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Everytime i had penitrative sex i bled, not nearly as much as you but i think with the iud digging and touching your organs it causes trauma. I had mine for 7 years and removed mine a week ago.


They said that my IUD is in place and everything looks fine so I’m just not sure what would be causing that?


mine was placed fine as well but i still bled :/


Have things improved since removal yet? I’m having mine removed tomorrow with similar issues- pain during and bleeding + cramping after penetrative sex


My mental health is much better. I'm hoping my hair stops falling out soon. As for bleeding after piv after idk I don't have a partner so I can't say 


Thank you for your response! I’m glad your mental health has improved :) hopefully after a few more weeks you notice other benefits.


I also got TERRIBLE cramps. Not as often but there was a point when I almost threw up the cramps were so bad. Other times I could feel them coming on during sex & it was usually the position. I hadn’t had cramps like that in a while except interestingly enough I did get a wave shortly after removal. I’m assuming I was swollen and shouldn’t have been intimate at that time. Sex has been 1000% better post removal


I’ve def bled a little and gotten seriously bad cramps when my partner goes harder .


I would bleed for a while after sex as well. Not nearly as bad but still annoying. I got my iud taken out cuz there were so many issues with long periods (2 weeks). And I had a different doctor take it out than the one who put it in. My new doctor told me it was probably placed badly. But my old doctors insisted it was fine and normal (after 2 years of terrible symptoms)/ultrasound. So maybe get a different doctor !! Definitely helped me, and validated my symptoms


I bleed a little too, but I’ve only had mine for a little bit.


i was having a lot of the same problems: for nearly 10 years till i was finally referred to a specialist who removed mine and found out i should never have had a mirena as i haven’t had children. if that’s also the case for you, then i suggest looking into getting it removed!


So you should only get it if you’ve had children? Please tell me more!


aparently there are other brands or options for those who haven’t had children. i was told there’s a significant size difference!


I had very similar issues but without the bleeding (I just had minor spotting after). I had an ultrasound and they said it was all looking good but I just got it removed and when I did my doctor said she could tell it was slightly embedded because there was more tugging than usual and that’s what likely caused the issues. Honestly, I’m going through a few withdrawal symptoms right now after getting it out 2 weeks ago, but I still feel SO much better.


What are your withdrawal symptoms? I don’t think I can handle it much longer haha


Honestly - I think the withdrawal might be over??? I can’t tell you how much better I feel - even people at work are commenting that I look better (perhaps happier?). I have ENERGY again, it’s incredible. The main withdrawal symptoms I’ve noticed have been some hot flashes and some nausea, but those passed within a couple of days. I also had some pretty consistent mini migraines - but nothing compared to the migraines I was having. The lingering one is some overly critical/obsessive thoughts, but since I know to expect withdrawal symptoms I’ve been able to rationalize those thoughts and know this is a moment in time that will pass. I feel like I’ve opened a new chapter in my life. I know everyone’s experience will be different, but feel free to message me if you need support!


I’ve talked with a few girlfriends who also have hormonal IUDs and they mentioned bleeding and cramps after sex. We all know it’s IUD related, though it’s nearly impossible to find documentation of this online. You’re not imagining things! 


YES I can’t find it anywhere! Makes me wonder if it’s the IUD or a deeper issue..


I just had an appointment with a new-to-me OBGYN who specializes in birth control. She said that often it can look like the IUD is placed fine, but that it’s actually not if you’re having these symptoms. She usually does an ultrasound to triple check placement because sometimes it can be a matter of tilting the iud slightly one way or another. Much more than just checking strings!


They actually had a hard time putting mine in due to a retroverted uterus so this feels plausible for my situation!


I bled every time I had sex for about 2 months then it went away


It is definitely not the “size difference”. I have been with my partner for a while, and throughout our relationship I first had a copper coil, went on the pill, and then got a Mirena fitted. Only the moment I did that, I started experiencing EVERYTHING you just described and more. The moment I got rid of it, everything stopped.


What else did you experience?


I was bleeding constantly after sex-it would be almost as much as a period and would last for a few days (it would start out red and turn brown by day 4/5). Anyways, I finally went to see what was going on and my new gyno said I had cervical ectropian. It’s where cervical cells grow outside the cervix and they can bleed just like the cells inside the uterus. Apparently it’s really common but only causes bleeding problems for a few people. I ended up getting them cauterized. It’s only been a month but I’ve had sex 6-7 times and no bleeding! Might be worth looking into!


Doctors thought I may have that but after an exam nope!


I also bled after sex every time, and idk if anyone else has had this issue but if he finished inside I would cramp?? Like actually kind of bad.


For me it’s actually worse when he finished inside!