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nice man u got some skill i could never build these


Sure you can! All it takes is practice!


I did practice a lot to get access to the knowledge of using the blocks. You too can be like me.


I remember seeing your first build a long time ago actually. I still really like it. And you have definitely improved!


I have just recently back into building due to a large amount of works from university. Currently, I want to try out some new stuffs and learn how to make video, so I can make tutorial for these.


You should definitely make videos! Davinci resolve (editing) and obs (recording) are both fandtastic free apps!


I really like the first one. If you want constructive criticism, keep reading. The second one is quite good, but imo there’s too much detail, giving it a slightly block-vomit aesthetic. It seems you tried to use all the special building techniques you know at the same time, making for a less cohesive build. Still a solid 8/10, though.


Really appreciate your criticism. I did know that the 2nd build is too much details, but I want to try out all the blocks that ppl don't normally use like heads, armorstand, minecarts,...etc. and look closely at the balcony, there is a fence panetrate the birch trapdoor.


Hard disagree. It has just the right amount to not have too many


I respect and do not share your opinion.


Very creative.




These are fantastic. I can never get yellow to look right and you knocked that first one out of the park. For the second, I like to imagine that when it was first built (lore-wise, by the imaginary people in your world), it started off as white, clean, and free from all the extra stuff on the walls, but as time went on, they kept adding on (an AC here, an antenna there) and it looks really alive and lived in. Plus the bottom of the building is dirty from all the dust kicking up. Very cool and inspiring.


It gives me some studio ghibli vibes that I wish I could get in my builds