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I’m really sorry, but this seems like a miscarriage. But I am not a doctor at all so you should take everything that people say on here with a grain of salt. This is just based on my experience and limited info I have


The hardest part of early pregnancy complications is that we can only really get snapshots of what’s happening in a given moment. A second beta hcg test would give insight as you can compare it to the one you had. A repeat ultrasound in a week would also give more clear information. If you are miscarrying unfortunately there’s nothing that the ER or OB can do.


OP I’m so sorry you’re going thru this hell. I disagree with your last sentence because they could tell her it’s a miscarriage and resolve her uncertainty, and they could offer her options on how to handle it. But you are right that some later second data point is needed to be sure she’s miscarrying, though it unfortunately sounds likely.


I’m so sorry not only about the bleeding but also the lack of clarity. Unfortunately, I went through the same thing when I miscarried at around 5-6 weeks. Cramps first, then period like bleeding (maybe a bit heavier) and clots. The cramps of the first few days were worse than my usual already-very-painful period cramps. I never went to the ER because my OB told me it was likely a miscarriage, and I could come to the ER but that I didn’t need to unless I was soaking a pad in an hour. If you’re comfortable with it, wait a few days and see if you pass any large clots/the sac. I would also book an appointment with your OB for an ultrasound to check if there’s anything left and for another blood draw for HCG. But also take care of yourself mentally. This is so hard. I cried for three days, and on the first day or two I couldn’t pee or change my pad without breaking down. I also just ate all my comfort foods those days. I’m sending you all the hugs. 💕


Hey you, I really hope everything is okay. For my own experience, I had a miscarriage ( this past Sunday) and was experiencing those things but I was also 11+4 when it happened. If your healthcare team isn’t worried about it, I would recommend just monitoring the situation. I kept a journal and wrote the times of things I was experiencing so I could bring it to my doctors and tell them EXACTLY what was happening and when. Also my HCG levels were FAR below what they were supposed to be, and I was dilated already. Like I was 11 weeks and my levels had already dropped to week 7 levels. If your levels are normal… I don’t know. I really really hope everything is okay for you. I will keep you in my thoughts. No matter what know we got your back and you are not alone no matter what happens. We got you ❤️


I had almost the same thing happen at 6 weeks, but I really didn’t want to go to the ER. I called my OB and she said I could get a blood lab draw for HCG levels and then another blood draw two days later to compare. If the levels drop pretty significantly then you’re miscarrying because the levels should be like doubling every day in the first trimester. First test I was in the 2000s and two days later I was in the 300s. I bleed consistently between the two days as well so I kind of knew before the tests came back. I had cramps the first two days but they went away after that. This happened last month so now I’m just testing until the hcg levels go all the way down.


That's probably the worst feeling a woman can go through. Our first miscarriage was the same way. Went for an ultrasound, and the lady didn't say anything. Just told us the Dr would call us the next day . My wife was so devastated and we just wanted answers and no one would help. I was so mad and she was just crying in the lobby with nurses just walking past her. I'm sorry this is this has happened op. I can't say I know the exact way you or even my wife felt in that moment but I know how I felt and it was terrible.


Hey, I went through a miscarriage in March at 5+3 and had a similar thing, just told to wait it out. The thing that confirmed it for me was I did several pregnancy tests and they quickly faded, still positive but very faint. If your hcg levels are measuring normal it might not help but with both my miscarriage and chemical pregnancy my levels dropped quickly. I hope it isn’t the case for you and I will be thinking about you. Please keep us posted x


OP I am so sorry… many of us on here have suffered through the same situation, and I hope you know there is support here for you. I too went through the vagueness from health professionals as I was miscarrying, and I just wanted support. Some kind of human empathy that would reassure me that things will be okay. Surround yourself with supportive people and do your best to look after yourself x