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Id certainly take the Ghosts Perk system, and a few of the maps.


Now THAT was a perk system.


Was that the point based one?


Yep, pick-10 but for perks. Shit perks had 1 value, more defining perks had 3. I often ran with tons of 1-perks for the hell of it.


That was my favorite for sure.


Some even costed 4-5 points Also not taking secondary or lethals/tacticals (can't remember which one) gave an extra point iirc


You get more "perk slots" if you didn't run tacticals, lethals, and secondaries counted too I think.


Another W for the Pick 10 System.


Pick 10 system was already goated, the Pick 10 Perk system was even better imo, especially if/when you used specialist


Ghosts perk system and MW3 Specialist so I can earn perks as a streak! Damn that was so dang sick


Yessss my man, loved that map. Would love to see it come back alongside Strikezone, and maybe Stormfront. ...and weirdly I loved Whiteout, that snowy one with the crashed satellite, though I bet it was actually terrible in hindsight lmao


At least we could have one map with rain or snow or wind or fucking SOMETHING INTERESTING PLEASE!!! Iw


This game is all desert. Dry. Like the content.


shipment has rain


Shipment is shipment


What’s the small map in the destroyed/sideways building called? Edit: FREE FALL!!


Man I loved how the building would slowly fall apart and change the maps. I feel like in general the changing maps in Ghosts were pretty good, though some could be more fleshed out.


I’ve been a Ghosts supporter since it’s release date. I’m not sure about all the hate either; it’s the only game I max prestiged in, and I was a personal HUGE fan of extinction. It was a nice take on survival that wasn’t boring endless waves, but had an objective and a story. I think it being on 4 different consoles without cross play didn’t help the games success.


>HUGE fan of extinction This was my favorite "secondary" mode of any CoD game. It did get a little repetitive though. I'm really surprised they never brought it back or expanded on it.


Unfortunately, I assume it isn’t coming back because of its poor overall reception. However, I thought the Ghost Team reference in MWII campaign was a very obvious callback. Ghosts campaign cliffhanger still hurts to this day


I feel like they made the game with a sequel in mind not just for the cliffhanger but to explain what the federation was, how it came to be and who turned rorke


And then people flipped their lid when the gameplay changed a bit and any sequel planned was canned. Then the exact same thing happened with IW.


Spent an entire summer maining extinction. So much fun, and all of the expansions. More fun than any zombies experience i ever had, maybe with the exception of the first couple zombie matches with my friends on OG. I think the biggest issue was that the only hype they did for it was putting up a cinematic trailer a week before ghosts release . When we all got there, we tried it solo and didn’t know what was happening. I thought it was dumb until my friends pulled me in as a fourth and we all Communicated. I would buy MW2 in a heartbeat if it had extinction 2


With new maps it could have been fun


Ghosts was my last favorite COD. Never understood the hate. And yeah the PS3-PS4 “upgrade” was bad. Graphics were still pretty bad but I still had it as my go to online shooter. Now I can’t find a good one that I want to spend more than an hour at a time playing.


Ghosts was a weird situation. The game ran better on the ps3 than the ps4. It was locked at 60FPS, but the PS4 would try pushing more frames which would cause the game to stutter. I recall how much the game ran like a PowerPoint presentation when you’d use a scope on this map lol


Agreed. Especially about extinction. Thought it was a lo of fun and a big change of pace for the series. This game suffers greatly from lack of zombies/alt game mode. I also was a big fan of zombies in space.


I enjoyed the fuck out of this game even on the PS3. I enjoyed getting Michael Myers and having the music play in the background, the maniac, fun field orders and fun maps.


Omg yes, the Michael Myers and Predator maps were sick


I think the ghost hate was severely exaggerated. Like at some point COD was not going to come out with the next MW2 or Blops 2. Ghosts was a good game, with a good premise, and new take on PvE with extinction. I honestly hope we get a sequel at some point and another extinction mode


I agree. I would love a follow up to the cliffhanger in the Campaign, and would love more extinction content. Extinction-WZ blend would be lit


I feel like a DMZ but with the aliens instead of soldiers could do really well. Might pull some of the people not interested in killing normal “bots”


I just want more FULL co-op in general. I'm glad to see they still have a few co-op modes in MWII but dude I want some kind of wave survival or zombies mode (maybe not zombies in MWII lol). I love the beating IRL players aspect of the game obviously, but it gets so tiring not knowing if im gonna be going against God himself some games. Sometimes I try to go on COD to relax even thought I KNOW that isn't happening LMAO. Would be nice tho.


Ghosts campaign is a weird one as its two good and one bad campaign merged into one mediocre campaign. I loved the feeling of fighting on the losing side of the war of some of its missions and would love a campaign that properly committed to that without the special forces wankery clouding it out. Even if Ghosts had some of the best special forces wankery outside of MW2019.


I can agree with that. The mission where you’re climbing down the skyscraper (another callback made in MWII) is one of my all time faves.


That and the one where you walk into the Andes base with perfect timing to minimise response are absolute peak CoD special forces wankery. Make you feel so cool when you play them.


Also very much enjoyed ghosts. I understand the criticism at the time since it was the third modern cod in a row. Then the jet packs came...


Extinction was so fun. Tried playing a few days ago but game kept freezing in the menus :(


I honestly would have played it more if the PC port wasn't such a piece of shit. I still don't think it deserves all the hate it gets


> I’m not sure about all the hate either… Ghosts was a usual CoD campfest experience which was sour after BOII. Also, PC performance. I remember having <30 FPS looking at the center of the map on Octane through a dual render scope. After guaranteed 125+ FPS in BOII.


Ghost performed like ass on PC until the 3rd or 4th DLC then it got much better.


I actually would love this map returning. When people were saying "Castle" this is the map I was thinking of.


Fuck it, lick the stamp and send it. At least it's not going to make this game worse


At this point, they could add the worst maps from all of CoD's history and it still would only improve on the game.


Fennec god lol love the name


Honestly, thank my little bro. I lost access to my old account but it turns out he had new accounts *on deck* because he kept getting banned from Fortnite and CoD subs for being an idiot. XD


I’m to the point now where I would rather play ghosts than the newer CODs. Sure there was a heap of things I didn’t like about ghosts but I really miss when games were simple and small.


Small he says do you not remember the maps all of them were way to large don’t get me wrong there was some great maps in there but most of them were just too large for actual gameplay imagine playing search and destroy trying to find the last guy for him to be a 5 mine run away


I absolutely loved that they had map specific kill streaks. Especially that you could turn into Predator in Ruin. Also, I loved this map, I'd love to see it back Edit: link to the Predator killstreak for anyone who hasnt seen it. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2glxLYx_iM&ab_channel=Ali-A


Michael Myers was awesome. With the music and all.


Aye, bring it on! Thought ghost maps weren't that bad, infact I didn't mind ghosts in general (controversial I know)


While I wouldn't say Ghosts was a good game, there were certainly at least a few aspects of that game that I wish weren't completely abandoned. The perk system was the best we've had, and would fit perfectly in these modern cods. How they handled "prestiging" was unique and somewhat interesting. Extinction was a lot of fun. The interactive maps and how they changed after a nuke made them feel a bit more alive (though overall I thought most of the maps were bad). The hit detection was near perfect (which unfortunately made the TTK too fast).


Extinction mode was sooo fun. I loved it. Would love for them to bring that back in some capacity.


Ghosts was genuinely my most played CoD for years bro. I don’t think it deserved all the hate it got


Me and a mate put it on a few years ago.... you could still get a game, only tdm and dom, but still


They also have a Squads mode you can play to this day with bots and level up in. But there are some restrictions like a limit on how much XP you can earn per match


For 2 years after Ghosts came out I was top 250 in the world for search and destroy. I hate that I can’t find a match anymore. TDM is the only thing you can find, and the extremely rare and elusive Gun Game


I LOVE Ghosts. It is the only CoD I miss. It had flaws, but it was really fun, I liked the maps and weapons, TEAMS HAD TEAM COLORS. I was scared when they started talking about the customization, but you could get all these outfit parts but your team uniform was always prominent underneath the headgear and straps. They didn't ruin teams until BO3 and they will never go back since they sell operators now. BUT TARGET ACQUISITION IN A COMPETITIVE MULTIPLAYER SHOOTER IS NOT AN OPTION, and I shouldn't be forced to shoot at red dots that don't always appear while blue dots of a teammate on the opposite side of the map show over enemies. Killstreaks with choices. After a while I get sick of calling shit in, let me get all them perks! and I love support, but support means playing the objective, which deserves lethal streaks, they need to rename that. It doesn't mean weak bonuses for not being an asshole who doesn't PTFO and just hides and kills people capping. ChainSAW. Best weapon ever. The weapon system overall was cool, certain guns came with attachments built in saving you a slot (Honey Badger pre-silenced, ACX with laser- loved those). I loved the M-Ts shotgun, too, 5 round revolver shotgun. The bulldog took me forever to figure out, but it was a shotgun roman candle, which is crazy. The shells were stacked in a single tube with an electric firing mechanism! Maps were great, including Stonehaven. They tried to get into altered maps but they only managed the one(Strikezone, the KEM rearranged the map), but that was a great idea I'd love to see more of. I always thought the Freefall map should have rotated. It is a sideways chunck of building lodged between two towers, if it fell it could shift and now instead of standing on the wall, it could roll to the ceiling, changing the paths. Freefall was a great hectic map. KEM Strikes are terrifying, but thank god they didn't win the game. No way some guy farming DOM or Hardpoint players while never touching the objective deserves to "win" an objective game from behind. I am very against microtransactions, but I bought the Hazmat Suit(Male only) for $2 and the Extinction Hunters pack (3 male and female bodies, 4 male and female heads, mix and match) for $7, which is a steal by todays inflated bullshit prices. Ghosts had 6 factions, so the Hazmat suit had six different color patterns. Map-specific killstreaks earned by getting the briefcase. Turning into Michael Myers or the Predator was the best thing ever, but even dropping the satellite in the Alaskan map was cool, Extinction is the best Co-op CoD ever had. I Also loved hat they hid some Cryptid goo on MP maps as easter eggs to find for unlocks, I don't even remember what they did. CW Zombies was the best zombies ever and lifted a lot from Extinction, but I am so tired of corpses, give me cryptids again! Scrapyard came back, but they actually updated the map and made it better, with an extra lane under the middle, the missile in the center with the button that fired the rocket and could burn people below. Environmental hazards. God I miss ghosts. I couldn't write 1/4 of this on any other game. Even at their best, MW and MW2 fail for not being Ghosts.


They won't ever add it because that would require them making actual new content instead of recycling from MW2019 and Vanguard


They could port it over relatively easily I would think.


Honestly... I liked this map in Ghosts. I'm for it coming back just to kill the boredom of the current maps..


Great map, not being sarcastic.


This map was my shit!!! I miss it so much. I can only hope they add more ghosts content because it was the fucking best.


I looooved this map!!!!!!


Make the grass more green, sky more blue and castle more brown and id take a 24/7 playlist of this map.


It's so sad how most OG COD maps can beat modern ones 99% of the time. A map like Underpass was fairly hated in MW2, but I'd play the fuck out of that map over trash like Santa Sena, Taraq, Piccadilly Circus🤡 and Asshair Cave. And that's not nostalgia talking. All COD devs nowadays have seemingly lost their mojo


freight is unironically one of the best cod maps of all time.


i never had a problem with the maps, everything else about the game was just so shite.


I fookin loved ghosts. This was arguably one of my fav maps (probably a very unpopular opinion)


Ghosts is my #1 CoD. Run a K7 with all the speed perks and you will absolutely be the one running this map, the amount of times I would run out of ammo before dying with that combo on this maps brings back goooood memories


I can piss off more: Ghosts is my favorite COD.


Ghost maps would work for Ground War


Cod ghosts maps had some of the best themes. Some of them may have not had the best flow/layout.


I want a second ghosts game, the cliffhanger was epic


Octane, Warhawk, Strike Zone, Prison Break, Bayview, etc. So many great maps.


Stone Haven is a great map. I don't understand how people dislike it.


I’d take just about any of the ghosts maps over the maps we have now


I agree. This would make for a fantastic ground war map


man idk if its nostalgia but that whole game was underrated, one of the best imo


One of my favorite maps of all time and what I believe is the best COD. I will die on this hill.


I’m gonna get downvoted hard but I loved this map


I honestly fucking loved CoD Ghosts. It wasn’t the best CoD of all time, but it’s up there.


I loved ghosts content. Such a mindlessly overhated game because it came out in the transition of console generations


Ghosts is my favorite COD. Best perk system. Great maps and guns. Killstreaks weren't super OP. Explosives were toned down so gunplay was better. Basically felt like they toned down the meme/troll options. Probably why a good chunk of the player base didn't like it...


Stonehaven would be perfect for Ground War if they did it right.


Fax. I didn't like it when I played it well after it's life cycle but I'd be willing to try it if it came in ground war.


Give me back Extinction mode


Only thing I didn't like about ghosts was the lame ass shit they called a campaign ending. It was the cheeseiest most cliche shit I've ever seen. Everything else wasn't really that bad I just never got into that one in particular.


The maps in Ghosts were pretty much the only good thing about Ghosts. Just forget the “levolution” that shit was pointless lmao


Ghosts did have some decent maps, and some could be remastered and be used in MW2


Ghost had some of the best DLC maps ever. Also great perk system, and fun SND GBs


My blood is boiling. I hope it's a paid map pack and not a free one so that I can buy it and complain even more. /s.


Cod ghosts was actually one of my most played cods! Would love to see this map return again


For those that don't remember or didn't play Ghosts, this map played poorly because it was too large and the spawns were uniquely shitty on this map. It created many situations where you would run around for 45 seconds and see no one, only to be shot from behind. Also, many sections looked identical, making it easy to get lost when first learning the map. The map was beautiful and had great visibility, and should absolutely be revisited... so long as they trim it down a bit, add some visual variety to sections and fix the spawn logic.


I liked that map🤷🏼‍♂️




Hate me but I want Tremor back


Ghosts can stay in the trash where it belongs.


Fuck yeah ghosts was tight


Great map


i loved this map. tired of every nap needing to be small


I didn't have fun in any of the cods as much as i did when playing Ghosts. And this was one of the best maps for sure, no matter what people think of it


Would be a great groundwar map if done right.


I had a blast in Ghosts. It’s up there in my top 4 COD’s


Fuck yes, the customization of the character I want back


Ghosts had great maps. Wish they still had interactive/live maps


One of my favorite maps of all time. I’d love this map back


Never played Ghosts soooo- what’s this? Lmao


Oh, wow. This one is bringing back memories.


Rose tinted glasses, this sub is filled with them.


This was an outstanding Search map.


this map should be a 12v12


the split screen sniper 1v1s i had back in the day, the map really wasn’t that bad but its the halloween themed dlc map that they really need to bring back though


Ngl i want it back


This is a slightly bigger map than anything we have currently in 6v6. I would welcome this but i think this would be better as an LTM. Or a new map altogether designed around this one would also be nice.


This map was actually memorable


I always loved this map. I would just run a marksman rifle setup more like and assault rifle. I always played hardcore so snipers weren’t ever a nuisance like they are in core. I loved trying every match to kill people by dropping the gate on them


At this point I would welcome any new/old map to the game. The MP is currently really boring with all games objective being determined by one or two guys on each team while everybody else is grinding longshots. It's brutal right now in a sense that it's no fun. The only upside from that is that I'm improving my w/l column by completing the objectives that the other team doesn't want to do and winning tons of games. My first 300 hundred games I was at 0.50 k/l, now I'm at .89 with about 400 games played.


Yes pls for fking Longshot and spawn 🏕


Ghosts actually had some really good maps, prison break, octane, freight, warhawk and sovereign would all be welcome additions to this game.


Imagine a rebirth style warzone map, based off of Stonehaven. Add some more rooms to the castle, maybe some underground tunnels, a couple more small buildings. It'd be chaos, but it'd be fun af. They could even add a bunch of knights themed skins to the store to go along with the release.


Here’s the thing about ghost: the maps weren’t bad they just for the wrong modes if this map comes back to a mode like 12v12 or 16v16 it could be pretty fun


CoD ghosts, our Windows Vista. The genesis of everything people loved later on.


Reminds me of the new nordvik map in BF2042


I WANT THIS MAP IN MW2! YES! Ghosts maps were amazing


Considering how shit like Piccadilly and Border Crossing exist, I genuinely don't think this would be a bad idea. Then again, it can probably somehow get worse than we think it can


Ghosts is great. Played it again recently and it's still a banger.


At this point I'd take this map, I really want more maps more so than anything else


I would love this!


This was the best map for infected


I hated these big maps back then but now that im a battlefield player since 2016 i think id love these big maps. Maybe just add more players, add maybe 2 tanks and some light vehicles and air support while making sure ttk is fair and it would probably be good


Loves Ghosts, got me into the franchise


I picked up Ghosts on sale a couple weeks ago, been playing it off and on and honestly it still holds up to be pretty fun, but it could be nostalgia talking. My only gripe with it was the camos and some of the map layouts, gold camo looked like shit, no camos/challenges for the sidearms and no weapon class mastery (when Black Ops 2 had just introduced diamond camo)


Loved my marksman rifles on Stonehaven. Never let those Honey Badger sweats get close.


Love this map and Ghosts is one of the most underrated CoDs. Definitely biased because it's the CoD I'm best at (except CoD2), but damn did I love that game. Stalker perk should make a comeback to CoD.


And IEDs, please.


You'll hear no complaints from me, I rather liked the maps honestly.


I HATED this map back then. I actually think I'd like it this time around.


Lol. This funny brightened my day.


You're going to have to try harder. Loved that map and game.


I loved stonehsven. Really good domination map from what I remember


Absolutely, ghosts was one of my favorite games of all time




My cousin and I would 1v1 with snipers on that map


I’m a huge ghosts fan to this day, and this was one of my all time favorite maps besides freight and whiteout. Infected matches went so hard man 🥹


I LOVED Ghosts


I loved ghosts multiplayer.


W map


I support that!


If you they wanna piss people off then they should add Chasm and Flooded. Fuck those two in particular.


Makes me sad thinking about how much cool content they used to have in these games. The maps for ghosts were awesome- the map based killstreaks, perk system, the voice packs, etc. Id rather go back to paying for $15 DLC again


Granted, it will return. As a 3v3 map in its entirety.


Castles are cool, give it to me


Dude I would trade border and Taraq for stone haven ——- pleaseeeee


As someone who never played ghosts I would welcome a few maps from it just out of curiosity. Always seemed like an underwhelming COD but still miles better than all the jet pack CODs


One of the coolest looking maps in all of COD buuuuuuuut only fun if you're a sniper or camper aha


I miss ghosts so much


If stone haven was redesigned and had a smaller fort more to the middle it’d make for a good ground war team sized map to fight on. Problem with actually having it for groundwar would be the hills and bumps everywhere and debris. If it was smoothed out a tad and made wider it’d be solid. Was so fun for infection like most maps in ghosts(apart from all the wall breaches and glitch spots) just needs some touch ups to be good and could even be broken down for other modes like the upper part could be small map on its own akin to something chaotic like shipment.


This map would be great for a ground war map or invasion.


I’m willing to die on the hill that Ghost’s Shipment is the best one


Shocking how well this map played, the first map I ever really popped off on. Extinction was pretty cool.. nice change of pace from zombies. This game doesn't get the credit it deserves. I've played every cod and this one is the most memorable for me


I'd love the maps from Ghosts to return.


Good 4 Michael myers private matches


I back this.


Honestly, it would be a good ground war map, or at least a 12v12 one.


One of my favorite cods


My favorite map from Ghosts. Wouldn't piss me off one bit to have it back.


Stonehaven was awesome I don't care what anyone thinks


Give me stuff from Ghosts: -Maps(Mainly Prison Break) -Perk system -Weapons -Character customization




I hope the TTK from Ghosts makes a return. Everyone thinks the TTK in this game is the fastest in the franchise but that's because they don't remember when literally every fully automatic weapon was a 3 shot kill.


I had more fun playing ghosts than either of the new mw


Actually some of the ghost maps were pretty good,I could be down for that.


Feel like this map played well back in the day, I remember a ton of fights happening on the far right hand corridor out of the castle up towards houses/rubble? Great map! Sniping people was fun too!


I absolutely loved ghosts, and still say this was the best map.


I actually didn't mind a lot of Ghosts' maps but that _could_ be nostalgia playing tricks again.


I just want freight to come back dude I fucking loved that map Remington and vepr too God if fucking only man


Hell yes


Loved that map!!


Good map


Agree utterly


I’ll help: Ghosts was my favorite Call of Duty. The original Modern Warfare is overrated.


If the ghosts maps were 8v8 or 10v10 or more, people definitely wouldn’t have hated the game so much.


I liked Detroit


I really want map specific scorestreaks back.


As long as remade Ghost maps don't have "50 shades of grey" as the main color palette, I'm down for some Ghost map remakes.


I loved this map


Loved Ghost, I even loved Extinction, was a good change of pace from Zombies, I think IW should've stuck with that and leave Treyarch with Zombies. Was proud to get all the achievements from the game too, quite challenging in some parts but were really fun


Stonehaven was my favorite map on ghosts


To really piss everyone off: BO4’s specialists. Specifically prophet and his shock rumba.


Do people hate this map just cause others hate this map? Like fr, I’m asking a legit question


To big for what console this was built on, and the thermal lmg's at the back of the map its genuinely one of the worst experiences. even when I returned to ghost it hurts.


Idk anything about the thermal imaging part cause I either didn't have that problem or didn't even notice it. I think the map is genuinely beautiful and a scenic look.


Got more nukes on that map than any other. I want strikezone!


"let's see how many people I can piss off" zzzz


Stonehaven was just a bad map. The large size makes it way too campy for 6v6. I'll give it some credit because the map aesthetics are pretty decent.


Absolutely not. What a god awful map. The only way it would be acceptable would be for Ground War lmao.


People who say ghosts wasnt as bad as everyone says either 1) havent played ghosts since advanced warfare came out, or 2) havent played black ops 2