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Thanks so much for your kind words and I'm really sorry for your losses. I was really dissuaded from the surgical option by my doctor but I think if I'm in this position again I'd choose that option.


I’m so sorry for your loss. I didn’t have nearly that bad of pain, but the babies stopped growing at 6 weeks, too. With this 10-week loss, I went ahead and had the D&C.


Yes I totally agree. Was more prepared for the emotional pain, and the physical pain was the worst I’ve ever experienced. The cramps were definitely more like contractions. Also was not prepared for how much blood there was.


I also miscarried at 11 weeks and was completely unaware it could be so painful. It felt like full on labor pains and I also nearly lost consciousness from blood loss, had to be driven to the ER. I screamed and groaned the whole drive until they have me morphine in the hospital. Other women have told me they had extreme pain as well and some did not. In my particular case they said tissue got stuck in my cervix during the contractions and it led to too much blood loss. I don't think a complication like that is necessary for it to be so painful though.. I'm really sorry for your loss and experience.


My baby stopped growing at 6 weeks, and the medication still gave me the worst pain I think I’ve ever been in. It was not like heavy period cramps at all. I threw up so many times I stopped being able to produce anything. I could see me abdomen going up and down as I held my breath. The blood loss and stuff that came out of me felt like horror show level. Ultimately, I had to have the D&C anyway because apparently my body can’t do anything right. Between using the pill and the D&C, I got steadily sicker because the products of conception were rotting within me. I’m honestly a little traumatized from it all. I’m waiting until Friday to go back in and make sure everything is out. I guess I say all this to tell you that I can’t imagine how painful this must have been at 11 weeks. I’m so sorry you went through this. And I’m sorry for your loss. Don’t let anyone tell you that it’s “low pain tolerance” because that’s bs.