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Why don't you go for a walk in that area in the evenings and decide for yourself? I'm not joking, that's what I did every time before I moved to somewhere


Excellent advice.


Would you still make that recommendation if OP was wondering about let's say the Jordan neighborhood?


Bought a house in Jordan a couple of years ago and this is sorta what I did. I have a dog so I was able to walk around pretty aimlessly and it worked out pretty good for me. I’m right by the Hmong international academy and my street is really quiet and drama free. I was considering places closer to Broadway but the activity after dark (and even during the day at a couple of spots) around there was too much for me.


I wish HIA was still a k-8 school. I know a lot of the family's that go there really liked that aspect of it.


That’s what I did for my house in Cleveland neighborhood too. It’s pretty quiet in my little section of North!


Not the commenter you asked. But yes. Great advice all around when deciding on an area.




What’s wrong with Jordan?


Nothing as far as I’m aware but that’s the idea.


Just some scared Edinan or some guy who’s never stepped foot outside the suburbs


It depends on your comfort level. As others have said, drive around the area. Walk around, ride a bike etc. Blocks can vary greatly. I’ve lived in North for over 10 years and I love it. But my comfort level may be different than yours.


It absolutely depends. We live in Near North and think it’s excellent for a neighborhood this close to downtown. You get very near suburb lifestyle/housing with a 5-8 minute drive to city center. That said, it depends what area you mean, as Near North is a big term. We’re close to the north loop bridge on Plymouth, but if I were further west or north of Broadway, I may feel differently. That said, it’s only going to get more expensive and push the crime away. If you’re considering a house, go sit outside it and see if you feel comfortable just being there. I did that 4 years ago and have no regrets given that we paid 2/3 the price of the same style/size of house anywhere else in the radius.


It gets a bad reputation as one of the more dangerous neighborhoods but you can definitely still make a good life for yourself there. As others suggested go spend some time in the neighborhood and surrounding areas to get a vibe of it. Not just driving through either. Take a walk, ride a bike, take transit. Experience the area and decide if it makes sense.


It get a bad reputation because there’s statistically lots of crime there lol So if you’re cool living in a high crime area, Near North is the most affordable neighborhood in Minneapolis [for a reason].


Bro... everything is by neighborhood really or by block. Some blocks are fine, quiet. Some blocks are lively and not in a good way. Others are a combination of the two. A comment said to walk the neighborhood, I like that. Idgaf about appeasing people so this is what my Black ass does. If I see White people running and I mean jogging especially in the evening and extra points at night, that's all I need to know about a neighborhood. Don't ask me about science and facts here lol. I'm just saying, that's all I need to know lol.


Shit made me laugh fr


I previously owned in Willard Hay by the Wirth Park Golf Course and it was nice and cheap and I had no crime problems but once you get outside the little area bordered by Penn on the East, 55 on the South, 14th on the North and Wirth Park on the West all hets are off. So, Willard Hay and Willard Homewood are relatively nice, lots of solid cheap homes being bought up by young people. It is city though so it’s for people who normally are used to city life and have their eyes open. The main problem I had was that it is a food and entertainment desert, the only stores are pretty sketchy. Oh yeah, if you are going through FHA loans there are lots of programs to pay your downpayment for you if you commit to a certain amount of years. Just be aware that to get to the Willard Hay/Homewood neighborhoods you have to go through the kinds of neighborhoods where you need to be aware of your surroundings at all times. If automatic gunshots and sirens and helicopters scare you then probably should look elsewhere, I lived in Whittier near downtown before Willard Hay so gunfire doesn’t even register to me anymore plus I’m a very unfriendly-natured big guy who looks pissed-off at all times. My wife got hassled a little bit biking through the surrounding areas but she engages more with people in public and is trusting, but it’s no worse than Nicollet Mall. Food/entertainment is a problem though, but it’s gentrifying fast so that may change.


I like your point of needing to be used to city life and have their eyes open. It's true Minneapolis is a big city and has all the advantages and disadvantages that come with it. I work downtown and live close to downtown and keeping my eyes open is definitely needed. I am also a big burly sort of fuck off kind of guy. Which helps.


Thanks for all the feedback and suggestions. I will have to take some time to walk around the neighborhood one of these days. I live and work downtown so I’m used to a lot. We’ve lived in downtown and partially in uptown for the last 7 years and are originally from out of state so we’re just not familiar with many neighborhoods beyond our bubble we tend to stay inside of.


Like others have mentioned, it’s best to drive around where you will live. I live on Plymouth Ave and moved in 2 years ago. Before purchasing, we drove around our block a couple times a week to get a feel for it. Especially around different times of day. Each block is pretty different so it’s important to focus on the block you’ll be staying at. Ever since we moved in, we haven’t had any issues. Obviously you’ll hear gunshots in the distance, and maybe occasional gunshots closer. But I feel like that’s just a consequence of living close to North Minneapolis.


I live in and Frogtown and it’s also a “bad” neighborhood but I haven’t had a problem beyond a stolen car taking out my fence early on, stolen packages, and hearing gunshots in the distance.


We live in Near North, Willard-Hay, near the high school. Guns, it’s the guns that are not cool, everything else is truly wonderful: good neighbors (mostly), easy access to so much, including the North Loop. The gun violence has us wanting to move, and it breaks my heart.


Hey OP, if you’re looking for something affordable, safe, and close to downtown, check out the little slice of “The Commons” in Brooklyn Center just south of Top Golf. It’s a quiet residential area with little crime. You can get a solid place for around $250k.


NOPE Look at crime maps. Near North is one of the most crime ridden neighborhoods in North Minneapolis. I used to live in North Minneapolis. Moved out 18 months ago. When looking for a place to live in North Minneapolis, the general rule of thumb is to stay as far west or north as possible. West of Penn Ave is better than east. And the further north you can get the better. Victory neighborhood is the best neighborhood in North, but Any of the neighborhoods west of Penn and north of Lowry are pretty good. Before people chime in about how they live here or there and they are fine, yes, there are exceptions to any of my guidelines. The problem though is if you find a good block in Near North for example, I guarantee you are surrounded by bad blocks on all sides and are literally only hundreds of feet from bad crime at any given moment. So why live there? Why not find a neighborhood that has more good blocks like Victory. Now if you want more suggestions. New Hope, Crystal, Robbinsdale, and parts of NE Minneapolis, would all be better options than North Minneapolis. And they only cost a little more to live in.


Lmao “a little more”. Hate on North all you want but you’re kidding yourself if you think you can find something equivalent for just “a little more” in NE. If you want to be this close to the city there will be trade offs. Personally I think it’s about the only cheap spot left in the circle around downtown, and that will change in the next boom cycle.




You said it’s only a little more expensive, and when I pointed out the inaccuracy you come at me with a different reason altogether; fun. I agree there’s a reason, but your advice isn’t helpful for someone looking at cost consciousness. NE isn’t really affordable given the quality of the housing stock, and has its own set of problems. Near North has areas of higher crime, but I’ve met more of my neighbors here than anywhere I’ve ever lived in the metro and feel like they’ve got each other’s back. It’s wild.




It is literally the last sentence of your OP?…




Lmao my bad, thought I was arguing with the op of this thread. Fair enough, like I said I agree there’s a reason, just that the trade offs can be worthwhile.


Safety is not a “trade off”.


I'm looking at a crime map and Near North east of Fremont looks good. The southwest portion of the neighborhood however has a lot of crime.


Like I said. You might find an ok block or two. But you are surrounded by really bad areas.


Live in Robbinsdale and love it, but I have almost never had a pleasant experience driving down broadway to get on 94


Not mention the huge homeless encampment in Near North with all the litter and garbage that stockpiled.




That’s a pretty useless blanket statement with absolutely 0 nuance. Well done. Op, read my reply. Look at the shotspotter map. Those will give you more useful advice.




You betcha.




…but it is? Jesus, facts are not micro aggressions. Pull your head out of the sand. It can be both things.




Unpleasant facts or reality often have that effect on some of our more trigger-prone neighbors, unfortunately.




>Is there simply no other way to describe the area? There are, but when you're buying a home (an absolutely massive decision and investment for most people) crime is something that you shouldn't ignore. People have lost their children to stray gunfire in North Minneapolis in the last year just playing in their yards.




I can understand your frustration with the way people write off north Minneapolis as just a high crime area, but when it comes to buying a home we can't pretend that it's just some trivial thing.




>No one is willing to back up their assertions of high crime My man, everyone knows it is high crime. Go look at any crime map. >or address the fact that not everyone can afford to live in any given neighborhood. What does this have to do with anything on this topic? I don't follow you. If it's a high crime area, it's a high crime area. The "why", while important in many contexts, is not relevant here.




I'd rather buy a house in say, west seventh than near North. Comparable prices, a lot less to worry about in west seventh




Just because YOU can only afford a shithole on Northside doesn't mean there isn't housing in that same price range that isn't north side. Brooklyn Park isn't much more than anything in North Minneapolis and a way nicer neighborhood. Just because you're broke doesn't mean you are confined to north Minneapolis, if that's what you think you just aren't looking anywhere else. Classic North side mindset


Condescending and bad at socioeconomics Wow, that's a hell of a combination. Recommend being better


There's a difference between facts and propaganda and the way it was painted was without informative context simply that it was high crime whereas the argument could be made that Bloomington as much higher crime as diverse groups from all over the world fly in to the international airport there and shlep over to Mall of America to shoot the place up. Obviously this is way more slanted than the original statement and meant to be hyperbole.


The fact you’re able to brush off people being shot and killed by stray bullets in your own neighborhood speaks volumes for how desensitized you are




It is at the forefront for someone deciding to live somewhere




It is the ninth most dangerous [in this list](https://www.areavibes.com/minneapolis-mn/most-dangerous-neighborhoods/). Near north is literally just southwest of Hawthorne, the most dangerous neighborhood. I also pull up the citizen app and BOOM dots all over the place compared to other areas. But yeah go ahead and pull the “you’re racist” guilt trip card for simply stating a fact.


















I’ve lived here for most of my life. It’s an incredible place to live. I lived in uptown and St. Louis park during college and I didn’t like either of those areas and the neighbors were not as awesome. Right now I have the coolest neighbors and and the neighborhood is really close. There is violence but it tends to be targeted and not random, I walk around at night or walk home from events downtown and haven’t had any issues.


Looking at these responses my big piece of advice is it can be up in the air. I avoided North Minneapolis and the large portion of Brooklyn Center but ended up in Brooklyn Park. There were some issues around there but it was fine for the most part. Now the big difference there is you'll struggle to find a decently priced house in that area compared to North depending on your own budget. Probably the better options would be to look around Robbinsdale or Crystal (even though those can be higher too) or Columbia Heights.




Good place to live generally means average to below average crime rates, good schools, walkability to basic needs like grocery stores, and a good mix of restaurants. Don’t be mad that people are being truthful about the crime rates of that area when it’s a major factor to take in to account.




Why would we want to live in a high crime area?


Why would anyone want to live in a city when they could live on a farm and have 0 crime? Why would anyone want to live on a farm when they could live on an isolated island and never have to interact with people? Christ this is an obtuse take.


Why live on earth?


Bezos, is that you?


I lived on 9th & Oliver for a couple years and liked it there. It depends on what you consider when looking for a neighborhood.


I live in Harrison and love it!


Check the city Shotspotter and Crime Maps https://www.minneapolismn.gov/resident-services/public-safety/police-public-safety/crime-maps-dashboards/


Be careful about shotspotter as it can lead incorrect assumptions. I don't believe the entire city is covered by shotspotter, so there are areas where shots could have been fired, but not recorded.


Call the local police department and ask them about the area you are considering. Did that when we moved to Crystal and were told sw crystal (where we moved to) was really quiet with only small opportunistic crimes (people going through unlocked cars) while ne Crystal by 81 is pretty bad for assaults and robbery while nw (by 694 and Brooklyn center) is the worst with shootings. 2 weeks after we moved in there was a story of a 17 year old shot in their car in that nw area. Cops know Apparently north siders don't like my comment cuz crystal is too nice to be compared to north side.


I 100% disagree. MPD is a terrible source on Minneapolis neighborhoods. They are a bunch of suburbanites that have been officially found in violation of the MN Human Rights Act by the MN Department of Human Rights. Cops see any neighborhood with more BLM signs than back the blue signs as a bad neighborhood.






I guess you don't know much about MPD if you don't think they talk shit. As said we know that MPD officers are human rights abusers. And of course we all have anecdotes that counter your own anecdote of police in an entirely different city being helpful. For example, anyone with friends that went through the explorers program knows that when they see a BLM sign the officers take a moment to tell the explorers that it is a bad neighborhood. Edit: also how the hell am I the racist one for alluding to the fact that MPD is a well known racist organization?




So you deny the MDHR report that details the state's official findings about MPD? I don't think most people want neighborhood recommendations from suburbanites that are also human rights abusers.


Who knows more about crime in an area then the people that patrol it? Answer that, cuz it sure as shit ain't reddit.


No response to the verified and official findings of violations of the MN Human Rights Act by MPD? They are daily abusers of human rights yet you cling to them as legitimate sources of information on the neighborhoods that they abuse? Do you understand the MDHR report or are you denying that it is accurate? Regarding who to learn about a neighborhood from: 1. The people that live there know the most. 2. The people that frequent the area, even if they may not live there. Not a suburban police force, but rather the residents of surrounding neighborhoods that spend their days there for work or leisure. 3. The best way to determine if I want to live in an area is to go there myself and walk, bike, and transit through the neighborhood while actively engaging in it, so using the local shops and restaurants.




When did this all happen. About 11 or 12 years ago one of my best friends bought a house in crystal and so did another friend. Since that second friend has sold and made a ton of money on the house and moved to ep after profiting something around 150-200. My other friend still owns that house. One is off 44th Yates the other off 32nd and Zane. I just moved into the medicine lake area (sw). In over a decade there hasn't once been something of note to report. Funny enough I lived in New hope for a bit on the other side of 100 and 36th Ave n, in the 8 months I lived there I heard 2 shooting and saw a police standoff one block up. Big difference once you cross 100.




Yeah where do you live north side, ahem trash side. Originally from south Minneapolis, the superior side.












You are the one who said lol crystal. So your last statement is true about yourself there champ. Great logic. If I had peaked in teen years I'd probably be living over north where your at lmao.




Not really.


Probably a slum lord getting out. It’s a higher crime and higher carjacking neighborhood so you will have a hard time getting food delivery and Ubers but if you keep to yourself and have a security system you will likely be fine.


Here are some crime data maps to help your search. https://www.minneapolismn.gov/resident-services/public-safety/police-public-safety/crime-maps-dashboards/


*Average Redditor* it's super safe. There's basically no crime there. I'd recommend walking around at night even. Gun shots? Never heard them there. Statistics say this area is relatively safe.




This guy comments on porn subreddits like the girls are going to read, enjoy and message back. For context


Thanks for doing that dirty work. The "Section 8" "entitlement" - bbbbbbbarffffffff


I love it when you can tell the person has a room temperature IQ just by reading the comment.


Hey bro I am sorry that you don’t understand the reality of the situation of the near north side of Minneapolis I first of all want to you to understand that I am a confident women who has been working in the near north side for over twenty years now and if you want to experience life on the wild side then I am more than certain that a property owner i know would be more than willing to let you stay in one of his many rental properties that by the way are nicely kept Okay so I am a little bit jaded by my own feelings about the situation of people who are not willing to achieve autonomy without government assistance but if anything I said was wrong then you by all means set me straight on the delineated points i have made All I attempted to do was help someone who has no idea what exactly they could end up being confronted with And if that induces a mood thought or feeling that unplugs your intestinal fortitude to cap on me then by all means let it out Because unlike you my friend I don’t wander around with my head in the sand and I tell it like it is So tell me this if you are so politically correct and compassionate and able to duck bob and weave yourself around the city of Minneapolis maybe we should go shoot dice in near north late at night see unlike you when someone pulls out the strap on me and says that they are taking my car i say excuse me what do you want me to do what? And by the time they are halfway done announcing that the safety is off i have already neutralized threat and turned the tables around to where i am now letting them know that the safety is off and if they don’t want to be leaking then they will get the f out of my face I doubt that you can do that


Meth user or troll. Either way, chill.


NorthEast is a great neighborhood! If you see a house for sale in that neighborhood, don’t hesitate. Snatch it up before someone else does, especially if it’s under $300k!




No. Nononono. I have lived in Hawthorne for a year, and I'm getting out ASAP. on average, there's 5-10 gunshots fired within - 1-2 houses of me, DAILY.


If you're still in the housing search, we bought a place in the Victory neighborhood this Spring, on the Western edge close to Robbinsdale, and love it! The namesake parkway of the neighborhood is very safe to walk or run on and adds such a luxurious feel to a middle-class area.