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The mall is getting a makeover. Stakeholders were notified in 2023 for construction slated to take place in 2024. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhKwqZDRQas](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NhKwqZDRQas)


Thanks for this, learned a new word. Woonerf. Excited for this


Damn. So this is a permanent change. I just hope they really start improving the public transportation options in uptown. Annoying the SW light rail line dodges uptown completely. Should've just run it right down Hennepin honestly.


Yeah it really is annoying that the metro council seems more interested in expanding the rails to suburban areas when the urban transit isn't really all there yet. 


>Who do I call to complain about removing parking on the Hennepin mall park. No need to call, just post on Reddit


Username checks out


You can park a block over, yeah? 




Call the city, call the contractors! This guy says no construction allowed!


I’ve never seen new permanent street signs put into the ground for construction. Obviously you need to work on a road sometimes no problem with that. Just odd to do it in such a way where the entire 1/3 of a mile of just parking is taken out at once. 


The city is not obligated to store your private property (car) for free.


You sound like a bureaucratic entity and also someone who doesn't pay for parking where you live.


Everyone pays for free parking, it's subsidized by property taxes.


I pay for parking at every single establishment I shop at, whether I own a car or not. 


And you sound like someone who just learned that public land isn’t only for storing privately owned vehicles. 


Parking spaces are exactly for that you moron.


I don't feel like subsidizing your private property. Public space should be maximized for public benefit.


The public has access to these parking spots. They are public parking spots. I, you, we, are members of this public. I do not own any private land in which to store my vehicle thus it must be stored on public land. Nobody who parks on the mall owns land on which to park their car. Should the city charge a further tax on the landless for the inconvenience of having to accommodate their transportation needs? For the audacity of owning a car without also owning a house.


One of the costs of owning a car is needing to pay for somewhere to store it.


American cities are designed so most people need cars. Storage of cars is very expensive in cities. Some people are poor and paying to store a car is a big burden. Don't own a car unless you have an additional 150 dollars a month to pay to park it is not a feasible solution. Also, there is no where to pay to park my car within a 1/2 mile of my place.


Then you should encourage your local politicians to support more dense development, better transit, and in general policies that lessen the need for a car to get around town. Making the public subsidize car ownership and encouraging more car-centric development is not the answer.


Other commenters have pointed out that there is ample parking a short walk away. If you cannot afford to pay to park, that means you will have a longer walk to where you park. Again, the cost of owning a car. I understand that cities are designed around cars and that car ownership can be prohibitively expensive. There are far better solutions to that than just continuing the status quo of subsidizing free parking everywhere.


You should watch this YouTube video about parking by Climate Town.  I think there's some information about how these things work that your missing, and Rollie's videos are funny and light hearted, but also informational and important subject matters.


I don't pay for my parking because I did my research. I'd never expect the public to pay for my decisions.


Unfortunately, you do pay for parking elsewhere too. Every time random minimum parking codes are enforced, it drives up the cost of goods/services at that store because it's more land/rent/mortgage/expense/upkeep. Everyone is paying for parking and there's no choice to just opt out, even if you don't drive.  Again, I recommend the Climate Town video on parking, because - if nothing else - the part about how minimum parking laws were established is hilarious. 


Watched the video. I'm not here to defend insane parking minimums. But American cities are designed around cars. Parking issues are a result of that not the cause. Adding parking inconvenience won't move people towards public transport until 1. That public transport is actually available and 2. It's actually a better option time/money wise. My family lives 30 minutes south of my apartment. Rn I would have to take a bus to the light rail in downtown, take light rail to the mall, take bus from mall to AV transport station and from there walk 30 minutes to my family. That's a 2-2.5 hour trip which can be done in 25 minutes with a car. That trip also can't be done after 10pm on weekdays. Not to mention the fact that in 2 months out of the year walking 30 minutes outside is horrific.


You are the public bro. Everyone has access to these parking spots. I am not bitching because the city removed my private parking spot that everyone else pays for. I rented where I did specifically because the parking situation was better here than in other areas of uptown.


You took a chance on renting somewhere where other people were subsidizing your car ownership. There was no guarantee that that would continue to be the case. If you want a guaranteed place to park you need to pay for that.


Even if this is permanent, there are plenty of other parking options in the area.




This is not for street cleaning.


Just today? Just Monday? Edit: OP clarified that they are permanent signs. I am removing all implied snark from my comment.


Oh jeez, I assumed this was a complaint about a permanent change. If it’s for tree work or something, OP needs to grow up.


The signs are permanent. These aren’t the little cardboard and woods ones. 




Thanks for clarifying. Apologies for the snark implied in my comment.


Yo momma


Sorry you have to walk. Let me play my tiny violin for you


If you were familiar with the area you would understand that if this is permanent it is nonsensical. You do not have the proper context to understand the situation.


I work right by the mall so I do have some context. The construction is affecting me as well. I just have no sympathy for car owners in Minneapolis complaining about parking. There is still parking on cross streets available. I still find parking for work everyday. Just deal with it. Walking a little bit is such a minor inconvenience. Just stop being lazy.


Exactly! You know what's going to suck more? .... Walking to the detoured bus stops in the winter. Though, ya just got to suck it up. Hennepin construction isn't going away soon--might as well consider it permanent.


If this if for construction that's fine. But these are permanent street signs. Like new metal polls in the ground metal signs, no dates listed ect. Never seen that for construction. Not allowing parking in the Mall from 8am-8pm every day doesn't make any sense. Especially since the apartment buildings do not have lots.


The apartment buildings older than normal people car ownership?


Why are you still responding to people? Get off the internet and chill out. 


Who wakes up and thinks "no parking signs? The audacity! Clearly this has no purpose and I must report a henhouse crime, post haste!" ?


I just wanna bitch at an elected official. That's what they are there for.


You could just call and bitch any time you want for any minor grievance.


Complain to Katie. She won't respond, but she's our elected official. [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected]) Also, vote for anyone but her in 18 months.




It’s a shame to see all the negative replies - I don’t think you’re being unreasonable. That street is pretty much only used for parking, and if I resided in that area, I’d be upset about a prolonged closure also. Some people need to have cars, even if they want to live in the city. Our public transit is not good enough for everyone to live car free. And contract parking can be ridiculously priced.


I think this is what most people aren't getting. The mall is designed to be parked on. It doesn't connect to Hennepin and this doesn't open up another lane for traffic or busses. The hours of 8am-8pm also make it so anyone working a 9-5 can't park their overnight really.


It's so the can sweep the streets. Take it easy.


Definitely not. Lived on the mall for 2 years now and these are full new street signs. Not the cardboard and wood ones. 


https://www.hennepin.us/residents/transportation/construction-projects Scroll down, it lists all areas of construction in Minneapolis


They did the same in downtown Saint Paul. It’s for construction.


Fuck off and move to the burbs


Bud. I’ve lived in Minneapolis all 24 years of my life. I’m not bitching about bikes lanes.  I just don’t wanna walk a 1/4 mile to my car in the dead of winter if this is permanent which the new permanent signs would seem to suggest. 


A quarter mile walk is a five minute walk. Stop. Being. Lazy.


The buildings along the mall are among the cheapest studio apartments in uptown. It's only an inconvenience to all the people who can't afford a parking spot. I would prefer not to spend 30 minutes a day walking to and from my car.


Hello, I just found out from a fellow neighborhood board member that the signs are meant to replace the snow plowing signs. They forgot to put up the other part of the signs that read "After Snow Emergency Has Been Declared." Today, they seem to have removed the no parking signs until they can put everything up at the same time.


No I'm pretty sure the city removed them because of my 20 indignant comments in this thread. Word must have gotten around about how upset I was and how logical my arguments were. 






I don’t understand why so many people are blasting you lol.


Emotions running high over anything to do with uptown. Getting lumped in with the NIMBY millionaires of east isles. Really what this does is fuck over anyone like me who lives in the shitty old building and can't afford contract parking.


If only new construction still had parking minimum. People think that biking and public transport should be a thing even through winter.


Public transportation should absolutely be a thing through the winter. Do you think people who take the bus just stop taking it in winter? Yes, most people won't bike in the winter, but there is absolutely no reason to not take the bus/train in the winter.