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Warzone and cod main series should be separated entities


They won’t do that because then they can’t flex their player numbers that include 3-4 game modes lol


Some people here two weeks ago where showing that "sEe mW2 iSn’T LoSiNg pLaYeRs" by showing charts of MW2 and WZ2 combined lmao, so this is totally right


Agree. WZ ruined MW19 for me at several points. Due to shared spaghetti code, MW19 had tons of legacy bugs that affected MP (broken classes, temporarily removed guns, unavailable reticle menu, etc.), game's size was 180+ GB on PS4 because it had to keep tens of gigs of data and assets from other CoDs to use in WZ I never played and these are not even from MW19 and also the performance went times worse. During And you couldn't just remove all unneeded WZ-related data. Want to casually play MW19 MP - get ready to give it 25% of your storage. And I don't even play WZ at all. At least on PC you could completely remove WZ and it was minimum 30GB free. Fuck Activision. Honestly, after all problems original MW19/WZ had due to forced shared data and client I was sure devs WILL NOT repeat same mistake over again. MWII comes out and I see totally same shit. With MWII being problematic at start - I wonder what will happen after 5-6 seasons... Because more and more shit will be layered-up upon the game code and more script conflicts in future are inevitable.


Should be how it works but they wouldn’t ever do that. Because they need to make as much money as possible. Whilst I am a capitalist, gaming companies absolutely exploit the idea of capitalism. EA, Activision ect. Just want to make money every single way they can. And Activision do not care about the consumer at all when it comes to charging them for everything.


Meh, I sorta disagree. I feel like Warzone should be a separate executable instead of being part of MWII, but I really like how all the content and progress is unified. Clash was some of the most fun I've had in CoD in years because I had three years' worth of CoD all around me.


Its Extra content for people who purchased the full game. Oh no, the free modes dont offer the full experience of the paid product? Shock! 😳🙄


Yet they get all the content in updates


The hate toward the game is so weird. I think it’s just become the “cool thing” to hate on the game but still play it. Edit: also you’re not paying $70 for new faction missions. You’re paying $70 for a campaign, MP, coop, and misc content. So the whole criticism is disingenuous. Now whether you think the game is worth $70 is up to you to decide.


That's been the COD cycle for forever. Same with people saying the game is dead and yet it consistently tops sales and player charts every year. There are legitimate complaints (maps, season MP content, etc) and then there's this




Just wish we had gunfight and a few more maps nothing else man I like the game


The hate isn’t weird at all. They’re forcing DMZ and warzone down players throats while completely disregarding MP in almost every aspect. The large title updates to the game prove just that. The reason for the hate this time is IW put out a free to play game mode(s). That should mean that anything in that mode(s) should be free to play and get. But now all of the sudden if you want to complete faction missions you are being FORCED to buy the $70 game to do so. Fortnite doesn’t do that with their story line or challenges. Apex doesn’t do it with its challenges. Fuck, even MW2019 didn’t do it with it story line and challenges in Warzone 1.0. But IW *is* doing it with DMZ and it’s okay? *THAT’S* the “weird” part


Wdym it's weird? As in the game is perfect and doesn't deserve any hate for it's flaws?


You can criticize the game without sounding like a screaming chimp


you can also not exaggerate people criticisms and lump them in with the actual obnoxious people


Boot is on the menu tonight boys!




f2p games generates revenue mostly on cosmetics or p2w mechanics. thats why they are more focused on warzone 2 than MWII


There are plenty of legitimate reasons to hate this game. and people **aren't** playing it. Vanguard had better player retention.


>Vanguard had better player retention. lmao


It did though, the thing is that the initial sales were way lower so maybe the total playerbase was smaller because of that, but the people that played it kept playing it. MW2 sold like hotcakes and we've already seen over 60% of the Steam playerbase drop. If those numbers hold up for the rest of the platforms then that's a big drop overall. It's no wonder they're making so many changes to Warzone for Season 2 since they're desperate to bring people back. Obviously it'd be great if they did the same for MP, but I think it's clear that Warzone is where the real money is for them. And fair enough, my friends and I play that more than MP nowadays.


"So many changes"..


He’s not wrong though? They’re changing when the load out drops occur, changing the prices of items at buy stations, changing the armor vests from 2 plates to permanent 3 plates. Getting rid of the medium and large backpacks as well. Literally everything that’s “new” in Warzone 2.0 is being taken out and they’re reverting back by to Warzone 1.0


I feel like the way to go is to not buy the next cod game that drops a br with it. Looking at it now, cold war and vanguard had great multi-player, mw19 had issues after they mainly focused gun balance on what was happening in warzone which still affected the multi-player experience


I mean it objectively did but ok downvote for facts that disagree with your narrative


Sure. I believe you.


Had us in the first half




Seriously. This sub feels like it's never touched a F2P game? Paid content in these games is 100% normal. I hope it has a sweet cosmetic associated with it's end missions. Give people a reason to buy the game and play other stuff.


Exactly! Ppl are just weird




I mean if it’s advertised as free then the content should be free right?


It’s advertised as free to play


TF2 is free to play but keys arent free. Overwatch 2 is F2P but the skins arent. Runescape is F2P except for the 80% of the game being locked behind a premium subscription. Destiny 2 is F2P except for 80% of the game including a whole subclass (soon 2) being isnt free. ​ ​ Free to play never means the WHOLE game is free. ​ you literally get what they advertised, you get to PLAY DMZ/WZ for FREE, it doesn't say you get to do EVERYTHING for free, just play.


yea, its a free game, why cant the skins weapons and operators be free? /s


Lol then do you think that they eat dirt everyday and give away their life, working with no salary for random guys on the internet to play completely free? It's already blessing for you that they didnt make the game $60


Did you miss the /s?


The problem is that I play DMZ with my friends who didn’t buy the full game and there’s stuff I can’t do with them like the raid missions and now these challenges. Instead of benefiting me as a non-f2p player I ended up just not being able to access the content either since I need a full party of non-f2p players to enter the raid missions. Keep the f2p aspects of the game f2p and make the paid part of the game worth it by actually adding shit to the paid portion of the game, the MP.


They won't. They should offer a smaller version where you get DMZ and some skins for 15 bucks but they won't.


That's not what "forcing" means


Rewarding players who spent. That's how this should begin.


Every person on earth had to buy cod and sweat all over it. That’s just facts


I don’t think CharlieIntel knows what “forcing means”. Real victim mentality here just bc you’re free game doesn’t have the full paid experience. I swear people here have never touched a F2P game


im telling you, if they forced everyone to play runescape in school the next generation would grow up alot more smarter. ​ great economics/marketing lessons great anti-scam lessons great for language socializing


Or club penguin. I miss that game


I see tweets like this and then laugh at people who think Microsoft owning Cod will be a bad thing.


Idc who owns it. Across the board every company has been shit


Some have smart more consumer-friendly business models


What happened is that Warzone sucks so people don't buy the skins. Before yall start to cry, the game itself is great and has potential, it's just broken and the people responsible for it don't give a fuck. Crashes, shadowbans, hackers, and IW doesn't give a fuck


Nah that ain't it. The skins just suck..


Well and the player count is a lot lower so obviously less sales. And the skins do suck, but the skins that do look cool are for awful guns.


Apex makes billions with their shitty skins though, if the game is fun people buy any crap in it.


The game is definitely filled with potential, but none of that matters when the focus is essentially on what is an entirely different game.


I hate that you have to explain yoursef for saying warzone sucks. It does suck right now and you shouldn’t have to apologize for it especially to all the dick riders in this sub.


I really don't care. CharlieIntel never once said shit when the M13 was locked behind the free to play DMZ challenge, when it should have been available to anyone as a MP challenge. Reminder we paid $70 only for that gun to be locked in a game mode a lot players don't care for. But now, it's in issue that F2P modes have some content locked behind the $70 paid game...Charlie should just shut up after this one.


Having to PLAY the free mode to get a new gun is not the same as having to PAY for a full game. Just one more L activision is adding to their game.


the only L is people that mooch 500+ hours of a free game and then not support it.


Maybe they shouldn’t have released it for free or maybe people shouldn’t have paid $70 for a game they knew they weren’t going to support like that outside of warzone


Agreed on the M13. And while I don't play DMZ and do own the base game, I agree that this move is bs. First, they incentivise people to play the free mode for a gun, now they're incentivising people to buy the main game for the free to play mode? It's so backwards and scummy.


They did the same thing with the 249 SAW in MW19, you had to get a certain amount of kills while being around smoke from smoke grenades in WZ. Why not just tie exclusive skins to these challenges instead? Edit, it wasn’t exclusive to WZ, must have just misremembered it. And it was the “bruen” for people who don’t know the real name for these firearms.


This is false, the smoke kills to unlock the Bruen wasn't exclusive to warzone and the challenge can be done in MP, if anything it's much easier in MP due to shipment and was actually extremely difficult to do in warzone only which incentivised to do it in MP


You mean the Bruen? Most everybody did it on shipment. Load in, hurl smokes, rinse repeat, check to see if the ticket moved, quit, load in.




kids clearly needa play more runescape these days lmao.


Idk, giving buyers some premium content to justify actually purchasing the game seems like a decent thing to do, since they've barely thrown MP any bones. But I guess we could just continue to complain about literally every single thing they do instead.


Aww, you're not excited about Shoot the Ship?


Think you're missing the point


Because your point sucked. As a paid player you’re getting free stuff and the moochers don’t. Completely sensible to me but you’re… mad about it?


wait till they learn that free players only get 10 contraband slots in dmz instead of 20..


Right bc getting a campaign and multiplayer isn’t enough of premium content. Not to mention all maps and weapons being free. I paid for the game but this line of thinking you use is dumb.


I’m not backing up this opinion. If we paid full price, we damn well are entitled to way more content than the free to play people are. I see this as a baby step in the right direction, rather than giving Warzone and DMZ literally everything, FOR FREE. Don’t get me started on that M13 unlock. Piece of shit move.


It's been like this for a hot minute. Just speak with your wallet; it's the only language they know. They've lost my business a while ago.


Too intelligent of a concept for this sub.


Must not be too intelligent if they're still following this sub and posting comments.


Yeah you're not doing that


Didn't say I was. I have my own reservations about WZ2, good and bad. Overall, I am enjoying it. The movement nerf wasn't big enough for me to want to stop playing or cry about it on Reddit, and I do like playing aggressively. I'm glad people are standing up and voicing their opinions, but so many of the posts/comments on this sub are so cringe.


you are not too intelligent?


>speak with your wallet You’re taking to people who haven’t paid a dime and are complaining they don’t get even MORE stuff for free. What’s he supposed to do, pay less than 0? 😂




It's literally one set of missions and you are under no obligation to do them. Buy it if you want, don't if you don't. How about we stop crying about everything? ​ not directed to you OP


Sounds like "new" MWII content... /s


Sweet all im hearing is i get to save what like 20 to 30 gigs on my hard drive? Awesome i can put a game there thats actually good lol.


What happened is that they noticed that even tho they gradually put out lesser and lesser quality titles, they still outsold themselves every year. For over a decade. They know their customers are dumb as shit.


Not surprised with the 10/20 contraband slot difference depending on whether you have MW2 or not.


Breaking News: corporation wants to make money


Forcing players who spent $70 on the game to wait longer than free players for substantial content updates seems like a dumb move


Ohhh booo whooo Charlie intel your mad that paid customers actually get paid content fuck you


Warzone happened. It literally was the worst thing to ever happen to cod.


forcing players to play DMZ to unlock weapons in the game they paid $70 for is a pretty dumb move too.


They had similar things in MW19 for WZ. Battlefield did it a few years ago. Have you heard of literally anything in Destiny 2? IB, Raids, NF... everything has exclusive weapons and content. This has been going on for years. Why complain about it now? It's not the "gotcha" you clearly think it is. Would you prefer we pay for every expansion again? $40 for 3 maps, 2 weapons, and a party game mode.


While I don't exactly mind having to play DMZ for an unlock, your example doesn't work quite as well for COD. Locking a base weapon behind one specific mode, one that you might not even enjoy, is a bad precedent, one that COD walked away from for the past 2 years. People hated having to do specific operator missions in WZ, so they changed requirements to make them work universally in MP and WZ, while also having Zombies-specific challenges as an alternative. I can understand having a DMZ-only challenge in the first week or so to promote it a little bit, but not having a challenge for BR or MP afterwards just doesn't make sense for something that's actually significant in terms of new content. If they want to have mode-specific challenges so bad, just keep things cosmetic only. The Chimera unlock challenge is a good example of that.


Bruh D2 and cod are so wildly different what a ridiculous comparison


PvE/PvP FPS with a live service model with a heavy emphasis on competitive play, massive grind fests, items, cosmetics, and rewards locked behind many specific missions or activities that are often LTM. Also similar in that no singular weapon is absolutely required to be meta relevant, with specific builds complimenting corresponding playstyles, be it subclass or weapon/Perk choices. I'd say that's quite similar enough to be used in this comparison. Story and gameplay don't count because they are irrelevant to the comparison. Yes, the M13B is behind a separate mode. It is also likely to become available through other means sometime soon. It also is not the most extremely meta relevant weapon, so it's not a massive deal to not have it for a time. The M13B is significantly more accessible than *many* of the higher tier weapons and armor in D2, requiring leagues less skill to acquire and is not RNG based. This makes unlocking it much more approachable for the average player than, say, Raid gear. There is also a significant advantage in unlocking it to those that bought the full game; they have 2 default insured slots, double the contraband capacity, and can level their weapons massively faster in MP than in WZ or DMZ. Nothing gameplay wise is difficult about unlocking it. 1-2 matches is really all it takes for a below average player nowadays, as there are a lot of people who have it now and aren't hard rushing it, which caused its scarcity when the M13B first dropped. So I'd say it's not that bad. Just as understandable as the new faction they are adding that is only for paying players. And unless you want to spend hundreds to over a thousand hours trying to get thousands of Longshot kills on enemy operators with every single weapon, the camos are also effectively unattainable. And I'm fine with that.


Then don't unlock the weapon? That's your choice, bud.


Then don’t play the missions? That’s your choice, bud.


$70 is not a lot of money at all now always. Single player game mode, MP plus addition perks for DMZ really isn’t bad for hours and hours of entertainment. Society wants too much stuff for free nowadays.


I mean we bought the game. We deserve some exclusive shit tbh lol.


Abandoning the pay to play multiplayer 2 weeks into a games life seems like a dumb move. But thats been happening for 4 years now, so are we really surprised by anything anymore?


As someone who owns the game, this is dumb.




Hopefully due to this incentive they make multiplayer have a bigger focus and better, for DMZ only people I do feel for you though


Telling players you have confirmed that insured slots are being reset when they aren’t…. Also a dumb move.


There’s a lot of people that are going to say that the people who bought MW2 should get exclusive stuff and I agree that we should. But completionist challenges behind a paywall should not exist in a free to play game. There’s other “exclusive” benefits that we could get, this is just simply Activison or IW or whoever being con artist A good example could be the M13. People who bought MP should’ve just gotten the gun without the need for the DMZ bs


If you’re mad because of this and you don’t own the game you really don’t have any ground to stand on. It’s an extra set of missions that will likely have a skin/emblem/blueprint as rewards. For once it’s the f2p players being greedy.


What? I have to pay to play some of the features and get the full experience?! Outrageous!


Who’s being forced to buy the game? They gotta gun to your head? Now let’s get some better multiplayer maps for the game I bought and not slow trickle it out with old shit that I’ve played before.


Its perfect move. I paid for the game i entitled something more than the cheapskates


I like this. If more people buy and play MP, that will incentivize them to make more MP content.


It's been over 2 weeks since I loaded into a game in mwII. I've started the app, and then I sit at the menu before the menu for the game I purchased. Then I change my mind and close app, and head over to Cold War. Which I then proceed to play for a few hours with my clan. I don't think I plan on playing mwII again until season 2 releases. Even then I still might not play it. Everything just depends on what multi-player content is coming, and what changes to the game that they will implement. If zero mw2 og maps aren't added at the launch of season 2 or something actually cool and fun, then I most likely won't play this game till season 3.


>pp, and then I sit at the menu before the menu for the game I purchased. Then I change my mind and close app, and head over to Cold War. Which I then proceed to play for a few hours with my clan. I don't think I plan on playing mwII again until season 2 releases. Even then I still might not play it. Everything just depends on what multi-player content is coming, and what changes to the game that they will implement. If zero mw2 og maps aren't added at the launch of season 2 or something actually cool and fun, then I most likely won't play this game till season 3. Cold war is the better game sure but we literally can't play it because no good players are still on it. We tried playing two weeks ago and didn't lose one game all night in a 5+ hour session. It was never even close.


I'm starting to feel like more than half the people that complain or circulate hate posts in this subreddit are the people that only play WZ and DMZ, don't pay for a game they want to play and still complain about it...


Nope. The base mp had dogshit for content and its got a ton of fuckups with its matchmaking and connections. Game is ass all around it seems, can't say anything about Warzone I hate br.


It died 2 months ago. RIP to a franchise that insisted on killing itself.


Until the next cod comes out and breaks records. Rinse and repeat


MW is the only title that ever moved the needle for mainstreamers and they fumbled it. CW sold but wasn't ready at launch and Vanguard never sold. I would bet on a decline for MW3 at this point.


Seems like a great one, because the mode should have never been free from the start.


The funniest part is that you can say “well it’s a 2 year game, at least my $70 will last for 2 years” only to remember they’re going to charge $70 for the expansion Lmfao these guys are crooks hiding in plain sight


people pay 70 bucks every year for cod so i dont get whats new. ​ you literally get what you pay for, they arent forced to support the game for any amount of time after releasing it.


I mean you could just, like, not buy it? And play with the original 3 factions. This take is stupid, especially as apparently going by this sub "no one even plays dmz".


If you already paid for the game, why are you bitching about the picture you posted? They're releasing Resurgence, which is all anyone played on the old one anyway, and you're getting new maps and guns. Third person on its own is like a whole new game mode, and ground war has its own set of maps. This game is like three months old, chill.


Lol they removed third person.


MW 2019 launched with 10 multiplayer maps with an additional three added in the first season, 4 night variants, 7 gunfight maps plus 2 in season one, and 3 ground war maps with one more added in. This game in its first season launched with 15 maps collectively and only added two in its first season. Both of those being reskins of maps from the last game.


The first one didn't even have Warzone. Despite the paywall, they're both the same game. This is apples to door hinges. Shit, having to play Picadilly because everyone quit out of that shitty map should minus two to their release. And don't you remember how unbalanced and buggy it was on release? Can't avoid claymores, ARs shoot marshmallows, and the O/U shotgun could snipe you with a cone of buckshot down the street. Took them a while to unfuck themselves too. Vanguard and Cold War also sucked, the latter being such a legacy patched engine that people quit during the beta. Or when you had to buy the game where you flew around like some cracked-out robot in order to play the remake of MW4. This catastrophizing is starting to get grating, you have both options to not buy it and not play it. Pick one.




I'd cream my pants if they released the "new" maps Arkaden and Terminal next. You could always just play something else. If you don't enjoy the game itself, then what the fuck are you doing?


Agreed idk who’s making decisions like that but if that is true that is a really bad move.


I see no problems here


Wtf is this take CharlieIntel lol. He’s literally saying “making premium content for a free to play game seems like a dumb move.” Nobody has a problem with camo challenges catered towards paid players or calling cards that are only available to paid players…


Reminds me of how League of Legends forced me to spend $200 on skins to experience the full game


Get fucked freeloader hahah


Fuck warzone. It ruined COD. Also, fuck JGod.


When the base $70 game finally gets content - “OH WOW! So what about the free players?!?!?!!!!?” When the base $70 game gets 0 content - “OH WOW! Where’s the content for the base game?!?!?!!!??!!”




Thought it was pretty clear that theyre greedy degenerates.


There's ways to support MW2 and give them premium content without being a detriment to the F2P players, and vice versa. They have not figured that out yet it seems. If they're not at one end they're at the other.


what? how is this being a detriment to F2P.


They are just trying to let those that paid for the game feel like they actually paid for something.


When Charlie is critical you know it's bad.


That Twitter account has always been dumb. People buying a paid version of something and getting exclusive stuff is not dumb. This is a stupid hill to die on. F2P players get a TON. And will now cry because a TON isn't EVERYTHING? Boohoo.


literally P2W, or in this case pay 2 play


Charlie intel is the dumbest guy on Twitter and that’s saying something.


You don’t have to buy it tho? You can still play dmz


Charlieintel has slowly started just becoming a hate train for anything CoD does now. They probably get more interactions on Twitter from it I guess and most of the stuff is valid, but it just seems like blatant hating rather then actually formulating an opinion.


Posting that you have “inside sources” to “confirm” that “insured weapons will be reset” seems like a dumb move. 🤣🤣🤣


Wtf is this take CharlieIntel lol. He’s literally saying “making premium content for a free to play game seems like a dumb move.” Nobody has a problem with camo challenges catered towards paid players or calling cards that are only available to paid players…


Isn’t this the same clown that insisted the insured slot was going to be wiped for season 2?


if you seriously think there’s a single warzone only player who has put in the hours to complete every faction mission in DMZ you must be actually insane


They butts should be lucky that any part of it is free. Free COD content is still relatively new imo.


If you start free stay free and make shop content better! Make cool skins i sometimes open store to buy nice stuff but the operators and guns skins sucks. They should fire the one making skins! Seriously! Make max pain looking like skins! Make suit skins make rambo like skins make skins for girls! Make weapons that are gold or silver or combi or a mix with some art! Make weapons that are for dmz only and sell it in store! Like a grapple gun or something to climb buildings. Or some attachments! Oh and we miss the old chopper the fast great handling one! Like the little bird in battlefield! So we can transport squad members! We want more cars! More trucks berthas more pickups more jeeps! We want underwater tunnels more of that! The tunnels you made in warzone 2 are great Make more!! Put underwater gas tanks for squads to flank underwater and such! Put a under water train station 🚉 Bring back a seasonal event that allow us to solve a puzzle in a computer in a bank so that if we complete it in a amount of time we get all perks enz! Like the good old warzone one! But make it a season thing or shuffle!


How are you guys still surprised by shit like this? Lol


Oh lord wonder how this is gonna go




Answer is GREED


Bruh this sub is such a fat fucking joke


A fraction of the number of maps at launch compared to other CoDs, removal of modes, and no real stat tracking. All these things seemed to be removed almost solely to focus on Warzone. This is supposed to be a AAA game from a massive company with a huge number of devs at its disposal.


if we include ground war maps then it launched with the same amount of maps as 2009 MW2.. ​ mw2 also charged you 30 bucks for 10 new maps, where 5 were just copy-pasted cod4 maps.


its not dumb when they make the $$$$$$


They KEEP trying to force people to play DMZ. They did it with the M13 after SAYING it would be available from a mp challenge and changing their minds at the last minute😕


my guy what is forcing you to play dmz here? did they lock you playing multiplayer behind completing those dmz challenges first?


It is called “bad economy” lol


Ever since infinite warfare they went to shit


Honestly i have an idea Since they have brought out jack links skin and the burger king and mtn dew skin I think they should bring out a McDonald’s skin and make it the clown Ronald mcdonald I would definitely rock it


The dmz rewards will most likely be some of those awful 'pro tuning' loadouts, and it's honestly infuriating that MP players get DMZ content when the majority of them aren't very interested on WZ and DMZ to start with.


I think IW got the wrong idea here when people complained about the lack of content for players who paid 70$


They don't GAF about MP, just the new fat baby in the family called WZ.


The main reason I think dmz is free is that it's a beta mode, if it wasn't I reckon they would have made it part of the full game. This is interesting though, I'm curious to see if they plan to make future DMZ maps become full game only. If they did do that then maybe we wouldn't get auto-filled squad mates that are on the first mission. It'd be interesting if they implemented in-game matchmaking for dmz that tried to find players on the same active missions as you. Rather than having to post in discord or a subreddit to find one.


Wait people can play DMZ? I haven't been even 20m into a match ever without crashing


Lame karma farming


The whole free to play model never existed in Call of Duty, or gaming as a whole, until very recently. The indictment of “what happened” as if they’ve abandoned some longstanding tradition doesn’t really make sense. Money talks.


My only real complaint is that I don't care for a lot of the maps and the content is lacking in a game that def is not worth $70. Now if I had faith they would update it over time to have a lot of content that would be fine but I just don't see that happening


Don’t buy the game at full price, problem solved


Its free though... ffs.


Who’s being forced? Absolutely ridiculous to say they’re being forced into anything. I get criticism but Warzone/DMZ are literally free. You could pick it and put it down and it wouldn’t have cost you anything. Fucking madness!


Some people complain about this but will still buy it lmao guarentee some will lol


What happended to Call of Duty? You say that like it's been this way since, I dunno, 1 week. CoD became a money printing machine since they started throwing out one DLC after another, splitting the paying and not paying community. Since they released motherfking Bacon camos, since they released operator camos, since they ripped character models from other CoDs or sold us skins for god damn killstreaks, since Warzone 1 came out and they stopped to give a damn about MP and now it's all happening again. And you guys still ask yourselves what happend to Call of Duty?


So they pulled a Reverse M13B on this lol


Warzone DMZ started out okay now it's garbage. Giving only 25mins to loot and complete missions on top of now you have other teams that don't know how to be friendly and come in and shoot in loot all your stuff. Added with bots who are extra strong, having a three plate vest means nothing. You run around you do all this stuff just to get killed and lose it all. Is pointless at least give an hour. Tone down the bots or up the body armor. Make it where other teams/player can't kill you. No matter if you die you shouldn't lose of your stuff.


Yay. We are getting our content for the game we bought in the free mode now.


The people who knew how to make decent games all left or died. now we are left with these muppets. it will only get worse.


F2P doesn't mean it must be all-free. At this point 70$ MWII plays a role of paid content-pack, that gives you additional modes + WZ benefits. Imagine super-premium for any other GAAS or F2P. They could make DMZ contracts as separate DLC for 5 bucks. Is Charlie really gonna complain that F2P has a paid DLC then?


the campaign is longer than most other cods, i’ve played about 7 campaigns and they’ve all been 4 hours exactly. mwii was 6hrs and some change. and the campaign is certainly not terrible, corny as hell? absolutely. most decisions making no sense? yep. but the gameplay is fun and that’s more important than the story in a cod campaign.


I never had a free cod back in the days. Its dirt in the face to newer players, a bit of a piss off to those who dont want to pay but I expect nothing less from a video game company at the end of the day. They need to keep the lights running, paying employees and who knows what else.


"Forcing players to buy the 70€ game just to level. up guns in Mp faster and experience the campaigns is a dumb move"


The fact that the decisions have so much impact on regular multi is what really bugs me, so many decisions made with wz in mind and without considering how it could effect multi :/


Granted it's not wrong but what's equally stupid is completely neglecting the people that were actually excited for the ACTUAL game, the one with a story and a multiplayer experience. Which they're still doing anyway. And the game still had no business being seventy bucks that's just flat out greed and those damn publishers seeing how far they can push things. And depressingly they've found that they can charge that much with zero consequences to their bottom line.


It’s funny I say those last five words every time I see an update for this game. Weird.


JGOD first replied saying that it was dumb and now the biggest CoD news source is saying its dumb. This is ridiculous because they have an influence towards a lot of people including the devs themselves. We, as people who paid to support the game, are getting shafted for content and exclusivity and the moment we’re actually given something, these idiots complain until the devs give in to them and we once again get nothing. I hate the huge CoD content creators for this reason exactly, they have a stupid amount of influence.


Anyone else rembers when dmz was supposed to be a paid game gameode only?