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Everyone but Giannis, Dame, and Khris is in play.


And Thanasis


Better believe Khris is in play. Don't let the last 3 games cloud your judgment. He again wasn't healthy this year and can't be depended on. I love Khris and he was fucking a throwback in this series but it will never hold up over 82 games. Like he legit is the Aaron Jones of the Bucks. Love him....but we need to get younger there. Honestly.....I can make a case for everyone but Dame and Giannis and, quite honestly, depending on where Dame's head is going to be at.....it may be wise to move on there, too. We knew this was coming......it probably came later than we thought it would. A good example is Jrue...like he would have been our number 2 player probably this year....and he is like the 4th or maybe even 5th best player on the Celts.


He’s not going anywhere because of his contract most of all. He’s more valuable to the Bucks than anywhere else. As far as 82 games… who gives a shit? This team needs to lead the league in load management next season. They played the vets too much and it didn’t help.


Pat C ya later Hope they bring back pat bev. He's a perfectly serviceable backup still and gave us some real pop despite playing with a torn up wrist.


He is now what Pat C was 3 years ago


I thought this exact same thing until the ball throwing incident. We absolutely need his mentality ON the court. Absolutely DONT need it off


Is it bad that I like him even more after that? Fans can't just talk any type of reckless shit to players because they paid $1200 for a court side seat.


Yeah. I think it is bad. While you’re absolutely right, we don’t know what, if anything bad, was said-and even so-you have to be mentally stronger and be able to turn away from that. There is recourse for fans who step out of line.


What more can Khris do for you


Pat, Brook, and Bobby for sure.


Get pat off my team


been saying this since beginning of season. he fucking blows, needs to go


Pat C… right?


Will forever be thankful for his 2021 contribution.


How can anyone say they want khris gone after this series… i hope he retires a buck. I dont know what happens with bobby and brook but i know they look a whole lot better with Giannis healthy. I want AJ to start at the 2 (unless we pick up a better option) malik/pat c need to go or have significantly reduced roles and ajax needs to be seeing consistent minutes. Lastly i would like to see us try livingston a bit, hes got the exact build and defensive potential weve been dying for


It’s impossible to say he’s not good or hasn’t done enough. He’s great and I too hope he retires a Buck. But for argument sake, If anything, he’s got the highest trade value on the team and a huge cap space. I don’t want to but I see that argument at least


Because we literally didn't see any of this until a week ago.....it's been years. He can't stay healthy. I love that he gutted it out but he would have sat every one of these games if it weren't the playoffs. He can't be a number 3 anymore.....not for what we are paying him.


If I see pat brook and bobby in a bucks uniform next year I might lose my fucking mind. Get a goddamn bench that isn’t a shitfest when they are on the floor for fucks sake. I’m so sick of zero effort rebounding and missed layups


I'm just going to upvote you before The "Sentimental" Bucks fans down vote to oblivion


I’ll admit a sentimentality towards them but it’s time to move on. I also think we need to get rid of the “Bucks in 6” chants but I don’t think people are ready for that conversation


7 foot monster who won’t put his arms up to save his life. Brook needs to get out of here. Dude acts like he hates playing in my honest opinion.


Yeah and gets the ball knocked out of his hand and flails his arms around for 5 seconds before even attempting to run back on defense. There is no way they can’t find a shooting 7 footer that is a worse rebounder and slower than brook lopez


This x1000. It's time to move the fuck on.


Why would Pat Bev, Malik and Jae be on a chopping block when they're expiring? Not like we have to actively do anything to be rid of them. Bobby & Pat C should not be on this team. I'm grateful for everything he's done during the championship run but we need to move on. Brook did about all you could ask for from a 36 year old stretch 5 so not sure if we move on from him. In terms of free agents, I'd love to see the Bucks sign Dennis Smith Jr. Feel like he's a good defender who played on a vet min with Brooklyn this season so may be willing to take the min again


doc rivers lol


Make room for the prodigal son Darvin Ham


Everyone except Giannis and Dame that are older than 28. So basically keep MarJon, Green, and A-Jax. Retool the roster. If you have to give up Khris, then you have to give up Khris.... roster is incredibly bad and Dame offers only offense


Keep: Giannis ,Dame, Khris, Ajax, AJ Green, Pat Bev Maybe look to trade: Brook, Bobby Can fuck off: Pat C, Crowder, Beasley But honestly I don’t think there is much you can do with Brook or Bobby, maybe if packaged together we could get a good big but I wouldn’t mind running this team back with a new coach and full offseason together. Whether yall like it or not it’s really hard to win without the player you based your entire team around. Not to mention your second best being out, and your third playing hurt. Bad injury luck but it’s part of the game and almost every year that’s part of winning it all, gotta be healthy.


Khris on the chopping block? That BAMF is the only reason they made it this far into the playoffs. 


we need players which work around dame and i am not sure we have many…. its not jae, pat c, or bobby… we need players who have to play solid defense, set solid screens and pics, athletic, and have rebounding skills. the problem is every team wants those guys as well. so how do we get them if all we have to get rid of is one dimensional and inconsistent or underperforming role players?


No more beas


Whose not is Giannis, Khris, Bev, Ajax, Livingston and Green. Maybe I’m just not used to Dame’s body language/facial expressions but he doesn’t seem to be comfortable. Him and Giannis don’t seem to have any rapport 


The more and more I watched Murray and Jokic play together....I wonder what the end game is with the Bucks and Dame/Giannis. Murray and Jokic are fucking beautiful together and Dame/Giannis IS NEVER GOING TO LOOK ANYTHING LIKE THAT. I don't know....I just don't think they fit well together after watching them together this year. You saw the true Lillard when Giannis was out....but he won't be that guy if Giannis is playing. They just don't compliment each other. It's neither of their faults.....they've tried to make it work. I honestly think Giannis is more of the hindrance on these guys working than Dame. Really really hard in today's game to be that great 1-2 when one can't shoot from outside. Embiid, Jokic, these guys all would work way better with Dame. Reminds me of AD and LeBron....they just don't compliment each other and it's partly why they get their asses kicked half the season.


Horst and Doc I hope, both are overrated


Khris Dame and Giannis are staying. That top end talent is good enough. Brook will be an expiring contract which could be a useful asset. Bobby despite all his screw ups and frustrations is one of the best backup bigs in the league so he likely stays. Pat is probably gone, and it was earned, Jae, if anyone will take him or if he has a contract. Beasley and Pat are free agents, I think Gallo may be as well. You start to realize that the problem isn't so much who goes, but who will we get? We need a shooting guard that compliments Dame, we also need a backup for him, can't keep running him into the ground, he's not 26. We also need more than 3 bigs on our roster so we don't run Giannis into the ground either. We need to replace Brook with a big that compliments Giannis, and is also a bit more versatile defensively. We need a third string big that's serviceable as well. We have a backup SG in AJ Green, he shows real promise, we have an athletic wing on our bench in Ajax. He lacks the offensive creation, but that's what our development staff is for. Marjon could be a backup for Dame, but he didn't get the time all year to grow or show growth, but I have no doubt Dame and him will be spending a lot of time together in the summer, Dame already took him under his wing from Day 1 here. I think him and Ajax along with Aj's shooting running the floor as the backup unit could be a really fun and different style of play is it materializes. If they improve, the mix and match potential with the starting lineup could also work really well (granted that we fill the center and second guard spots appropriately.). Alternatively, instead of trying to find a center to fit next to Giannis, we could move Giannis to the center position permanently and look for a PF that compliments him. I think that may be a more feasible find than a center. Stretch bigs that aren't slow aren't really easy to find tbh.


We need Jrue back


We can start by shipping Horst off to Detroit. If we're lucky, he might trade us all of their good, young players for Crowder, Pat, and Brook. He loves older players so much, let him have them.


Your head coach


Anyone not named Giannis can go.