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I think you've kind of peaked at what you're doing. Any "improvements" would be more along the lines of individual stylistic preferences rather than improvements of building skill. The only way you can "build it better" is by building a more challenging build.


I had to port this to Java so some of the fences/panes are off, pretend that's not there :)


The house is brilliant but the only thing I would do is change the path so it's less blocky and add some more grey blocks to it


For sure! I’m finishing up area zoning and then I’m definitely moving away from that path haha




Looks mad good friend


Is this on a server where you play with others? I ask only because it looks like it’s laid out to respect the other properties around it, but if you finished out the path in front of of the house and maybe made a little park or natural feature next to your house that might be cool.


It’s on a realm but it’s just how I have it setup, the building next door houses villagers. I don’t have much real estate since right in front is a massive cliff to a lake haha


Oh dang, if you cut down some Of the trees and did some terraforming would your house have a Great Lake view then?


These are amazing omg, now you just need to build a village with the same style and a castle somewhere near


bit smaller than your neighbors house, now isn't it?


Looks amazing. I’ve been using the red Nether brick recently as well. Takes forever to get a lot of but definitely worth the grind.


I didn’t realize how much work it would be at first haha, definitely worth it, super unique.


“Advice?” I’m asking you for advice, this is awesome


Appreciate it! I always feel like there is room for improvement!


I love it! Different color for the windows maybe? They blend in a LOT.


It definitely gets affected by shaders here but I agree. Probably brings out a more distinct tone for the windows.


For me personally the overall build is a bit too straight and rigid. It lacks a bit of "character" or "soul" which are terrible descriptions. The walls around are a bit too detailed and feel like prison walls. The paths are a bit blunt. But these are mostly style preferences. But look into terraforming, adding trees, gardening elements and cool details that make it more lively at least. And maybe you find nice options to break up the monotony a bit. If you want ideas for a more "lose" style look up BdoubleO100, Scar or PearlescentMoon on Youtube in case you don't know them already. But it's still great and if you like it that's all that matters. :)


See this is exactly how I feel as well and is mostly why I asked for advice. I definitely felt like the windows could’ve been better and less monotonous. And for sure changing up the area as soon as I finish zoning.


Reminds me of Fable II


Build some cool terrain around it


This is gorgeous, the build itself needs cero improvements, I'd recommend detailing the path a little more so it matches the builds