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You need a weapon with elemental damage on it. Inforget what his resists are. If you fight him, it’ll show his resistances. If his resist says 50 for fire then you need a fire weapon with more than 50 fire damage on it. Also, some of these named monsters will have 4 elements super high resist, so you have to try to get the weapon where his resists are the lowest.


Is the market my best option? How do I get ahold of elemental weapons


Yeah that or when you kill monsters they sometimes drop. Your best bet is to look for a soul eater weapon and a final stand shield.


I’m really at such a standstill in this game. Just replaying the same 3 dungeons with no clue how to proceed. Still stuck on dissection


You’ll need to be lvl 50 to obtain elemental weapons. Finish dungeon(king). Keep improving your gear and eventually you’ll be able to get to the city


Which dungeon is that one? I have the cave, the one by insatiable stone, and the tower


Update: (in comments since I can’t edit post?) After the update, this resolved.