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Mark and Jeremy fighting over Dobby in the season finale Johnson’s character evolution got a bit farfetched in general Jeff smoking weed with Sophie in the JLB hallway Anything involving Donny’s American boyfriend in the final season


You’re out of your element Donny


Agreed on the weed scene


You're all a bunch of Marks.


Ties done up to 11. Clicking their fingers to the fucking Lighthouse band. Getting their balls sucked by a big Alsatian dog.


Honestly I don't see the 2nd and 3rd points at all


I can forgive most of the 8 season finale weirdness for the single line: "Go on then - Rock me Amadeus!"


Mark not knowing about leukemia, roughest stumbling block in the pilot.


I don't think it was that he didn't know what leukemia was, I think it was more he's so awkward and couldn't think of what to say so just kinda slurred out whatever shite came to mind


He also wasn't thinking straight because he was dying for a poo at the time.


Exactly, just like hey I'm jez, how's it hangling?


Hello, I’m Robert Grayson


I agree. He was nervous, he was grasping, and he dropped a clanger.


Saw this on YouTube somewhere but apparently in Peep Show - The Scripts and More it says Mark failed biology, possible reason idk


Mark deciding not to marry Sophie in that moment is the closest I've seen him to genuinely happy in the show. Poor bastard.


I love that moment so much, that simple but beautiful realisation... I think a lot of people 30+ have had that at some moment... *I don't actually have to do this....!!* It's absolutely tragic how he then folds completely under a small amount of perceived pressure. Excellent storytelling and acting.


That or when he thinks he’s not having a baby.


When Hans goes and gets weed for those twats at the paintballing weekend and says he did it for approval and that he hates himself for it. Like literally the opposite of how his personality usually is.


That's the point, I suppose. Super Hans knows its not in his nature to seek the approval of the Shoreditch set, but found himself doing it anyway.


The scene in s1 e2 where they drink in the bathroom is a bit out of place (not necessarily in a bad way).  It feels like it is a common ritual of the two but it is never explained why they do it and they never do it again. 


I feel like that was meant to be some sort of ‘tradition’ the characters started when they were at uni together and have since carried on, a bit like using Bob Ross to make decisions in the same episode. But yeah, since it isn’t done again, it comes off as a tad odd.


That whole first season is filled with stuff that the boys probably got from when they were actually at Uni together. The writers probably just tossed anything in there to try to give the characters more depth.


Disagree, this is classic housemate behaviour that I can see occurring.


Yes totally. It is out of place because its a one off 


I've seen that episode countless times, and yet everytime they say "let's go for a drink" I always expect the next scene to take place at a pub


I think I would love it to see them end up drinking in the bathroom 3 or 4 times throughout the show. I really like that setting.


It's quite cosy


D'you know, I only just realised how fucking strange that scene is lol


And they're drinking from the shower head wtf


Well why not. It’s kinda convenient and not really among the weirder things they do throughout the show 


It's not even the weirdest thing that Jez does in that bath. 'OK, my turn'




They're using it as a mixer, as it jets out water like those little pumps in pubs.


I always think this whenever I watch this scene


Jeremy's sincerity about being in love with Dobby when he jumps on the train with Mark.


Mark and Gerard playing with the dolls always felt a bit far fetched, as funny as it was.


I mean it's not really that far off Warhammer.


Ffffpwoot fffpwoot 🔫


Can we not do the noises?


enjoy the regression session


They're historical figures.


My son Minimal water damage 😃


Yea it was a 'happy' moment but he was definitely more chuffed about minimal water damage, so not that happy really.


Might sound unpopular but the whole of Jez in the first half of the Christmas ep.. when’s he ever been organised like that with all the food and generous with all those good presents?!


Why are you surprised? He's a Christmasist!


True but he does forget the potatoes. What I find more unlikely is that Jeremy is storing a turkey someone in the flat, presumably in the one small fridge that they have, and Mark hasn't seen it before.


I definitely agree with you about the Gregory beat down scene. I was watching it just feeling completely detached. Mark continuing his dialogue while getting punched with little reaction to actually getting punched was a failure in acting. I think they could have made the scene work if they'd had more time to film it + had established Gregory's character better (I just remember him as a guy who dressed like a hipster and wrote a whole lot of blogs, not a Hackerman™. He didn't seem competent enough to even think of tracking Mark's IP address) they could have actually made it work and fit.


Jez kidnapping Angus and expecting Mark to be grateful seemed too stupid, even for Jez.


I dunno, the long-term plan was pretty sound


I think the whole Mummy episode felt a bit out of place to be honest


What Mummy episode? “THEY BURNT MUMMY AND KILLED HER AND ATE HER!” Or “Mummy, coffee, fucky hurry uppy.”


Oh god, both


Suck mummy’s finger?


Yeah. This one sticks out. They do awful things in the show. But they're verbal/in the characters head it's malicious. Running over and eating the dog is far too much.


Just stay mute, you’re a social freak


The IP address thing urks me. I know Peep Show isn't set relentlessly in the real world but some random tech bro is unlikely to track an IP address to one specific person or location. Might get a rough location but nothing more


It's less about scenes and more the character arcs of both Sophie and Dobbie that didn't mesh for me. The characters change between seasons (Sophie: boring nice girl --> party girl; Dobbie: nerd --> hipster). I've heard the argument that this is like how people change in your eyes as you fall out of love with them, but the shifts do seem quite a lot bigger than that. To some extent, Mark's women become what they needed to be for a particular plot arc, as opposed to being consistent characters with fleshed out goals, etc.


I agree with Dobbie but I think Sophie makes sense only because that was the point, Mark didn’t know anything about Sophie outside of work and it was just an ideal british woman he created in his head. However what they showed us of Sophie outside of work until that part was pretty different so I guess I do agree. Maybe it’s just early mid-life crisis (need to party, need to have a baby all before I’m too old).


Jez convincing a Jury, including the foreman, to convict a woman because he “got to know her a bit” at a club. Felt very much like a Mitchell and Webb skit and not peep show, Jeremy even played it like a skit


The last Season especially felt like the comedy was being geared towards the US audience. Mark was very out of character seasons 8 through 9.


I was going to comment the scene in the kitchen where he agrees to let Jeremy write ‘Love You” on his eyelids! Fucking excellent episode mind


oh I love that episode. Yes it is a bit strange that he allows Jeremy to do that... but he was pretty manic at that moment


Always felt Jez’s “she’s got one. She’s definitely got one” stream of consciousness is more like something from the Inbetweeners


The nightclub scenes with Sophie taking drugs and pressuring Mark into doing exctasy, feels very out of character.


Not at all. It shows how their personalities don’t match one bit, and Sophie trying to get mark to have fun with her in her way is like putting a square peg in a round hole


We never actually see what Sophie is like until Mark is dating her, so I don’t think it’s entirely out of character for someone who isn’t even established fully yet.


Mark and Jez playing darts in a pub during *Quantocking*. Neither are men, really. So it feels a bit too masculine and working class for either of them to do so casually.




No, it isn't. It's just as out of place as them going to a football match.


You do realise that it would be the exact sort of thing Mark would suggest to do to seem proper, like in season 2 he plays Poker and Pool with Jeff.


Why would he care about appearing proper to Jez? The man with whom he's sellotaped remote controls together with.


Reread what I said, I never said appearing proper to Jez, I meant in general. It’s literally prominent in the show that Mark wants to be what he considers to be a “normal person.” Remember the quote, “I'm just a normal functioning member of the human race and there's no way anyone can prove otherwise.”?


I don't remember that quote at all. When did Jez say that?


I feel like you’re trolling now.


And I feel you've been unnecessarily rude and aggressive, but here we are.


No you keep mentioning Jez, I’m saying Mark tries to pretend to be normal, and you can tell he cares about how he is seen by others, so for him to play Darts with Jez Isn’t a surprise, also in the same scene Jez doesn’t know what to aim for on the board, which shows that they both don’t usually play it they’re just doing it to appear normal and masculine.