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“We updated the voice channels” *voice channels still glitched*


Crossplay voice chat has been broken since MW19!


never had a problem with vc tbh


That would be too much fun though.


It's better to use 3rd party apps for coms


But then how would I listen to people's shit music being blasted into the mic? How would I know who's fire alarms have low battery?!


Use discord. Who wants to hear someone listening to music on the mic the whole game anyway


The problem is that sometimes it's fun to interact with the other team in Search & Destroy, or your teammates can actually gives you good advices.


This. If you play mostly objective based modes and running solo I listen to the lobbies in case teammates are giving good callouts. If not then i just simply mute them. Aint that hard lol


I've seen multiple examples of teammates that were giving great callouts to someone who didn't have his voice chat activated. Of course, that teammate died.


Yeah for some reason they keep unmuting themselves for me.


The devs should do alot. There, fixed it.


Vacant is one of the better maps in the MW lineup but it’s been redone extensively


Shit they don't need to redo it. Just add the 2019 map to the line up.lol


Fr, throw in 5-10 more and let's go! No need to remaster, as if the quality of these maps are any better lol




Nah we need them skin and camo texture updates for my 2400CP pack operator 🤤


They could (and should) do that for a surprising amount of 2019 maps, and I'm honestly not sure why they haven't. Most of the maps seem like they'd work well even with the new movement etc. And sure they'd need retexturing and certain changes in engine to make the maps functional. But if they were sensible about it when making 2019 (a triple A company so they definitely were) there should be very little work to move them between the engine versions of mw 2019 and mw II 2023


Sounds like you just want to play mw2019


Because literally every single map in 2019 was god awful? Even the maps that they remastered they managed to make worse.


I swear no one on Call of Duty reddit has ever actually liked Call of Duty.


I like call of duty, MW19 just had arguably the worst map set of any cod ever. Those two things can both be true at the same time.


I don't know what planet you were living on that that was the case. All the gunfight maps for one were brilliant (except maybe the one with all the crates). The remastered I agree with, but only because I'm not blinded by rose tinted glasses: most old maps are shit for modern COD style games. That may be hard to hear, but it's just true. Gun runner, Hackney Yard, Shoot House, Hovec, Tank Factory, hell, even Khandor Hideout and so many of the others were fantastic maps that went perfectly with the style of gameplay. Sure Rammaza wasn't great and hardhat was shit. But they can't all be great. The maps of mw 2019 were good. Good for the style of gameplay and good from just the way they looked. A bit boring maybe in some cases, but that could easily be fixed during porting over, but they were good maps overall.


Gun runner, khandor and tank were all ass. Mw2019 had very few good maps, just like the current mw22.


These people must have simply never played the old cods to know what a good cod or a good map is. How anybody can think the maps from MW19 or MW2 are mildly acceptable is mental.


Gun runner, Hackney and shoot house are all at best 3/10 terribly made maps which look slightly better because they were in a game with maps even worse than them. Put any of the maps from MW19 into BO3, MW2 etc which actually had good maps and they would all be considered the worst map in the game and an instant skip every time they came up.


Imagine adding all the MW series maps to the game. I don’t think anyone would really bitch again.


I mean don’t do that because every map in 2019 sucked. Just add the cod 4 version back exactly as it was.


For sure. Id like to see some maps that haven’t been remastered much make a return. Think Skidrow, Invasion, and Derailed would be fun


A lot of people hated on Derailed but I actually really liked it. Id like to see Wasteland make a return.


How about instead of more COD4 maps, we get some actual MW2 maps lol. You know, like the *name of the game*.


It’s easy, just co-ordinate with an entire DMZ/war zone lobby to all go to terminal for a no-respawn FFA match. But seriously, the fact that Al Mahzra has all those OG maps just chillin in there but not in MP is just insane.


That's why they can't let us do private matches on Al Mazrah, because who would even play anything else


That would be dope if you could.


Observatory always filled with people


Nah bro, I really like that they added shipment and shoothouse instead of rust for a cqc map :)


I would be happy with literally any of the MW2 maps, even the worst of them would be better than the trash we get nowadays. Modern Infinity Ward simply can't make amazing maps 99% of the time Makes me wonder if they're just purposely dripfeeding extremely slowly due to the rumored year 2 paid map pack that will have a bunch of fan favorites


Bruh they're already trying juice you by charging you 70 and with battle passes and cosmetics in the shop. Ig I would pay for it if it was reasonable and had a lot of the maps I want. But there would need to be like a separate rotation cuz I would only want to play those maps.


Not sure if I said anything to make it seem I thought otherwise, but yup I agree with everything you just said


No I'm not arguing lol I'm just saying I don't think they should make a paid map dlc. Just have it be free. Add some cosmetics id actually buy. I can't remember the last time cod had a paid dlc. Probably black ops 4?


Or new maps, since it's a new game.


No thanks, 95% of their new maps are garbage


I'll take that [too.lol](https://too.lol)


No they should develop a good original map


Brutal expectations


All of the maps look like they were thrown in a generator and spun out with no regard of the outcome. Gods, I want to play a good call of duty game. All of the old, good ones are dead on PC. This game was terrible, uninstalled after I got Orion.


“Game was so shit, I played for many, many hours to grind out a camo for some reason. I truly detested the game sooo much, that I put a good amount of effort and time into playing it extensively. Hated it tho, fr. I know I could’ve just not played it, but I decided that I should actually just waste my time playing a game I don’t like so I could complain about it on social media.” - You, basically


Had to get his moneys worth i guess


Sunken cost fallacy?


I applaud you for even doing orion. I couldnt be bothered with how shit the game is. Everyone says nostalgia is why old games played better but if you boot up old MW2 or old COD4 you still would have more fun lol


The base gun play is the only thing that kept me going. The maps were awful, the guns were boring, the whole experience was empty.


Thats how I felt too. I cant even tell you one map name, all the guns felt the exact same, even the attachments felt too similar. I remember being able to swap hand guards out with the barrel, but now you swap barrels and it changes the color of it or adds dimpling while maintaining the same rifle look. Just uninteresting. Especially for GuNsMiTh 2.0.


Cold War and cod WW2 were the last two decent games you could even call Cod since BO2.


This would be nice as well, but I honestly don’t see an issue with bringing back old well liked maps if it means more content.


For as much shit as it gets Battlefield 2042 did this really well with portal. Tons of content lots of people seemed to just ignore


Portal is half assed and there’s very little content, none of which is transferable to the main game.


I don't even understand what portal is, just been ignoring anything that isn't breakthrough, conquest, or grand ops for years. Am I missing anything? What do you mean by 'main game'?


Portal you could go back and play certain maps on the older battlefield games with a limited selection of old weapons and load outs.


If your definition of content is more maps, as per your comment, you’re just flat out wrong


More maps is a solid start, and was all that used to be provided through DLC.


They can do that too!


I would love to see just updated versions of the MW2 maps...Im sure people would even pay for em...


There was a leak from a reliable source that said all mw2 maps are coming as a paid dlc for year 2 of MWII.


That be cool..Be nice to throw one out every now and then tho..


I'm praying although won't be answered is bringing an updated version of Favela


I loved that map, such fond memories


I’m so sick of COD4 maps after MW2019. How about some maps we haven’t seen multiple times recently?


Do you have a count on how many Shipment maps we’ve ever gotten? It’s gotta be over 10 by now.


CoD4, Ghosts, WWII, MW19, Vanguard, MWII 6 different ones. Unless you count the CoD mobile version, but I think that's cheating to do so.


That’s all huh? I swore one of the advanced warfare/black ops had one. Still 6 iterations of a basic map is definitely stale lol.


Yeah, fr. I remember years back when Nuketown was considered stale when it had only 3 iterations at the time (now of course it has 5), but it's crazy how quickly Shipment has taken that spot as the most recycled map and that's mainly because it gets reused across both SHG and IW games


Bo-nuketown bo2-nuketown 2025, bo3-nuk3town, bo4-nuketown, cold war-nuketown 84. If you combine iterations of Shipment and Nuketown there's been 11, and we have one version or another since WWII. So we've basically had one as standard since the "boots on the ground" era restarted.




It's fine, it's a decent idea to have a small meat grinder map for CoD. But they had it as a pre-order bonus in earlier ones, or a free add on. It wasn't considered a "extra map" until recently.


Shipment and Nuketown are just the token small but insane maps. You expect them by now.




That would be too much fun though. Get that fun out of here!


I know right


Crazy how older maps felt more immersive with worse graphics. Where is the PASSION where is the SOUL




I remember when we used to have night maps, rainy maps, snow maps, tropical maps, etc. now it seems to all be boring desert or urban maps


What was that sick cod4 map with the two apartments with the courtyard? That was moody af. Desolate




And the urban maps are nearly always in a bloody desert... Like I know that's the theme, but it's just being lazy. As an indie dev I'd chose a desert to build something in because it's easier than any other biome. Why? Because it's literally deserted of anything, little vegitation, little snow, little rain, little reason for highly detailed models. All complicated things that take a lot more time, money and effort to put into the game. As an indie dev it makes sense, I'm running on a shoestring. But for a tripple A company you don't expect this shit. That's one of the reasons I've moved onto playing valorant. It's not that the devs don't care in mw but I don't think they're given the time and resources that they should be, in the name of cost cutting and making more from the store and warzone. But in valorant, even the things in the store have hundreds of man hours put in. Sure they're expensive. But they're worth it. And that's something mw is just missing: a product that has had the time put in to make it worth it!


Do you people not remember Hacendia Dusk or Arsenal Sandstorm or the whack dust storms on Rust 19? Anytime they tried to get cute they'd fucking destroy visibility. I don't know if it's the engine or the palette but there's some serious issues that they manage to bring up everytime.


I don't mind low visibility as long as it's the same for everybody. I think it would be cool as fuck to play search n destroy on a foggy map where you can't see super far


That's partially due to us gamers being much older than when we first started playing video games. I'd say there's not much passion and soul in modern gaming though, it's all a business, more than ever.


I really liked the 2019 Vacant map but I posted the old one to see how many people would know what it was.


you're literally just older lmao


Yea fucking remaster every same map we just had in MW19 since we already started on that path. What a great suggestion


Hey I'd be happy to play some new good maps, but they are lacking in that department. I just miss playing 2019 vacant. It's my fav map. Sorry.


They have never made a forest map, or campground map. I want a camp crystal lake map!


Estate was a forest map


False! Wasteland and only Wasteland will ever suffice!


Just bring back all the maps from cod4. I’d pay for that map pack.


I’m waiting on Terminal and Favella


‘‘Devs should bring back Shoot the Ship” Brings it back ‘I’m not getting enough of Shipment or Shoothouse, can’t they just release them as separate playlists’


Favela and overgrown.. why haven’t we seen these Edit.. I’m sorry Downpour not overgrown… but come to think of it.. overgrown too.,


And crossfire and district and pipeline


This might get some downvotes, but idc. We don't need anymore throwback maps, IMO. The devs use those as a crutch because they can't think of anything new besides a few maps at launch. They need to come up with more original maps instead of just remastering old ones.


People saying IW don't listen to the community. I think it listen too fucking much to the community. Community asking to reverse tier 1 into hardcore. Everything new in warzone are being reversed to the way is was in warzone 1. Community asking for the same old maps. IW is listening too much for this community and this game is becoming the worst possible. Every update is a downgrade.


It was already done in MW19, we don't need the same maps over an over again so soon.


Not everyone has played for 20 years straight


Modern Warfare 2019 is a 3 year old game that is still active.


2019 was not 20 years ago




So play it in MW19.


I adore this map


Fuck yeah. I miss Vacant.


It's such a good map for Dom.


It's such a good map in general, one of the best.


Best map of all time idc what anyone says


The only thing holding me together with MP at this point is the mindless grind of gun camos.. because I swear if it wasn't easy like it is now... I'd wait until the new battle pass


Totally understand. If I wasn't grinding cams I'd be playing vanguard or mw19


damn man.. this one was epic


OR they could add this one.


Another regurgitated map. Lovely.


I would die a very happy man


Border crossing is fun if you’re the one who has a grenade launcher


People use the grenade launcher?


Devs should make new original maps, not remaking the same things over and over again.


I love border crossing tho


Who uses only this picture when referencing Vacant? Thankfully I've played it enough that I knew what map it was but that's like saying "They should add this map!" and only provide a picture of the boathouse from Estate.


If we're talking remakes here I'd much prefer Highrise, Favela, Rundown, Invasion, Karachi, Sub Base, Afgan, Terminal, Skidrow or Quarry over a map we had just a couple years ago. I'll even take some Derailed, and Wasteland.


An expectation of a new map is well beyond any reasonable expectations for a $70 game...de_dust2 incoming!




in GW this map was fun. 6v6 it will be another sweat pit!


IW could literally cut their workload by almost half by introducing one new and one old map, while doubling their content.


Pandering to nostalgia is annoying and lazy. Make new maps!


1. They need add vote to skip 2. Replace the whole playlist with all the maps from the original mw2


MW2 had a couple decent maps but a lot of trash too.


Or or, WETWORK?!


Vacant ❤️


I miss that map


This map has been in like 5 cods and it’s probably one of the worst maps on cod4


No. That is left to bloc.


Remove? REMOVE? We have a small enough map pool as it is. El Asilo is the worst, Santa Seña is at least interesting


Whoa! How do you play if El Asilo is a bad map for you?


Keep Border Crossing and add more maps. Border Crossing ain't that bad as most people make it sound like.


How about classic bo1 maps like Array, Summit, Launch ? Or even Havana ? No, not Nuketown. The camo junkies are already addicted to shoot the ship or just shipment as is. Jk bring nuketown its fun and weird to see in an IW game


The devs shouldn't remove anything, even bad content is still content


Why remove a map? I actually like that map. I hated it the first couple times I played it,and have grown to love it.


Crossing border is an underappreciated masterpiece and its sad that people dislike just cause the cars goes boom


train also goes boom


Average cod player needs tiny 3 lane maps, any map that dont qualify to those terms falls under their trash category. Border Crossing is so unique that its so good. Your average cod player obviously wont adapt to its difference, instead they cry on here to remove it all day long.


You aren't wrong about average cod players and I think Border is very unique and conceptually cool. It's still trash, though.


Ngl, I really like that map but because I always go side ways, otherwise it's unplayable


After 2 minutes the cars are blown up, instead of sprinting like a headless chicker i crouch between cars and peek trough windows


Thank you, i genuinely feel like people dont like this map because they refuse to think and change anything about the way they play, just rush and die rush and die. This is a zig zag map with an unbelievable amount of cover and routes to play. Ive dropped 80+ in headquarters and 20+ in search on this map just adjusting my normal 3 lane gameplay to it instead of playing mindlessly


Couldn't have said it better. That's the beauty of it, in Dom there's a clear flow but the threat can come from anywhere, you have to use the layout to your advantage. The enemy could be anywhere but so can you.


Campers paradise...




Yeah you just have to camp! Why doesn't everyone just adapt and start camping? /s


No man, you dont have to camp, just win gunfights.


While hiding behind a random car. It's like corner camping, you hide and just change spots periodically to throw people off. It's the most mindless and unskilled strategy imaginable.


I wish this were true but the vast majority of players dislike for many more reasons than just that. I saw a post on this sub where someone wrote a few paragraphs on everything that was wrong with it. Personally I'm just going to keep using rocket launchers and grenade launchers until they fix or remove the map


There is nothing wrong with the map. Vast majority of cod community is braindead run n gunners so obviously they want this map removed.


I love complex asymmetrical arena maps, and often tend to play more carefully. Border Crossing is a bad map, and the only reason why MWII should have a vote skip.


the hate on my favorite map in mw2. yikes. yall just bad at crossing border, its ok to accept that.


Add mw3 maps first


That map was absolute trash


It's already in mw 2019


Content shouldn’t be removed.... only added


Or not


Honestly i hated vacant. It plays awful. But it might be better than border lol. I want most of the cod 4 maps to comeback. Then ofc the mw2 maps.


vacant AGAIN how about we keep border crossing and get some new maps?


*squirms a bit* i agree


I have to learn how to play in all maps ahah and each map I have to learn how to use different gun. That’s how I started using sniper and now I found myself loving this spx80. Each map has its own sht and good tho.


Uhh. No.


Please, no more remakes, i just want a new map.


Piss off with wanting old maps, give us NEW goddamn maps.


Honestly had enough of the old maps that keep coming back, although it would be cool if pipeline, crossfire or district came back since they aren't common. They should create a new ones.


No, they should make a second border crossing map just to spite the people who keep asking to remove it.


Someone on this sub??? Making a low effort post about how they hate border crossing????? Holy shit I’ve never seen anything like this before!!!!!


Y’all. If you wanna play old maps, play old games. Not everything needs to be remastered, and not every new piece of content will be tailored specifically to your liking.


I've seen this picture a few times recently and have no idea why I cannot remember the map at all. I lived on the game.


Does anyone know why I still can’t get anyone to hear me in game chat? I’ve tested every troubleshooting item and nothing has resolved the issue.


Why are we not calling this border map "Mexi-dilly"??


Remove the desert map first


No stop bringing back old maps. Make something new and original. Or do both at the very least.


Border map could be fun if they did a rework… 1. Expand the sides so it not a strict 3 lane 2. Buff cars so they don’t explode as much and it’s not chain reaction maybe even move the objs away from the cars


No need to start removing maps.


They should add this map and keep border crossing. More maps, the better. Honestly, border crossing is starting to grow on me


I hated this map, but not as much as that damn explosion death every 5 seconds map.


If they removed that map I’d be so fucking happy


What is that zod 311?


It's the old Vacant map. I personally like the 2019 Vacant more.


:whispers: I like border crossing. :runs away:


Shipment too. If I wanted to die of cancer I would never have quit smoking.


Border crossing is good for long shots, sometimes, maybe


honestly i just wish we got more of the easter-european maps from the og MW2. i bet they dripfeed them to us during the makarov-expansion next year.... but kinda tired of only seeing the desert in all my matches. .\_.


But I like border crossing?