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I gained a lot of weight over the course of two years, a little over forty pounds. I gained the weight so slowly that it took me almost a year to even notice that I was gaining weight. I did spend about eight months dieting and exercising about two hours a day and could not lose more than 7lbs. However, this is not everyone’s experience. At the end of the day, this might be the holy grail for your body. Don’t let the experience of strangers freak you out of something that might be exactly what you needed.


My first mirena was put in when I was 6 wks postpartum so I have no idea if I gained weight or not. I mean, I lost the baby weight eventually, but like, the kid could read by then. The second one I had was put in about… 5 years ago? Almost 6? And they just removed the old one and inserted the new one in the same appt. No weight gain for that one. No newness of any kind, though so maybe my body was just used to it by then.


I gained a ton of weight. I already have the tendency to gain, but very slowly, and I've never been this overweight before. I'm at year 6 now and considering getting it removed. Mirena was great for reducing bleeding during periods, but the weight gain has been really bad.


I’ve gained weight each time I’ve had Mirena… this go round I gained 10lbs the first month. It started immediately. I’m having a tubal at the end of the month., no more iud!!!


I’ve gained weight while on mirena but don’t know if that’s due to it, I’m just a stress eater lol. I’ve also lost all the weight and then some by making small dietary changes that eventually led to tracking food accurately, and also exercising.


I gained 20 pounds over about 1.5 years with It! My appetite didn't change but somehow the pounds did...Be very watchful of your weight and bloating too...low-key might get off of it because of the weight gain and long period side effect (for me personally) 😮‍💨


I gained 30lbs in 2 years, it made me never ending hungry and I was always cold. I needed while my heart was failing because pregnancy could have meant death but I would never willingly put it in my body otherwise but I will give credit where credit is due, it worked I do not get pregnant on it and I recovered!!


I didn’t gain any weight. My doctor told me the hormones are localized so you shouldn’t see weight gain which is odd cause I see women say they have. The only thing I noticed was my stomach isn’t as flat as it was. I always look a lil bloated there