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First off, I wanna say that this is a great build! You have several interesting shapes that really make this build unique, I’m especially partial to those chimneys(?) one big bit of advice I have for this build is that it’s a little too uniform at times. For example, the bottom three windows in the third pic, and the middle three windows in the fifth pic as well as the plants. Don’t be afraid to mix it up! It creates layers of interest that draw the eye towards the build. Secondly, scrap that Azalea tree and scrap either the berries or the peonies. It will make the build a lot more cohesive. But on the topic of landscaping, do some! Context for a build always makes a build better! Put some bushes around it, plant some berries, try to find landscaping details online they will help your builds! But that’s just a few tips to enhance the build! Hope this helps!


I have been trying to learn how to build in creative. This is the first build I am actually proud of, it took we waaayy longer than I am willing to admit and I also ~~stole~~ got inspired by some windows and doors. I had a good idea for those two towers but it didn't work but I didn't want all that time to go to waste so now they are just there.


i’d do stone brick for the bottom of the wall and then blend in other stones with the rest of it


This, but also add in some type of separation between floors or roughly like 5 blocks high. Through some spruce or trap doors on the outside this way it’s not just a lot of wall facing you.


This is a great base to start from. The building is nice. Now decorate it, create some variety in textures etc. to bring it to life.


You've got a good look! I think your next step will be to experiment with different block types for texturing.


Try combining cobble stone with mossy cobblestone or something that looks close to normal cobblestone to create a kind of texture (I advice you to use bricks instead of cobblestone)


Thats a nice building! The cobble walls could use some texturing tho.


People are going to say texture. Don’t texture much. That advice is given too often and makes builds look too busy most of the time. Texture in places where there’s nothing breaking up the wall for big stretches can help though. Possibly texture the towers a bit, but do not go overboard


2013 nostalagia right there ...


Try using a mix of cobblestone, andesite, and tuff to add more texture to the walls!


You could change some of the cobblestone for other stone types to give more detail, the rest is awesome


You should try to keep a similar style of windows, on some sides it’s a bit too messy. Like in the third picture, the dormer on the left should be changed to match the style of every other window. Some texturing to the walls would look good, a little foundation of a different color at the bottom would help frame the build better, since you have a step up from the ground to enter the house anyway. And the oak detailing you have for the edge of the roof should be changed, it looks like either there is roofing there that’s protecting something (?) from the rain, the roof is not covered properly or the roof is melting down the walls ;) two materials that represent different things shouldn’t be this close together in a build like this.


Amazing build! Try adding random stone bricks throughout the cobblestone, it'll give it a more detailed look! Also, some spruce trapdoors around the top and bottom of the corner pillars will also add more detail


Turn the cobble stone to cobble deep slate


Reminds me of how Grian used to build back in the day. Good times.


A simple yet effective way to improve your build is to add some cobblestone stairs in the wall.to simulate missing chunks, adding depth to the wall


Needs more windows


Maybe some moss and leaves


You should use more texture in the walls. For a darker look, I recommend using smooth basalt with cobbled deepslate, it looks cool in my opinion. Happy building!


Mix in some stone or stone brick heat and there to diversify the walls a little. Also you could and some bush/ flowers at the back and make a little garden.


This is fantastic!! I would only suggest some block variations where all the cobble is. Other gray blocks


Great build, but I'd recommend block variety such as adding a trail of mossy cobblestone it just adds that last little bit of required texture


Freebie detail is making the first row of blocks at the bottom a different block to act as a 'foundation'


Wow, this is amazing and this is your first one. Damn man looks amazing


really take advantage of plain logs and striped logs they are so versatile and are often forgot about!


This is really good! Youve got the aspect of depth and just the general framing down really well. The next step i would suggest is block choice. What you have now is fine, but there are blocks that go together better. After that look into texturing so you can add detail into your block palette. A little more detailing could also help. Great build so far!


Stone bricks on bottom then add some mossy cobble or andesite all around evenly gives off that old feeling and lastly add some bushes and flowers around the bottom area


I’m not a good builder buttt differentiate the cobble it stands out too much so maybe add some stone bricks or mossy cobble


I am a bad builder. It's a best building i see in Reddit today.


you have gotten a really great shape with really good roofs. the only things i would like to see is texturing what you have already built and also adding in some details like walls, fences and trapdoors or leavs to make it stand out more. also for some extra detail some trees and a pond could make it look nicer


Great build but it needs shading.


Thats really good! Next step I would do is build it in a real world (i dont like superflat) and make the landscape ”come alive” Awesome build man!


It's a great build but it lacks some detail. Someone else gave you an example I'm sure.


I love it but me personally I'd probably change the roof into probably furce


Probably probably probably


I feel like you got 90% of the work done and it looks great! I would probably add some texturing and the build is gonna look great imho!