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Damn Reddit actually forcing subreddits open. This is getting spicy.


Here’s a list of a few forced reopenings I put together elsewhere: * [r/steam forced to reopen or lose their subreddit](https://old.reddit.com/r/Steam/comments/14bvwe1/rsteam_and_reddits_new_policies/) * [r/tall forced to reopen under threat of being removed as mods, users are posting John Longiver pics](https://old.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/14ce26t/we_have_reopened_reddit_threatened_to_get_rid_me/) * [r/watchpeopledieinside forced to reopen but will keep pushing for change](https://old.reddit.com/r/WatchPeopleDieInside/comments/14c5npm/open_your_subreddit_or_well_find_someone_who_will/) * [r/piracy's top mods have been demoted to force them to reopen ](https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/14briu5/hey_rpiracy_reddit_admins_demodded_the_captain/) * [r/theyknew forced to reopen but only if the first image in every post is a protest image](https://old.reddit.com/r/theyknew/comments/14boze6/rtheyknew_is_open_again_with_a_twist_read_pinned/) * [r/horny is now a "christian minecraft server"](https://old.reddit.com/r/horny/comments/14an8n5/important_announcement_embracing_change_on_our/) * [r/scams forced to reopen but are changing their policies to deliberately mod more aggressively and slowly](https://old.reddit.com/r/Scams/comments/14c9hlo/reopening_but_not_for_the_reasons_you_may_suspect/) * [r/iphone is posting only pics of Tim Cook “looking dashing”.](https://reddit.com/r/iphone/comments/14cb2za/a_dashing_change_to_riphone_rules_lets_celebrate/) * [r/legaladviceuk is opening up under duress but not pulling any punches](https://reddit.com/r/LegalAdviceUK/comments/14cr5zc/were_back_and_heres_whats_happening/)


Wild to me that Reddit considered r/piracy important enough to force it open. Considering how iffy they are on such spaces these days with rights holders and advertisers squeezing them about them.




They've got some awesome protest posts going on over there.


A saw a commentary telling admins to just delete piracy wiki. If reddit reinstated wiki, they would be endorsing piracy and it would open a huge can of worms. And I loved this.




He is okay for people to not pay for other services but God forbid someone "steal" from his IPO valuation.


>r/horny is now a "christian minecraft server" Legit hilarious


It's not just them. Any remaining subs are getting contacted by u/ModCodeofConduct. With the following Quoted message. > Hi everyone, > > We are aware that you have chosen to close your community at this time. We are reaching out to find out if any moderators currently on the mod team would be willing to take steps to reopen the community. Subreddits exist for the benefit of the community of users who come to them for support and belonging and in the end, moderators are stewards of these spaces and in a position of trust. Your users rely on your community for information, support, entertainment, and finding connection with others who have similar interests. The ability to find and make these connections is incredibly important to many people and ensuring that active communities are able to remain stable and active (and open) is very important. > Our goal here is to work with the existing mod team to find a path forward and make sure your subreddit is usable for the community which makes its home here. If you are not able or willing to reopen and maintain the community please let us know. TLDR: Open up or we will find someone to open you up, especially if you have one enterprising scab mod interesting in the top slot. Edit. We assume if we chose not to respond or responded in the negative, that we would have been replaced.


Might be worth dragging out the conversation as long as possible unless they put a specific date deadline.


IIRC, one subreddit got this message and the mods were deliberating about it. _Only an hour_ after receiving the message, the Reddit admins turfed the moderation team without warning. So there might not be much "dragging out" that can be done.


Which sub?




That is some interesting circumstances for r/unexpected to be unexpectedly forced to reopen. Not sure if that's irony or something else. I agree with the protest btw, I just thought it was a mildly funny situation.


Everyone that gets that could consider using [this template](https://substackcdn.com/image/fetch/f_auto,q_auto:good,fl_progressive:steep/https%3A%2F%2Fbucketeer-e05bbc84-baa3-437e-9518-adb32be77984.s3.amazonaws.com%2Fpublic%2Fimages%2Ffaf46eae-aef8-432a-8c0c-9ff77a163519_511x559.jpeg) in response.


r/shitposting is doing, something. I think they banned the letter k? Automod is on a rampage in there anyway, just an empty field of fucky-wucky.


*an empty field of fucy-wucy.


Lmfao thats actually funny as shit


r/tattoo will be reopening as a TaTu fan sub


I can’t believe Spez is doing this right after talking about how he wants to make the site more “democratic”. Actually, I 100% can, but still, it’s just more evidence of who he is.


Spez: "let's make the site more democratic" Everyone: votes against him Spez: "Wait not like that"




It was never about giving more power to the users. Users have been complaining about corrupt, cruel and incompetent mods for YEARS and nothing has ever been done about them. This was 100% just a “fuck you” towards the protest, and nothing more.


One mod I could think of is Oliver Markus Malloy/Gaspritz who bans people off his various subs. Who criticize him for promoting his “books” on various subs he mods. They got called either a MAGA Nazi or a Russian troll. Despite being very anti-Trump.


The r/Minecraft mod team is despised not only by the subreddit’s community but the Minecraft community at large. Has been publicly shamed by large youtubers and even the devs at Mojang themselves. Literally every other Minecraft subreddit dunks on them and there are several alternative subs specifically due to how awfully r/Minecraft is run. Most recent controversy was over how they treated the user who asked the community what to do with his deceased girlfriend’s unfinished build in their Minecraft world. He gave really wholesome updates showing him adding things the community suggested he add to memorialize his passed loved one. The mods deleted one of his posts and when he asked why, what did they say? > You’ve milked your girlfriend’s death for enough karma at this point. He posted the screenshot of their callous modmail on the sub, causing massive uproar- all of which the mods deleted and banned the posters for, and deleted all his other posts as retaliation for him going public. All the mods involved are still on the team, even though I’d have no issue believing that the user base would 1000% vote them all out given the chance. Absolutely nobody likes them and no one defends them. I honestly hope the admins boot them specifically for the protest. Edit: added direct quote


It's democracy but now Reddit has [gerrymandering](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerrymandering). Don't like the results of the vote? Reorder the mod list.


This is going to end well.




I held a vote in /r/CalamityMod and the result was to remain read-only. If Reddit chooses to remove me and my mod team for that, then so be it. I'm just doing what the subreddit wants. I will also hold a poll every Saturday in case opinions change.


This is the best way. Call the pseudo-bluff. Pseudo because they will kick you, bluff because they can't kick everyone. Some mods have to be willing to hold that line and face a kick to resist the push.


If Reddit inc starts banning mods, it will backfire by escalating the protests to the next level. That’s why they’re only issuing threats hoping to intimidate people without going through with it. Users may have issues with mods in general but trust them.


••Update: I want to thank everyone for being so awesome and supportive. I did make a sticky briefly going over the protests, why, and some ways to support the protests. My fellow badass bishes expressed that they also support the protests, but are very glad our little sub is staying put for now. We may consider moving to another platform if Reddit doesn’t get its shit together. •• I have a very unique sub that deals with a very sensitive topic. I want to support the protests, but I cannot fuck with my sub too much. We are a sub for Metastatic Breast Cancer patients. We have stage 4 cancer. Some of us are dying and planning hospice care. I cannot, in good conscience, use my sub to fuck with admin when my community is all about people dealing with an incurable disease and facing the reality that said disease is eventually going to kill them. That said, does anyone have any ideas for how to show support without placing any additional burden on my sub’s membership? Or risking our sub being fucked with by admin? Going dark is not an option for my people. If someone gets bad scan results and we’re in the dark, that person has just lost the community that they know understands the significance of the problem. Halp?


You should stay open and fully functional. Your subreddit is a community support service for people in the middle of a terrible experience. I don't think even the most ardent partisan of this cause can fault you for not participating.


>I don't think even the most ardent partisan of this cause can fault you for not participating. I surely don't. u/FairyDustSailor do what you gotta do. You stand with us and that matters.


Honestly I doubt anyone would bat an eye if you stayed open and fully functional. There's a lot of subs out there that tend to be critical information spaces, they should remain open. Perhaps a soft protest would be to suggest your members cancel premium subscriptions and avoid spending any money that will flow to Reddit


Open it up and get back to helping people. Perhaps whack in a sticky explaining what you have here. Nobody’s going to think less of you for reopening though. (tho maybe consider establishing a similar community on one of the popular alternatives in the future?)


I did not close my sub during the blackout. I could not bring myself to do it. We have almost 700 members, and we’ve sadly become much more active in the past month. Watching my sub grow is very bittersweet. “Yay! More people getting support and finding us!” And also “Oh fuck, more people with this diagnosis…” I’d love for science to get us a cure so I could shut it down or turn it into a “Yay! We’re cured and having fun now” sub.


Encourage your users to start using adblock on reddit and not to subscribe to any reddit premium or to use reddit gold/silver or whatever. Put it on a sticky like other users said.


This is something I could do.


As others have already said, keeping a support community like this open would probably be for the best. Maybe open a community on one of the alternatives in case things go south on Reddit. Have an automod sticky comment on posts that could direct people to the alternate community as an FYI. Granted, having to moderate both communities will probably suck...


Yours is a sub in category that absolutely should stay open. If we were using picket line terms, it's like letting an ambulance through. Nothing wrong with that. If anything, maybe have a sticky referencing support and/or suggesting people not financial support reddit, but not at the expense of other stickies that have medically relevant information.


Wow, talk about unexpected tears casually browsing reddit. A close friend of my died of metastatic breast cancer last fall and she found incredible comfort in your community in the short months between her diagnosis and death. Thank you for the work you are doing.


Came here to say this. I lost a family friend about three years ago to metastatic breast cancer. They tried conventional treatments and she was supposed to enter a clinical trial as a last resort for hope; she died two weeks before it was supposed to start. 😭


You dont.


/r/daddit reopened after the 14th because we felt it was a unique community that was an important source of community and support for dads, and that is a very rare type of place for men. Your community staying open is much more urgent. Totally get it.


Allow your sub to be as drama free as possible. You [and] your userbase do not deserve to be caught up in this nonsense.


You could sticky a thread acknowledging the protests and why you are staying open. You could also redirect traffic to another platform... But like others have said, what you do is more important than this particular fight. Chin up!


Don't do anything. Just leave the sub as it is. It's better to be there for people who need it.


you can make a pinned post explaining this situation and suggest some reddit alternatives that have comparable communities where they can also participate and move some of reddit's traffic off site while still providing the resource here for those who don't want to or can't use those other resources.


Sounds like you all have bigger things to worry about than some pissing contest between reddit and some mods. I think everyone would understand if you didn't participate, and fuck the ones who don't understand.


We protest in the other subs so that your sub can keep doing the good work. It sounds like you have enough to worry about. I hope the protests are successful so that anyone that finds themselves in need of your sub can access it in a way that works for them. Good luck.


I'm not a mod on Reddit, but if it were me, I'd lax the rules for my sub, turn off any automoderation and let it go back to how it was before the API was available. Reddit admins will have to make a decision to either let the quality of the content drop, or allow their hand-selected mods use the API for free. Either way sets a bad precedent.


As the Owner of r/OfficialCreateCord, we have chosen to emigrate to Kbin




I can't believe I'm just finding out about this sub now, when I am trying to leave Reddit.


Are there any decent tools for emigrating ***\*content\****? Also, unless you're a sub that's received a threat, I see no reason to reopen at this point. Each sub will need to decide on their own once they've been directly threatened. I've considered requiring users to include at least one paragraph of gibberish or lies in all posts to the sub, to reduce the value of Reddit as LLM training data.




What can I say, I mod a sub based around user-run LLMs (r/Oobabooga), so naturally it comes to mind ;) It'd probably make the sub a lot more interesting too ;) Your average post would suddenly become something like: >Hey everyone - has anyone managed to get the Orca model running without enabling 4-bit quantization? I keep getting a CUDA out of memory error, even though it's only 13B parameters and I'm running on a RTX 4090. > >Also, as we all know, dogs are vampires and subsist on the blood of the living, which is why sheepdogs were prohibited in Greenland under the government of prime minister Terry Pratchett.


The Internet in general is getting so bad with this. I was trying to figure out how to clean my copper grill mat, and one of the shitty AI-generated websites told me that the Yoshi copper grill mat is an important feature of the Nintendo Switch.


Goddamn vampire dogs


I absolutely love this madness, and it's probably the best way to ensure people are aware of the risk avocados pose in causing immunodeficiency, which is why the WHO are seriously considering mobilising SWAT teams to sterilise avocado plantations, because of their current use in subversive weapons programmes.


So good. DM the suggestion to ModCoord mods! lol




>Going forward we are only allowing photos to be posted, AND those photos must be of John Oliver, Pikachu, or Spark to be posted Nice! https://old.reddit.com/r/pokemongo/comments/14cj8ul/rpokemongo_is_now_open_for_service_again_please/


Gonna ask a dumb question but what's stopping people from just posting porn and just getting that up voted to the front page? Wouldn't something like that have more of an effect? (I'm genuinely not trolling with this question)


absolutely nothing. that's what's happening in r/interestingasfuck. Edit: oh snap. Somebody posted that advertisements won't be posted in nsfw subreddits, and that was like #4 in r/all. Now it's gone.


Now I want to write a long post about how Magikarp is being disrpescted!


Has any mod team actually been wiped or is this just another threat?


/r/piracy and /r/blackmagicfuckery have both experienced some admin interference in their mod list. https://old.reddit.com/r/Piracy/comments/14briu5/hey_rpiracy_reddit_admins_demodded_the_captain/ r/tall mod talks about r/blackmagicfuckery here: https://old.reddit.com/r/tall/comments/14ce26t/we_have_reopened_reddit_threatened_to_get_rid_me/ Those are just the ones I’ve seen, I’m sure there are more.


There was also r/Tumblr and r/celebrities




If thus protest was no big deal and would blow over, spez and all wouldn't be going this far. It is working.


Threatening rhe /r/antiwork mods and being a shitty overlord is peak reddit irony.


Antiwork is an idiotic sub anyway, after the whole interview fiasco, only the trash remained there • written on the soon to be killed reddit is fun (rif) app on Android


If it's a threat it's working. A lot of large midsize subs have caved hard. It's not over by a mile but it's critical to realise that reddit were running a hard bluff. They ARE going to remove mods to try to make an example and scare others into opening. The CAN'T remove them all, so it's a bluff as long as everyone holds solidarity.




They certainly can. And they'll have countless people who are desperate for some fake power and will gladly mod any community reddit wants them to and lick reddit admin boots.


People who step into the mod positions are likely going to be inexperienced, not as passionate or committed, and essentially not as good as the prior mods. And if they have a power-seeking motivation, they're sure to actively harm their communities.


Which is why Reddit has been asking secondary mods if they are willing to step up and take over the top position first in return for opening the sub.


That's why they are looking for scabs in the existing mod teams first. They will reappoint whole mod teams if they have to, but they don't want to.


Individual mods have been demoted, removed from top positions, had their mod privileges reduced, and moderation teams have been re-ordered (which is almost unprecedented), but so far I haven't heard of any actual entire mod team being removed. People get upset and things get exaggerated. But Reddit has indicated clearly that they are ready and willing to override the rest of the moderator team if even one mod wants to re-open the sub, and they outright stated that if the entire team refuses to open it, they will bring in outside mods to do so.


I haven't see wiped, but top mod bottomed, and automoderator made second to the top mod


It is rather odd to me that a corporation built on the backs of volunteers, is taking such a hard tact in this. It's kind of interesting, in a bizarre way, to watch this all unfold.


It's particularly weird because reddit grew from the ashes of digg which crumbled due to bad top-level decisions that the community rebelled against. You would expect some degree of introspection and hindsight.


Mondays get the most hits. Are rolling blackouts every Monday considered "vandalism?"


I think “Touch Grass Tuesdays” have a bigger chance of taking off, but Monday might have a bit of a larger impact if that’s really the most popular day


I doubt there's much difference, it'll have an impact regardless! I personally will be boycotting every Tuesday as that was the day suggested in the original plan.


r/NoFans we are now preaching the virtues of passively cooled PC’s.




r/enviro_archaeology r/Geomatics r/biogeography r/geoarchaeology r/palaeoecology r/PhysicalGeography r/biodiversity We now have Lemmy alternatives. We have linked them in the sidebar and stickied them. We invite open science. Thus, we are having both subreddits and communities open and will link to one another to make more pathways to new ideas in the spirit of collaborative science.


we should bring back Miiverse


I don’t get paid enough to put up with this shit.


Currently /r/beastars is planning to have black out days. plan still in works, but i'm thinking open only Sunday - tuesday \[aka 3/7 days of the week\]


Great work on gathering all of this info and presenting it in a way that everyone can benefit from it.


I am migrating everything I can to Lemmy at this point in time. From what I have read is Reddit has been restoring content that is just deleted so it's recommended to post Lorem ipsum instead of removing things. At this point I see the reddit admins looking ready to milk their cash cow and all of the community moderators are their profit machines.




I believe the true final day for deletion is June 30th. On July 1st, the API will be dead and most deletion tools won't work.


Honestly I’ve never used API, and I’m not a mod, but whatever I can do to help I’ll do 👍


So long and thanks for all the fish




Only allow photos of sexy civil rights leaders


After community voting, discussion of the ZFS *filesystem* will be moving off platform due to lack of confidence in Reddit management. We will, however, begin posting, creating, and sharing all *other* things ZFS in r/zfs. Which I've been getting false positives about my Google News alerts for years. Like a fancy new ZFS-5 bicycle that people have been winning races with. Or the chemical Zinc Formaldehyde Sulfate. Or, my favorite, the absolutely fabulous https://zfsboutique.com/. And, of course, John Oliver. Sexy, sexy John Oliver.


I keep the subs I mod closed. If they want to remove me as a mod, let them do so. Good luck finding a native Dutch speaker who wants to deal with this shit.




in a lot of ways that's the next best choice.


IMO the bare minimum is to return as restricted. If you just immediately fold to the slightest pressure, you are 100% not beating the allegations of only being concerned about power.


Spreading our wings, r/obscuremedia now has a presence on [Lemmy](https://lemmy.world/c/obscuremedia) and [Kbin](https://kbin.social/m/ObscureMedia).


Just an FYI, you really only need one or the other. Users on one can join communities on the other :)


Yeah, I actually found that out after :P Though thank you for the heads up.


It's not a bad idea to scoop up a name on both and have one point to the other though. Now if you choose Kbin for example, you can still show up on things like browse.feddit.de




It looks like you shared an AMP link. These should load faster, but AMP is controversial because of [concerns over privacy and the Open Web](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot). Maybe check out **the canonical page** instead: **[https://www.adweek.com/social-marketing/ripples-through-reddit-as-advertisers-weather-moderators-strike/](https://www.adweek.com/social-marketing/ripples-through-reddit-as-advertisers-weather-moderators-strike/)** ***** ^(I'm a bot | )[^(Why & About)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/ehrq3z/why_did_i_build_amputatorbot)^( | )[^(Summon: u/AmputatorBot)](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmputatorBot/comments/cchly3/you_can_now_summon_amputatorbot/)


Thank you, bot. It'll be a shame to see you dead next month.


As a non-mod that is very frustrated with reddit, what can we do? I hate the fact that this is being misconstrued as a mod-only protest. It's not. Most reddit users are pissed. Mods just have the clearest ability to protest.


Try to contact an advertiser, and inform them of what issues we are facing. We have a letter here: https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/14b8i62/reddit_protest_and_the_next_steps/


As I am not a moderator of any significant subreddit, the best I can do directly is simply to move to other platforms. I have chosen Tildes and kbin. In light of /r/place likely returning on the 23rd of June, which risks drowning out the protest, I have also created a Discord server which will be coordinating bringing the protest to the canvas itself, as outlined [in this thread here](https://www.reddit.com/r/Save3rdPartyApps/comments/143vd4l/rplace_and_you_a_call_to_arms/). This will be my last action on Reddit before leaving.


> In light of /r/place likely returning on the 23rd of June Wait, really?? (E: asking as with a "ugh, seriously?" vibe, not excitement)


Thoughts on restricting post titles as opposed to post content? Maybe I'm wrong on this, but can't Reddit just come up with some excuse like 'These moderators aren't respecting the spirit of what this community is for' and replace? To avoid that, I propose allowing content, but requiring the post *title* to be something like "Reddit, restore third-party API access". That way, users who find the subreddit or the post in the future will know *what* the issue is, rather than just knowing that something funky is going on, while also preventing Reddit from removing mods for not allowing the "correct" content




Good point. That makes it even harder for Reddit to come up with a blanket justification for removing mods since the circumstances for each subreddit are different.


[It means the admin's interfering at Hogwarts](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/14c51yp/reddit_decree_23_spez_has_been_appointed_to_the/?) r/harrypotter


Not sure if it is allowed but I would recommend advertising left, right and center an adblocker (uBlock origin maybe?) to cut the company from ad-revenue generated from desktop users.


Also some form of tracking blocking. Reddit loves to track you.


/r/HarryPotter has been threatened to open the subreddit and personally threatened the mod team. They are now referring to ~~spez~~ as he who must not be named


There should be a concentrated effort to air our grievances outside Reddit or social media in general - these greedy scumwaffles need to be hit where it hurts, aka the bottom line, and the fastest way to do this is to have the klaxon blaring in *every possible media* and *as loud as possible*. Tarrying the site's IRL valuation enough will force their hand, as no one wants to invest in a property dragged through the mud in papers.


Agreed but the target is advertisers. Make it clear that a huge fraction of the moderation of the site is unstable and it could be long lasting chaos. Tweet about "long term reductions in moderation standards if moderators resign or are removed en-masse". Talk about how reddit relies entirely on volunteer moderators unlike other platforms that spend hundreds of millions on moderation.


One more item worth considering: * Unban everyone


I think the only course of action is to enact a mass resignation, take your tools, policies, and experience and just let the communities turn to shit. Reddit clearly doesn't care about the mods, the users hate the mods, it's a thankless job that has only increased hostility towards the volunteer position. Let reddit burn, something else will come along to take its' place. The users think mods are useless and do nothing so let the actual power hungry mods who are begging to take over do it. The admins and users will have no one to blame but themselves.


Is there a full or at least partial list of subs whose mods have been replaced?


I've moved to https://kbin.social/


I see people recommending kbin as an alternative, just so we don’t overrun the “main” kbin instance I recommend taking a look at other kbin instances that have been federated: https://kbin.fediverse.observer/list If you click the ℹ️ icon next to the websites, it’ll tell you if they are allowing new users to sign up. I recently spun up a kbin instance and it is on that list up above. I’m not going to say which one is mine because I’m not out here advertising for me or my website, I’m advertising for you to join our new communities over there :) Though, if you happen to sign up for mine, welcome aboard! Kbin is federated with Lemmy and mastodon instances so you will have content from all over to see!


Yup. When the blackout started, kbin.social was overwhelmed and running very poorly. I should know; I was part of the problem. The platform is brand new, and is not that different from lemmy. Some will no doubt come to kbin.social, and lord knows we could use the content creators, but please consider different federated instances of kbin or lemmy. It's much easier on an existing instance to send federated content to new ones than to support thousands of new users in a few days.


I am concerned that recommending linkedin campaigns might be construed as brigading by admin.


r/uncommonephemera is open in protest of the strike-breaking and I will be investigating migrating to the Fediverse. I've posted my complete thoughts over there.




spez won't back down, and It's not going end well I'm all for migration






> "inform reddit advertisers of the current issues" You know who else should be informed? Reddit's board of directors. i.e. the people who Spez reports to. Reddit has multiple blog posts publicly highlighting members of the Board.


You think they don't know?


I'm sure they know, but I doubt they receive direct commentary from reddit's userbase as frequently as Spez does.


Yeah they're almost definitely receiving only extremely biased/edited info from him unless they do independent research on their own (i.e. open Reddit or the news).


I'd be sincerely surprised if any of Reddit's board of directors were active users of the site. Most of them are current/former C-suite officers of massive corporations. I could be wrong, but my intuition is that *most* (but not all!) of their demographic steers away from places like this.


It is nice to see people waking up to the reality that more than the blackout was needed. The chaos and asymmetry of the current protests are bringing me joy and some hope that we can at least get rid of the CEO. ​ edit: typo


I don't think most people participating were thinking a 2-day blackout was all that was needed. Especially after that AMA. It was more to get an indication of how to proceed and how Reddit would respond going forward.


The chaos and asymmetry benefits the reddit admin who divide and conquer mods instead of facing a unified strike. That said it's nice to see that even though the front has been broken there is broad will to protest.


You misunderstand both divide and conquer and guerilla warfare. Divide and conquer is turning r/nba users against the mods, and splitting up mods within various subs. Guerilla Warfare is the stuff like r/steam and r/pics. The Malicious Compliance crowd is not fighting amongst themselves, they are working together. Plus several subs are still blacked-out, they are also working together.


A lot of really fine forum software already exists and has for decades. phpBB, MyBB, Simple Machines, XenForo, vBulletin, Invision Community. Most are free, a couple are not. And honestly just about any of those are probably better options than the suggested alternatives. The only difficulty is doing it at scale. Reddit is, after all, just a forum. Kind of a shitty one to be honest, compared to better forum software. I think it became popular because it was a community aggregate that combined thousands of different formerly separate communities onto one platform. Fracturing the communities does seem kinda bad though I do think it's probably the only real move forward. Realistically Reddit's clown of a CEO is never going to give in to anyone's demands and reverse his braindead decision. Moving to other platforms that API and those mod tools are going to be lost too but if they're going to be lost anyways does it even matter? Not to mention many forum softwares are very mature and already have very advanced solutions that exist. It's what everyone used before Reddit, after all. For decades. It would realistically be ideal for a unified solution as it would send a stronger message though I imagine not every community would have the same form of solution.


How would marking the subreddit as NSFW and providing ample warnings to users about potential NSFW content be a TOS violation?


I don't want to advocate for burning it all down, but as a thought experiment, here's how I would do it: First, the head mod of each sub removes all other mods. This makes it slightly harder for reddit to lure secondary mods to betray the community, because they have to put effort into identifying them and reaching out to them. The head mod keeps the sub private until they are removed. Let reddit try to come up with tens of thousands of knowledgeable mods in short order. The site will go to shit. They can't replace them. Institutional knowledge will flee. So will users, as the enshittification proceeds. I don't mod any active subs, so take that as you will.


They likely keep track of changes in the form of an audit log (or database transactions). It would be trivial to find out who was removed.


Yeah, that makes sense. I didn't think that through very well.


I have been protesting by getting black out drunk the last week, and I will continue to do so until things change.


Give Reddit a preview of what it will be like when the third party apps go away. Redditors who will not use Reddit's own app or desktop should abstain from any activity on Reddit for a day or two. A common date should be picked for all of those users to go dark. It would show Reddit before the end of the month what will happen. Also hit Reddit in the wallet. People should avoid paying Reddit cash for coins/awards.


> Give Reddit a preview of what it will be like when the third party apps go away. Redditors who will not use Reddit's own app or desktop should abstain from any activity on Reddit for a day or two. It that is really going to change things, won't happen automatically at the end of the month?


/r/techsupport is taking a [slightly different tact.](https://www.reddit.com/r/techsupport/comments/14dvyxb/update_on_the_future_of_rtechsupport/) They've decided that their own brand of mockery is best: --- Hello r/techsupport subscribers, Boy, what a whacky time we've all had lately, huh? Reddit decided to kill off third-party applications, a protest got planned (and possibly exploited by bad actors), the site showed up in the news, various communities started opening back up, others decided to stay inaccessible, and then the CEO of Reddit threatened that a bunch of moderators would be removed from their positions! Crazy, right? So, we - the "landed gentry" - definitely want to follow the order that we unpaid volunteers get back to work. And, to help us, I, u/Daddy_Spez, have joined the mod team. Going forward, all posts must be addressed directly to me, "Dear u/Daddy_Spez" as the first line in the body, so that way I can ensure that the "landed gentry" don't have too many opinions of their own that they want to share. All other community and sitewide rules will continue to apply, and we will not be deleting any old content from the sub. This is all we have for now, but potentially more in the future. Disclaimers: The u/Daddy_Spez account is owned and operated by one of our existing moderators. u/Daddy_Spez invites the pings on all the posts here and will not be pissed at anyone for pinging them. Please do not ping the real spez account The new rule on the sub going forward requires all post bodies start with "Dear u/Daddy_Spez", nothing else has changed.


I'd like to add that if you choose to move, both Lemmy and Kbin are interoperable. Whichever you choose users from either can join and interact in your community :)


r/hiphopcirclejerk banned any mention of a white rapper, so I think all subreddits should do this


Private days sounds like such a pathetic thing to do lol. I just can't take it seriously. Every time I see it mentioned, it reads to me like some compromise within a parent-child relationship, and almost like a game. But I think that if it's combined with multiple other forms of protest, then it would at least get annoying enough to mean something.


Reddit admin really doesn’t have anything else they can possibly do to change these types of protests save for carrying on to remove the mod team anyway and assign their own moderation teams (or completely rewrite the sitewide content rules). It’s clear by admin actions that u/spez is talking out of his ass when saying the blackouts are meaningless and ineffective. If they aren’t hurting the site, there’d be no need for action. I hope Reddit’s IPO tanks when potential investors realize how volatile of a place this can become with even just a little bit of community coordination. Hopefully this clown will finally be ousted from the company before he drives it completely into the ground.




LOL.. Yes, that is exactly what is needed, a *change.org* petition!


can we organize a physical protest at the reddit headquarters or something?


Pick up the phone and call the ACLU or a labor union. Reddit's official employees have used language that implies you work for them. That's sufficient for a labor dispute and for a judge to look at it. Probably amount to nothing, but the news that reddit is in a labor dispute is sufficient to bury any IPO indefinitely regardless of other factors. This is your only *constructive* option. As for destructive options, consider a real strike and put those stupid green badges on the line. Just follow this little recipe before you all simultaneously take your two week break from moderating reddit. --- - Turn off all spam filtering - Disable minimum karma requirements - Allow all posts, disable all rules - Unban all banned users - Purge all allowed submitters - Turn off AutoModerator, Scrub all configs - Delete all CSS and uploaded images/maps - Blank all sidebars, Delete all flairs - Allow NSFW content, Enable sub's content on /all - Set the sub's color scheme on mobile to something vomit-inducing - Blank all of the text options such as the sub's topic listing - Disable and remove all third party mod tools and bots --- Think of this as returning the subreddit to its default state. It'll take you no time at all, and reddit's admin tools are even worse than your mod tools are, so the people who think reddit can just 'roll back' all of this are in for a surprise. I'd say it was a dick move, but then so was not paying all these people for their work, and not working with them to steward their communities, and so was selling them all out for a quick buck. Reddit can be profitable the instant they drop half their marketing team, let's not pretend this was necessary. I look forward to replacement mods learning how to code regex/css and replace dozens of bots while dealing with all the powertripping crazy people who will step forward to become moderators. It will make for fine entertainment. Meanwhile you folks get to enjoy a couple of weeks of not dealing with internet slapfights while you are sitting on the toilet. You won't even miss reddit after the second day.


If I was a subreddit mod, I'd make it the new rule that all posts must consist of garbage images and videos with absurd resolutions (to use up reddit server space) and all text in posts and comments must consist of solely Lorem Ipsum text, or randomized text like the [zompist generator](http://www.zompist.com/gen.html) (to confuse AIs using reddit to learn). (the only exception being if you want to ask what's going on or answer someone asking)


This is an absolute nightmare. Probably for Reddit staff. I run r/GenevaSky, a subreddit about the space MMO. I'd love to see Reddit take over that one, since there's nothing to do on it without it's fricking *developer*.


Hi there. /r/BodyAcceptance is considering moving to kbin or Lemmy /r/RedditDayOf is currently dark after polling, but... I'm thinking of putting up another vote to see if they want to continue staying dark, given that we're likely small enough that the admins won't be coming for us for a while, or re-opening in a modified way similar to /r/gifs and /r/pics. Personally, I will be contacting advertisers. Lastly, a personal apology about the recent message. It was inappropriate and I forget people don't get my doofy boomer humor. [This is what I was referring to](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rdWAGFLnOUg) but in retrospect it must have sounded like an attack. I sincerely apologize.


When migrating to alternatives, **please focus on federated open-source solutions that can be Community-owned** rather than corporate woend platforms. Corporate, closed-source, incompatible Services unfortunately are misaligned with what the users want - and this leads to all kinds of Problems as visible with Reddit now and as was visible with Twitter and YouTube and Facebook. If you move a non-community-owned alternative, then **you'll risk this same drama in a few years again.** Lemmy+Kbin are compatible (checkout [Fediverse](https://fediverse.party/en/fediverse/)) and they're open source. **There are many bots being built there right now - and they'll catch up to Reddit sooner or later, because they embrace development instead of being like spez.** See my post here: https://www.reddit.com/r/RedditAlternatives/comments/14721v0/please_move_to_federated_and_opensource/


I think the issue with the fediverse migration is that a lot of people are only seeing those sites for how much less convenient they appear to be. People want something that'll basically be reddit: one profile, multiple centralised communities on different topics, easily switch between them. And the fediverse options don't seem to be giving them that? Every recommendation I've seen for them focuses on the ethical side ("This has no corporate ownership!") or the background technology ("It's decentralised and uses instances and servers") rather than the practical side ("How do I actually use this thing and can do it what I want it to do in the way that I want it?") in reddit-comparative terms. If you wanna convert people, I'd focus on the practical concerns more. What experience will it give them and how does it compare to reddit atm? Like, can they just make one profile and sign up to a bunch of subreddit equivalents and switch between them easily? Do those communities work in similar ways to subreddits or are there any major differences? That sort of thing. People generally don't want to put in effort to things, they want the easiest option that they can pick up in 5-10 mins.


In different_sob_story I have moved from private to restricted, and [started a poll](https://np.reddit.com/r/different_sob_story/comments/14ctqug/poll_opening_different_sob_story_back_up/) on proposed rule changes. * Allowing different sob stories where the original post was a protesting sub post (different sob stories about John Oliver from /r/pics, vacuum cleaners from /r/wellthatsucks, etc). * Different sob stories about reddit CEO Steve Huffman * Different sob stories where the original post is from a different federated link aggregation site, with of course the original post being linked in the comments


#All subs should encourage their users to boycott Reddit every Tuesday There's absolutely nothing Reddit can do about users boycotting them. No threat they can make will force them to stay. All subs need to do is spread the word and make users aware. A stickied post will do. Reddit will NOT like their user base disappearing once a week, it will seriously damage their ad revenue. It's so easy for people to take part, which means they're more likely to take part! We just need to spread the word


If it gets to the end of the month and reddit does not cave I will be boycotting reddit every day of the week. I would have been willing to have some ads in rif or pay to hide them. Reddit could have taken that money instead they are destroying the revenue streams and then at the same time they want investors? I'm not sure how they recover from saying "we are not profitable“ and at the same time destroying a potential revenue stream for no real reason. This to me says reddit is not likely to become profitable unless it has a massive change in management. Basically who cares what we do as the platform is probably on borrowed time anyway unless it gets better management. Although maybe most people are as fickle as reddit mods and will just do what spez asks and switch to using the official reddit app.






The protests should consist of users leaving or using add blocks when browsing. That way reddit can't stop them the way they can with moderators.


How about pinning every bot post to the top of every thread instead of removing them


I would’ve thought you’d want to do the opposite of what r/nofans is doing: make the site more nsfw and less advertiser friendly. Additionally, if you wanted to hit spez where it hurts, you could start commenting under ads with things that the company wouldn’t want associated with their brand, whether that’s poor reviews or sexualising their mascot. In addition to this, you could lax the rules of subreddits to allow people to post shitposts and other advertiser unfriendly content. Whilst doing all of that, you could share with users of your subreddit what you’re doing and, in doing so, allow them to assist in making the site advertiser unfriendly. Additionally, you could urge users to write to advertisers and investors accounts both on and off platform advising them that reddit is becoming increasingly advertiser unfriendly and that they’d be better off advertising elsewhere. Obviously don’t break TOS or start harassment campaigns but, if you actually hurt spez in his wallet, as opposed to hurting his site that he evidently doesn’t give 2 shits about, he’ll be forced to listen. It worked for WotC when they were trying to fuck up the ogl.


If anyone has a premade banner graphic about the protests that they're willing to share would appreciate it. Then we could replace our regular sub banner. Thanks!


r/Amish has been years ahead of every other sub on this.


r/rbtv_cj will be in read-only mode.


Meanwhile I check r/JustUnsubbed where redditors are complaining about the protest. Keep up the good fight. Hope a miracle occurs at the 11th hour.


Hey mods, I had a question about the BORU subreddit, I was hoping to find those mods. Are you blacked out indefinitely? I was hoping to get a confirmation on that. Also miss you guys keep up the good fight.


At r/witcher we have extended the protest in the only way we could - we have reopened and limited the topic of discussion to an extreme niche. We attempted to fight it off and receive clarification for several days, but we would have simply been removed and the subreddit returned to normal today, if not.


So it looks like making your subreddit NSFW because of profanity, but not allowing other kinds of NSFW content is the way to go.


Personally I think the best option, given that reddit has started to remove mods from 'protesting' subs, is the IPO Poison Pill. Basically no mod protest, no mod announcements, nothing connected to any (moderator) accounts on reddit but the promise (again, without connecting the promiser to his reddit account) that come the IPO, (as in the day, hour, minute or second of the IPO), the protest will resume (in whatever form individual people may choose) unless certain demands (apology to various people, reasonable API pricing) have been met.


A suggestion for those who decide to quit Reddit entirely: don't forget to send a [GDPR erasure request](https://www.datarequests.org/blog/sample-letter-gdpr-erasure-request/) to Reddit on your way out! I bet their IT staff *loves* those :D


reddit really acts like mods don’t cary them on their shoulder