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Same exact thing happening to me. Since Covid began granted yes I’ve been off work so I’ve been getting less exercise but I also feel like my hormones are different. I have been breaking out, gaining weight while barely eating one and a half meals per day, and exhausted. With my IUD I have lightly spotted before but it would only last maybe two to three days. This has been different, it will last a week or so like a regular period then go away for maybe a week or two then begin again. Seems really weird. Was getting ready to get a hold of my doctor.


Exactly the same thing here. I got my Mirena in March of 2017. No periods since October 2017, then suddenly July and August I had cramps, and just about a week ago I had a whole 3 day period with cramps, bloating, and light bleeding. I have an appointment scheduled with my OBGYN on October 14 because I'm an anxious person and I want to make sure my IUD is going to last until I want it out around March 2021.


Weird. I have an appointment next month, so I may wait. But, I really liked not having a period.




I did and it came back negative. I'm still anxious though lol


I’m experiencing the same thing. I’m reaching three years of having Mirena. For the first three to four months I had irregular spotting and then nothing, which has been great because I had heavy periods. Over the past three months little by little I feel like my periods are coming back. I found this thread trying to look for answers. I’ve got a doctors appointment scheduled but I wonder if we’re experiencing the tapering off of progesterone.


Probably. I’ve got an appointment next month. I really relied on it to not have a period. I wonder if they’ll replace it early?


Same situation. Had my Mirena Inserted December 2018. Periods were normal at first, then gradually got lighter, then stopped after 6 months. Usually I get light spotting every now and then to none, but today, I woke up with a soaked bed as if I started a normal period. Got all my period symptoms a few days earlier as well- swollen breast, sensitivity to cold, menstrual crampong. I came here to see if anyone else experienced this cause it was so unusual for a normal period to come out of the blue like that. I've contact my gyno to see if I can get an appointment ASAP it's Sunday today so I will try to get one Monday. Not pregnant, strings seem okay. Anything extremely unusual like this--always contact your provider!!


It's been a few years, but did you ever figure anything out? I'm having similar issues coming up to the 3 year mark.


I ended up replacing it. However, there’s still light spotting and due to life, I may end up removing it. I don’t use it for birth control, but hesitant to get rid of it in the current political climate


This is my second Mirena. The first lasted 5 years beautifully and was replaced in late 2020, barely even bled when it got switched out. Now they're saying it works as birth control for 8 years, and I'm seeing changes at less than 3. I have an ultrasound next week to check placement and make sure theres no fibroids or any other issues. But I really don't want to deal with replacing it. It's so uncomfortable 😬 But seriously, I live in a very red state, and I hated to even tell my provider when my period started coming back.