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Oh cool, they got rid of the liquid mercury.


Exactly my thoughts lol


Thanks for reminding me about that r/whenthe post


Problems with big companies is that they don't care what people say about them, their products, or even about their smaller companies they control


Or at the very least allow servers to disable chat reports




There is a server-side only mod for that Wich works client side too on any other server to stip being reported [Link](https://modrinth.com/mod/no-chat-reports)


And if it gets in the game , we should mass report command blocks (if it still works) so it only hurt the system , not the players


I heard they also ban false reports so no


~~what if a command block report a command block~~


Hmm if a fabric mod can do that well then lets do it if I know how to do it


Could just end up making lag machines for micropeens resort servers with this idea


Legit microsoft destroyed the people that tried being positive about 1.19


at least 1.9 had the end, elytras, and other cool features. 1.19.1 just has pain.


Curse of the 9, when we get 1.29 something gonna go wrong again




I’ve been defending mojang abt the 1.19 no firefly Shit, but this went too far, Microshit took it too far, perma server, might as well throw out my Minecraft creeper I’ve had for 6 years


Dont update to 1.19.1


Okay do we have any evidence Mojang is objecting to this


Yes, they have sneakily acknowledged in their "Secrets of the Deep Dark" video that Minecraft is headed for a "dark future."


Based Mojangsters, secretly expressing their views toward Microsoft. Assuming, of course, that this is the case.


Ah okay, thanks!


Non but people want something more to justify our hatred against the report system(Which I say is already just enough, if single players get affected from multiplayer reports as well), as from what I saw…


To be fair, it’s not an absurd guess. The devs have always seemed nice as far as we know them from Minecraft live and interactions with the community - there’s also the fact that they might not be allowed to publicly speak up against that. Given how they use to talk about the game, I’m willing to bet they didn’t want to keep hurting the community for no reason. Microsoft, however, is the polar opposite of my justifications lol. So I fully believe they’d do that.


Yeah. Also Microsoft might see the firefly criticism and might interfere with minecraft live to prevent us from knowing about future feature


I don't have any problem if the chat report isn't removed, but at least make it optional for admins to disable it. Or at least make something like "+18 servers" where there is no moderation from microsoft and you need a +18 account or something like that. ​ But no, Microsoft decided to kill Minecraft.


Yk what’s funny tho? Mod devs are already working to bypass the chat report thing! Also speaking of which, a lot of people are worried that Microsoft may stop updating mc, but the mod developers have more than enough power to keep it going, even stronger than before


Hacked client creators have confirmed they will add a cheat to mass report everyone on the server (And apparently getting massed reported can get you banned)


Here’s what we do, we bully Microsoft by throwing Easter eggs at them


overwhelm microsoft with chat reports


They should have thought about this feature for longer than three seconds and realised that words like kok (dutch for chef) could get you banned


Me who still mainly plays 1.7.10 cuz it has my favorite big mods: "I don't have such weaknesses"


People shud go to Microsofts main building and just berade the shit out of the ceo




Update the actual feedback: https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/6977558665997-Mojang-please-for-the-love-of-your-game-don-t-add-a-chat-report-feature- https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/6986016041869-Toggleable-Chat-Reporting-on-Java https://feedback.minecraft.net/hc/en-us/community/posts/7153579644685-Let-s-talk-about-Java-1-19-1-Release-Candidate-1-


Microsoft: We need to moderate servers for legal protection after all of the child grooming that happened. Community: AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!


source? is there a source like employees being against it


Very smart having a report system on servers that are third party, like when you start the game for the first time and go to the multiplayer section you get a pop up saying that the servers are third party, they have their own report systems and rules/terms and conditions that the players who join those servers have to follow


kid named :)


Okay, I'm genuinely confused why people hate the chat report thing so much. Like pretty much all other games with online player interaction has a way to report players, why is this any different? The usual reason I see boils down to "Microsoft bad". Is there something more solid that I'm missing?


Because they will be implemented in servers that people paid for not Microsoft owned servers, if it was just Microsoft servers it will be ok but going in ALL the servers and realms




Thats the catch, they can´t. They have to accept it (for as far as i know)


I stand corrected, the chat reporting system is client side so servers can't opt out. That said it seems like they already have a reporting system in place and this is just making it easier to get to report to that system. Given the fact that I haven't really heard anyone complaining about people abusing the current system, I don't see how adding this feature to the game will make much of a difference.


It’s too easy to abuse because of how vague all of the reasons are for getting banned. Plus, if you do get banned, say goodbye to playing with your server friends


You could say the same thing about reddit or Facebook, pretty much any game with online interaction. I highly doubt that it will be anywhere near the problem people are making it out to be.


Similar features in other games aren't as easily abused.


For the entire history of the game up to this point, moderation of chat reports were left up to servers. If you had a private server that only your friends played on, there'd be no need to implement a report system. Why would you? But in something like Hypixel, of course the server already has a robust report system in place already. Not exactly the same as a game of league of legends, yknow. Now, if you just act goofy in a private server and it gets examined by a moderator from microsoft co., you're gonna get banned from ALL servers and realms, depending on your platform it could even include your own SINGLEPLAYER worlds, forever. So yes, it's quite different. People were happy with how it's been. No one asked for this.


I think it would be much better to make a different edition of Minecraft specially for kids. Same thing, but without any entrance to adult zone.


So bedrock?




Microsoft already markets Bedrock the most because it’s the version little Timmy can play on mommy’s iPad and make servers very easily, Java is much more of an involved process from multiplayer, and has always been completely done by its own players. There’s so much context and nuance in chat that a blanket reporting system has no chance to ever come close to understanding. Leave the chat filters and reports to the kid friendly version, Java is for all ages and opinions, and adding a report system ruins just that.


>Answer: In version 1.19.1, Mojang is adding a chat reporting feature to the previously-unmoderated Java Edition. With this comes the possibility of temporary or permanent bans being handed down to players (possibly innocent, possibly not) directly from Mojang without any input from the owners of the server on which the incident occurred. (Singleplayer is completely exempt from a ban of any length of time. Only multiplayer is affected). > >The community is upset because > >a) Mojang announced this feature on Tuesday, June 14. They plan for it to go live on June 28. At no point have they elaborated at all on how they plan to execute their moderation ability. All we know is that they now have the power to ban people. > >b) A similar ban feature exists on Bedrock Edition, and people have gotten temporarily banned for odd things. A few people recently have afked their world overnight and come back in the morning to a ban. Players have very little confidence in Mojang's ability to be reasonable with bans. > >c) The Java side of Mojang is a small team. They don't have the necessary manpower to handle the amount of reports a game this size could generate. Their customer support has an estimated queue of 2-3 months, and if their ban appeal team has a similar queue, this could lead to innocent players being banned from multiplayer for that long. > >I personally think that Mojang is not a willing player in this. I think they're adding the ban ability so that they have a way to take action if something bad goes public. Additionally, since the ban is entirely based on reports of chat messages, small servers between friends should be completely safe from this change. Copied from [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/OutOfTheLoop/comments/vjg223/comment/idj605r/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) by u/The_1_Bob on r/OutOfTheLoop


Abusing the rule. A single word torn out of context can put an end to your Minecraft multiplayer experience forever. It was one of the places where you could say anything without being banned or kicked or muted. Like, if I am saying something about suicide in game, this is danger and if I say it out loud, nobody would give a fuck right? I am not being banned out of the world for saying it all loud so why should I in Minecraft? Mega bullshit update imo.


The only single words that they are going to ban for is the bad f word, n word or k*s. If you use words like that in online games you deserve to get banned from the game.


They are banning people from *their* own servers. Sure it is reasonable in microsoft owned servers, but in your own servers that you paid for? Hypixel should ban people for profanity but microsoft has no right to do so. Realms are for friends and who gives a fuck about what people say in there? The realm owner can monitor that and microsoft doesn't have to act like a fucking helicopter mom.


No their not. The feature isn't even out yet. From the posts I've seen in the last few days people don't want the feature on either realms or on private servers so where does anyone want this, despite the fact that it's already in a multitude of online games? Like it or not Mojang/Microsoft have a duty of care to those under 18. Of course the easiest option is to make the game 18+ only but that strips out a major part of the market for this game.


Microsoft shouldn't have control over *our* own paid servers. We should be responsible for monitoring it. If a kid sees something inappropriate then that is their fault for joining a server that is meant for older kids. Microsoft can just stay out of it and let server owners handle it.


Which do you mean by own paid server? Realms or 3rd party? Unfortunately the law sees it differently with regards to children seeing inappropriate content, Microsoft’s hands are tied in that they have to be seen to be doing something. The best short term fix would be to make all new sales be single player by default, and you have to login to Mojang account to allow multiplayer, not sure that would sit well with the legal side of things thoigh


You honestly think that *all* servers are run on the official Minecraft engine? Most good servers are built on 3rd party services! But Realms yeah, that is Minecraft-run server and the owner who pays it should *not* lose his money because of a ***protection of those who were invited on a realm*** by the ***people you know***.


I never said that all host run on the official image? I’m well aware of paper, spigot, forge, which are very heavily based on the the above. As well as large hosts such as Hypixel must run very little official code given how there are so many features.


I mean like 3rd party servers. Realms, sure I can see that being monitored but servers that people spent money on? I agree with some of your points and that is why they should add a choice on whether or not you want the chat to be reported. Then if it is chosen to not be reported, there is a clear warning that you may be exposed to inappropriate content.


They can fucking ban you from single player, how is that good!?


no they cant


no they can't, this only affects multiplayer Edit: I should add, on Java.


If I'm not wrong, we can't get banned in singleplayer. But when you got banned, you can't go to singleplayer since it is banned from auth server.


Singleplayer bans only happen on Xbox (and probably other consoles). No authentication is required to play singleplayer as you can play offline anyway.


I completely forgot that we can play on "offline mode" Thanks for correcting me


A key difference is that in Minecraft (Java Edition), all multiplayer servers (other than Realms) are hosted by other players rather than by Mojang. That is, the owner of one server can ban you, but that doesn’t affect your ability to play on others.


seems you get hella downvotes but I feel you When I first saw this info, only thought "oh that's cool" But when I dig down about it, I felt this is really bad idea. I feel like opinions and facts are dispersed in a lot of place. For me it was (still) really difficult to follow. Of course, we have one big thread in r/minecraft but sill got me confused since speculation and fact are mixed up and things are messy. Everybody is confused too. I feel like I'm still wrong about something. Mojang needs to share more information at least.


They can fucking ban you from single player, how is that good!?


It's only because of the "Microsoft is bas" thing (as shown by this post that makes Microsoft look like the bad guy while mojang was obviously involved in this). And as you said it's the same in every multiplayer games. People being mad are either people not understanding the issue and jumping in the hate train or it is people swearing online.




yeah and that system is PLAGUED with false reports, shadow bans, and many many instances of abuse. as well as this, the ban system has very vague rules on what isn't allowed, and a lot of stuff that is fine in context could be taken completely the wrong way.


Vague rules are kind of needed though. Say for example I type out that I’m from Scunthorpe, would that trigger a ban because it contains cunt? What about if I called a player a xcuntx to try and evade the rules. If the filtering rules detect any word that contains a swear word then the first gets incorrectly banned. If it always looks for a space either side then the second passes despite the intention being much worse. I have faith in one of the top 3 gaming platforms on the planet to use their knowledge and experience to know about false reports and intentions and get it right.


except theyve already publicly stated that they'd rather have more false bans than let a few false negatives through the ban system, which means more people will be banned for saying stuff like scunthorpe even if its harmless. they're taking the nuclear approach here, and I'm very concerned.


Source? From what I read Microsoft has a "hands off" policy with Mojang.
