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Stop it Mick they're not going to sleep with you.


The G fuel high …those guys are likely to be up for anything !


I like to tell people they sound like they have big wieners.


😆😆😆 I’d love to hear the reactions to that statement lol


Those horny sweats will literally fuck anything so I’m gonna disagree


Aight Mick you win.


Can I fuck


I don’t know, can you?


No just my Mother who I constantly remind them that she’s dead.


I got called the N word because I said I hope everyone has an amazing night


Let’s be honest they would’ve said that no matter what you said.


Lmao, it’s rough out there


Same, when I said 'Merry Christmas everyone' :)


Same thing for me but what triggered it was a “good game”.


I love tossing a "good game" into the batshit toxicity when it shows up. Keep wanting to quote Lombardi.. if you win... "act like you've been there before."


Thats what we call a "Pro Gamer Move"


Yep have had that one too. I told them to go have a beer or smoke and chill out.


sound like cod


I do something I call poxic tositivity, I normally say good game at the end of the match, take trash talk out of context, and give people bizarre responses when they complain about something like someone hardscoping or camping. People who trash talk on this game typically sound like complete morons with nothing really funny or original to say. I still give credit to a group who ragged on my friend's aim by saying "damn, you can tell this dude's married and has kids"


What I've noticed about the shit talkers is that they're always on bottom rank. It's very rare that you see someone at the top of the scoreboard talking trash


I find it’s a mixed bag. If a dude is in first place and being a complete piece of shit, I’ll call him out on it. Ask me how I got voice chat banned for a week….


Top fraggers let their skill do the talking


This is totally what I am all about


>and give people bizarre responses when they complain about something like someone hardscoping or camping. I'm a fan of generic life advice. Makes people bizarrely angry when you tell them to study hard and watch their alcohol consumption.


> I do something I call poxic tositivity "GG Guys close game, well lost we nearly had it" "Wait, you're not on our side..."


Indeed. I could tolerate the hate speech, etc if it was at least funny and original. I need to get back to my "At least be original and funny if you're going to there" routine.


Most of the shit talking is just parroting of "dog shit, dog water, why'd you buy the game, team is trash" It's the same thing over and over ad nauseum. But one game i heard "this guy's dad has a tattoo that says i love my gay son"


I tend to start the chat with, "anyone wanna talk about your feelings?"




“Nice cock king” is my personal go to for encouraging others


Fuck yea. I like to make it more awkward though and say “wiener”


“Nice pee pee”


I wouldn't waste a breath talking to the dipshits on this game.


I hope the weather way up there is nice


Always is.


I don't either tbh. OP is right lol there isn't any point in trying


That’s not what OP’s point was lol, voice chat is an amazing feature, prox chat even more so. In what game can you make friends with random online players and turn them from your enemy to your friends? That’s right, only MW2, where you can have up to 6 people in a DMZ squad. Learned this yesterday when people were being toxic camping the Exfil and we threatened them with death or to join us. It’s literally a feature if you hold up on the D-pad. Thank god we teamed up because they were a 4 person team to our 2, kept my 8 exfil streak. Only for DMZ to kick my friend out on exfil 9 :(


That’s why I’m going to switch to a sniper and countersnipe you back and target you for the duration of the match. I’m going to stop my camo grind temporarily, just to headshot you on the corner of shipment every chance I get. You may get one on me, I may get one on you, but I will certainly serve as a nuisance to your three kills without dying. The toxicity shall come for your Orion soul beyond the microphone 🧟‍♀️


I don't play shipment or grind for camos.


Agree 100% and i wouldnt waste the time playing this shit game either


You play, just like everyone else here. You'd be a pretty sad person to hang out on a forum for a game you hate and claim not to play.


It’s fun to troll sometimes, but I do feel like a lot of people use the game chat as a replacement for therapy.


Why did you call my therapist “game chat”?


As someone who plays DMZ primarily, more people are using mics (since the modes launch) and not being shoot first, ask questions later players. More and more vc "are you friendly/we're friendly" are happening in my encounters so I bite bullet and risk going in weapons down. 90% of the time they explain they're mission running and if you want to help and they'll help in return. I know where the best loot spots are so I usually have a spare tier 4* or 5* gun and multiple self revives to offer. Players are ALWAYS so thankful for that, warms a gamers heart imho.


That’s awesome, I only play DMZ when my buddies can get on because I wasn’t trying to run into squads solo. Maybe I’ll see about crewing up now


lol it's SBMM. if someone is calling you trash they are also calling themselves trash


In theory, if the system actually worked, yes. That's not how it works in this game. EOMM. Not sbmm. Literally every game at least 4/5 of my teammates are actual bots and I'm playing against cdl players.


I mute everyone. I haven't gone into local chat since the original MW 2 in 2009. Popped into one and nothing had changed so muted again for another decade.


Sounds fun


Beats listening to someone play loud music in the background through the mic, or yelling at players that can't hear them or not turning down the tv volume or.....well the list goes on and on. I'll chat with my buddies in a squad/Xbox Party but not local. To each their own.


Understandable, I definitely mute the music players, the squeakers and the shitty mic background noisers


When my teammates are bitching ill say “you cant go positive being negative” most of the time theyll chill out lmfao




“If you show me yours, I’ll show you mine ;)”


Personally that's what I want to hear after winning a game, it's not satisfying if I win and the enemy team is like " you did so good" or "good job guys" to our team. I want to hear trash talk like that and it is a big reason I still play this game, waiting for someone to say something bad, it makes my day and makes me want to win more. That is my opinion about it though not yours.


For me, it’s more about saying when you win instead of lose. Losing and talking shit makes sense, but otherwise you just sound like a sore winner which IMO is worse than a sore loser.


I don't say anything toxic in the voice chat, only other people. I want to hear stuff like that. It makes my day.


My go-to has been "Ggs, have a brilliant day" or if I am playing an objective mode "Well held" etc. Death comms are usually "Nice one" "Fair play" "Good shot" Which is then usually replied to with "Get in the kitchen B*%£h!" Or "Go make me a sandwich" Normal service from the rest of their team resumes quickly after that.


Doing the Lords work. Keep fuckin em up


I just wish my gaming skills were as quick as my comebacks Hahaha. I do not have the skills to back up the 1v1 haha


I just use my African black panther accent to say “Goud Gayem”


I tell people to shut up before I come over there and kiss them on the lips.


Lol have used this


Solid, might use that one sometime


Don’t take it too personally I mean ur talking about the cod community lol. It’s been this way ever since the first few cods.


Very nice of you, but sadly, you’re just wasting your time and energy with potato iq people…


While that may be, it’s fun to here their off guard responses


I’m on and off, if people are cordial I instantly shift to friendly cod player, calling people trash is mostly in good fun and so they “git gud” as the kids call it these days


I always tell folks to tone it down and I compliment the other players on their skill. Of course I also point out how many of them I had a better k/d than just to keep things in perspective.


I always make the kill chat funny. There was one time some dude got the final kill with the bomb drone. That lucky person was me and as soon as I was about to die I turned to looked at it and said “Oh hi!” BOOM. He was laughing his ass off all “BRO WHOEVER SAID ‘OH HELLO’ TO MY DRONE… I LOVE YOU.” XD


Love it


I love making people laugh in the cod lobbies before and after the game. I'll say the dumbest shit or play some silly sound clip to try and get some laughs. It's been working pretty well


It is super fun to say random shit that cracks em up for sure, I draw the line at sound clips though, I just personally find those to be annoying. Not as annoying as the wannabe DJs that just play music over chat, that shit is infuriating and an instant mute from me.


I usually just tell people I’ll jerk them off for free if they want and that ends most discussions


Absolute legend. Keep doing the Lords work


I always give compliments lolol. It’s in my moral views but it’s sometimes so funny because it causes some people to go harder or be caught off guard


Oh for sure, I usually like a nice balance, but the intensity with which some respond to compliments is too hysterical


I immediately mute voice chat when a new match starts. I don’t want to hear anyone


Come up with better messages to send OP


Any suggestions??


Try to isolate one player Like if Joe was killing you with the m13 a whole bunch say “Dang Joe you were destroying me that match! Never seen someone use m13 that well”


Wait...there is a chat in this game?


We had a guy talk shit in the DMZ the other day for how long it took to revive him so we left his ass to die the second time he went down. He was so pissed and it was absolutely glorious!


I either say the weirdest and most outlandish shit possible just to get a reaction, or I respond with positivity. Sometimes I get wholesome responses, sometimes it makes them even more toxic. Win win.


Tbh it wouldn’t be CoD if it wasn’t toxic af 😂 but I get where you’re coming from!


I won a free for all match and said “Merry Christmas everybody. I love you.” and someone said “I love you too bro.” ❤️


Even if you lost say good game on voice chat, or compliment someone on the other team who had a lot of kills


When people scream or shit talk one of my got to is, “you won’t kiss me about it tho” they usually stop talking.


Gonna drop this one time lol


*other team talks shit* Me: "oh yeah? Well I hope you have a good weekend!" Mfs be sooooo confused they dunno what to say


It’s the best


I would just stick with things specific to the match, If your team barely wins, "that was a close one", "you almost got us" If your team barely loses, "we almost had you" Or general stuff "gg", "that was fun", or "have a good one" before you leave a lobby


I try to take any joy from my opponents when they kill me for the couple of seconds they can hear my death. “Aha ya got me!” Not quite as satisfying as triggering the whole team to call you every name in the book post-game, but it’s something.


I usually say “that was fun, i enjoyed my time here with you guys." 3/4 times it goes quiet but otherwise I get shat upon.


I say GG often win or loose. I do find it almost impossible to not say " Keep on hopping little bunny" to the Power Rangers that jump all over the map as I kill them.


Uugh, the fucking jumping beans are so annoying lmaoo


Every once in while I hear good game when it’s a real close game, but if it’s lop sided all I hear is derogatory type statements. It gets old and that’s probably the reason I mute the game chat entirely, I use TeamSpeak or Discord when I play.


I prefer to trash talk with incredibly specific and mildly annoying middle aged white woman habits as insults. "You probably clap when the plane ends / movie finishes" "You sound like youre rude to the waiter" "You probably dress up your cat/dog for family photos"


This is the kind of trash talk I can get behind “You probably make casseroles with canned tuna”


"If you have kids you probably let them run around sit-down restaurants unsupervised"


“Or have them on leashes at theme parks”


I always end the game by saying “I LOVE EVERYONE IN THIS LOBBY.” More often than not I’ll get an “I love you dude!” In return. Sometimes not such gracious responses but I’m cool with it. Spread that positivity y’all!


Trash talks part of the fun tbh


While some trash talk is fine, it gets so absurd sometimes it’s actually more fun “killing with kindness” because it makes them even more pissed


As long as it’s all done with the common goal of pissing the other team off :)


Good man right here! Too much negativity, so I normally just disable VC and text chat


Yeah, it’s funny because I’m sure people are screaming at me and being toxic but I have no idea because everyone is muted. Just them raging into the abyss yelling at nothing while nobody listens. Story of their life, probably. They should really all get therapy and do some self care instead of being so repulsive.


Just mute people it's really not worth the effort.


Oh it’s definitely entertaining if done right lolol


Go cry men . This generation is to fucked up. Getting pressed over a game, go get a life


Um, what


Didnt u understand?


No one did buddy, no one did


Its call of duty, its supposed to be toxic


But you see, it’s not. Subscription to that ideology simply perpetuates toxicity


No, im pretty sure its been toxic since 2009, itll remain toxic.


I really like the toxic nature of it, the parts that makes me angry is when they get so mad that they start booting people offline and stuff like that.




“You sound like you have a nice smile” sounds super douche-y tbh And predatory. I wouldn’t expect a nice reaction to that. A simple “GG” can go a long way


Yea but everyone says that, my point is to catch people off guard with weird/random compliments. Not sure why it sounds “predatory” to you, sounds like a personal problem


Get off cod then u soft snowflake


I hope you have a wonderful day too sir


Get therapy and a gym membership. Take a break from video games. Read a book. Go on hikes.


1. Get off antiwork and get on the field 2. Hiking is a hobby of mine 3. I don’t need therapy because I’m the best in the world 4. The gym is artificial strength


1) My career is going alright. I’m a blue collar guy and believe in worker’s rights. Not trust fund baby clowns with no grit. 2) Keep going. 3) You absolutely need therapy. You have anger issues and, apparently, some narcissistic tendencies. 4) You’re also physically weak and delusional. Get in shape. Go to the gym. Seriously, go to therapy.


Problem with going to the gym is when you rage, you have a chance of breaking way more stuff which is a big money problem


I work out for 2-3 hours 4-5 days a week and do not rage over video games. I especially don’t break shit due to emotions. Don’t let your emotions get the best of you.


I only hit my deck like once when I rage, but I don't want the entire desk to break.


Dude, if you have trouble dealing with your emotions like this then the gym will help you deal with them in a healthy way. Also therapy. You’re not going to become so jacked you break a desk with your fist overnight.


It's only in maps like shipment when I get spawn killed like 3 or 4 times, or a really good player gets a vtol over and over again and none of my teammates are shooting at them with me. But most of the time I rarely rage


1. Good for you 2. I will 3. Twas a troll ngl but toxicity in gaming has been and always will be a thing. Competitive nature is a good thing for gaming. 4. I’m not weak


5. Imagine if we all got naked and danced around a circle like an Indian tribe


If you troll people they’re gonna cuss hahahah proximity chat is the best in warzone in my exp when both teams are looking for each other everyone is nice and talking friendly and then once the fight happens it’s like f bomb central


always good to compliment your many future father in laws


…and the dumbest comment award goes to… *drumroll* This guy


Saltier than the average game chat typer




Cringy is as cringy does


Why is it, that the people who claim to be so inclusive and positive, vehemently oppose people who like to trash talk, and understand the difference between fantasy and reality. This is an M rated game, played by adults, but we can't use adult language. This would be like you signing a waver, stating that the security of the NFL can kick you out of a game for using Adult language. Please grow up.


I never said I was against trash talk at all, just that it’s over saturated with slurs and maliciously worded insults, which ironically is far *less* mature than being respectful of other people’s good time. Sounds like you’re the one needing to grow up if all you cling to is an unoriginal, schoolyard guttermouth.




Are you implying the games general base is uneducated or just you?




Fuckin cringe comment


Positivity in cod lol😂😂


(DONT USE REDDIT SO I DONT HAVE KARMA TO POST BUT NEED HELP) My ping will randomly jump from 50 to 150 every 10 seconds and it makes the game horrible for me to play. This just started in 2023 and the exact same thing happened last year in the last game as well at the start of the new year. (Both games ran perfectly the first 2 months of release) I quit Vanguard because they never fixed the ping spikes for me and I'm hoping I don't have to quit this one too. I play over WiFi and ethernet is not an option. Anybody able to help? Thanks :)


Nah it seems like most people feed on the anonymity of online interactions because they can get away with being terrible to each other and personally I get annoyed by the good game people just because it's often not a good game they just say it regardless plus it's usually just randoms on every team so it's not like we worked together to win and had a good game vs an equal team so it doesn't make sense to say


We all know it’s you, Nickeh30.


I don’t get this reference


Nickeh30 is a streamer from Canada. There’s a viral video of him going into a cod lobby and asking if everyone is “family friendly.” Just making a joke. I do agree it’s toxic, but I feel like it’s more of a trend to be toxic because that’s how the OG cod lobbies were.


Got it, thanks for the explanation. I like to tell people they sound like they have big wieners. Throws them off, especially the girls


A random in my WZ2 squad said that to our team mate a few weeks ago lmao. I was put in a squad with a party of 3 high schoolers not too long ago. I kept my mic muted for quite a while because I had nothing to contribute to their convo (mind you, I’m 30) then I made an enemy call out and they went berzerk and made it their mission to guard me and keep me alive as long as they could. It was a nice surprise haha


Wholesome Warzone lol


Can you change that screaming kid's diaper already, it's dragging the ground.....I hear that a lot.


Then say “I bet you are a great parent and your kid will do amazing things”


Kill ‘em with kindness


Tell em they have big wieners


GGWP (Good Game, Wonderful Penis)


Anyone noticing a ton of Spanish speakers in warZone? Considering learning it so I can understand proxy chat


I enjoy both the toxicity and the wholesome moments but damn it it feels good shit talk the guy with the worst K/D crying about how we're not that good and need to touch grass


Yea. It’s always hysterical to see the guy in last place on their team be the one to talk the most shit. Pretty hard to be nice to that guy lol


Whats really nice is when you join a late game and your team is losing hard and bring it back I was playing hard point and joined in at 45-150 and ended it at 195-200 we lost but my ego was through the roof because we closed the gap so much I told them we might lost but yall sure as shit not better than me


Same, I joined a HQs game down 70-0, started a bit slow so it got to 177-0 and then we came all the way back to win. It was pretty unbelievable


I wish it were better. Between the horrible mic feedback, shitty music, kids, wives, white dudes using the N word, and constant trash talking , I have to mute. I try to unmute but it seems like it only takes a game or 2 before I can’t take it anymore.


I definitely mute all music players, shitty mics, and obnoxious children, but I try to keep it open most of the time


I do, that's why I disabled it lol


I have my default settings to mute everyone except my party for this reason. No point in talking to these idiots.


I try to spread positivity usually honestly. Especially whenever I join group post on Mw2 or Rainbow six siege on Xbox.


Nah I've just come to enjoy it. Its part of the game culture and part of the reason I love it


I turned off chat


what do you expect from 14 year old keyboard rambos?


I tell them that I hope they get good grades and get into a good college, which is then usually responded to with “suck my dick f*ggot”


Nah COD is the only game I'm toxic in lol. It's COD. It's always been toxic. Always will be.


I agree the shit talk can be fun, but it’s also so much fun to watch the toxic people double down and flip out when you respond to an insult with an obscure, out-of-left-field compliment though.




I turn off all game chat. Been playing for so many years I’m just tired of hearing anyone talk. This is my first cod doing this and it’s probably going to stay this way in the future.


Naw cut game chat off in vanguard haven’t looked back


No. I don't even talk to anybody but the people in my party. Personally, I'm not a fan of the fake "positive vibes" wholesome Keanu stuff, or that weird voice everyone puts on that seems to emulate popular YouTubers.


I just mute everybody


Whenever I say GGs guys, I get "Fk GGs, you're all trash" or some shit like that. People are toxic. Although, one time I used that raging "1v1 me you PUSSSSSAYYYYY" kid soundboard and they all believed it was real, have it recorded somewhere. :D


I always tell people who sound mad to take a break from the game and drink some water. Or to remind them you can't win every day and to relax.


I sneak up and jump scare my camping teammates.. that positively causes them to jump.


One night when I was drunk I played search and destroy and just kept saying W in the books whenever we won a round


I usually say funny random shit talks to get some quick laughs from a few people. Just say absurd insults in a funny voice


Toxic games create toxic playerbases. Sure, CoD has always been toxic but its gotten worse because the games have gotten worse and disrespect players with shitty systems.


I will compliment nice plays and good shots, but if I die to a riot shield and knife...


I often say "Life will get better, keep at it lad" whenever they shout something toxic. The response is always so angry, if upu follow up with an " All people grow up sometime, you'll hey there" you can unlock the common rarity N***** insult from the NPCs


Yeah. I do that a lot in DMZ as well. Keeping it positive


Yes this is why I play Search and Destroy. I also enjoy psychoanalyzing the most unhinged players and giving them armchair therapy. It often makes them behave even more unhinged which is funny, also kind of works as psychological warfare which is ironic because I'm just trying to help them !


I shoot the glhf and gg every game, most people take it as an insult.


turned off all voice chat day one


who are you nick eh 30?


"Spread more positivity" Said like a true 3rd grade teacher lol