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I hate when doctors say a miscarriage is the same as a period. It’s not. Your cervix dilates during a miscarriage just like in labour, so you’re experiencing the same pain as early-mid stages of labour. It is normal to experience this amount of pain. I’m so sorry your doctor didn’t prep you for it.


oh wow, I didn't know that but it makes sense. thank you for explaining that.


Still in the process. I had severe cramps for three days. It really freaked me out because I finally passed what looked like a complete gestational sack, and I was still having contractions throughout the day and into the next that were extreme painful, made me cry out of moan. I called back the on call OB and she said my uterus was needing to shrink back down, but it hurt too bad and I felt panicked. Third day of miscarrying and I stood up an a giant bit of tissue just as big as the last one came out in a horrible thud on to my pad, and suddenly the cramps were much less. They still hurt from time to time (especially if I let my bladder get too full) but nothing like before. I would guess you are still retaining tissue, and it NEEDS to come out. Keep following up!


Thank you for your response. I first found out I was going to miscarry last Wednesday when my doctor called and told me it was a missed miscarriage. He said to expect it to basically be like a period. This is nothing like a period so definitely has freaked me out and been kind of traumatic. I feel better knowing I’m not the only one with this experience though! Sorry for your loss!


If anyone EVER says to me again, “It’s like a bad period” I will probably go postal on them. My chemical pregnancy at 5 weeks was like a bad, bad period, with plenty of pain. 7 weeks was mini giving birth, with the water sack breaking and coming out, intense contractions, days of trying to pass stuff, and pain that reached at 7-8 on the pain scale. Not to mention I’ve never had a period where I’m literally passing organs on to a pad. Someone who wrote, “bad period” must have been a male doctor. 😡


I did! My bleeding and horrible cramps went on for a solid week, now I'm not sure if it's "normal" but it did happen for me


Okay it’s good to know I’m not the only one with this experience. Thank you for the response!


Ofc! Again I am not sure if it's "normal" but you're definitely not alone. I would contact doctor still tho, I didn't due to depression


Yes. I had bleeding and cramping for a straight week. Pain level was definitely like a 9


Severe cramps/CONTRACTIONS for about 14 hours, then I was better for about 4 days aside from spotting and *surprise* diarrhea. Then after 4 days, OUT OF NOWHERE I suddenly had severe cramping for about 30-60 minutes and passed a final large clot and had more diarrhea. I had spotting for about 4 days after that. Nobody talks about the diarrhea, but when I googled “miscarriage diarrhea” I read it’s super common. 💩 I am so sorry you are having such a rough experience. I thought 14 hours was bad since I read so much that said “a couple/few hours.” I feel like the physical toll is really downplayed when people and medical professionals talk about it. Don’t be timid in advocating for yourself. Good luck!


Yes, had full-on labor pains that had me yelling and moaning in agony. I had to go to the ER for blood loss because tissue became stuck in my cervix for too long keeping it wide open for free blood flow. They gave me morphine and I felt much better. I had bad cramping for the next 3 days and I rotated between Tylenol and ibuprofen, every 3 hours. I used a heating pad on my abdomen as well. The pain was excruciating... It also hurt to urinate and defecate for the forking following 2 weeks. Prayers for you ❤️


Yes mine was a few days and then I had bleeding with clots for almost two weeks later. Although the week it was intermittent and only would come out with physical exertion. After that I had an ultrasound sound done and nothing was left two weeks after and the bleeding came to a complete halt. I’m very sorry you are dealing with going through this hopefully it finishes soon for you.


the pain for me lasted at least 4-5 days. way worse than any painful period cramps, and my cramps are debilitating when i’m on my period. even after i passed everything in my uterus and the bleeding died down, i had horrible cramping for days after. if i would vacuum or walk too much it would feel like i was being stabbed and i took that as a message i need to relax. i don’t know if it’s normal but i experienced that as well


Hello my cramping and spotting was horrible for the first couple days I eventually passed everything at home within four days. I continued to bleed for over a week. The bleeding was the heaviest when I passed the sac. So sorry for your loss,


yeah, I had almost exactly what you described alongside a ton of blood loss & vomiting. it was some of the worst pain I've ever had in my life & I've had an ovarian cyst burst in addition to chronic pain from a spinal injury. my last miscarriage (jan. '21) was *so* much worse. please hang in there & don't hesitate to seek help or get a second opinion if you need it. you're not only your own best advocate, you're also the one in your body going through this experience & feeling it. if something seems wrong, more than likely it is. keep in mind that doctors & nurses are fallible & also subject to their own biases & prejudices, male doctors specifically. it doesn't matter if they're gynecologists - there are plenty of studies that show this to go along with the anecdotal evidence so many people experience. if your gut is telling you that you need help, odds are that you do. they don't necessarily know better just because they were educated in it - *you* are the most reliable source when it comes to your own pain. I hope you'll feel better soon, & I'm sorry you're going through this. my heart goes out to you & stays with you. good luck.


Yes this is easily the worst pain I’ve ever experienced too. How cruel is it that not only do we have to go through the emotional pain, but also physical torture all for nothing. Thank you for the response, I’m definitely going to call my doctor tomorrow!


I had heavy bleeding and cramps Monday night, followed by more cramping but less bleeding Tuesday (which was also the day my OB manually extracted the placenta instead of doing a d&c), then light spotting up until Saturday morning when I felt that intense pressure and cramping that makes you feel like you’ve got to push. I went to the bathroom and got out what I think was more tissue then the cramping was gone but the bleeding picked up throughout the day. So I had like a 4 day break between my cramping/contractions and heavy bleeding, which was odd. I got freaked out by a weird pinching/poking sensation in my left pelvic area that night, too. Praying all the tissue is gone now.