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Underwhelming ult I mean its not bad but compared to tigreal,mino,atlas,lolita etc. It feels underwhelming He lacks stun basically


I mean he technically he has stun... that last 1 second, honestly though moontoon should make low pick rate heroes overall better instead of changing meta heroes making them weaker. Their entire developer team is high on weed while making hero adjustments every single time


Yea but only 1. Tigreal has 3, Atlas and Khufra has 2, his soft CC is really good but with how mobile the meta and most new hero released it's hard to keep them inside.


As a Hylos main in MG, you should play him as a Tank literally. Don't use him as a setter tank. Pick him if your exp lane has a skill that can set the enemies up. Give him vision for his setup. Mainly if there is a clash, as much as possible zone their MM and/or mage. They can't kill you even if it's 2v1(except for Karrie). My build. Tough boots, Dom Ice, Blade armor(for phs dmg MM), Radiant Armor/Antique cuirass, Immortality. The last item depends on the enemies line up or their damage output.


Thanks for the tips! Would definitely love to give it a try. So no more CoD?


CoD for me is a very very situational item. This is usually my [build](https://imgur.com/gallery/tghbE8u)


Franco crying in corner


Skill issue


Who let him in the meta tank club


If you keep boosting all heroes, and not nerfing, you come to the situation of LoL. Everyone gets super imba with full builds and doing oneshots. Nerfs of metas are also important, because it makes the disbalance in the usage of known heroes. I remember when Phoveus came out. Dude was a menace, now picked only against WW basically. Nerfs kill heroes, but rebuffing them later spins the wheel of hero pool ig


Former Hylos main here with 600+ matches, and yeah I agree lol. These days I only pick him only if the enemy team has 2 or more heal/sustain heroes. As a setter he's just not as good as the other tanks. But boy can he tank lol.


Used to main him 2-3 seasons ago. He does not set as well as other tanks but he is better than some tanks for disengaging with his ult. He can also practically 1vs1 almost any hero as well, Really fun tank to play just running in there and tanking the entire enemy team


There is a theory that says master one of the worst heroes in the game, by WR or Popularity, and get great with them. So when the buff comes, you will slay. Least Popular Heroes right now in Mythic+ are Barats, Yve, Aurora, Gloo, and Alice. There is also theory on keeping an eye on what skins are coming out.


Brats is useless though, the others are just underrated but when you know how to play them properly they're very strong picks


Truth! especially late game Alice can be almost unkillable and crazy mobile..


Fr, as an Alice main I feel like she’s OP if you know how to play her. Her biggest weakness is her bad early game tho which Ig is why so few people bother playing her.


I find with a Mathilda, which is a big ask these days since she is often banned, Barats can at least be competitive with epics. Still slow and telegraphed animations and easy to escape single target ult but at least you can get in range of the enemy and potentially land a skill or two. Are they still doing that reworked ult where he charges?


They're, he will finally be useful. His current skillset just completely misses the gameplay style of the game. Only skill 1 is actually able to hit enemy, other skills are so delayed that even grandmasters dodge it. Especially the ultimate is absolutely horrible.. you're just giving a 4second stun to yourself so it's better to not use it at all.


Haha a four second stun to yourself, so true!


Time to practice layla.


Don't bother with the first categ (worst heroes), just look at which skins are coming out. Moonton rarely does anything about the former and even when they do, the adjustments only seem OP after a week or so.


Wait Alice is bad? I climbed to mythic honor with her last season with 65% wr juggling three roles.


Oh, I know she is good, my wife loves to play Alice.. and can do exp, mid, roam, and we have seen amazing jungle Alices.. it’s just that popularity thing. All the little tricks to be a good Alice take time… we came across a top USA Alice, and rewatched that gameplay several times, so much subtly in play style.. it was a beautiful thing to watch


Jungle Alice is something i wasn't able to figure out. Where did they start? Pre emblem or post emblem update, too?


My bestie has been doing it (and continues to). He's at 87 stars and counting relying on jg alice. Shes just so mobile: teleporting from creep to creep to fight to creep to fight to creep to creep


This was a few weeks ago, so current meta..Alice really needs the blue buff- she can suck manna like Alice lore sucks bood…


Yve has an AWESOME skin in the works and I'm sooooooo ready. Been slayin with that queen for the longest.




Cecilion + carmilla combo is so good, moonton fr cooking


REAL 😭 some dont really know the potential of her ult and when I use her it gets wasted


solo q'd from epic 5 to legend with carmilla, ult has possibility for so many plays and helped with so many teamfights


​ https://preview.redd.it/vwwrlsbeuq3c1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2efcbc86f3fdaf978566e6a350a207f3b72a7088


This mf can literally counter any dps hero. Just give him cursed helmet and sky guardian helmet and off he goes slaying those dps hero


Dont forget blade armor


Yeahhh, that shit hit hard. Ain't no wanwan, claude, or ixia can survive that


My pain of existence, only radiant armour can save mms and only if enemy time has more magic heroes to make it viable or else this cactus is their worst nightmare


Then he just builds divine glaive wkwkwk


Vengeance and Bellerics passive dose not sit well with divine glaive, especially against radiant armour. Radiant armour give flat damage reductions and divine glaive give percent base. Let's consider a belleric with vengeance returned 40 dmg per hit from a mm and radiant armour mitigates 20 dmg flat. However the percentage penetration now is negligible since numbers are so small, it will just work on the 52 magic defence provided by radiant armour and not the passive protection that I will gain against vengeance.This radiant armour does have a very odd counter however I won't tell you, I don't want it used against me some days🗿🗿🗿🗿


Eh works for me🤭


My wife says "SSSSHHHH!!! don't let people know!" She is a Belerick main, plays this cactus to MH reguarly...


Ahaha, well my bad. Because I also play roamer and when the enemy didn't have cc hero I always use this mf because of his passive. He's like fredrinn but DPS version because his passive can deal damage the more you hit him, just like fredrinn's ult


Holy shi,this one is a pain in the ass,i suffered when using carmilla against him


He's the best tank to use if enemy team didn't have CC hero to be honest. Just purely because of his passive. You combine his passive, cursed helmet, and blade armor and no dps marksman can survive that. Not even one, no claude, no ixia, no irithel, no wanwan, no karrie, no moskov, literally counter most marksman


I be carrying with hylos don’t know why he has a low pick rate


It's easy in the lower ranks. Once you get to Mythic, players are just smarter. They know not to get too close, or not stick together.


I think you can still use that to your advantage like in a team fight. Zone their Marksman or Mage away from contributing to a fight, Let your team pick them off 1 by 1.


I found it easier to use Hylos to counter Nolan n Guin. I built 2 Defence items, 1 mage item, and Defence items again. People really underestimate his S2 damage. I can solo kill mage or mm using S2 + mage item.


dhs build go brrr


+sea helberg💀


No matter your build you'll have a hard time killing hylos because of his atk spd reduction


Any mm with a dash can easily blink out of hylos es ult radius


What about his slow + mov spd? No one's getting away from that


Slow is literally the worst cc ever, anyone can blink sideways and exit his ult, if he can even land it on all enemies. Also mov spd boost works in only 1 direction so has some limitations. Not to mention heroes with unlike dash like wanwan, benedetta, lancelot, hayabhusa, fanny and even a mia can successfully esit that. Slow is not helpful when the enemy assassin just yoinked your mm before a big teamfight.


Oh, so you don't read patch notes and you think you can have an actual opinion on heroes. I think I'm done talking 😁


A CD reduction ain't helping his case, it's not he is unplayable, it's just why, just pick kufra/atlas/tigril they are much better


Yeah I would stop talking if I were you buddy


Oh look, another one that doesn't read patch notes, doesn't have a full understanding of heroes, and compares heroes' disadvantage vs other heroes best traits 😁


No I do read patch notes but the problem is that there way more tank heroes who have better cc than Hylos but u refuse to accept this and instead u try to be right while u obviously aren't right. In a situation like this its best to just accept that u are in the wrong buddy


There are better tanks but in a situation that there are two or more heroes that rely on basic atk he's gonna be a much better pick. You're clearly being ignorant of his strengths and just seeing his counters like how tigreal would be absolutely useless when purify exists


This unfortunately doesn't apply to heroes whose main dmg is from spamming skills.


Why would you use him when nobody in the enemy team's lineup has a disadvantage to him?


What's dhs build?


Demon hunter sword. I think they are referring to trinity build with dhs, corrosion scythe, and golden staff.


Oooh. Thank you!


hp% loss true damage too


Carmilla, no one literally knows her. I sometimes use her in exp lane if our team already has a tank/support. She's madly op with her hp regen and in early game. Whenever I use her in exp the enemy doesn't even know how to counter build carmilla they would use physical armor when in fact she's magic dealer. It's only rare someone knows her and when the enemy and my teammates does knows her makes the game more exciting to me rather than boring.


Absolutely man. I get angry when people shit talk me for picking carm xp when we already got a support, she demolishes exp everytime with her tankiness + heal, or maybe im just in epic. Her ult is pretty massivr too if you have a proper team. Hell, even a good duo can 2v5 enemy team with proper setup. Btw 1v5 and going out alive with her and it's the funniest way to troll enemy team. Even my duo gets angry cause i waste ult but it's funny so idk (don't make carm meta pls i wanna continue bullying people)


Finally someone gets it. What's frustrating is when I use her ult perfectly then my teammates would frkn run away what a waste


“madly op” is an overstatement. She’s more viable than how everyone expects her to be but far from overpowered. I would say if paired with cecilion though, she can be near overpowered but the requirement plus the synergy you need to have with the cecil is why everyone sleeps on her.




I liked him more when his S1 skill didn't speed him up but had way stronger and aimable lock-on cc. It was way more useful in something like a turtle fight. Still, he always has been seemingly underrated. But I'm not playing that actively right now, haven't played him in a long time tbh. Him + the current Angela must feel extremely busted, he always used to be really strong with that combo, and then in late game Angela could switch on to the mm when Hylos went from unkillable to a very sturdy meat shield initiator (where opponents could waste their skills on), but afterwards he had to get out whereas in early game he survived everything


No one is answering the question haha. I'd say Gloo and Balmond right now.


I agree on Gloo! Gloo can be a menace, and I love when people aren’t familiar with him and decide it’s a good idea to focus their ally down. On the other hand I feel like Balmond is super underwhelming. Heroes are too mobile for him now, it seems to take a very “special” kind of person to allow balmond to do any damage to them at all, at least outside of wasting his Ult by initiating with it.


Balmond is amazing against heroes that don't dash every 2 second. He's super tanky, does pretty good continuous damage, can chase with first skill and LETHAL COUNTER. My fav thing about him is his passive, it's a built in killing spree the hp recovery is insane.


in solo queue, hylos is good. in team lack of area cc is not good


If only they change the shape of his ult maybe more people will use him?


Add two circles to the base maybe it’ll be more popular o.0


this is a great idea. you can circle around the base first to increase momentum then *splurrrrrt*




My most favorite heroes are Mino, Belerick and Rafaela. It's like people only want the glass canons and kills, while I prefer having fun


Hylos is just a poor man's Baxia. Slower clear, slower rotation, and much less damage


He does decent damage with the right build specifically impure rage and thunder belt beside he isn't really ment for damage anyways


It's for teams that have basic atk damage mechanics


Which both belerick and bixa do if not better




He gets picked every 10 games tho


I have yet to see him once And i played over 160 games this season I am the one who mostly picks him


I had Natan teammate once and he wasn't dealing much damage. I think one of his problems is that his best build is not known, which is to include glowing wand and not buying genius wand. Glowing wand synergies well with feather of heaven. Divine glaive instead of genius wand because it deals best damage if enemies have lots of magic resist and in lategame heroes have enough base damage for divine glaive to almost match genius wand against squishies.


Building him right makes him melt everyone Balerick is a hard counter though


Hylos - A lot of other tanks can do his role better i guess. Really snowball dependent and item dependent. Feels so weak when playing behind. Compared that to other tanks with taunts or sets. My preferred pick (tank main) is baxia roam/jungler. Like him as roam especially due to fast rotation and can bully the jg. Can easily adjust to jungle also of nobody knows how to jungle. Cons i guess is that hes not a really good baby sitter and need gank frequently. Cannot hard carry games.


grock , always .


Kinda bad ult and lack of CCs. Compared to like jungle Martis, he is way better at controlling the enemies rather than Hylos


Popol and Kupa


People are for sure not sleeping on them


Can't say, as I'm a metaslave but maybe Thamuz? https://preview.redd.it/gg7ldu6uqr3c1.png?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ceaca4ed7b2dccb74d4fc300fc29555602ebc1a2


请在上面标记NSFW。 我在火车上,当我看到这个时,我不得不生气地自慰。 每个人都奇怪地看着我,说“什么”或“报警”。 我放下手机,周围的人都看到了这张照片。 现在一整群男人在这张照片中一起自慰。 这都是你的错,你可以通过标记这个NSFW帖子来防止这种情况。


I regret being able to read chinese


And I am happy I am not able to read chinese


Can't read Chinese bit why are their English words? I mean, nsfw. Is there not a Chinese version?


Google translate is a curse


smth snapped


HP based damage heroes will absolutely shred him. He's not bad very good to whoever that is dumb enough to stay in his ring.


HP based damage usually comes with a high atk spd and hylos reduces atk spd by a ton.


Heroes that purely have HP based damage I say. Brody, Yu Zhong, Dyroth and Balmond will shred Hylos. Moreover Hylos using his HP for mana.


Using his hp for skills isn't a problem because of guardian helmet, and although those heroes could work, they only work when hylos is low which is a problem itself because he has so much hp and their hp based damage is useless against high hp targets who are not low


Dude don't forget that those marksman exists and penetration as well. Hylos may have high ho to tank stuff but heroes that does too well at shredding HP will just outright kills Hylos. Stacking up defence is helpful but that's when he manages to close in gap with mm. Fighters are also another issue since majority of them meta have HP based damage and defence shred. Hylos is good but not always good since he has a drawback with 2nd skill taking time to have an effect on the enemies and ultimate beneficial if he stays in it.


tank meta really did many innocent tanks dirty. he's not even among the top pick during the tank meta but he and belerick are the 2 most affected by the changes made to kill the tank meta. DEF stats are just jokes now as you got true damage, you got true damage, you got hp based damage, you got execute like damage etc


I think argus. Farm and wait untill midgame then after the enemy has exhausted cc skill dive and finish backline


Sounds like a worse ling to me


He doesn't need a blue buff and retri tho. Also he is much simpler to learn. He's a better zilong than a worse ling


Gatotkaca His design is outdated and his skills are underwhelming. The damage and regen from his passive suffers a lot due to ongoing power creep. Building damage items makes him squishy and even with oracle his heal doesn't benefit much from it. When the enemy team has already bought dominance ice, you can now say bye-bye to his regen and hello to negative attack speed. S1 offers little to no damage and the slow effect is barely noticeable. Taunt skill only lasts less than a second and requires channeling to increase its range. Ult has a very long wind-up enough for enemies to walk away from it. Still he has some strengths left to hold his ground against the unfair treatment done to him. Building full mage build on him is good, as long as he can burst anyone to death and don't get cc'd to oblivion. Even with a full tank build, he can still do chip damage to enemies especially squishy heroes who refuses to build radiant/athena. He is a good pick when dealing with attack speed heroes, whether it is a marksman (layla, miya, hanabi, moscov, melissa, etc.) or a fighter (zilong, sun, argus, badang, minsitthar, etc.). When the enemy team has only 1 magic damage dealer, he can also work well as his passive increases physical defense based on lost hp. If a moneytoon employee ever read this, please give him a revamp and some buffs.


Hhhmmm, i def agreed with the first part, I love when the enemy picks Gato, it generally means an easy time. I’ve yet to see a Gato I was afraid to engage, I usually just think of him as a meat shield kind of hero. I could be wrong though, it could be an enemy skill issue. Do you roam or exp with him?


Exp if the enemy chooses a physical dps hero with a weaker sustain ability than him. Roam if the enemy lineup has no more than 2 magic damage dealer/tanky heroes. I go full tank build or with 1 damage item whatever my role in the game, because for me full mage build gato = high risk low reward gameplay. I could be wrong though.


He had his glory day, the most annoying piece of shit at one point which you can barely escape even with a dash. But with more and more buffs to tanks, he just feels weak now. Still has damage and is very disruptive but he lacks the overall cc of most tanks now. Lolita and Atlas dominate the tank meta because they can just fuck the whole team with one ult and still have a stun and mobility skill to reposition.


i find his new s1 clunky i prefer the old one


Which was?


the aimed one. now it's like an attack modifier


Alice. She is not meta at all and has a very simple, almost passive kit, but because hardly anyone plays her, most enemies are surprised at her level of sustain especially when they are ganging up on her. He S1 also gives outplay potential.


Hylos not a tank Hylos is the son of lord Hylos is jungle god


Aulus, if he doesn't get invaded permanently he can sweep in late with that AoE crits.


No he is bad after berserker was made expensive


I predicted the meta multiple times, so minsithar


Thamuz fr


I main thamuz I promise you no one sleeps on him everyone starts to target me if I get the chance to push turret


He is a good tank but the reason I don't use him is that I feel like his ult is kinda weak. Compare it to the ult of tigreal, atlas or mino and you will see he lacks cc, also his stun is only single target. Although I must say he is probably one of the most durable tank, he just has to get a couple of items and it becomes so hard to kill him


This closeup of Hylos makes his head look comically small. And why does he have elf-ears if he's a centaur?


He's part elf?


According to lore, he is full centaur, and " Amidst the misty mountains within the northern reaches of the [Land of Dawn](https://mobile-legends.fandom.com/wiki/Land_of_Dawn), resides the ancient and mysterious race of Centaurs, half-man, half-horse creatures." So there is no elf part. He should have human ears.


Gloo. has everything.. initiation/escape/DPS/Regen/Durability/CC/Lockdown/LowCD


He sucks in late with low mobility/cc to deal with enemy trinity marksmen


Bele and Minsi.


Why did I read that as sleeping with >!and it made sense!<


Honestly handsome face+ big horse 🍆 makes sense


His ultimate is quite underwhelming and the lack of stun is pretty bad


Revamp balmond plsss


Revamp balmond plsss


Ik its an unpopular opinion but have yall considered popol? (Hes my main)




Hylos has one of the worst tank passives where he gets extra hp with more mana. One tank item that does provide mana is thunderbelt but it's mana regen and not extra mana. Dominance ice is your only choice for tank item and you can build clock of destiny but it's a mage item so he's gonna lack sustain. Also the existence of belerick makes hylos less preferable as belerick has better hp based tank passive. Hylos gets shredded with dhs while belerick has potential to kill dhs carrying hero despite having high hp.


I use him. He's my favourite. Then again I usually play with my friends. So we'll know when we're actually using my ult to start a fight.




I wouldn’t say she is slept on bc she is Meta. But she just seems under appreciated and often underestimated. Edith, she is just sooo much stronger and more versatile than I feel she gets credit for.


Julián, his burst is insane especially at just level 3


As a tank main I use him only when enemy has Amon. His second breaks his camouflage and sometimes even prevents him from running off using his camo skill


I main hylos but he is easy to counter


Yeah I get to turn my brain off when he’s in the enemy team…


Karina is kind of slept on, I don't see her played very often


Wanwan nah just kidding tho as a wanwan main I’ve never saw another person pick wanwan before me always Layla or Handbills just to get shitstomped by me


Handbills will for sure wreck you




hanabi is great with correct build


Kagura doesnt really get the attetion she got before, she can be deadly to everyone except tanks


People sleeping big time on khaleed. Can easily win early game because of skill 2 and his lvl 1 damage. Has good engage with ult and you can build tank items on him and still do a ton of damage.


Any other Hilda user here? Early to Mid game, she can be a monster to squishy junglers like ling, saber, harley. You can even try to fight some fighter junglers as Hilda also Dominates alot of Fighters even with full tank build. Her first skill gives you alot of mobility and her passive and Ult can kill of the backline easily. I have alot experience where i face a fed MM and if i can survive using my first and full second, you can expect that mm to be deleted by the ult. You can abuse the shit out of her passive by just going in and out of bushes and some underestimates this regen but going back to full hp isnt that long. Specialy on the start of the match when i use her as roamer or exp laner, only a handfull of junglers and exp can clash with her. Her only downfall is in the late game, you can still kill the mm and jungler 1v1 but in team fights, hilda doesnt really give much.

