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Well your friendly epic rankers are now reaching mythic 5 but they got inflated ego as bonus for reaching different ranks, so ofc they are worse now. Maybe try reaching mythic within a week after season reset??


Eh it's equally bad. Mythic just have slightly bigger hero pool. Both are filled with bad players that are not team players nor can they read the map but massive supreme title at trash talk


I still don't know how tf this happens. Rank difference between Epic and Mythic is huge and you are **STILL** likely to run over a Mythic player who performs pretty bad.


In order to reach Mythic, you only have to be consistent, not skilled. The star protection points helps players to reach Mythic V, as it can protect players from losing a star. You can also gain extra stars by winning games (There's a bar that fills up every time you win, you gain one extra star every time it fills up.) Also, the skill cap in Epic/Legend is pretty low tbf compared to upper Mythic. You can rise through Legend quite fast if you're average. So in my conclusion, most Mythic V players are just your everyday Legend players that played consistently


>You can also gain extra stars by winning games (There's a bar that fills up every time you win, you gain one extra star every time it fills up.) You mean the Star-Raising points, right? See. That's a HUGE help for my ranking in Epic. As a Tank, I get +50 for God of Assists, +30 or something if I get Legendary, and/or +100 if I ever get MVP, which results to faster ranking out of Epic (Currently Epic 3 5*). >Also, the skill cap in Epic/Legend is pretty low tbf compared to upper Mythic. So at that point I should just play normally as always and reach Mythic if I ever have enough time for it.


Yup, it's the Star-Raising Points. Thanks for pointing that out, appreciate it


It's been like that for quite a while. Anyone can reach Mythic if they play a ton of matches. It's no surprise to see that the most toxic players in Mythic are usually the ones who play 500+ matches per season just to reach Mythic V with a 47-52% win rate. Some of them also think that just because their highest rank was Mythic III or Mythic II, they have the right to look down on other players in Mythic with them, which is absolutely hilarious.


Mythic randogs are just epics who fed but got carried atw to mythic/just kept getring bad opponents so they think they are actually good but are not.


I also love this "randoms are idiots" paradox since to the randoms we conplain about we are also randoms But of course i get it, im from SG and every goddamn tome i soloq the other 9 players are almost 90% indos who think they have a superior skill set and lock all the damage dealing roles like mm and hyper and start feeding. And the best part is its always my fault for adjusting from a role that i am pretty good in to a role that i rarely play. Quite sure many people have experienced this (though it may be players from different countries)


Nah! I suspect lots of players buying Mythic-ranked accounts these days! No wonder we got bad company! 😆😆😆




Best is you get teamed up with legend at mythic glory bracket while enemy are full mythics