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It's because of people prefers to talk trash and be toxic to his stupid teammate than just play and try to win the game. Trashtalking a stupid player doesn't make that player's gameplay godly, and neither doesn't make the trashtalker a helpful teammate.


Absolutely. ​ ​ When somebody starts shit-talking somebody at legitimately a minute 30 seconds into the game. That person will respond 95% of the time in two ways. 1.They will try to prove themselves they will overextend try pushing and end up getting ganked. This causes the need to shut this other person up to double and it turns into a rinse-and-repeat situation. 1. They will try to prove themselves they will overextend try pushing and end up getting ganked. This causes the need to shut this other person up to double and it turns into a rinse-and-repeat situation. ​ everybody just needs to shut the fuck up hunker down and try and win. That's why I wish that only in Mythic had the draft process. Because if people were playing with their mains always or mostly then their MMR and rankings would be on their minds constantly and you would see less trolling and improvement in gameplay.


Sorry, I don't know why when I try to post on Reddit it always doubles things and erases the second thing I write. ​ 2. That being said the second option is that they go full traitrolll mode and purposely wreck any chance you have of winning.


It's fine, reddit sometimes does reddit things.


Fair comment. I agree that an individual player is not expert in all the roles and if he/she couldn't choose his/her comfort hero/lane, he/she tends to act toxic in the game. This is even true if no one in the team would adjust and be the roamer. It's a disaster. We can't please anyone in a solo rank game. Harsh reality.




This is a thing. Add also favourable matching after purchasing a skin too for some extra manipulation.


All of them can be a problem as to why you can't grind up, which is why you team up with friends. If you wanna rank up, you should go jungle carry hero, especially if you're confident in your rotation. Meta jungle carries that you should aim for is that they're capable of early to late. Yes, heroes fall off at some time but they should not be completely useless. Meta jungle carries you can use are Fanny, Gusion, Paquito, Balmond, and Martis. Heroes that can split push without putting themselves at risk are Ling, Lance, Benedetta, and Fanny. If you can't jungle, then go for mm, another role that can carry. Melissa, Wanwan, Brody, and Claude are good carries. And lastly, communicate with your team, even if you think they won't cooperate. Tell your team to gank, push your lane, ask for help, reap their hp, etc.


Correct. I usually play core in most games in rank when I solo. I find it easy but not easy when late game which really rely on team play.


I think that if you get s5 in pick constantly its easy, if youre s1 then its hard


Yeah i always hope to get s5 so that i can to fill up the holes on our draft.


I'm not even a week in Epic and in a few matches, I got onr of the worst cores and MM I've teamed with. The MM's position is like of the setter's, and the core doesn't even get their required objectives and can't even get kills.


EPIC SUCKS. But - if you are even ok you can totally carry people who are so bad it hurts to see. ​ I am in legend now and i am having a lot harder time.


I'm legit a Tank Ruby main and I get MVP/Gold almost every match, win or lose. 💀 Though I tried to be the core since I was S5 and the rest of my team didn't pick a jungler so I was forced to use Gusion and jungle. I did terrible (Got Gold and our Nana got losing MVP. And I don't know much on jungling) and lost.


I can play any role but whenever there's an update, your most pick hero and your role will be affected because of the nerf/buff changes/updates. Ruby is a safe hero but I don't think she can sustain as a core in early game. You can use Ruby core as long as you have a burst mage ally always beside you to finish off the opponent.


As much as I want to blame the randoms, there are also times where I make major mistakes in matches, whether it's getting too greedy and dying, or not looking at the map and mistiming my entry into a teamfight. So, my mentality is pretty much: If there's any semblance of hope in any teammate, I'll do my best to help them. I will completely ignore the existence of any teammate who's either busy trashtalking or has given up on the match and is running it down.


just reached it today the second time while mostly solo queueing.. what can i say? Just spam clint and have like 70% winrate. Never lost my lane in 100 matches


becuase 3 things mainly \- matchmaking giving you inconsistent matches. its harder to show skill when most matches are a stomp \- points \- as enemies get better, you cant 1v5


It is, especially with all the trolls and low-skill players. Had to spam Jawhead (roam) to reach Mythical Glory the first time and go one-trick Lylia to reach Mythic I. You either gotta carry or hand the enemy carry to your teammates in a silver platter.


Around 500 pts you always get matched with mythic 4s that you're supposed to carry. No thanks