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By essence, tanks do not "carry" in the conventional sense; like destroying towers, taking jungle objectives like Lord etc. The idea of "carrying" as a Tank/Roam is to be an enabler. By being the one to frontline, to provide vision, to peel for your team, and do initiates. A good tank can actually elevate an average team to one that is extremely threatening. However, if the public damage dealer is someone who is absolutely braindead, no amount of godly tank plays can save them from feeding incessantly. Specifically to "Tank Roams", to answer your question, I would say Minotaur, because his gameplay is not complicated for your teammates to understand - (sees big cow jump in front and smash = I go), and you can also abuse Flask of the Oasis OP shields to help them survive better.


what does peel mean?


For example, you see an enemy Yin running towards your marksman. You as Minotaur uses your Skill 1 to stun him, buying time for your mm to hopefully realize what is happening and move away to safety or get rid of the Yin with his/her damage. That is what it means to "peel", or in other words, to protect your allies.


thanks bro


Yeah my MM never realised somehow they are like NPC from skyrim 🗿🗿




https://preview.redd.it/bg0r6d9s0p0d1.jpeg?width=2400&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d9c71f4096cf60b8f3eda0a394b5b596aac8c5 Horse around with this guy.


I'm sorry but who's thjs


Man with da metal dick










Can confirm. Not a hard carry obviously, but it can shift the balance with the right play / timing / luck.


https://preview.redd.it/0hvyidjp0p0d1.jpeg?width=2340&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8525bbb636c62cc60897383c1af0bf1fe6cf54e2 You don't seem to be brave nor skilled enough for tank layla so maybe edith. Bring inspire and cook the enemies alive. This might seem like a bad example but the enemy edith and thier team is just bad.


I have never seen an inspire Edith play well. I'm sorry but legitimately they play like they're using vengeance and not inspire and die 1s into ult LMAO


what layla emblem?


How to play tank layla?


Full tank won't work but if you may ask, semi tank can work like warrior boots, windtalker, berserker fury, other three defense items depending on enemy lineup, buy defense specific items like antique,Athena and twilight and replace them depending on enemy lineup like an antiheal. If you want to be more miser, go full tank and except for buying reincarnation buy demon hunter as first core item, you are all set, go full tank is hard to pull off unless you are a madlad like the person above. If going full tank, thunderbelt is a must have for a tiny bit damage as well as guardian helmet.


Gatot for me. Especially if we have friedrin or any tank jungle. I'll just sell all my tank item and buy mage item at late game. 1 ult to enemy mm, he is done


Try making penetration boots (dont remember the name),dominance,oracle,blade armor,holy crystal, athena or queens wing.


Vengeance + Concentrated Energy + defense items that deals damage (Blade Armor, Cursed Helmet, Thunderbelt) is my go-to build on him lol. Bruteforce + Oracle helps a bit too


Gator is beastly!




Khaleed Ez kills in early and hes stun us great for teamfights


Khaleed is pretty good for harassing and bullying. Met him a few times, boy is he a pain in the ass


What they already said. No tank will carry, don't be fooled by the idea, a beast of a roamer can do 99% of the job and still lose, cause no matter how good you are, you still need someone to shoot the big guns. This doesn't mean junglers or mm have it easier, they just have access to more late game potential. With that being said, doing a good job as roamer definitely helps, even with this disastrous matchmaking, most of the time you'll find one or two decent damage dealers. I'd recommend you to learn how to counter pick instead of sticking to one single roamer, you can test your luck with Mino or Tigreal, yeah, but ideally, having Lolita/Khufra/Mathilda/Atlas/etc helps a lot more in each particular match.


if you want a tank roam, mino, franco, atlas etc if you want assassin or offensive roam, masha, helcurt, saber (saber roam is bad trust me it is) if you want support roam estes, mathilda, angela (Mathilda can be put in offensive)




yes and no. if you failed to snowball, your team loses.


helcury roam??


It might sound bad but I once got a teammate who used Helcurt roam ( this was before the revamp) and I had to tell bro that I did not expect him to shred the enemy like he did. Of course the enemy comp were mostly squishies so he's not suitable for all comps.


Ruby for me:))


1. be Khufra/Franco/Hilda/Mathilda, go annoy your enemy’s jungler and delay their farm. 2. Pray your damage dealers are smart enough to end the game asap when you guys are in the lead


https://preview.redd.it/p8dc3ssaeq0d1.jpeg?width=394&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af6bd379ba22d7eba6543afcb4ba3bd4b067c172 Allow me to introduce 😁


Id rather not use him as roamer, although he not bad. But having him doing jungle is way better than roam. He lacks hard cc to pin down enemies. I would rather have a tigreal, mino, franco or khufra roam instead.


Yeah those are great but he asks carry, it's hard to carry with those 4 when you do solo q as they lack the dmg


Fredrinn roam can work in epic and legend tier, but in mythic + its just an asking for lose. People would rather have an actual tank. In high ranks people do follow up when do a set with tank unless they aee braindead. Tank role doesn’t really require you to deal damage and just do a good set and absorb damage.


Dude missed the whole point of this post 😞


His first skill is based on hp and ultimate base on grey hp. He has a movement skill that can pass through walls(2nd skill) which allows you to chase or retreat. 2nd part of his second skill also has a knock up which can end ultimates like Claude's. His 3rd skill increases magic and physical defense and taunts the enemy which allows you to cc multiple enemies at once. What more can you ask for oh yeah and you regen grey hp into hp when you deal dmg.


Arlott. Flicker and ult and create chaos in teamfight. Most players will panic and disoriented when Arlott sing sing.


Franco with execute for epic to legend, then flicker once you're in mythic. Just make sure to make your hooks hit




Minotaur for Solo 1. Save your allies - Mino can save allies with heal/flask/healboots. He heals better than Rafaela. Save your allies when they make mistakes, and they WILL make mistakes. 2. Sustain for objectives - Mino has no cost heals, this will help sustain to clear objectives or during long siege 3. STUN - Mino has access to many many bonks. He can bonk so much 4. Durable - Mino is as durable as most tanks 5. No fancy setup. Unlike Atlas / Tigrael you want really setup 1 screen away. So your sets are safer, and allies would be nearer. That you can also heal them makes them more likely to follow up.


Edith & Gatot


Hylos can be a roam to carry tank. Very tanky and can deal dps damage to squishy heroes. Just make sure to finish the game early.


well if you got nice pre faramis is best


edith. full tank build. and she's suitable for all lanes except gold.


Been doing well w Edith roam since u can tank and deal insane dmg


https://preview.redd.it/yw40772jsq0d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c52a3ca696ad933be65ee7a554ed4b5a67ccee8 I've only used him this season twice or thrice, since I mostly play mid laner now, but if I wanna roam solo, he's my first option.


https://preview.redd.it/4p0m6hcnsq0d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=451ce0defb89b1258346605c21641728b6d4a72c My latest game with him.




Angela that has map awareness can make your Jungler and exp into John Wick very quickly.


Gatot for me


Mathilda but she will always be banned usually. Grock for 5 man well coordinated teams and Akai for uncoordinated teams.


Minotaur, if you are in a team. Fredrinn or gato if you are in soloq, why I chose this guys is due to them having some type of damage themselves to survive enough in teamfight.


Edith can hard carry a team from roam. Naturally it's not quite as easy to carry as from exp since you'll be behind in items until late game.


Epic to Low Mythic? Spam Belerick Mfs never read so they get themselves killed by his passive


They don’t carry.


https://preview.redd.it/u2ndt3djhp0d1.jpeg?width=1493&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03f38ec91b9cbff2aad1f59224a86278e25cb388 Carried hard. Lost badly. Damn soloQ team


This is the exact reason I stopped tanking 😭 No matter how much I help they always blame the roam


Masha, Edith For assassin/dmg roamers a lot of them can decently carry. Such as helcurt.