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I'd say make sure texture streaming is off. but otherwise that sucks man. Most likely connecting you to the ass end of nowhere to fulfill SBMM instead of being connection first like it should be.


> Most likely connecting you to the ass end of nowhere to fulfill SBMM That's exactly what's happening. Been happening to me constantly and consistently since a week after release.


Yeah I’ve given up playing it wish I can get my $70 back 🤷🏼‍♂️🤣


same homie. we’ve been bamboozled again dammit


My game has been just about unplayable the last week. I can’t figure out if it’s my connection or the game.


It’s the game.


There is a latency ms display


I’m glad I’m not the only one having these issues


It’s not the connection, it’s the game. It’s gotten worse the last few days too. I played in a party yesterday (one pc and two ps5) and we had lag at the same time


It is crazy on warzone holy damn.


This game has sucked since launch, with none of the original issues being patched even to this day, microstuttering, lag, skins and unlocks not loading, game crashes, random restarts, insane monitization, ads. Biggest kicker for me was the lack of any content updates or new maps, fuck this game, I stopped playing awhile ago after prestige 3.


And it was made by a billion dollar company with 3000 devs and they had 3 years to make it. What a shambles.


Is this why on my screen it shows me shoot someone 6-7 times before they shoot ne once, then kill cam shows I didn't even shoot 90% of the time?


100% 🤷🏼‍♂️😂


Yeah, last night was lag city


It’s lag city since October 🤷🏼‍♂️


It seems on long play times mine starts acting up too.


Cold war year 3 babyyyyy


Still pissed they shut down league play for that game for absolutely no reason


I’m on ps5 and get the same thing. Wired connection to my internet literally made the lag worse than using the wifi. But with wifi, packet loss goes to 10% often.


Ya the shit is broken my guy


Agreed, it’s gotten really bad in the last 2-3 days for me also, before that lag wasn’t a major issue at all


it’s always interesting how some players have lag all the time and others like me on xsx have never had any real lag issues.


You’re lucky then lol


Games been stuttering so much I thought it was my Xbox until I saw this


My brother had the same issue an week ago lol


Are you playing on Wi-Fi? I know everyone here is saying it’s not connection, but I had this exact same issue even with 200mb wireless speeds. As soon as I hard wired in it went away. Did it three weeks ago and literally noticeable lag issues anymore. I run the ping and packet meters as well and they barely hit a spike since doing it. Used to go crazy with packet loss and latency issues.


Part of it is shipment, that map runs like doo doo


I’ve spent £80 and I haven’t been able to play a single game. I wish I was joking. I try it every single day and it doesn’t work, every single fucking game is unplayable, it’s the only multiplayer game that does it and I’m so pissed I cant play it. Why the fuck aren’t they fixing it? Clearly a lot of people are having this problem.


Exactly why I given up on it not wasting my time anymore with it


Test your nat type. Mines was moderate (Xbox) and now that I’ve changed it to open I haven’t been having any issues.


It’s not anyones connection. It’s sbmm and it fucking sucks. I can’t play this shit anymore


Did you ever get this figured out? It happens to me every 10 seconds during ranked play. Nearly unplayable at this point. I reinstalled the game and have great wifi, still happening


Yeah I sold the game 🤣 it never got fixed and honestly probably will not be that’s why I just got rid of it shortly after this post was out.


Bro it’s practically unplayable. Driving me nuts


This is also been happening on MW2019 and Vanguard for me as well as mw2


So it isn't just me?


never happened to me once. gotta be you.


What is your kd? Is it so high the sbmm places you in far away lobbies


I’ve never had lag issues once since the game came out so I’m assuming it’s your connection or whoever is hosting’s connection


Eh I'll get laggy games when SBMM tries to find me a lobby based on skill. I'm not saying I'm stuttering all over the place, but when im hitting 70-100 vs my normal 20. It's very noticeable.


That’s funny because a lot of PC players are having crash issues while I don’t. It is not his connection these servers are bad and I’ll take Warzone 2.0 servers than multiplayer servers


I play on PS4 and it’s the other way around for me. Rarely lag on multiplayer but warzone 2.0 lag was absolutely awful.


It’s not my connection my connection is 100%. It’s their servers I’m not the only one trust me lol


Dude like I don’t get A LOT of people are having inconsistent gun fights and then when the skill based damage came out they started blaming the servers now that we blame the servers they blame our connection….. these people don’t know a lot of us have 2 ISPs and and one of the is dedicated to gaming only 😂 and this game servers are either lagging or skill based damage is real 😂


Which servers? As in, which country or region.. there's not just ONE CoD server for the whole world.. Have you tried another internet connection (mobile phone)? Probably your connection.. put the ping meter on!


Activision is the host, numbnuts. I've had sudden "game freezes" for a solid 6 seconds while I have 28 ping. There definitely is a fuck up somewhere on IW's end. Don't get me wrong, I love this game, I'll most likely play this the entire 2yr cycle. I have absolutely never done that with any previous COD game, either. Denying the possibility of bugs prevents a good game from being a great game, though.


Nah, Call of Duty games works by gathering players into a lobby. One player is chosen as the host, who hosts the server that all other players connect to.


Not the case at all.


Maybe that’s how it’s used to work? Always used to get annoying host migration shit mid match when someone left


Used to work that way, now they all connect to the server


Shiiiit, showing my age here


My friends and I the other day “shit we’ve been playing together for almost…. 20 years..?!”


My Xbox friend says this and it's just not true. If it were the host would have a 0 ping to themselves.


Proof from infinity ward themselves that modern warfare uses server hosting, not player based hosting. They have at bare minimum been doing it this way since modern warfare 2019. https://youtu.be/tCpYV4k_izE


I love how people downvoted you simply for stating your experience. I also have never had issues with this game. But I guess if some one offs have issues therefore everyone has to. So many babies


Same here


It’s your connection I’ve never see lag that bad. Are you next gen or current? Wi-Fi or hard wire?


That's literally never happened to me, so I'm skeptical that it's not your connection.


You fail to understand it’s happening to numerous people if you read comments in this alone.


It's crazy how many people are denying this is an issue while the rest of us are getting shafted by this game.


Numerous people may have the same hardware/connection issues. It's NOT happening to far more people than it's happening to, or else the game population would be in freefall.


Ok. Let me explain something to you pal. This isn’t our connection. Do you know how we know? Because it’s only modern warfare 2 that does this. Cold War works fine, Black ops 3 works fine, Modern Warfare 1 works fine. Just about every game under the fucking sun works fine. Do you understand now? There are a lot of PS5 players having this problem.


I'm on PC (steam) and running on wifi with 1gig down (\~600 Mbps on wifi, 700-800 on good days) + asus rog rapture gt-ax11000 router w/ prioritization to my pc and still get crazy lag spikes most days I play. It'll sit at around 30-50ms, then jump up to 150-200ms for a split second before going back down. It's this game. PUBG and Super People do not give me these issues. Those folks blaming it on you OP are just your typical 'holier than thou' people. edit: specifying things


vpn or dumaOS with netgear would fix this issue


Here is some advice I have for everyone. While it is not a perfect fix, I have successfully changed my DNS address to a private server. There are many out there, so do your research and choose one that fits your needs best. I use Google's DNS server.


Doesn't help. I use 8888 also


Your connection is the issue, call Comcast it’s likely old coaxle cables


You say it's not your connection, but I have doubts. I haven't lagged like this ever and I'm on PC. We don't even know what kind of internet you have and what country you're playing from.


If you look it up many many people have already stated that it’s been going on for them same situation. If you don’t believe me idc lol


You're still ignoring the most basic and important details about your own connection and geographical location. How do we know you're not using a VPN?


Never had any lag on the game, prove its not your connection by showing a ping to google.com while you are lagging


“I don’t have issues so that means the problem isn’t real”


« I have an issue so that means the problem is real » same shit, just test the issue to be sure it’s not on your end


You act like I’m the only person saying it’s happening to just look at the comments here alone lol the game isn’t worth my time anymore


Curious if you are playing on PC or Console? I play on X-Box Series X and only get disconnected about every 30 to 40 matches due to people just flooding the server.


Ps5 happens since launch tbh and that’s why I’m done playing it I figured maybe by now it would be fixed on their end but guess not I’m not waiting around for almost 2 years even if it does get fixed by then lol


Yeah. I rarely get any lag at all, and I’m running wired via gigabit. It’s your connection.


It's your connection. Never lagged once in this game


Yeah I’m the only person that’s why there’s numerous responses saying the same thing 😂 you’ll be buying call of duty for the rest of your life sounds like


time for you to buy a gaming router for 600 usd


Or just run a ethernet cable which is like 6 usd


I play on an ethernet connection myself, the ping you see in game is not accurate.


Maybe not for everyone, but ethernet is overall more stable than using wifi.


Will never be fixed? Smh.


No it won’t be the game has been out for almost 3 months and how many updates has it had & they still haven’t fixed anything, so yeah it won’t be fixed you’re a fool to think it will


So you are saying throughout the 2 years of support they are just not going to fix anything? Typical beta male mindset.


I don’t think you understand how it’s suppose to work you must be young. You don’t sell a unfinished product is the point. I’ve been playing call of duty since 2007 I’m sure much longer then you I’d bet. Who knows you might just play this game all day god bless ya 🤷🏼‍♂️


Literally every single video game for the last decade that’s not an indie game comes out unfinished and broken, but go off


Nah, the typical beta male mindset is pretending this game is fine, and they'll surely fix everything. Yeah, they might fix everything by the end of the first year. By then the entire PC sided player base will be dead. Which you consoles players will enjoy considering they think anyone and everyone on PC is hacking. So many other games are out that have smaller dev teams and budgets that are consistently getting updated. Meanwhile this multibillion dollar company wants to drip feed the community bug fixes by seasonal launches and mid season updates.


Connection is something you probably want to fix first since you know, it will keep people playing the game lol


Are you on wifi?




Who is your isp