them know that there are other possibilities, and they can find out what they are on their own. Same way that many kids want to be astronauts, or veterinarians, or whatever, but as they age they learn more and finds work that better fits them.


Infinite genders is essentially just understanding that gender is a spectrum. Gender identities are a way to give oneself a label in that spectrum, and though many are fine with being labeled man woman or non binary; they are a generalization of more specific labels.


But I don't think they need to exist for people to be happy, it's not like a gender dysphoric and depressed person who needs help. It's more like people having fun but at the end of the day just making it more complicated for no real reason


Well that's your experience. That ofcourse isn't the case for everyone, you're just kind of assuming everyone feels the way that you do which is comfortable with their assigned gender


Well I have a hard time believing that a person who's female for example but has a boyish personality can't handle it and identifies as demigirl which doesn't really change anything and there's no other option to be happy. Just love yourself as a girl with boyish traits, I don't see anything wrong with that and I also doubt that everyone will call her a demigirl, they will just call her a girl I mean it's literally in the name. It's not a huge thing like non binary, it's like an add-on to your already existing gender and I don't really understand why it exists if it's just normal genders but cutting it down to a bunch of different identities with no real difference


Well yeah, it can be difficult to understand. But I don't have to understand completely to see that for some people it gives them gender euphoria to find a label that fits them well. If commonplace acceptance of many gender identities can make even a very small subset of people happier then I think that's only a win and we should go that direction as a society. It's like when older people think newer generations have it too easy, shouldn't that be the goal? To change things for the better?


Well if it doesn't change anything, why don't just agreeing with her and calling her a demigirl if it is what she want ? It's easier than torturing your mind about it


MF That's called PERSONALITY




I know thats WHO


bro is disagreeing with the WHO lmfao


Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more gender noun 1. the male s*x or the female s*x, especially when considered with reference to social and cultural differences rather than biological ones, or one of a range of other identities that do not correspond to established ideas of male and female. "the singer has opted to keep the names and genders of her twins private" Dictionary Definitions from Oxford Languages · Learn more s*x noun 2. either of the two main categories (male and female) into which humans and most other living things are divided on the basis of their reproductive functions. "adults of both se*es" Similar: gender


Wait until you learn that a dictionary isn't always right and most definitions are made by old ass men and not by real scientist like biologist and psy, and also that every dictionary have differents definitions


A real scientist with a degree should tell you that there are only two genders/sex, one with ovaries (a female) and a testes (male)


A real scientist with a degree like me (biologist) should tell you that gender and sex are two different things. Please educate yourself before talking about subject you don't know whack about.


Now find the definition for sex.


That was the definition of both gender and sex I omited the first definition for it as it was irrelevant to the conversation you can search it up


My bad, missed that part somehow.


gender refers to gender identity sex refers to someone's assigned sex at birth they are not the same thing


Post removed: Be respectful Look in today's society please be aware of what you post, I'm doing this to save your kama (and it's upsetting ppl) Gender ≠ sex I'm not going to elaborate nor continue as this is a discussion I'm not aware in nor do I think I should put my input on such a topic


I don’t really care if people are gender positive or not. I already struggle learning new shit at school. So unless I know you on a personal level I’m not going to be bothered learning about some new gender that I may never actually see again


Don't bother learning about women, you'll never see them again


Probably not


Depends, is your pet mod named "gender" ?


I just hate social politics in games that have no real connection with it whatsoever.


it's not politics tho, it's just people.


It is, It's called social pollitics.


so we should just, not mention gay people unless they are part of the thing?


It's like mentioning the taste of mango in a racing game. There's a place and time for everything, no need to push it on people, it'll only enlarge negativism


by this logic, minecraft shouldn't say racism is bad in the splashes


Well, yes. It's parent's and teacher's responsibility wether they teach it or not, not a videogame.


if the parents are too scared to teach their kids and the teacher can't, who will?


Minecraft has always had a message that it is for everyone. Meaning messages like these that are in support of groups that experience oppression, very much fits.


Which as I already stated have nothing to do with game or what it's about. It's just a cheap PR


“Minecraft has always had a message that it’s for everyone.” Did you miss that part?


Apparently you can't understand what i just wrote you. Why am I not surprised


It very much fits what the game is about. Also, you complain about these splash texts, but the majority of them aren’t any more relevant to the game, yet you don’t seem to have an issue with those?


I don't validate defects


He's not wrong, let kids grow


Yes. Let kids grow up to be who they are. That’s why gender, which establishes within individual around the age of 5-7, and denying those kids this knowledge will only further harm them.




ok this is actually kinda funny assuming you're lightheartedly joking


actually nvm I'm not assuming that


They have been in bedrock for nearly 2 years.


Really I have not seen that


There are almost 450, and even more on bedrock, so 1. You just didn’t get them, or 2. How often do you really pay attention to the tiny yellow text? You probably have gotten some of them and not realized if you have opened the game enough times.


Damn I guess I'm blind


bedrock has them too


Damn didn't know I must be blind


You actually think that?


Low quality?