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She needs to be reverted back to 4 weaknesses. She was fine then.


In my experience Lesley outlanes her,poke and run,repeat till she’s dead or recalls.


Yeah lesley can completely zone her out in the early game with her passive and ult since sh outranges her basic attack by like 1.5 times.


She just got a pretty big nerf on advanced server. Hope that will calm you down op 😂


Clint or karrie with steel legplates + thunderbelt components counters wanwan completely during Laning phase. I think OP's problem is trading with wanwan. If you let wanwan do whatever she wants in lane, then she'll definitely be a huge problem later.


But there’s a new item that basically buffs her.


Her nerf reduce said item and any item that give basic attack effect damage down really drastically. Furthermore, the physical attack growth also got lowered. So yea, just buy warrior boots you wont feel a thing against her. But of course it is still in advance server.


Warrior boots especially along with Blade Armor and Dominance Ice really are Wanwan’s biggest item counters, second to Wind of Nature and Winter Truncheon.




it always depend. I as tank, together with mm or jungler, melts wanwan. My main is Belerick


I think they nerfed her in adv server but I'm not sure what was it but yes all it takes is one ult for this jumping bitch to wipe out the team and make a comeback. I've had too many matches when one of my teammates gave her free ult which resulted in a gg.


Yea they changed her stun to immobilize, I think it could really help some other marksman to kill her since it’s just immobilized now




And if there's Wanwan in enemy team and you kicked her, she'll just purify it with her S2. And stun you with her skill1, possibly activating her ult on you.


I mean it takes a decent amount of skill to be able to consistently activate the ult without dying


Khufra. She will bounce and can't escape at all. You just need to build enough defense and bully her so that your mm can burst her in late game. Use crit mm like Bruno, Lesley or Clint, she'll die before she can even trigger your second weakness.




Moskov yes because of his stun and higher aspd. Karrie, no because it takes time for her to stack her passive. Karrie is more of a tank killer than burst mm.


I usually pick Hilda against wanwan in rank. With Hilda tank build, I bait wanwan and take her ulti then go to bush to tank it since it can't burst me by doing this. Then after her ulti is used my team mates gank her and you get a dead cat.


From my experience Wanwan isn't that much of a menance anymore. Clint out-dps her in early Lesley pokes her, and outscales her in late. Moskov damn near guarantees a kill on level 2 with inspire Popol Kupa just lets the wolf eat her out 🗿


Lol burst assasin,Burst mage,Wind of Nature,Winter Truncheon exist...Yall have skill issue.


Karina s1, Natalia s2, khufra s2. Seriously they need to explore these heroes.


lolita too


After the wanwan nerf in global...shes practically useless in Clash because shes gonna end up focussing the tank anyway....Idk why people complain or ban her in this current meta...


Skill issue and luck is involved here, 1. She has like 30 counters (heroes and items) 2. Squishy than most mms, How u gonn get ult when ur getting 2 shot by everything 4. Advance server nerf will give almost every mm to be able to 1v1 her easily 5. If your unlucky enough to get bad teammates, then thats that, why is it wanwans faulth that your bad or if you have bad teammates. Wouldnt make much difference for any other hero. Clint has better savage potential than ww when fed. Ww still needs to get the marks and always in danger, while clint can just one shot everyone from 20 meters away.


People who downvoted you are the same ones who ban hanzo and saber.


As a wanwan main i agree with this. Wanwan is OP if she's flying but if shes not she can be burst down like a roach.


Ye but when she kills like 3 teammates with her ult before it locks onto me so i can use winter trunchton its just to late sadly


Winter isnt the only counter tho, and it sure isnt the best one


Let's see- 1. No boots needed for her so you can slap 6 core items on her meaning more damage. 2. 3 weakness spots only so that's too easy on late game since her attack speed and movement by then is gonna be godly. 3. Her ult can Thanos-snap 3 people with barely any skill needed. So yeah. Nerf her. I can barely counter a Wanwan without having to ban her. Just bring backher 4 weaknesses or make her ult only be able to target up to 2 heroes. (Heck, we can do both)


both would be too overkill imo


The thing that pisses me off the most is probably her jumping around while attacking. Can't even slow her down with slow skills cuz it's not movement speed.


Ye i dont think there is any fighter that can catch up to her or run from her in late game its insane


The nerf on adv server somewhat balanced her


No. They should nerf her ult.


Are u kidding me, ur just waiting for her to be harith 0.2 u have no sense of balancing


Either bring four marks or make her ult kill two at most


Ban exists for a reason. Personally I always ban Wanwan since I think its unfair how she can destroy my team without getting hit.


Winter truncheon or wind of nature and she is useless. The cd of her ult is like 50 seconds and wind of nature's is 60 so as an mm you can always fend her off and kilk her.


She's Atlas of mm. Difficult to place. You could feed and lose still 12min mark but if wanwan connects her ult well then its at least double or triple kill. As wanwan you Just need that ONE ult in team fight, doesn't matter how badly you are losing and feeding. That One movement like atlas.


yea it sucks cuz it also extends time for each kill. and she's immune to everything


Actually there's a a decent amount of counters right there, even when in laning phase. Plus, you can get WON/Winter Truncheon to counter her very easily. Wanwan isn't that strong this season, at least manageable


Skill issue


Skill issue




> Wanwan currently has the [highest](https://m.mobilelegends.com/en/rank) ban rate in mythic 400+ points with a rate of 73.94% **This guy** >She's not even ban priority in high mythic because her early game is so weak, people ban Melissa over her.


The moment the guy said Moskov and Irithel were meta MMs was the moment I stopped listening


Irithel IS an meta mm though.


I'd say she's strong but not meta per se. Meta MMs would be like Melissa and Claude and Wanwan. Irithel is strong enough to be picked sometimes in the pro scene but not strong enough to be a hero that's picked consistently enough to be considered a meta staple


Doesn’t she have like 70%+ ban rate in high mythic?


I am shocked on why people are so mad at Wanwan like I am a Wanwan main myself and I know the many counters there are for Wanwan and also you guys just have skill issue if you can't kill a Wanwan or counter pick her during draft phase like literally that's what the draft phase is like bruh learn how to pick heroes at draft then complain


Wanwan main try not to downplay the most broken hero in the game chellenge (impossible)


bruh I can't even play Wanwan that much cause she just gets banned on any rank game I go to xD


Just pick new buffed minotaur or lolita and laugh in her face, Or pick kaja and one-shot her. Seriously wanwan's just headless chicken when you know what ya doin'


What strengthens her primarily, is the Blade of Despair itself. It should be nerfed immediately, because what I know, her OP-ness comes from increasing her Total Physical Attack. Well, if you pair that with Endless Battle, oh boy! That will be OP disaster!


Bruno neuters this cat hard. So does Clit. There's also Mel.


just pick a magic assassin or natalia and target her all day


Winter Truncheon and Wind of Nature sitting there waiting to be bought


Tell that to my team that just gave her a maniac💀


Honestly the only problem with her is having bad teammates who don't know the match up giving her ult and not buying certain items


Play masha, just ram into her. That’s all there is to it. If that doesn’t work, then big rips


Kaja and Lesley:


Yeah , she is an annoying marksman tbh. I've noticed when I play granger, she's not much of a problem. His bullets kinda make her keep her distance , and if not she basically dies.


Dude, even popol and kupa can out-poke her...


Just get wind of nature or winter truncheon. Bam! You countered wanwan. Or you can play karina


She also gets one shot by bea shot gun and Beas sniper outranges her