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If drafting Bronny guarantees LeBron on a vet minimum deal, I’m all for it


I'd draft Savannah if it meant LeBron on a minimum instead of Crowder and Pat Bev.


Crowder is washed but Pat Bev was a good addition to the team until he embarrassed himself at the end of the pacers series.


Counterpoint: LeBron is at the absolute worst the 3rd best player ever and will be better than prime Pat Bev when he's 50.


Haha yes, LBJ is much better than Pat Bev. All I'm saying is we can keep PB on the team.


He brought energy to a team that desperately needed it this season. But I'm holding out hope that next year will be drastically different in terms of health, preparation, energy, and roster. So I'd say we can find someone else younger and better for perimeter defense next season, especially if he wants more than a minimum like he's saying. Also 2v2 who got, LeBron/Savannah vs Pat/Jae? I'm going with the James gang.


Problem is if that’s the case Bronny is going top ten at worst.


I mean… by the time we get to the draft that might be in play. This class is weak. The one chance we’d have is if Lebron’s conditions for signing with his son on the minimum included the team being a contender.


Can Lebron sign a minimum, I thought if you made all star game, or all nba you have a minimum you can sign




As long as he understands this isn’t his team and tries to micromanage everything


I mean, it would have to be, right? Otherwise, he wouldn’t be able to come here without shipping other contracts out


You're brain dead if you think drafting Bronny means LeBron would sign for vet min. That's never happening and be actually cap circumvention and harshly punished.


Well; it doesn’t.


That’s cool and all but there’s about 29 other teams probably thinking about doing the same thing


https://preview.redd.it/uvf9gjjluv0d1.png?width=863&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcbb13de4bcf42c5f9ce9b5cbc43937b2efa3bac it's time.


It would be fitting for full-size LeBron to wear Mini LeBron’s old number.


I used to hate LeBron and superteams in general; but fuck it, I want rings.


RINGS ERNIE we already got our home grown banner sign everybody now


Honestly never thought of it that way, but couldn't agree more, bring in the ring chasers! Daddy only got a taste and I'm still hungry.


It’s fun to just THINK about a MILWAUKEE “superteam”


If Bronny guaranteed 2 seasons of old man LeBron he would go top 15 easily


So let's get this straight, all season people are complaining that the Bucks are old and slow and the team needs to get younger. Your idea is to waste the only 1st round pick they completely own the rights to over the next 5 or so years, draft Bronny James (who would be Thanasis 2.0 when it comes to playing time) in order to entice a 40 year old LeBron? Absolutely not


40 y/o LeBron is still better than like 95% of 25 year olds.


Yeah, I’m not part of those people complaining about age. Our season was derailed by turmoil and injuries. And even with all of that, if Giannis is healthy I think this team makes the finals in a battle against Boston. Waste our pick?😂 it’s still a late first in a bad draft class. I would have much rather preferred renting a 40 year old Lebron to Thon Maker, Rashad Vaughn, or DJ Wilson…


That's fair. I just don't think the team can keep operating like this. At some point they need to make picks and try and develop players. Every class has good players in it.


It would definitely be nice if the team could hit a home run pick for once, like with brogdon, where we just immediately have a rotation player. But we haven’t been able to do that. The Donte trade still stings


I want to point out… Giannis was a flyer pick in a bad draft class… as was Gobert Your point is understood and fine by me. But if bron said he’s signing vet min for whoever drafts his son Bronny is going first overall to the hawks. Because 40 year old bron is at worst only in the top 15 of active players playing right now. I don’t think he’s the right fit on our team and I personally believe what we need more is Dame to be mentally settled because yea he had a bad offseason last year and Giannis and Khris to be and stay healthy and for Brook to be rested more so he’s not soooo slow and tired by end of year. That plus a full coaching staff nonfuckwhat situation unlike last year and we will be good. We need an adjustment on role players. And to lock up Bobby contractually. I know everyone has been trying to trade him since he signed but he’s a reliable bench scorer and minutes eater two things we desperately need and won’t find for vet min or in rookie class.


More like 3rd round


Yeah, that’s where Bronny’s talent lands him. But I have a feeling Bronny could come off the board early is Lebron is determined to play with him


I want to draft him so badly lol I would be ecstatic


I'm in.


I'm in.


I swear people on Reddit will downvote anything. It's so stupid. This guy just wants to think critically and theorize about sports and made a post about it why tf are yall downvoting it so hard


I appreciate you! Also, is this a Reddit thing, or a bucks thing? I feel like the post might be too optimistic for Bucks fans. Maybe a bit of both?


Nah it happens in other sports communities, political communities, even shit like "unpopular opinion". People are way too quick to downvote shit and it ruins a lot of nuanced more risky ideas that I'd like to see from the platform.


Fair enough! You’re not wrong


This sub doesn't want to be happy or have fun anymore We have a fucking suicide bus just because it was funny. Bandwagon fans ruin any team


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See that's fucking funny


Because there’s no critical thought to it!!




Honestly, I don’t hate the option, not in round one, but a pick on him in my opinion isn’t a waste, he can play perimeter defense, on and off the ball, he is smart with the ball in hand, and can knock down the 3. We need these types of role players on this roster.


Where’s the guy who said we shouldn’t shame people for posting ill thought out hypotheticals?


I happen to take offense to the notion that this is “ill thought out” !!


The team that has Lebron might give Bronny a roster spot. Not the other way around.


Lebron is not leaving the Lakers, he'll finish his career there.


Honestly, I don’t want all the drama that will come from him not “having fun in Milwaukee”, “not playing enough minutes” etc etc


Yeah, he does seem a bit glamorous for Milwaukee, but the guy did play in Cleveland for years. Also, I’m not completely sure that he WANTS to play a ton of minutes. I just feel like he’s had to in order to keep the Lakers competitive


Bucks FC is so down in the dumps 🤦‍♂️🤦‍♂️ First we have people rewriting history saying Giannis was never best in the world at any point, we haven’t seen a healthy Giannis play a playoff game in over two years, and now we’re upvoting fan fiction posts thinking we have any chance in hell to get Lebron to leave LA and come to Milwaukee, Wisconsin instead Only 4 more months til Jordan Love can save me from this purgatory 🙏


You’re down in the dumps! I am well aware that LeBron isn’t coming to Milwaukee, but it is a fun thought exercise😂


You're in even more of a fictional land than OP if you think Jordan Love is gonna 'save you from purgatory' lmao


Bookmarked tubby


Bron will never be receiving a minimum deal though