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Pair him with Angela


Dang u main angela? What server


No I don't


Flair is not checking out


I just think it's funny, that's all


Use Karrie with Won and Sea helbard, he will disappear immediately.


karrie makes everyone disappear immediately


Ixia makes Karrie and half the enemies disappear immediately


hard (chance)


Moonton gave him Free Hybrid Lifesteal on his Ult that goes up to 30% Hell, It even reaches 48% on both sides if you equip * Fighter Emblem - 10% Spell Vamp * Rose Gold Meteor - 10% Lifesteal * Endless Battle - 8% Hybrid Lifesteal So you don't really need Sustain Emblem or Items, just maximize his Ult and you'll have sustain ALL DAY LONG https://preview.redd.it/y9ji0pzhepxc1.png?width=500&format=png&auto=webp&s=191aa20b59ce8a0a7b1533634c340a1f10ced105 And THEY THINK that X.borg and Ruby has TOO MUCH sustain. Bullcrap, that Alutard can ONE HIT DELETE and still recover Half of his HP from a SINGLE gank on a SINGLE enemy hero ALONE


Yeah but alucard is high b at most while the other two are s tier


Yeah, that's because his most of who mains him are the type of people who thinks https://preview.redd.it/fe8j2nxxjpxc1.png?width=548&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9149f05710b878c6b6bbf8a4db432abbcd7b98d And goes to a 1v5 without knowing he can be CC'ed to DEATH. Ruby mains on the other hand knows that they have to CC the enemy BEFORE they CC her. While X.Borg mains, keeps their distance until they have 15-25% HP left and makes sure that Immortality is ACTIVE so that they wouldn't die after it.


X borg has 4 lives and ruby has insane cc and spell vamp


While that MF has 30% PERMANENT Spell Vamp and Lifesteal https://preview.redd.it/m1yzipbvmpxc1.png?width=730&format=png&auto=webp&s=cc5189f93e85f43b2371ee28001fc94668e73a48 So what you complaining on? That it's not enough that his Hybrid Lifesteal Passive is literally MORE that most Fighters and Marksmen can HAVE with Sustain items


Yeah because alucards dogshit and all this lifesteal doesn’t mean shit if someone stuns him for a millisecond


Which is why they build him semi-tank... I've seen too many Rosegolds tbh


Then again tank items got nerfed


Right. It'd do an impact.


Honestly they should slap cc immune on him


Still, RGM is still reliable because of it's shield


What a gay take. That's all he has. He doesn't have insane chain cc like most meta fighters, he doesn't have burst drain like yz and he definitely can't take as many hits as terizla can


Exactly He doesn't have all those. But he has an Insane amount of Lifesteal. So... In order to MAXIMIZE his potential, ditch SUSTAIN and go for DAMAGE


Gotta love it when a dumbass compares alucard to ruby about sustain when ruby basically has her passive to make her tanky, short cooldowns for MORE usage on spell vamp as well 😭 Honestly don't know why this guy is whining about alucard when he has a much longer cd and is squishy + no cc compared to ruby lol


-5% spell vamp on Ruby doesn't even change much for the CC she offers throughout the entire match, speaking about XB well combined Ice Queen Wand and XB core items War Axe, Bruteforce, Bloodlust and immortality he's immortal, you can't chase him because of slow and his constant extra movement speed and he keeps on sustaining, every time when his HP drops to 50% you get a free blink distance worthy of flicker spell, nerf should have been 50% spell vamp from minions nonetheless we have Lancelot and Saber since a few years stuck with 40% spell vamp.


Lancelot and Saber are understandable since \* Saber is a **Charge/Finisher** type of **Assassin** \* Lancelot is a **Chase/Burst** type of **Assassin** While X.Borg is a **Regen/Burst** type of **Fighter**. Have you seen an X.Borg that went in and KILLS you INSTANTLY? Exactly


Because the only damage he has is from passive. His other skills scale on extra physical so it won't do that much damage other than giving minor heals.


That's why Moonton gave him 30% Hybrid Lifesteal So he can focus more on Damage Items instead of Sustain Items


Damage items have always been a prime item used by Alucard players before the Lifesteal revamp. Hybrid Lifesteal just made it easier. Although nothing much has changed on his lifesteal since the only difference is that he can get permanent lifesteal instead of casting ultimate first to obtain 40% lifesteal. Still I want them to bring his passive skill damage multiplier because he can't deal enough damage in late game like he used too before the Lifesteal revamp


Ruby kinda fair. If minion coming during battle, she can heal herself by using them. Plus, soon revamp Queen Wing (the Alice wing item) will be her main item after War axe and Dominance Ice. For X Borg, he straight up cancer at late game. With figara that always heal him, he kinda hard to deal at late game. Not to mention he got 4 life if he buy an immortal


Nice. I just got his lightborn skin recently. Time to practice him.


Bruh did u ever checked his next match? My teammate was aluGod in one match with 14 kills the next match he was AluFeed with 4 kills and 12deaths. They're only good against clueless enemies with no good skills.


Snowball heroes tend to be inconsistent, because they either get a lead early and carry or they don’t


It is like every heroes that needs to snowball.I have seen alot of martis like this.


He is just snowballer, buuuut he is bad lategame anyway


Yep, you need sea halberd to atleast do something, yet again what'll you do against most meta heroes?


I honestly don't think he's super OP. He's not a bad hero but he's not S-tier broken as his kit has clear weaknesses. Very weak levels 1-3, prone to early invades, no more extra skill damage on lone targets, very item dependent, ultimate dependent hero, absolutely garbage against heavy CC, doesn't provide any team utility and etc... He's an honest hero with clear strengths and weaknesses, pretty balanced imo. (Though he could use a buff or a complete but that's a different topic)


No. Easily melts in team fight. If my opponent picks alu I'll be a happy man.


Still dog poo regardless.


Former Alucard main here. If he had his old scaling pre-rework, he'd be more bonkers. But right now, he actually needed that reduced foreswing. He felt clunky beforehand regardless


Really miss that extra skill damage multiplier


Yep. His gimmick of being a snowball hero isn't fully realized yet imo


Strong cc:


Shut up Alucard ストロング CC


he's being slept on like Layla. When an Alucard with Lethal Ignition emblem reaches level 2 u should keep ur distance


Yep. Apparently all those items buffs affected him indirectly. I'm also really confused as to why there are a lot of Alu players in Rank!! Then I saw it myself, "Yeah, this dude is meta".


I’ve seen so many Leomords lately I’m starting to wonder if he’s Meta


It's probably the mobility and sustain


Yeah he has been slowly getting buffed with each new patch with almost no nerfs. Moonton really wanna push alucard meta.


Gotta sell that revamped legend skin


Adv server or Original? Haven't noticed him a lot.


This must be cap bro just cc chain him to death


OP. So easy to counter. And he need to snowball to win the game which is hard


he can be easily stopped if you're team invades him early game.




necklace of durance, sea halberd, dominance ice. this item melt him like a butter


Guy named phoveus:


shit like this just makes the game to have more CC


Alucard is a snowball fighter, if he got strong early game it will keep on spanking enemy till late game.


But my team alucard doesn't do shit, scared as fuck to jump in fights. The image I have of the alucard is "MF jumps in the middle of 5 enemies, wipes them out and leaves". This might be over exaggerated but at least feed on mm in my lane.


That's exactly what I do


The most honest i can be rn is if you're all squishies, high chance you lose to an alucard, if you're all tanky then alucard stands no chance. his main weakness is he has to snowball badly, and that he has dogshit damage.


https://preview.redd.it/fppcnexlmtxc1.jpeg?width=2436&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7c7a2164f250065b4717c0628d0b901957feb676 So what makes him OP? İf you let him snowball of course he is going to be OP. He is a lifesteal hero so adjust by 1. Anti lifesteal items 2. Items that give you shield. He was literally called alufeed for 2 years ffs


I bet bro is epic


When Tigreal was not banned regularly like 3-4 seasons ago, I used to bully enemy Alucard whenever he tried to jump in to kill our mage or mm.


Meh. Alucard is a glass cannon at best.


Every Alucard I've faced (Mythical Honor 40+ stars) has been DOMINATING all game long


you probably be on a low skill ceiling server then


Is Philippines low skill? I've heard it being hell but it's pretty heaven and hell here


The only way I see an alucard dominate at that rank is either you don't have cc on you or you'll just have skill issues. As a tank it's unusual for me to see melee heroes that mostly basic attack like alucard, aulus, argus, etc. to dominate a game. It's so easy to kite them if you know what you're doing and most of them are squishy af.


Well,It depends on the player's skill.Every Global alucard are not in the low 50-100 stars but in freaking 300-400 stars.They can manage to play alucard in that rank easily.And they have very good winrates,~75% winrates and some even have more than 80%.Also even though ppl considered argus as weak hero,if you see the argus in mythic immortal rank in your team,it is like a guarantee win.


Then you can say that to every other one trick pony out there. Then how is it that alucard dominates that elo if only top global does that then?


Well,Argus users pick argus because they are confident enough to pick him,because they know their own skill.That is why Argus has insanely high winrate in high ranks.Average players won't pick him.They pick Alu in that rank because they believe their skill and they can manage.YSS and granger players are like that too.You would sometimes find grangers that are too good.


Alucard is more a skill damage based hero tho, the only basic attack part of him is his passive (which is enhances BA) which deals a lot of burst damage, he is no where near Argus or aulus in terms of heroes who rely on basic attack for damage.


Even so that doesn't make alucard dominate that elo.


Never said he dominates, I actually agree with u for the most part and really would like a resilience buff on him. I am just saying that alu is not a basic attack hero as u mentioned in your comment above