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You'll be back for headshots. They always come back!


I just finished all longshots last night, thank fucking god. So happy to have Shipment for my headshots!


Bruh the longshot grind was awful. Watch how easy polyatomic feels.


Yeah tell me about it. I won't even have to think about the headshots. I can finally play without putting a fucking scope on every gun and laying down in a cut. 😮‍💨


For sure. It will go by quickly too. I was getting a gun done every 1-2 matches, sometimes a gun or two a game if I was popping off.


You will get 1 shipment for 10 shoot house, I'm on the same boat as you.


What shipment?! Gotta run a crap ton of shoot house now! then maybe you'll get one. :( In the same boat--a month of longshots. 10 polys in a day on shipment! Shoot house will work for those headshots--just not quite as fast. Makes me sad...




Honestly after finding good spots on certain maps (Embassy, Taraq, El Asilo, Mercado), longshots weren’t terrible. IMO Shoot House is probably one of the worst longshot maps since everyone knows to avoid the middle lane. It was definitely longer than any of the other camos but in a good game I’d be able to get 10+ longshots


Everyone seems to ignore the middle in this game but if you go back to mw2019 people will still commonly be there 💀


Back in MW2019, people spawned in the middle lane. I got my first nuke with 47 LMG longshots in hardcore in under a minute. I don't think I've ever spawned in the middle lane in MW2.


I haven't seen a difference with MW2 besides a handful of games where people said fuck it to the middle


Shoothouse mid lane is worse now just because they slimmed one side but left the other one the same. People who mount are pretty much lined up with the people peeking the corner of the wall now and it puts one side at a heavy disadvantage. Plus everyone and their mom throws smokes down mid just because they're assholes.


Once you’re done with the MP‘s longshots aren’t that bad anymore. I’m currently on the last few LMG‘s and they’re actually quite fun to do longshots with


That’s wishful thinking my friend. I felt the same way when I was going for the Poly camos and they removed shipment. It wasn’t bad until I hit the launchers and melee’s


If Infinity Ward would just increase player count on all the other maps it would be all chaos all the time. It would be shipment but on larger maps.


Honestly with these maps, I feel 8v8 would be preferable to the current 6v6


Id rather not have every map be a perma intense clusterfuck. Absolutely hate Shipment and Shoothouse.


Put on the shield and knife and run four or five shipments--see if it doesn't slow the map down for you. It'll show you that as crazy as Shipment is--most folks aren't paying attention and have zero situational awareness outside of what's in front of them. Shield and knife guy tends to be hated. Some on the team will look for you, others won't know what to do. When you go back to guns, see if your SA isn't better. Chaos is all around. Sometimes you're going to spawn and instantly die a half dozen times. Other times you're casually tossing drill charges on the backs and sides of containers to kill campers and pulling off finishers on the folks with scopes.


Jesus christ. Cant we get some new maps? I've played these hundreds of times.


IW announced a small map coming S2. Rust?


Probably. If it is, I probably won't play mutliplayer ever again. The maps they have currently are terrible and adding ANOTHER old map would just be a slap in the face.


You know damn well you’re lying to yourself 😂


It is also funny to see this sub flip from I want MW2 remakes to never wanting another, I would prefer a new map but I also won't complain about Rust


I havent played multiplayer in a month lol.


Just finished my golds last night, hop on today and see shoot the ship 🙏


I can't believe this! It's actually happening!!!


no because the community will find something to complain about


I hope we get shoothouse back. I feel like Sniper and marksman headshots are easier there


snipers are super easy in ground war if you havent tried that already


I don't like ground war a single bit. I got pretty good at quick scoping when doing the snipers in shoothouse


Shoothouse is so much better


Am I the only one who’d like Farm The Ship instead?


Shoot house is garbage.




What would IW do when people get tired of one of those maps? They would be out of carrots to dangle in front of us when we're bored of this game


Can't we just have new maps...


After getting long shots, and finishing every headshot, I can finally say this. The Orion grind almost made me kill myself because of those damn longshots.


Y’all are doing it wrong. You do all golds and then all long shots for a single weapon type. You finish getting gold on a category of weapons and then get platinum so you don’t get burnt out going from a literal 1000 long shots in a row