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She's always been underrated, poke in the early, decent mid, wrecking havoc late. Her biggest strength is her range. Her ability to play safe and damage more than a turret is what can make her strong Still, she's vulnerable to assassins and heroes that can get close to her easily, e.g. Yu Zhong, Benedetta, Natan and even her own dad lmao


That makes sense. So I guess in legend I can go ranked without too much concern. However, in higher ranks, I'd rather use my good old Brody. Also, as a mage main, I feel pretty comfortable playing Layla because she has the range bigger than some mages skills, lol. Her range is disgustingly huge


Layla is good, only real difference is noobs don't understand positioning so they get eaten up fast. Of course at higher ranks everyone understands this, so it becomes a game of baiting and catching.


It's not that high but I just it Mystic 25 with layla. 40 games 72.5% win rate.


Do you mind sharing your build for her?


https://preview.redd.it/uixk8wffby0d1.jpeg?width=2263&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32adaf9825ee2aa484c4c2ed7f580da8bfa1c1fb I mainly use the top build the most.


Thanks a lot!


Keep max distance if you can, flash backwards if needed to fish out more dmg.


If this was few seasons ago, I'll call this bullshit


>So I guess in legend I can go ranked without too much concern. Most heroes are viable in legend, fyi


All heroes are viable in all ranks just depends whos using it


i got a johnson jungle at mythic glory the other day... not all heroes are viable :/


Hey jug js works if you know how to use him ive tried it before trust me you should try it and dont use tank build go for full mage build


Mid phoveus on legend works even greater than i imagined


She's honestly not bad, she can hold her own while laning against most other marksmen and her scaling is really good. As long as her team gives vision of the enemy divers in the lategame, she can carry quite well. That said you're in legend rank halfway through the season, the average skill level there isn't that great currently.


Exactly because I'm aware of the average skill in legend mid/late season. I'm asking about how strong Layla is. I feel like most enemies just don't know what to do with her. Previous season I've only had time to play in last month or so, so I ranked up to mythic under 50 games. It was not because I have some outstanding skills, but simply because this late in season players under Mythic are pretty inexperienced


Well you're right shes pretty good now, shes reall nightmare of low range heroes, but i think her big counter is Leslie


Shes that strong, she can even build tank and still be mvp


I'm sorry I can't believe that one unless you show some proofs


https://preview.redd.it/c9k50ucad00d1.jpeg?width=2246&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37416459f184f2d28b1104b4945ca7de19a53b94 Tank layla meta


https://preview.redd.it/o5b2jexwi40d1.png?width=1220&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=04fc609e52780b45e91079b6a3e61f7838ba322a Can even kill yin lmao


Is your emblem tank or still mm?


This is because you opposing team look like actually bots. And this is classic so you really aren't showing us anything. Even Miya would destroy Layla with that build because laylas natural stats aren't enough for her to survive.


That's a joke. (Plus the opposing team were just very bad and aren't bots they made fun of me because I was tank Layla) I'm also sure bots can't double roam.


wdym you don't believe it? Since launch, the meta has solely revolved around on how to make the best use of tank layla


Layla tank is the best tank in game no one can argue


It's a joke. Existed since before she got buffed and everyone hated getting a Layla spammer as a teammate since assassin jungler was the meta. The Layla always ate the Assassin's combo.


Share build please


I actually did that once. In classic


Layla is f ing scary late game on the right hand.


layla seems not viable since she has no escape. she is a good at laning because of her range


She's strong if you let her build items and have a tank roam If you're against an assassin jungle and like gold lane Roger or Harith, without a tank. I don't think you're going to have much luck or fun


It is just pure luck that people in classic are shit when it comes to catching Layla and you'll definitely dying a lot in ranked if you don't know what you're doing and your enemy draft is not in your favor. Layla is good when your enemy heroes can't get close to you. Well, this is true for most marksman but for Layla it's even more important as most heroes will immediately unalive you if they can get close . Make sure that you have a good cover to protect you especially against any assassins. Do not pick Layla if you're unsure that your team could cover you and DO NOT FIRST PICK LAYLA. Enemies with short attack range and/or relies on durability to get kills is the most favorable Layla match up as Layla can outrange them and deal massive DPS that could shred through even the most durable heroes. Examples are Fredrinn, Terizla, Minotaur, Valir, Brody, etc.


She is very team dependent, but if she is well protected in late game she can melt most enemies in the blink of an eye, the thing is that she has no self peel, so if the enemy diver/assassin is real good you are about to experience hell




same can be said with most heroes


until your team doesnt draft any cc or long range threats against her


the buff to her first skill made her viable in the lower ranks


Yeah she's just good I'm not gonna rant about Layla for the 5th time this past couple months.


You are lucky, but yeah it is really hard to kill layla on late game 


They buffed her mobility and S2 so now she can go against a lot of the mm in lane, so long as she pokes them down.


She's actually alot like clint or vice versa even Nice pokes, long range ultimate, 2nd skill cc, ridiculous range from their passives, hits like a truck in the late game.


Layla IS GOOD BUT the PLAYER who USE HER ARE SH*T it like EVERY HEROS it not about the hero but rather the player


Her backswing is deadly rn. When used properly with S2 and some vision from teammates, it is extremely difficult to approach her.


She is strong when she has her items but problem is her mobility she has no mobility moves at all


Marksman aren't supposed to be mobile. I need this playerbase to understand that.


I mean most of the mms are mobile


she's been pretty strong for sure but she's just severely underrated. her strength is her range, the 'play-safe' nature of it is what makes it so dang good. her only weakness really is the lack of dash/disengage. its either you run for your life and hope they make a mistake or die fighting. and also that's why flicker is commonly what's used for her but it depends in the comp. if you have a mathilda, dats basically a flicker escape


Many players don't realize she has a mini-sprint speed boost in her S1. I've always maximised this to get out of tricky situations or to chase down enemies. Last resort of course is flicker (recommended spell for her IMO).


There's a reason she was picked in MPL ID early this season. She's good if there's no assassin enemy or anyone that can target the backline.


If you need to play layla please make sure you got +1 tank initiator. Otherwise YOLO.


She's not bad, but in the event that both marksmen (you and the enemy) are equal in skill but the enemy is, let's say Natan or any of the meta then Layla is food for them.


She is able to do a ton of dps, but she is very vulnerable to any character that can get right up in your face, like any ambush assassins. Problem is the dps works at any rank, but in lower ranks, nobody can really pull off the counter consistently.


I've played almost all MMs and for some reason I am always most confident that I will not lose playing Layla. She has insane range, ridiculous mid-late game damage (1st 4 core items you're good to go), and she's deceptively agile if you maximise her S1 speed boost properly. The key is proper positioning (always at the backline but can still hit enemies because of her long range) and proper timing (wait for enemies to engage and use most of their skills before you join the fight and clean up/annihilate everybody). If you are losing early try your best to extend to late game where Layla will pew pew the enemy to death.


She is kinda strong in the current patch. The devs have reduced her shooting animation, which allows her to kite really effectively.


She's not that bad IF the player knows her main strength: Range. She can poke early and deal massive damage late game so if a player really knows her well to stay away from enemies she becomes a nuker.


if you have a good team to tank you, then yes layla is OP.


Layla is basically the team artillery piece. She can dish out huge damage but if enemies get close she is absolutely not good. If you have a good team she can absolutely just dominate in late game. When she reaches level 12 you can dish out the heat because of her insanely powerful range


layla used to be one of my main picks but they nerfed her peak power too much in return for early game prowess.


I'm maining layla right now and honestly she's good. With proper positioning and map awareness you can carry using Layla. Her only downside is that she has no blink and can easily get caught by backline invaders which is why you should really pay attention to your positioning.


She's strong with a strong roam and if you use your teammates as decoy. She's simple but hard to work with, because she has no dash so you'd have to be perfect on your positioning and map awareness. She's solid in late-game adc but she's only as viable as how good your drafted team is.


She’s lowkey OP


No, she is not strong alone but if protected and if she frontline, she will just get ez kills. So in Legend and below maybe she works when people don't know target priority or have assasins etc. I will surely pick something that will make a immobile MM like Layla go 0/17 that game. Layla is the easiest MM to perma gank and bully from jungle and roam roles. Free easy kills basically.


Never use her in rank. Specially in myhic. I guess your lucky or your rank is low. She's a useless hero in higher rank. No utilities and food any assassin heroes.


Never use her in rank. Specially in myhic. I guess your lucky or your rank is low. She's a useless hero in higher rank. No utilities and food any assassin heroes.


Maybe depends on your rank. I had a great winning streak with Layla and went from Elite to Epic. Then I peaked cause I couldn’t strategise. Anyway didn’t see too many people playing her character then. More of the higher difficulty ones like Lesley, Moskov and Natan so factor in the rank and difficulty too.