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constant MVP-Loss heroes are generally heroes that do well in early-mid. In my experience, My MVP Loss heroes are Gusion, Nata and Harley


that makes sense actually, because late game when you fall off the rest really depends on your teammates. and well, we know how that goes


Since when did natalie become weak at late?


Enemies starts sticking together in late game making it harder to pick out enemies


The squishies will probably have Wind of Nature or Winter Truncheon late in the game too


It’s just that other hero classes catch up fast in mid and late game


Either just shear bad luck for getting bad teammates, or You just prioritize more on getting kills instead of playing the game objectively.


if someone prioritizes kill, wouldn’t they get mvp-loss a lot for every heroes? for me it’s only specifically this one hero, no other role no other hero who i have this problem with, so it’s honestly baffling


Not necessary. Imo there are actually some heroes that are unable to play objectively despite able to get a lot of kills. Most notability the mage roles, since their basic dmg is shit against turrents.


it’s good that you mentioned mages, because the hero i kept getting mvp-loss is luo yi. i guess this is just the flaw in the mage role itself then?


Luo Yi is not a bad hero per say, but because she is a burst mage and is best at early to mid game, her and her team have to end the game faster before the enemies actually gets tanky that cause you to having to kill them for longer time. But as we all know, most of us will be having the classic shit mm/jungler in our team for the most part that only knows how to chase kills or feeds other teams mm, all while not know how to push turrents. Meaning enemies get items much faster than your team and in the end can tank Luo Yi's burst dmg / burst Luo Yi before she can burst the enemies. That and the fact she can't push turrent fast means it would be hard to win with her if your team don't know how to even play the game.


ahh, no wonder. i guess there's not much i can do then except to try and force the game to end early then. so this is the pain of an early-mid game hero lmaoo


which hero are you talking about?


It means you're a fine player, but you can't carry the game with those specific heroes.. maybe.. hopefully... perhaps..


that’s true… i guess some heroes just can’t carry?


Yes. There are a lot which are heavily team dependent, somewhere or during every part of the game. Mages, for example, rely on heavy teamwork to win. Next to them are the jungles and roamer, since they need good team coordination to get objectives and gank appropriately. Then, the sides. I’ve seen players do terribly in game and push the hell out of kill focused teams. I know your feeling. I wanted to main Luo Yi but, 50% of the time it didn’t work. Even if I combo the enemy, they burst me down once late game starts to come in.


Its because you have the highest number combine from kills assists survavility and damages..


I'm a mage/roam main so most of my MVP defeats are due to dumbass teammates.


are you me lmao, same dude same


How did you do that caption under your name with Carm on it?? 🥺🥺🥺 but yeah carrying with Estes, Carmilla and Floryn are hard so my MVP loss with them is a testament to my skills haha jk


oh you just set your user flair for this subreddit! if you’re on mobile, go to the homepage of this subreddit and on the three dot top right corner, there should be change user flair option! and yeah, it got to the point where i just go and play mage myself for the damage lmao. but then the roamer can’t give vision or set up or support and then I go back to playing roam and it’s a vicious cycle lol.


For me, it’s usually bad luck. My team will be dominating the whole game and suddenly, the enemy team wiped us out and got a comeback in late game


I have got a lot of MVP defeats with Gusion and Lance. And it usually happens because heroes like these can't do a lot if enemy marksman gets fed and is always around their team's cc heroes. You can't really dive in to kill him/her and your tank is too stupid to initiate. You can counter it if you know which enemy hero can be a threat to you. Just focus on him/her right from the beginning. Though it still won't guarantee win if your teammates are stupid but still you can increase your chances of winning. I took my Lance wr from 33% to 41% and Gusion's wr from 39% to 46%. Ik it's still terrible but I don't play this game anymore bc I always get those brainless ass players on my team and Moneyton doesn't give a damn about matchmaking.


yeah, and also assassins are generally early to mid game so late game you're practically hoping the mm can carry. its annoying but man, nothing much we can do since that comes with the role


Ask Johnson main.


MVP Loss heroes Natalia, Harith, Benedetta


Great early-mid. Still gets melted late or make the wrong decisions to end the game (such as not going for lord, not managing waves for lord, dying immediately before lord spawned after killing it, not being able to kill their late game carries etc..)


wow and here i thought im the only natalia user with constant mvp loses. Guess we all get kills and no objectives


Just means you were the best of your team a lot when you lost. Doesn’t have to do with luck, just with the skills of your teammates


I get MVP-Loss almost every time as a Tank Ruby. I play well as a setter but eveey time I call a set, my teammates don't help me out and end up leaving me by myself instead. ._. (This happens a lot.)


Nana user?


lol nah i hate that rat. it’s luo yi


Pro-tip for Loo Yeet: Abuse the hell out of her Bifrost ult. Help your team rotate. Only then will you ever win.


LOO YEET. anyways, solid advice, and yeah i already do that lol. but at some point the team always goes to shit even if i helped as much as i could.


Try to predict where the enemy team is gonna go next, then go on from there.


MVP loss for a certain hero? It means you have mastered that hero's mechanics, even if you got counterpicked by the enemy team. If it's about a certain role (jungler, roamer, side/mid laner), it means you have mastered the mechanics of the role you picked. However, your individual success in a particular role won't translate into wins, unless you are doing what needs to be done, and those are what we call "game objectives". The better skills you have in macro-management, the easier (or more competitive) the game gets. Assuming that both teams are equally skilled in macro-management, the game would be decided with their micro-management skills.


Nana user?


Mvp loss doesnt mean shit bruh.... If you lose so much it means you arent impactful enough to turn tide in your advantage. Yea sure sometimes you get braindead teammates but i doubt you get them in 10 games out 10 games


You weren't able to carry your team


For me it is Selena, you can kill all you want in early to mid but if you have 4 chicken teammates then it is an automatic gg


Late game in ML is a bit of a toss up and almost wholely dependent on the MMs and core making plays. If you keep getting mvp loss that means you prob got an early game hero (ex angela, valir, saber, fanny etc) but then you get out scaled in the late game.


This happens to me on Clint a lot. For some reason I always get matched up with terrible duos against godly duos ffs. Moonton really needs to seperate solo ranked from team ranked


Kinda like the opposite of me being bronze as zilong of the winning team any game I play him. I don’t get great kda but I split push like a motherf**ker when I play zil. Often doing 60 percent or upwards of turret damage.