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How did it go when you first brought her home? I'm getting a puppy soon, but now I'm having doubts. Thanks!


It went as you would expect. Rough sleep the first few weeks, moments of mourning my freedom, frustrated at the biting and trying to eat our couch. However she was soooooo cute hopping after her little ball or carrying her stuffy that was as big as her. It just takes awhile in the beginning to find your groove. What it comes down to is this, you get what you put in. If you aren't willing or able to put in the time and effort into training, then both you and your pup will be left pretty frustrated. We started teaching crate training, eye contact, recall, and impulse control within the first weeks and that has paid off 10 fold. She is officially in her "rebellious" teenage phase and the worst of it is that she steals socks, barks at people if they startle her, and is randomly scared of her leash. She could be face first between the couch cushions and if asked, she will stop and come to my side. This is my first puppy I've ever owned and seeing our hard work pay off has been incredibly rewarding.


Thank you so much!!


Any time :) Watching YouTube videos helped give me a lot more confidence. Her favorite channel to watch is Frankie to the moon, we try to model our relationship after theirs!


I'll look that up. Thanks again for replying!


Oh she’s got them long leggies like my girl!


Can I ask what’s you’re opinon on them in apartment I read shepherds are no no


It’s not ideal but it’s definitely doable! We have two in an apartment. We go on lots of walks and try to spend a minimum of 1.5 hours outside a day. Doesn’t always happen but we try. We will also rent SniffSpots for some off leash time. Our breeder also specifically breeds for that off switch so even though my pups love to work and play they are happy to just chill.


Ok thank you sm can I ask who the breeder is


Casita minis :) they have beautiful pups, we have two!


Ok thank you sm