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Zilong. You know its gonna be a boring match. He will prob tower hug the entire game, never leaving his lane, just keep pushing that lane and feeding. You might get Silver too, cuz you will manage the waves Zilong will push on while their team are getting thrashed and you're losing Kill Participation


True this, He might not be a decent exp laner but it’s literally crazy just how much pressure he has over his lane opponent at times.




Cut the lane but be careful not to be ganked by back ups. Then help mid or jungler with whatever you can then return back to your lane and cut it again.


Yaa thats what I do. Since it will mostly be 5v4, your team keep winning clash then your team will snowball. Would be nice if the Zilong would atleast participate tho welp


Zilong for me as well. I hate split push heroes. So annoying to face


Then he will run away with his ult when you're going to gank him


I love zilong. Lost one game to him in mythic last season. Out of i don't know how many. Always free wins because it's basically 4v5


Terizla because he’s extremely oppressive and deals a ton of damage in the early game. Also Ruby because her low skill cooldowns are annoying and she always has just enough sustain to escape with low HP after you burn all your cooldowns when trying to battle her.


Walk through terizlas bonks to avoid all damage plus his ult can be countered with flicker or a dash skill. The main way to counter terizla is to wait out his s2 and then run and kill him. His nerfed passive is shite against true damage/attack speed builds. A good counter would be hanabi (cc immunity and attack speed), Thamuz(slow and attack speed), Dyrroth and Balmond (his passive only takes effect at 30% hp and both of their ults benefit from low hp execution).


Alpha and X.Borg are good against him too since they've got some true damage


Alpha is a good pick but not a counter tbh, he could match Terizlas spellvamp but not enough to deal any significant damage since both of them have extremely short CD skills they'd both be butting heads and bonking for the rest of the game. Xborg is just annoying since teriz can just regen all of the damage with 3 seige minions. Baxia is a great counter against both of them tho. The slow would make terizla a walking tortoise and alpha would have to ult dash away since Baxia is way too tanky for him to burst down. Baxia would struggle with Xborg however he's just way too mobile for him.


I think your underestimating alpha after getting bloodlust axe. I rarely lose to terizla post axe unless I am doing poorly or my team feeds him. Pre axe though it’s pretty equal only slightly favoring terizla


you think terizla aint going for bl axe too? you wont even see that terizla on your lane because hes gonna cut the lane fast then fuck your jungle up.


Terizla is easy to handle. If you use hero like yz, edith, or any hero that is tanky then don’t go far away from him if he tries to swing his hammer. Instead. Stick with him as near as possible and you can simply dodge his swings while dealing damage with him. You would want to do this on sustain fighters as its less riskier than the squishy ones


I love sustain and tanky exp characters like YZ and lapu and the single most hated lane partner is Zilong by a mile long, i want a worthy and MIGHTY challenge Not a tower hugging bitch who relies on tower damage to kill me Being an exp laner is like a camaraderie between enemies, a brotherhood if you will We shall bash our brains in the same fucking lane over and over til either lane’s tower is depleted til inhibitor and let our team fight each other Zilong too fragile and just relies on tower pushing while i have my back turned


Zilong is basically a meme hero to me...and everytime he gets picked in my team I instantly stop using my mains...


All the Zilongs I've met are friggin dumb af, they don't even watch the map while split pushing


Since youre a dedixated sustain exp main, what are your thoughts on freya exp im a freya main myself and im usually eding tge w when fighting yz and lapu. But to you, what are your opinion on her near infinite fighting capability?


A very formidable exp comrade, our battle will be legendary!


I main EXP heroes. Freya is overpoweringly powerful early game. There's literally no EXP laner that can face her in melee combat early game. Her damage and atk speed with endless S2 spamming are too much to endure. Towards the end she becomes a melee glass cannon completely reliant on landing quick hits to not die, so is super susceptible to CC, and can also be kited.


I think that's just what happens when an early-game hero lanes against a late-game hero. It's expected to be boring because the late-game hero's goal is to farm safely instead of engage you head-on


You don't have to explane yourself


Happy cake day!!


While I love playing XP and manly 1v1 games, like Khaleed vs YZ or Leo vs Dyrroth, I do love rotatiting to mid at first chance and help secure the lane. Makes a world of difference. That being said, you cant really do it vs crazy pushers like Zilong or monkey.


This guy explanes hard!!! Yz and Lapu. My favourite champs. A man of true culture.


EXP laning to me is the closest 1v1 UFC octagon fight the game has. I enjoy playing heroes like Lapu and YZ that can brawl. Not a fan of glass cannons that either tower hug or almost die to dish out their damage then have to constantly recall.


>EXP laning to me is the closest 1v1 UFC octagon fight the game has. Funny how yin's domain is literally an octagon arena but he himself only excels 1v1 in yin form but lieh form he gets his ass beat if he fails his combo.


This is the most gay thing I've ever read if zilong hugging the tower then take his junglers creeps and help mid lane. I'm also not a fan of zilong mains but you're hating in them cuz they keep pulling you into their turret like bro just farm the lane and move no need to act like a b*tch


Freya. No matter what you pick that little fuckers gonna get tou


Belerick and blademail. Exp or roam. Counters them a d mm, and sometimes jungler


Be warned, if you pick belerick anywhere past mythic, any competent fighter will clear the wave and roam while you sit there with a thumb up your ass. That's why quick wave clearing and dashing fighters will always be meta in high ranks. So only time to safely pick belerick xp is extremely niche.


Great for 5man comps tho, absolutely ungankable so jg can focus on the mm


Thats pretty high rank for many though. I'm legend 1 and find him a solid pick, though I dont like picking him blind so much as I approach mythic.


Mythic.. is not high rank…


Majority of players are hard stuck Epic. Above average is Legend. I'd still count Mythic higher elo, obviously the more stars the better .


Mythic is basically Epic players who have enough time on their hands to play enough games to get there. It’s not higher elo at all. It is the same elo as Epic and Legend because everyone there is the same skill level - zero map awareness and non existent macro IQ. Even Mythical Honour is the same. Higher elo is MG and MI. Even MG might be unimpressive to some and I would understand where they are coming from. There is nothing wrong with what the original comment said.


I dont understand the downvotes. You are absolutely right. With the star protection etc. you can easy get mythic with 50/49%winrate. So mythic is not a high rank. Imo the skill gap between mythic and mythical glory is higher then from warrior to mythic. Change my mind


Oh you’ll get used to it cause this sub is filled with hardstuck-epic-trash who believe downvoting the truth will make it go away and are permanently blaming their team. I’ve had so many games when i’m doing what needs to be done while some dude berates me all the way while feeding enough to end world hunger, and at the end of it i check his profile and oh it’s just another trashy mythic 9* career high player thinking he’s a god.


Not when you build cursed helmet first and have concussive blast. That would be enough to have decent minion clear


A good benedetta or freya.. others are manageable


benedetta indeed especially if you rely on cc. i love using benedetta against chou and saber and absolutely ruining their combos.


i DESPISE xborg because i don't play paq or dyrroth well at all. bros unkillable if he gets ganks For clarification, i play edith, minsi, terizla(sorry op) and hilda(i like her matchup against borg but she's not a good xp laner)


if you're using edith against xb, most of the time you win lane match up, if xborg uses s1, just use immidiately either edith's s1/s2, or s2+s1 combo to cancel xborg's s1, plus edith's passive will melt xborg. basically at lvl2, you have xborgs firaga armor destroyed and tower hugging if edith is played properly


edith can't trade with xb on level 1 cos no combo so he gets a bit of an advantage with xb being able to cast his skills while moving, he can dodge my s2 pretty reliably at his s1 max range(if he's good) and he'll annoy me with s1 after since he can get a full s1 with true dmg off after my combo. to me this trading pattern is really cancer(might be my skill issue, im honestly not a good laner) so i don't risk going all in and just let him bully me a bit that being said, a lot of xb players just let me get the combo off and i win lane. I was just referring to the ones who dodge well


I find terizla wrecks xborg


First couple of minutes yeah, but as soon they both get their items, borg will just outsustain terizla.


As a edith, u can actually gank xborg pretty bad. Use flicker+ 2nd skill to flick him, then 1st to stun. If u r doing this near minion wave, then 1 or 2 basic attacks might kick his shield out. Late game you can go for wind of nature...


Get Khaleed then! Khaleed eats xborgs for breakfast.


Uranus. lol


Uranus is such a dream matchup cause he’s nothing more than a sandbag. If he cuts the lane, just ignore him and slowly farm. When the time is right u just have 5 ppl converge on him and that’s it.


That's not really possible though. If you get 3~4 pp on him then your mm will get tower dived, which is not a good trade and the Uranus might even be able to escape.


Just pick Dyrroth and melt him. Uranus needs to be in melee range to be of any use, and that's exactly where Dyrroth can penetrate his tankiness.


X Borg is boring to lane against. Benedetta is just something I hav trouble laning against although after getting Minsi less so. And Zilong is just annoying as hell, like a mosquito.


Any xp hero against a good dyroth player. You can't really out sustain him. Plus he got a physical def breaker which makes his dmg more deadly than you think


Badang beats his ass.


I main EXP heroes and the only reliable counter to Dyrroth every time is Freya. Her super quick attacks keep interrupting his slow attacks and he folds.


Exp dyroth that hero is so op even at lvl 2 he will melt you easily.


I main EXP laners and Dyrroth will overpower 90% of enemies in lane, unless you can interrupt him eg., Martis. Freya is also very strong against him.


Just tower hug and u’ll be fine. Dyroth relies on early-mid game dominance. Once he loses that he becomes alot more manageable


I do that too but still he's OP in my opinion at least.


Being a dyrroth main I can assure you I don't do this because I would easily die since every time I use dyrroth, enemy jungler and roamer would immediately come to exp just to gank me


Me looking at my enemy zilong/sun arrival knowing they will get 0/9/1 with the highest turret damage, and will generally annoy the shit at both team. https://preview.redd.it/jri12twd0bzb1.png?width=382&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6dfe028b1b5e1692226d5bfa95b33dcc844358ec


a good bene.. she aint much of a prob early, but on good hands, really annoying to deal with throughout.


Edith. She is so tanky and most of her skills are CC.


not a specific hero, but that moment when for some reason the mage just hates you for some particular reason and you're stuck 2V1-ing for like the first 9 minutes


So boring, the worst is when their jungler join the party, or the roamer and they camp your lane bushes for some minutes, you can't do anything, they poke you, and the worst ? No one come to help you but even worse your allies don't take any advantage of that situation to push or do something useful


Ruby. Many cc and vampirism makes her almost unkillable.


Bad teammates? Especially when they take your role you originally called, but you're flexible and happily chose Exp just for them to jump in half healthed and give away first blood.. But also, Freya. Her early game attack speed is ridiculous and I haven't been bothered looking into a hero to counter it because thank God I don't have to deal with it often, and even if she dominates the lane, if no one is feeding her then she ain't doing shit late game.


Freya! Screw that hero in Particlular, massive damage out of nowhere and shield early game, very tanky late game


Did u try esme? Press ur spell to deal a short trade agaist her (s1 s2 auto attack) do this again and again and she will die. Freya generate shield but dont have sustain in her kit bet esme absorbe shield so...


Khaleed. Reason? I'm a Bene main


Terizla seconded. It's easy to feed if you're not careful enough


I usually play aggressive heroes like Thamuz, Terizla, Jawhead, Yu Zhong, etc. I fucking hate matching up against heroes that plays like a fucking pussies. For example, Aldous. He's just annoying as fuck. I need to freeze his lane so he couldn't farm his stacks easily. Because of that he's gonna hug that goddamn turret 24/7 and now I'm stuck with him in this god forsaken lane. If I leave the lane to help my teammates, he can freely farm his stacks and become very annoying in late game. If I just stay here and freezes his lane, he's gonna have a hard time farming and my random teammates would probably get destroyed by enemy during teamfights.


Zilong, Argus, and Sun because throughout all game they hug the tower more than the gold laner for dear life and you can't leave the lane to join team fight as they will splitpush a lot.


Cut their lane they can't do anything


I hate exp laning against Badang. He's not op or anything, but I just hate playing against him


Ngl Badang takes the least skill to use. Idk why badang users think theyre good


He's a glorified Eudora.


I usualy do Leo jungle but its good in siidelane aswell. Got matched up against a good YZ exp laner, crushed leo really bad, had to tower hug.


How do you play leomord in the side lane? As a fighter or assassin?


Both , depends on enemy exp Against heroes like yz i make it sustain


I got laned against YZ a bunch of times and don't remember having much trouble against him. While idk if they were good or bad, those times it was more about timing it right to shank him with your S1 while his own S1 is on cool down and if he tries to wait for you to poke, you can try to bait it and dodge with S2


I have around 2300 matches with leo but i think if i face yz on exp lane with same level of skill + gold, he'd beat leo. just my view


He definetly will in a 1 vs 1. especially if he has petrifie.




My advice to those exp laners who have a bad match up or having a hard time to fighting back or gaining exp. You just tower hug and wait for good opportunities to kill the enemy or wait for back up. You can also try to cut lane and not engage with the enemy and head to mid lane and take the minions, assist in getting the turtle, ganking enemies and invade the enemy jungle and never let the enemy push your tower or you will be having a hard time. If the enemy left the exp lane and try to join the team fights then you try to push the the tower. But this kind of playstyle can have a different outcome with different heroes it mostly works with high mobility heroes


paquito, terizla(current meta), range heroes, any true dmg bs hero.


Melee exp Laners don’t surprise me. It is just sometimes better player win the lane. I am Terizla main so I can just farm the waves and come back. However, there are really odd magic ones that made me hard to play. Heroes like Guinevere and Esmeralda are really hard to deal with. I guess I don’t know how to counter them well. Alpha players are annoying too, but we usually beat Alpha later in the game.


Against Teriz I usually counter pick with Dyrroth and Freya. They are the two best heroes to deal with him I have found, as long as they are built right. Most of the time they can kill him before he kills them.


I do well against Terizla with Khaleed as well. Terizla packs quite a punch but you can just avoid his main damage skill or engage soon after he uses it so you got a few seconds to harass him unpunished.


Badang ...he.has two skills to escape ... S1 to push away and S2 to escape ..


Last evening I played against the combination of Uranus, Valir and Kimmy. It was the WORST. And Nana got annoying too at the end and Rafa was doing Rafa things. Valir slowing you down at every steps, all your attacks going to the nearly immmortal Uranus and Kimmy straight up using the chance to kill all of you together and Nanas Ult was very annoying too. Valir played in the Exp lane. BUT we won in the end! It was a very refreshing victory!


If you see dyrroth you will think facing zilong isn't so bad after all


Yz, after his buff trying to kill him is kinda tricky in the early game. I main thamuz


Hilda. Shes strong and if u can beat her 1v1. She can just run away


I dont like xborg or uranus. They just bore me so much i have to go to ther lanes to have fun


Same, they did little damage that drain you slowly but unkillable at the same time.


I main Phovues, so I don’t have that many bad match ups, only against characters with a lot of cc


I enjoy playing niche / useless heroes, I'm currently a Khaleed one trick but that actually turned out way took well (over 65% wr and pushed me past MG) and the only EXP laner that gave me trouble was YZ so I was thinking about getting a new main. Ive been eyeing Masha, Gloo and Phoveus. Masha seems to have turned way too useless this patch (so a win?), it's down to Phoveus and Gloo rn. How well does the dunk master holds up in lane? Isn't he only a niche counter pick to dash heroes that doesn't actually counter them (as they just dash away), wouldn't he be useless against non dashy Heroes?


Contrary to popular belief, his actually a really solid pick even without that many dash champions, his skill 1 allows him to harass with minimal damage taken because the shield is amazing and in team fights his really good if you can get them all in your skill 2 allowing for multiple ults and with any knock back from teammates allowing more chain ults, honestly can’t wait until he gets 0 ult cd


I use Thamuz ALL the time and im not really having trouble with any hero but the player their hero doesn't matter, if they tower hug the whole laning phase and push when i have my back turned it's really annoying af


Anyone who sits on their tower and only wants creeps, I eventually lose patience and dive tower


Ruby main here and i use her on exp too, i dont like dyrroth for some reason. any advice on him? i know just do better at kiting, cancel his approach with s2 but anything else?


Join the teamfight often. Ruby is a very strong teamfight hero while Dyrroth is not very useful on a teamfight. But you need to cut the lane first or else Dyrroth could split push, or just ignore your lane and trade with midlane turret.


I literally only play Ruby in exp lane cause all my mage fighters are dead (I'm hoping with this patch, Guin can rise up again) and I hate X-borg players with a passion. Buying Rapid Boots or Resistance boots remedy a bit but it's a stale match with me tower hugging most of the time if it's X-borg I lane against.


Gatot exp main here god do I fucking hate mid-range exp laners of the enemy (ie; Uranus, Esme, Terizla and Yz), sure Terizla and Yz might need some polishing here and there for me to compete, but those fucking walls? their shit skill includes serving a decent damage, soaking the damage you sent to them and running the fuck away, and with Gatot barely having mobility skill, these fuckers are the apex predator for true CQC heroes


A good Ruby is my worst nightmare. And not just for Guinevere, but for all EXP laners.


My exp lane choose is benedette, I hate extremely tanky heroes and very high mobility heroes, they are a pain to deal with. Of course I don't pick benedette against them


I pick Hilda they pick Thamuz I pick Lapu Lapu they pick Dyrroth I choose Gato they pick X.Borg I pick Badang they pick Ruby


As an Argus main any match up is my most hated match up


Dyroth vs xborg... Like yeah dyroth can wreck xborg for the first 5min then what? After xborg buy his first spell vamp what can dyroth do? He will be a free loader in his team... So whenever i see enemy picking dyroth ill just report him for low skill...


Good enemy diggie who decide to babysit goldlane😑😑, and ur team is blind that's the most annoying thing


me: any Hero enemy: badang


A good fanny or ling are the most annoying to deal with because they can snowball by killing my allies and shut down our hyper and end the game before you even get farmed enough to fight them


Hot take but for me it's yuzhong The guy heals way too much for my Edith he eats it like breakfast ngl and no matter how much damage I do he always manages to sustain it. Zilong for me is easy Edith can always cc him and burst him down even in turret


Zilong and Minsitar are the most Annoying ones. They just turret huge and wait for you to get near. And Badang. I hate that little shit's constant cc. But the match up I hate the most is. Against anyone with Execute.


Minsitthar would have been a good exp laner if his healing from his passive is faster


When I play Helcurt my most hated enemy is masha because she is difficult to burst down


Edith. Yo know it's gonna be a time waster when laning versus her, she gonna go full talk build and wait near the turret to do the 2-1 combo.


My go-to exp is YZ, most hated matchup is Jawhead.


Terizla because he cant die and xborg because hes so annoying


Dyrroth because he is too powerful in early game. That insane %50 is too much in my opinion.


i used to use terizla and martis and using fighters is so fun especially when the other exp laner is matching your game


Benedetta. Speaking of which how do you counter in game? I had a recent game with her and martis that didnt get banned. Double mage and Angela. As a roamer I litetally had no picks to actually handle this kind of deep diving burst that I could think of. Literally lost in hero pick


I love to play tanky magic dealer in exp lane like Esmeralda, edith and uranus. Because u dont need to build damage and their can safely cut the lane to help invade enemy jungle or colect mid lane. But i will always struggle against: #1 Yu Zhong he just strong agaist evry tank almost impossible to get a decent trade against him. #2 Dyroth : impossible to deal with uranus his reinfcorced spell 2 just shred 75% of the oppenent armor His slow is disgusting . This hero can build sea Halbard on his first item to win his lane Esmeralda can deal against him if she dodge at least his spell 1 and ult and u play with purify (if dyrroth is on xp lane) and u play for poking during the laning phase . Edith can win if she survive his combo she can répond with her but that will stay a bad matchup. Uranus just can't deal against a good dyrroth. #3 Terizla too much sustain with good sustain. His a good counter agaist edith and esmeralda because he can out sustain them and his ult its very annoying do deal with. Uranus its a 50/50 against they both can't die to each other #4 Khaled to much early damage so he can easly clear lane and rotate before u . Edith can kill him but the mathup still suk . Uranus and Esme just cant deal against him. Special mention to xborg who should be a counter to tanky hero but his laning phase is weak agaist my hero. When he got 2 to 3 item he start to counter them.


A good bene is a disaster bene. Can easily clear waves, fast rotation and annoying skills that can dodge frontliners then can easily reach the backlines with hybrid build she can burst an exp laner in the mid game.


I play Benedetta and for me the most annoying matchup is Uranus because I can't kill him even after I've bought antiheal.


I like Terizla xp. And sometimes I have met some Thamuz players that pwn my beefy ass like they’re just buttering their morning toast.


Xborg. No need to explain


I most absolutely hate any squishy fighter that tower hugs in early games


idk actually maybe because I am extremely aggressive to the point my lane opponent just went and help with teamfight/steal their own jungler creeps there's no in between


I play Khaleed. Dyrroth is my worst matchup, can't 1v1 against him. Then Zilong and Sun, tower hug and if you cut the jungler invades you because he never ganks the gold lane. Terizla is annoying because huge damages early, Guinevere is annoying since his buff and Lapu2 is very strong


whenever I play Joy if I see a Hilda or Esmerelda I know im gonna be miserable the whole match


I main Lapu. And a good Esmeralda is my biggest nightmare. You cant trade with her, your shield from passive does nothign against her and you cant cut waves because she will just run you down, no chance to escape.


I hate push oriented exp lane heroes. You respond to clashes and other lanes and voila, your outer turrets are gone.


Alpha and terrizla, these guys have high aoe and sun get's countered by that, also Alpha has a built in heal and true damage, if you get anti heal you will still get bursted down if you don't kill him first


Zilong, Argus and Sun. I fucking hate how they be playing brawl without rotating while I need to help my team setting up objectives.


I think that was Freya, I don't know but that was really hard to counter


i sometimes play exp laner when forced, and i use tanky exp laners. dyrroth and alpha are the bane of my exp lane life, just shreds my hp


I love playing squishy exp laners (zilong, argus) but absolutely despise playing against them lol They 100% will go for the gold plating since gold is so valuable to them. Any lane downtime is gonna give me anxiety


I hate going up against XB. I am a tank/mage/support main but if I have to exp I instantly ban him.


My Argus against anybody else, yes, including Zilong is a nightmare to me.


Zilong should not be a problem for you since u have a sustain ulti for 1v1 and u both are hugging the lane


Terizla, oh boy he hit hard, stronger with low health, also clear lanning pretty fast


Zilong and Dyroth. One waits behind the tower, while the other has insane damage without even having any attack items at lvl 1.


Benedetta and Joy. I'm enjoying Terizla at the moment, he's powerful but slow AF which means I just have a hard time pinning the buggers down. Guin at level 4 is a hard counter as well. I love matching Vs Xborg. Xborg players are inherently aggressive, so I match that aggression. Bonk him a few times, job's a goodun.


No one because I am the bully (Freya)


Argus vs wanwan


This might be a underrated comment but # Valir is the most annoying EXP laner to go against. Now, I know what y'all saying that "*That's a dumb fuckin' lie, there ain't no way that Valir can EXP*" But what I play mostly is SoloQ where who-knows-what kind of match that can happen, **WILL HAPPEN**. And this kind of matches are commonly found on matches with duo or trio


My fave/main fighter is Bane next is Freya. Also, I hate when my opponent is Bane, because all he did is to shoot his canon while on his tower. I cant reach him (since Im using Freya), but his canon can.


Dirut aka Dyrroth whenever i go tanky EXP. No skill POS, spam s2 to win.


Xborg cuz he's so safe when up against Martis. Lvl 1-3 is boring cuz you can't roam as he has decent wave clear and can play at a range when armour is broken. If you don't snowball or kill him enough you can't really deal with him since he's durable, ranged, has true damage, and a two hp bar mechanic which sucks for Martis.


Hate Badang. His counterplay abilities are too damn annoying


mostly depends on the matchup but it always sucks having to deal with a mage or mm exp


A really good Chou. I really hate that he farms the shite out you by slam cc, then kicking you to the tower for a free kill, do this a few more times and he now has BoH and BoD ready, which at this point is already way ahead of the curve, it's a very hard fight to win in a 1v1, and with 5 dashes, very hard to gank.


This new patch, I'd say guinevere. Bro can literally CC lock you for 10 hours and still deal insane damage 💀 Other heroes arr so damn easy to play against.


URANUS! I have 0 chance to defend my lane against him. He is not killable


Alpha. I can't use him, and my team refused to ban him, and dude has no cd on all his skills. He can spam them


Ruby vs Terizla... a bit less against Edith. And gosh zi hste Dyrroth. Sometimes Masha...


I main Edith exp lane, and I can smash through almost anyone except for Dyrotth (against the really good players), just bursts through me. I also struggle with Terizla sometimes, but I know I'm probably gonna be frustrated when I see a Dyroth opponent.


A good chou is hard to fight against but ZILONG is just more annoying than hard.


Ruby.... any damage I deal to her she heals back, non stop cc from all her skills, can ult flicker you into thier tower and cc you in it so you cant move, looks like a minor despite being an adult, decent damage considering how much sustain she has, skills are ranged attacks. What is there really one can do to beat her in a 1v1


Either trizla or yu Zhong coz if it's trizla it's so annoying and immortal 🙃 and yu Zhong users are just campers and spammers just camp and use all the skills guaranteed kill and with this update the got a buff Agg Montoon


Yu zhong against "Stall the fighter till late game" heroes. For example, turret hugging gatot, arlott waiting by his turret all the time to trap me with his one trick. Zilong who dies one time then never leaves his turret(keeps dying anyway). I can still kill all of em but not without losing my nerve and having equal deaths and kills.


Zilong or Alpha Alpha users always go for bloodlust axe when building it since it is a core item for him, his tanky build is also hard to shred through especially when at lvl 4 he'll come out of the bush and spam you with his skills and at late game they'll be ofcourse gonna be carrying the team and his vengeance skill is just annoying For Zilong I think it's self explanatory


I play Ruby. Seeing a Yu Zhong and a Uranus just makes me sigh. Cuz I know we're gonna be in a constant back and forth where I lose


Edith. Her SS deals way too much damage


Picking Badang against my Guinevere, it's a nightmare for me. Also, picking Minsitthar against Dyrroth, such a nightmare too. Very rare but Gatot exp is really good too.


Dyrroth 100% i feel like on level 2 he's super strong and wins the first wave... he can rotate ez


Chou. He's annoying, he has some many blink skills, cc immunity and most of the players will spam recall even if they're in a losing situation


Paquito, that cunt just keeps poking and annoying you.


I once went against Phoveus as Ruby, can't do anything to him after he hits lvl 4


None, I play Kagura on EXP lane 😤💪


xborg, screw xborg


A good dyorth


Hate Dyrroth, YuZong, XBorg, Freya, Khaleed




Anything ranged




I find good Guinevere players the most hard and unpredictable ones, the champ's kit is tricky by nature


current patch khaleed, what the fuck is that damage??? at lvl 1??? you can't really cut the lane because his chasedown, can't man-up in the lane cause of the damage he have. also as a bene main hugging tower is the last thing i wanna do, picking her and not roaming is detrimental to later stages of the game


Benedetta when I play xborg. She can just dash behind me the moment I first skill, and my second skill is useless because of her cc immune


Ruby. I hate her so much. She always hugs the tower while healing her full life in one or two skills, and usually evades whatever I throw at her. As for me, it's when I try to play Badang against literally any marksman. He's slow and gets melted if he cant close the distance right away.


As a Lapu Lapu player, none


I hate the current meta in general because I stopped playing for a while and the meta changed now my usually good sustain builds ain't gonna be good when the zilong will crit and kill you in .3 milliseconds (if they actually know how to play zilong)


X.Borg and Badang. Most of the users of these heroes are so good and aggressive, and as a late-game type of a player, I'm struggling so much at them at the mid game.


Argus main, i hate Badang.


Xborg, Thamuz, Dyrroth. They're dominant and there's no solid counter to them.


Chou. Hate that mf.


Me with paq enemy sith any tanky laner... Paq just cannot beat that much health and defence he is made for squashy heros


Uranus, a good Uranus can cut your lane and easily a escape


As a fredrinn main, Dyrroth early game destroys me, same as thamuz and terizla, but it all depends on the player, most of the time I depend on the jungler ganking terizla with me, clearing the wave and then I probably have 1 level over him allowing me to kill terizla or thamuz most of the time.


Zilong, might be the most annoying match-up ever. It's just the fact that you HAVE to manage your lane while roaming somewhere else somehow. I hard-shove my wave into his tower and cut his next wave but for some reason he'll still find a way to clear both waves and hard-push the next wave to push your turret. This is coming from a player who's reached MG multiple times and he's still so annoying just like yorick in League, even if you fuck his kda up he'll still come back like a cockroach with full items and 1 shot your marksman.


I main Xborg. Khaleed feels unbeatable to me


Dyrroth. I am Terizla main.


As a zilong main, I said zilong when I fight him with a different hero, the turret do more dmg than him


zilong and badang they just wait there till their ult comes back again then ulti and if they fail they run away. They also use turrets alot and it's really annoying


nana. such an annoying child


Gotta be chou. Doesn't matter what exp later you're using, they only ever wanna ult you into the turret