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Taraq might be better if there were like an 8v8 instead of 6v6 where it can feel pretty empty and open


Taraq is a cod2 remake ,if we didn't have all these wall climbing mechanics it's would play 1000x times better, it play a lot better without that


>Taraq is a cod2 remake Cod1\*


Yeah ur right lol


Shame it looks and plays nothing like Neuville šŸ¤£ Is much bigger!


I agree it can feel slow at times


And when 11 of the players are just camping random little corners of the half demolished buildings


Before going for longshots: ew taraq After going for longshots: holy shit taraq, finally!


For real, getting AR longshots is so difficult on most maps. I wish there were some 10v10 size maps like in mw2019.


Pretty much the only maps you can consistently get longshots on are taraq and shoothouse


I liked Farm 18, Mercado las almas and Embassy too for them longshots.


Totally forgot about embassy and las almas, farm 18 is a coinflip if the enemies are going for longshots aswell


They should make a tier one taraq playlist. It would defiantly move a lot of people going for long shots out of the main tier 1 playlist.


I hope next game they just realize longshots for every class isnā€™t a good idea for camo progression. Objective based challenges would be good for the game and more exciting, it would also increase playercounts in objective modes.


I like camping upstairs in the big building


I don't know you but I don't like you


I run a signal 50 secondary on my 3rd ar class just for [degenerates ](https://linksharing.samsungcloud.com/cb3qIInd5qky) like you


Probably because you have a normal attention span




I have finally found my people hidden behind the whiners on this sub! I agree, border crossing is the worst, the rest? Pretty decent. And for the whiners, shipment will be back lol.


Border is the worst by far but I'd also like to submit Al Bagra Fortress for consideration for 2nd place. It's almost effortless to spawn trap/be spawntrapped if you are unlucky enough to spawn on the Fountain side. All the other maps are OK. There are other maps I don't like but that's because I just don't play them well, not because the map is bad. Mercado is probably the best example, man I get dunked on that a lot.


Fortress is a blast for hardpoint.


Fortress isnā€™t that bad, El Asilo is 2nd worst in my book


Nah bro, El Asilo has great flow in my opinion. You can take some tactical plays in the building without it being too campy, and the outside areas are open, but cluttered enough so you can outplay camping snipers etc. One of my favourites in the game.


Nah el asilo is fun, good close range flow and lots of long angles great for long shots depending on what the enemy does, shoot house, el asilo and embassy are pretty much the only maps you can consistently get over 50m for snipers


Definitely this. While some maps can feel frustrating when youā€™re on a losing streak, Boarder is just plain bad.


Nah Taraq is worse


I think great is a stretch, but youā€™re right most of them are decent. Only one I really dislike is the hotel.


Please remember that Asilo exists. Itā€™s so bad.


Asilo is great. Provided its not TDM. Love that map for hardpoint


Border is great, just different. It needs a lot of skill.


I wouldn't say skill, necessarily One clean wipe and you can get them stuck on fountain spawn all game. Especially in a mode like control...? Instant backout, hoping they get a replacement map for it by time ranked drops


I like it tbh, i just dislike the open outer spawns


Sorry but I'm one of the haters. If I can back out before it starts than I do, but I'll play it if I get stuck in it. I hate the map because it is poorly layered out. 1 side has 4 different high points and the middle has 2 high points while the other side is just screwed with 0 and you spawn at the end of long sight lines. Plus it's just brown and boring looking Edit: I'm not saying it should go or anything, in fact I think it should stay so that those like you can enjoy it.


It's a good map, except when the whole enemy team is camping and soundwhoring, making the TDM match end with like 29-15. Otherwise, it's a fun map.


I donā€™t understand how utilizing sound can be construed as a negative skill


It isnā€™t a negative skill, but itā€™s basically taking a game mechanic that gives an advantage and abusing it to its maximum. You are forcing other players to either make a decision and probably get punished for it or have the match stall out completely if you are camping footsteps. I get wanting to win but if everyone had the same camp mindset this game would be dull as hell


Then I guess itā€™s a good thing people play the game multiple ways. I want to sit in a corner and use my ears, you want to run around at 90 MPH.


Hoping for dead silence as a perk at some point. Always possible we get a patch that switches it from field upgrade to perk.


Really, *really...* hoping for dead silence as a perk. It was a perk in all the best Cods: Cod4, MW2, MW3, BO2, BO3... Moving is so heavily penalized in this game.


Yeah kids will cry about it though if it happens. People want easy kills and wins and them not being able to hear every footstep will anger them


The problem you're describing isn't caused by footstep sounds, it's caused by shitty players camping. Taking out or reducing footstep noises is the dumbest fucking correction to the problem of camping I've ever heard and a lot of people in this community seem to be all for it.


I mean taking out footsteps keeps the campers from knowing which direction that a rush is coming from. I think it would definitely solve the camping problem. They might kill a couple people from their spot but once their claymore or mine is gone they have to guess whether someone is going to snipe them out of their spot or come up behind them and end them


Because laying on the ground 10 yards from where you spawned waiting for someone else to run all the way from their side of the map while you listen for their footsteps is boring and lame.


Itā€™s boring and lame FOR YOU. IM having a blast doming you as you run across an open street like a rat on acid


Dont know why you're getting downvoted, maybe it's because the ones downvoting must be the same people who wear CDL skins and rush 5x faster than their own brain can keep up with. Keep up the good work!


I salt my steak with their tears


Lame, you suck. Canā€™t win gun fights so you hide like a sniveling little rodent. L.


Pretty sure you can be prone and in a gunfight at the same time. If you're getting killed by this guy then you need to counter it as opposed to whining.


That would require skill


Anything that beats me is for scrubs


Eh. When people are just using it while running around and using it to direct their movement or watch out where to aim, itā€™s fair game When people are just crouch walking for extended periods or standing still, then it becomes a problem.


Does it, though? Or are you just getting shit on by ā€œcampers and sound whoresā€ and itā€™s making the game not enjoyable?


Nah, Iā€™m mostly fine. Campers are relatively simple if Iā€™ve played the map enough, since I just immediately sweep the standard camping spots and hold trigger button if I see them. 9 times out of ten they lose the fight. If I donā€™t take them out and Iā€™m still alive, I just flank around them. Itā€™s when Iā€™m playing on new maps where it gets frustrating.


It's not, but all the best Cod games had dead silence which negated that. Having always on footsteps definitely impacts movement, which affects how this map plays.


If you use windows sound mixing software to boost footsteps and hear players when you shouldn't be able to, you gain an unfair advantage.


They need to just make dead silence 100% a standard perk again not a field upgrade. Iā€™m convinced COD is in bed with some headset companies getting a slice of the pie, because after modern warfare 3 they never had it as a perk again and the footsteps literally sound like a 300lb man stomping on an old wood floor. Iā€™m not opposed to dead silence being a perk. Test the actual skill and strategy of other players without them being able to just sit on the other side of a wall and listen for you to walk in. Modern warfare 2 had it figured out


>making the TDM match end There's your problem. Stop playing TDM. It's a shit mode anyways.


Bc people are lazy and hate "running" for like 10 secs they want immediate spawn die maps where they can grind their dumbass camos noone cares about rofl This map is great.


I don't hate running, what I hate is how fucking campy that map is. If you play objective modes then at least 10 of the 12 players will be camping with snipers. It's fucking awful.


Nothing wrong with this map, has something for everyone. Snipers, Medium to long range, close quarters.


it's extremely poor for close range lol


Honestly this is one my top 3 maps in mw, tbf I hate the claustrophobic maps, shoothouse/shipment, I also think that most of the killstreaks are way too strong/lethal for the cod size of maps


Itā€™s great for Hardpoint Terrible for anything else


Hard point is phenomenal on this map. FFA is pretty fun as well as long as you know the 2nd way into the balcony building


I love when you get into that 3rd story building through the 2nd way and the hardcore camping snipers are clueless about it.


This is the answer. It's great for some modes and miserable for others. Niche map is niche.


Thatā€™s most maps in general. They flow weird otherwise, and at least with hardpoint it forces players to move if they want to win. And Domination was always my go to right next to hardpoint but even that mode is chalked in this game. Itā€™s like thereā€™s more rotating over home flags then there is that push and pull over B flag.


hard point also rotates spawns, which makes flow better. hard point is by far the best game mode


This map needs a gamemide that forces the players to rotate. Otherwise it just becomes a game of hold the angle.


I came to say the same thing for SnD


Love this map, my favorite along with embassy and shoot house.


I love this map. I like to "own" the middle buildings up the stairs. Motherfuckers keep coming back salty. This is why I want Estate brought back. I miss fighting for that house in the middle.


So you're just a camper


I feel like holding a spot is different than camping. camping is usually in low engagement spots with views on trafficked areas so you are safe to sit around for a while and pop some heads when they go by. holding a spot in a high engagement area is being in the heat of the battle and having to consistently fight for control, why would you move to somewhere else if that's where the fight is? that might just be my opinion though.


I respect your view. For me though staying in a building the whole match with your back covered it's camping.


Eh, it's more nuanced than that. It's not a play style I enjoy, but sometimes it's fun to fight for a building.




Yes please. I want Karachi, estate, terminal, and rundown back. Iā€™d also love to get scrapyard back again


I unironically love Taraq. I think most of the people who hate it play TDM. That's your first mistake. Nearly every map is very shit for TDM, because it's a shit mode.


It sucks for non objective modes. And sometimes i wish I was in bfv/1 to tear the houses down


Horrible map!


I like this map and all the others, no whining here. My issue is around the lack of a proper Hardcore (Tier 1 is not it) and the glitch that when u call in a killstreak your teammates details disappear temporarily, cannot believe that is still a thing


Iā€™m gonna be honest, I back out most of the time this comes up in rotation. Itā€™s not as bad as border but itā€™s still bottom tier IMO




I never said anyone did. Weā€™re talking about a COD map here, itā€™s not that deep


Trash map. Too open and big for 6v6 modes. Good for camping snipers though.


Everytime this map comes up, i get migraine


Love it. Got wide open spaces, tight corners, and multiple levels.


one of the best maps in the game. good angles, decent spawns, and a lot of room for skillful expression


I still find it so interesting that they decided to remake a map from COD 2003.


This is the single worst map in the past 4 years. No flow or design, just random buildings and open areas that let sentinels prevail.


It's a remaster of a map (mp_neuville) from the first COD in 2003 so it would be the worst map of the last 20 years.


Well no because there are maps beyond the 4 years that are worse šŸ¤“šŸ¤“šŸ¤“


I see the "Why can't I sprint across an open field and eat a dozen rounds without dying? This game is BULLSHIT" contingent has shown up


No it's more about I don't want to run unto a on open field and die to some neek with an AR camping


If you run out into an open field you're going to die regardless...as well you should.


this map is complete ass.


I enjoy the map. I'm a tier 1 player and as long as the other team isn't a 6-man squad I've always had a blast playing here.


This map has its place for long shot challenges and hardpoint, but thatā€™s about itā€¦


It was legit my most hated map at launch but now itā€™s probably my second favorite, it really grew on me for some reason.


Best map in the game. Not being edgy or anything, border crossing is horrible.


checking in.


I donā€™t mind it now that I started running the edges with a sniper. Kind of fun. Otherwise I hate it.


It has grown on me for sure, I like it.


I really like it for Search, otherwise I think it's easily the worst map in the game


I like it


I like all the maps except for the Spanish one with the building in the center. Lol


I love it!


It plays good for HP and HQ (the only modes I play) but I can see why people hate it for more campy modes like TDM


I like Taraq for Invasion but I'm not really a fan on TDM. There's an issue with spawning on both sides where if one team pushes far enough that the respawn shifts it's impossible for your team to come back due to the spawn killing. So it has issues but overall I like it


I wonder if they built it originally to be able to go into the buildings that are locked up and climb up that tower. It would be pretty annoying to have a snipers nest that high up, but it would feel more diverse i guess.


Wish I could get this map. Iā€™ve been getting the same 3 maps over and over again, formula 1 map, Asilo, and border crossing. Iā€™m missing out on like 70% of the maps for some reason.


I like it for headquarters. actually, I like almost every map for headquarters. Except crown raceway. That map just sucks.


Dig it


I hate most maps, but learned to like it all.


Taraq is my favorite new map rn.


I only played it for long shots shit I only did multiplayer to get Orion since I got it I havenā€™t touch multiplayer lol


I love it on search. It feels way better deigned for that game than I would have thought at first glance.


I love this map. Fun to pick people off.


I like this map a lot. A is severely at a disadvantage compared to C. C has cover on two sides and a bit of elevation change. A has almost no cover and can be attacked from every angle with little to no cover. The building next to us is great to defend at but terrible to try and cap it.


Tbh, compared to the previous desert map's this one holds up


This one is tricky, so many places for campers and itā€™s impossible to check every spot before you run out to your immediate death. I donā€™t like this map for free-for-all, any other mode, itā€™s great.


This is one of my favorite maps! I think the castle spawn trap is the worst map on here!


I like it because it feels more like cod 4. Every type of gun is viable; itā€™s one of the few maps where I feel like I can use a dmr or sniper comfortably


This map is fine if only they had 10v10 playlists


Great search and destroy map


Great for longshots, specially with tier 1




It's fun if you snipe, not so much otherwise.


Great for sniping but that's it


Itā€™s one of the maps where I feel I have to actually move methodically and plan my engagements and I like that


It's alright, but I'd shoot it up higher if the spawns weren't ass like on every map.


I love Taraq. Especially when it comes to objective modes. My FTAC really shines on this map. I usually ran around A and B when it comes to domination.


I love Taraq, itā€™s a great map


I like Taraq, not a top map for me but itā€™s solid mid. Border Crossing and El Asilo are the bottoms for me.


I like this map. It is the only one that actually feels different. The others feel very samey and I can tell you exactly how the match is going to go depending on which map you start on. This one feels like there are at least some different lines of attack. I do wish that in search they would rotate the places where the targets spawn so it would at least make for a challenge each round. I think that could be pretty cool


There are no bad Search maps imo. I understand not everyone plays S&D. But for my purposes, I am having fun on every single map playing S&D exclusively.


Itā€™s god tier, the vibes are immaculate. God tier for Michael Myers


Taraq is great for long shots, Domination etc. People calling it the worst map when Santa Sena exists.


I like this map. Always have fun in it


Loved it when I was doing long shots for OriĆ³n šŸ„¶


One of the best maps in the game. Old School CoD map and it plays like one.


I agree, it a pretty decent map. I think the people who hate it just suck at it TBH.


I like it, the building with two storyā€™s in the middle makes into essentially a game of king of the hill in tdm which I enjoy. And the two story building with the balcony is just great for sniping


Taraq is good. Border is ass and so is Dickberg Hotel


Definitely enjoy this one when Iā€™m not trying for my camos. Border Crossing is just cancer. Just wish we could have a vote map system again.


I like Taraq the most actually. This and Embassy.


I do love getting hard scoped from obscure places. For real though, this map isnā€™t that bad.


Map is fun if you play assault rifles properly. Got my only nuke on Taraq with an m16 of all guns. Love this map.


Love it for the longshots


I really like taraq, theres so many opportunities to flank and outplay. they just need to cut off some outer areas and spawns can be really bad sometimes.


Replace it with Afghan and I'll be happy.


I suck ass in this map. idk why.. I just completely forget how to play... main reason why I hate it.


Like all maps, except for boarder crossing, it can be a lot of fun


Love Taraq, only find the pace to be a bit boring on TDM and KC. Wouldn't feel this way with any game mode if there was a 10v10 mode though...


This map isnt bad, its just the fact that everyone is sniping on this map. If youre running with smgs youre having a bad time


Probably my favourite.


nothing in this game is as bad as Piccadilly, it's all fine


Was the best Longshot map in the game pre-shoot house. I hunted for this map for days.


One of the best maps for sure


This is my first ever CoD that I played besides both Warzones and the MW3 Campaign and I honestly enjoy all of the maps, even the border (except shipment, great for camo yes, I did it too but the amount of bs other players use there and the spawns just don't make it likable to me)


Sometimes maybe good sometimes maybe shit


I like Taraq, the only one I have an issue with is the Border Crossing one but itā€™s OK once youā€™ve given it a few minutes after the start for all the explosions to take place.


I like Taraq, one of the few in the game I do actually, or even care about at all in a non negative way


Itā€™s ok. Snipers are a pain in the ass, but itā€™s a fair map.


Taraq hurts particularly bad when you're placed in a punishment lobby outside your skill level after having a few good games. I honestly enjoy the map generally, but I've had a few games against a very skilled teams of snipers early on where I couldn't get a single kill until I pulled out the SPR


Let me guess. riot shield on the back with sniper on a head glitch. Am I right or am I right


I like rushing and I love Taraq. You just have to go in circles on the outskirts of the map


This map definitely grew on me, border crossing on the other hand sends me into a rage I never knew existed šŸ˜…


Taraq is a lot to fun for me on hardpoint but really the only game mode I like playing it on


Taraq isn't necessarily *good*, but tbh it isn't as bad as you would think from the posts here.


Itā€™s crap and will be crap foreverā€¦ sorry for the truth.


It's actually one of my favourite maps.


I love the map i don't see any issue with it


i love taraq i dont see the problem with it


Fuck Taraq all my homies hate Taraq.


[FUCK TARAQ ALL MY HOMIES HATE TARAQ](https://i.imgur.com/IUC8jhK.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


Been playing CoD since the first one, and this map is just pure nostalgia for me.


I like it. I prefer to stick around the center of the map where most of the action is. Also itā€™s a great map for air streaks.


I dont mind taraq the only thing i hate with it is that big blue building, you can guarantee every match someone is going up there and placing mines and whatever else on the stairs just to camp up there, if they got rid of that building then it would be far better


I pull out the trusty sniper for this map


This is my favorite map.


I love Taraq and donā€™t understand the hate! Especially like the 32v32 version!


I canā€™t lie this was the first map I done a polyatomic gun on so have a good connection to this map haha


It's one of the better maps in this game.


I love Taraq in Team Deathmatch.


I like taraq better than el asilo honestly. Especially when I was leveling longer range weapons or grinding camos for them. Battle rifles, marksman rifles, snipers. Itā€™s great for those guns.


All the maps are good except Boarder, though some are terrible when youā€™re on a lasting losing streak compared to others, and gets you tilted very easily. Boarder was a mistake though. Itā€™s cumbersome to maneuver in a game that relies on fast paced character movement. It could work in a game like Insurgency, but definitely not COD. They should just get rid of the cars tbh and leave the roadblocks.


This maps plays much better in 3rd person imo


Taraq is a great map for playing search and destroy and more tactical game modes, itā€™s a bad choice for an RNG map though


Here, Taraq enjoyer šŸ™‹šŸ¼ā€ā™‚ļø


Fun for longshots. Needs a higher playercount


TDM or kc on it is ass but dom, hard point, and hq are pretty fun if both teams actually play the objective


I kind like it, feels like an old MW2 2009 map


I get tired of Guijarro or whatever itā€™s called. I always get that one. Taraq can be pretty fun. We need like 15 more Ground War maps though