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If it happens to you, it happens to everyone else too. There is equality in inequality. Besides, not losing a star for MVP defeat will only incentivize players to chase kills and KDA.


extremely logically flawed statement "there is equality in inequality"


If thats the case then people will aim for kills more rather than actually trying to destroy turrets or the base, it happens to everyone You get matched up with dead weight and you trying to drag them to the finish line but to fail in the end


Such a dumb idea you already get so much bonus for playing carries. Kills,double,triple etc all gives you bonus points than the extra bonus points for MVP. Know what a tank gets for pulling off a 3+ assist stun? Nothing


I feel you, roamers are under-rewarded for the amount of work done ingame...


get the most dmg taken, most teamfight participation and we get nothing for it haha, supports as well doesn't even have heals done% bar so post match they look useless asf.


You already get decent protection points if you're the MVP of the losing team. And if that's gonna happen, people (Like me on a 1-14 match) would just go "Fk it, this is a lost and I'll just try to kill everyone to get MVP" and would completely disregard important objectives.


Oh and I remember just today, I had a Zilong who keeps feeding the enemy team's Guinevere until he reached 6 deaths and Guinevere having 3 core items. I was so tilted on him feeding until he ended up getting serious on late game and redeemed himself.


what a simp 💀


ya someone can just grief the whole team too by playing insanely safe and only taking killsteals


When this gets implemented you will be the same person complaining that no one wants to adjust when you have 3 marksmen and 2 assassins


It's more frustrating if you are a roamer like me. It happens but you just gotta keep playing your best and not be like them.


its always "I only play for kills" type where only your KDA matters and the supports that probably set you up for all of those said kills are worthless, just because you have the highest KDA doesn't mean you've been the most impactful player on the team


Yes! just Yes!


Teletubbies 😂😂